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Another Proclamation By Colonel Jennison

Another Proclamation By Colonel Jennison image
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Kansas City, Nov. 23. Colonel Joonison has isoued the following propositions to ril] persons in. firma against tho government in Jackson, Johnson, Lafayotto and Petti.s o Minties: First - All who aro now in arma ngainst the governn.ent of the United Stütes in tho above named uountie, an] who will sorreader their anns and arcipunition to me,aod delivtrto invalt governn(eDt property in their possen: einG and under their control, wuhtr reasonable time, and nhall srn a bond of forleiture, and eball hereafter pertonn their uuty as good loyal ciüzenft shall n ot be held responüibJe for past acts ol rebeir.on, but sfiall be protouted in their li vt?s and propertv. Sccond - Arma wfiicb are thus eurrendeiod to me shall be stored and laken account of, so that when thapresent diffioultics are settled, the ownors thereof can obtain them. Tkird - Persone who shall surrendcr thenisulves to me in order to make arrangomer.ts ior securing peaoe to thu neighborbood, shall bu rorpéotéd in their righta whilu ftrranging or attempting lo arrango any terms, and shall bealiuwed to relurn to their homes, even should tliey, lifter a conference, fail to. como to any arraügenients or underSt;;I]dii)i, Fuurth - All who shall disregard propositions, and shall continue in armed rebellion against the governinent of the United" States, shall be treatad as traitors, and slain vvhurevef tuuoÜ 'i'heir iiroperty shall be contiacated, their homes be burnetf, and in no caso will any be pared eithorin person or proper ty who Peiuae to accept. tbeae prupouitiuu. The deed of forfeiture aocoinpatiying thesu propositions convejB all real and personal property, nul ud ing present and future aci]iiisiiions, iuto the hands of government, said property to be used tor the benefit of the governinent in case of rebellion. All loyal i-itize:is are required to enroll themselves in a Homo Guard, holding thmnseives amonable to the military authority of the Uuited States and of the State of Missouri, pledging their exertions to maintaiu its authority agaiost all hostilo cumbinalious.


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