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DR. SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PIIXS tLL2&S%&iigZ& "t t F r ""e """""■ " """ " """ l.;en,W,,l.. ,7 ,,„,„„, „.hich , L ,,„,„ pi.,fccii„„. ,, cMC.,,1 fí534w "m """e iu H" would !ü" lu iLiïir ,,„„.. L.r,ping. ,,..r d.Mi.v. The .(eni. of .he,. MlMa4 ;,. ole f„l! MWi,.Ii t nöj iral o üitf P.ou who m.y Ihen t ihcy .hall ho.e .ncir nionoy refurulcd. TESTIMONIALS ■, IN FAVOU OF j DR. WM. M. SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILLS. TESTEMDiSJsAL OF DR. LANDON. Monroe, Michigan, June 12, 1814. Br. SMiTH-JDfeor Sir.- T fake nmeh, pWure in jriving my lestimony in favor of yon r valuable'üNIVERSÏTY PILLS. I most cheerfiijly recommenl them to the public aan safe, easy, and efficiënt catlmrtio for most of the diseases rucfdent to this regicn of country. I Lave made extensiva use of tl.em fór fVrfr yèa. ín my pnciice, anl J beaieve ihein to be the BEST Anti-biHousCatharticor Apeuent medicine ev7'dTa';l'0 ♦oren eraj U6e Yours, &c. GE13RGE LANDON, M. D. ra TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLER. MasilLo.n, Ohio, "Mí! y lst. I54.4. Dr. SMtTH-Sir,- I take mucl) pleasure in barinp testin.ony to the effimejr of your Pilis in removing bilc froro the steruacfc, detergiwff the Liver and In aW compmts cmanatingfromtliatsource. T T _ _ „7P:T: J' C" TELI'LL' V, ! TESTIMOMAL OF. P. L. WELLS. Watbukoo, Midi., March 10, 1 iï 14To Dr: Sumir- Sir,- For upards of sismanths I was cruel !y ofïïicted with Fever and Afrue and durinir that tune conid find nothing that gave me permanent relief; at length however vour Univertitv Pilis were !ecommended to me by one of the best Physicians in these and I am happy in being able to s:y, that from the use of one box I was permanently cured of my ague; since then a numher of my family liave beenas signnHy benefilted. Yourfj-Reppectfuy, F. L. WLLLH. TEST1MONIL-VL OF DANIEL GOQDNOW. Monrob, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certifv tbat Dr. Wm. M. Smith bas been my Family for four years fhathe'haa ueed bis University Pilis in his practice n my family with nnparalleled fiuccess: and I think them prefernble to nnv pil] for bilioua afièction in the world. ' DANIEL Í5OODNOW. Vnnkeeper, Mucomb-SL House. TESTIMONIAL. OP' D. S. PARSHALL. Fut-, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr Smith- ï am happy to pive you my cordial, approval of your University Pilis. I am able to keep off Fever nd Ague, nd Fèver&to.which all of us are subject n this Western Country, by the timely use of your ÏÏTniversity Pillë. Bend an A pent iI.bwï ns soon asDofiPible'for we are all on:. Yours. fee. &- S. PARbHALL. aB P08'1 'le TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBRE AND FÏT1ELD. We certifv that vre are and have been personally acquainted with Win. M. Smith, M. D., and Uno'w that he ia a man oí eminence in his profeesion- and that for four years he filled the chair of Materia Medica nnd Pharmacy in the Willoughby University of Lake Srie, with honor to himself and satiffaction to the Trustees and Facnity, as well as to the Studente of the above Univereity. As for his Pille, they are 'par cxcelience;1 CHARLhh iMJJJLiE.. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 184. „„ ,,,,, „ PUíOPBl F' FYFIELDTJESTFMONIAL OF RÍAL B. CHASE. This I certfv, that in the month of September last, I was attacked with Bilhous Fever (while away fróm hoaiet Owawoto buiJd a water wheel) and with one done of Smith's U - niversitv Pilis, IbroRe it upr and ae many others-were cick at the timo, I administered these Pilla to'them, and in all cases it broke up their fevers. T have used them many times since, and with great euccese. They are the best pille I ever used. RIAL B. CHASE, Miüwnght. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June Ist, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRTGÍIT. This raay certify, that three yoars ag-o I was attacked with Liver Complaint so seerely that I --ouid scarcely turn myself inbed; F used many specifjes aj)d remedies, such as Brondreth's, R-Furrection, Oriental, uimI other pille, but with litlle or no effect. One year apo, my friend Ir. Smith caüed on me on his way to Boaton, wben he gave me a box ot hifl Univeraitv Pi, which perfectly restored me, and my henlth has not n?aiii sufred from like cause. ABIGAIL C. WRIkHT. Rocheeter, N. Y., No. 13, Franklin Street, Jine 25. 1844. TESTIMONIAL. OP JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Justice requires me to state, t-hat Thave old your Lniveraity Pilis for one and a half years last past, and that. I can selü no others while I have them on hand. The have superseded the sale of all othere- their eftect ie truly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Drvggisl. Monme, Mich., June 12, 1844. .„., ñ „ T „. iiíJ'nn ,T For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Town, and 4WM. S. &. J. V. MAlJNARÜ, Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. 131y s së. fililí r! rnft ö fllf II" i 1 1 M - mms núñ %:1 S. E b lili I l:f & Ö fa W a ■ llflfi f 2 S ■t i E ílHili'l fe Ö tj o GD flffl a 03 g S w ilffíi II s. S . ? llltt


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