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The Second Michigan Cavalry At St. Louis

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; Correspondonoe of the Cliicngo Times Bcntoti Barrnckü. St.l.oiiis, Nov. 2-1. Wearrivedui St. Louis on the !6th. We niarobod direct to Bonten Barracks, tthere wo found severa] otlicr regiiuents, sonto of which liad teea service under Ljoo, Mulligan,. and others. Our rei ment is pronounced the best, as far lis appearauces go, tliat lias boen seen in St. I Louis. Michigan men can bo foutid in ; uvery regiment here. Our barrada are very fine and on a very large soale. No matter what aiay bc said b .ut Fremont's extravagauoe, he has taken gn-at pains to build comfortable qiwrlers for at least I 20,000 men, for which eveiy soldier ieels i tliaiikl'ul. ! Opinión here, as far as I eau learn, is Kbout equally divided betweeu Fremont and the Governmeot. I learned this evening trom one of Fremont's staff, that ; a majoritv of the resident citizens of St. I Louis we re seeássiónists I hardly bei lieve t. If it is true it is kept very quiet St. Louis, I uuderstand, is to be made the headquaiters of the western división this winter, Il.illeck, Uiinter, Curtis, Sturgis, Wynian, and others of loss not: are here. The Colonel that is to be of our regiment, Qapt. Uranger, I met last niglit.- . He löoks everv inch a gallan t soldier. Col. Kellogg left last oight for Washington. The bamtcks are healthy, ex cept as to the measlcs, which has been the bane of nur western army. Could you but bcai of the confident tone of the men you would think the war about ended. All aro in good spirits : and enger for the fray.


Old News
Michigan Argus