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coiE3va:EK,aiL.ii,. tuis zmca-iricetsOFFICK of TUR HlCfflOAH BOUS, ANV v.iuoit, Xovi-m!;r -9. 18'il ƒ The following are the selliüí prioel mí' the principal íirtieies of produce uííereed iu our uiarket. W'iieat red. bu. 90 '■' white bu. - 95 Barky.ewt. ..... 90 Curn,' shelled, ..... 40 ■ ear, ..... 20 Iíuckwhfcat, bu. ... . - 3 (liita.bu. .... 22 25 Flour, red, bbl, - - - - 4.50 " whitf, ..... 5,1)0 " rad, 1.0 lbs, .... 2,f.o " hite, .... 3lf(o Ktí Uour, ..... 2.-J5 (míii Meal. ... 1,50 Buckivheat llour, ..... 1,0o Ueana, - ■ - - . 75 1,00 Klai Sed, Ib, 03 Timothy 3eedbu. .... 2,25300 t l.jveríeed, bu. .... -4,004.50 Hay ton, .... 6,00 8,00 WüOfi, per oord, .... -2,00300 Cnnborrtai, bu - - 1,25 1,27 Ilcel, liinii qr. ... 04 U5 " forsiir. - - - - 03 04 l'ork riresaed cwt. - - - -5,00 0.00 Mutton, Ib. - - - - - 04 -i í l' - ■ - - 07 03 Cl.ickfns. ... - 05 Oí Ets,doi. - - - - 10 12 ('léese. Ib. - - - - 0 0; 8 1) Triltow, Ib. - - - - - 8 1(1, ..... 13 14 Potatues, per bu. - - - 20 -" Otjjons, perbu. - - - - 60 62 Turnlps, ..... 20 Apples, green, - - - - - 25 .r0 ' dried, - - . 1,00 l'eacheá, di-ied, Ib. 15 SECI-A-L NOTICES' Yoniig Ueii's Cotllllon Party. Tlie econd Hop of the Yuung M"d's Cotil ion Club will take place at Hangstcrfer's Hall FRIDAY EVENIHG, NOV. 29, 1861. The public are respi-clfu ly inviteJ to at'.end. O" Cali at your Druggist's, and get one of " Everybody'i Almiintcj," - no charge. You will find in it inuch useful matter, and more evidoncos in favor of HOOFLANDS BALSAMIC COKDIAL tlian can be procured by any other remedy for luiig diseases. Seeadvertisment in miotlier column. 827w2 IS. O. I. K . LE KI -■'.. ;'.J- ■ -30. Pas-senger traína duw leare lietroit and the sevcrul .Stations iu folio w. Traim do mt stop at sUtions where figures are omitted in th; table. G O I X G WEST. IWlEx. Jack. Ac. NishtKi. Detroit 10.0) a k. 4 50 p. m. 10.(0 p. M Vpailantl, 11.25 " 0.45 ■ 11. 16" " AnnArbor, l'-'S " 7.10 " 11.40 " DciUr, 12 18 P.M. 7 45 ■ 1105 A IIIhelsea, 12.Í5 " 8.15 " 12.-.Í " Ar. Chicago, 11.(0 " 10.J5 " Ü01NG EAST. NightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail kx. Thelsea, .15 a. ii. 382r.ll. i)exter, 6 JO " Ü.5') " un Arhur, 4.35 A, JI. 7.15 ' 4.15 " rplilntl, 4.55 " 7.45 " 4.40 " Ar. at Detroit, C.U5 " 9.Ö0 " 6. 00 i: paiZB FOETF?Y. Let Chïeftain boant f deedi in war, And Uinstrels 'uiu1 rheir weet K"itar, A nobli'r themc ni y is fllled - Iu praise ol IIkkiuck's ipatchless pilla. Their cures are found in every lanfl Amic] Hu-siaV mioiv. - and iïicV ands ; The woiKlroaa worku - the papero lil!, I'roduced by BBBicsa taatctLlesa l'ills. rop discasp affiict yon ? oever loubt Thii charmliig compound wil! gearch it out, And healtfa agais your vstom fill, lf yon By at once to HSBRICK'e l'ills. Ther're afe for al! - both old and young - Thïir praiht's aro on every tongue ; Ófae&fte, dlsarmed - no lonser kills, Since Wf are bleaoed wlth HkBBIOC S Pilis. #e Tut up witU Engliftti, spunisl , Germ&n and Freach diretiona. i'rice 25 cents ptr box. Suga Coaud éeo ath-crtist'iiHM.t on third page. 8U4 New Medical Discovery. For the speeily an! permannut euro of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Strlcture, amï Affectiom of the Kidneys and Bladder, wh ie li hili been used by upwnrds of ONE HUNDRED PHYölClANS, in their priviili' pr;ictico, wit'i enttre siiccpss, superseiling Cl'hkhs, CuI'aiüa, Cai's l les , or any cüiniiouuclLillier to nown. BËLL'S SPKOIFIO s?iLLS, are s;n--ly in action, efleo eJSeeting a pure in ;i few da-j, iiiiil winti a cuie is elfcc'.ed it is x-rinant-i t. 'llny are jjrepared frnm rogetable extracts ihal ari liiumlcss on the sys'cni, an 1 Qever nauaeate the stomach or imprégnate the breath ; and teiog Hugar-coateil, allnaaeonif taste ís avided. .Vo chance of dut is natêëary iL-hilst usingitiem uur does their action laterferfl with buüiuuss puráu.ts. E.ich boxeontainx sfz dozen l'ills. ruien ome noixAK, and will iiosi-ni by mail pohi-paid by any advertised Agent, on ivoeipt of the money. tSald by liruists in Ann Arbor. None genuine without my signature on tlie wrappeT J. BIÏYAN, Iíoche-sler, N. Y., General Agent. II. & L. SIMUNËAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agents for Michigan, gijötf Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN' 11ARVKV, baring for upwards of twentj yeara davuted hla proreiulonal t me pxcïusively to the ; treatmentof Female üillioultiea, and baring ■QCoeeded in thousanda ol eaaea iq restoring the aiBicted to aound bealth, has now entire confidente in ollering publiely 1) ís "GRBAT AMERICAN RTIMEDY " HAKVEY'S CHB.0N0-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS Wílle bare never yet faik-d (wljen the dlrectïon ' have been s:ricily foUowed.i In remoTikg difficuHiesartÉltig from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, toringthe nyntem to perfeot healti, when suf feriug froin Areno. Am:oMS, teumi Utei tii WBrm,orothr iroakne, ofth oÍoa A in all tases „ DwtWT O NEEVOUa Peostratio lhs. tkrics, Palpttah a, Jk„ c, ,hieh are the roreruniwn of mure oriou diaeaw. v ..t, n„, pm, are „„ƒ„.,.„ hannlens on the anuthuHoit, and mm, l„ lak,,, h,i lá. most delicate f, mal,: milh-a caminx dimresn; al the lama time thf.y act i.ikk a cii.vsx ly strengthooing, invigoiating.aad -.-; .rin.' the siteo to a liealtliy eondifon and by bripging on the (BOnthly pedod ilh rcgularity' na nuttter from irhat cause theobstructfona maj ai ,-.- 'I'ln'y nliimj.l. liMMi-ver, 7iol be tak.n daring tlie first tlireo or fuur inontha of uregnanf j, though safe at any ottn'r lijnt-, as miscarriage would be tbo rcsiilt. Eaehbox cootaina to l'ills. Trice One Dollar, and '"■ 'lesiieJ ivill M-iitbv in. lil jjreiiiid by anyadvertised Agent, on ;eoeipt of the moner Sold by iiruRfcistsin Ann Arbor „ , BRYAN, Kochetr, N. Y., General Aïent. L. 8IM0NEAÜ, Detroit, Wholeiale nt fo M-ch'i:-a. - ■ ?Ö6tf IMPORTANT FEMALES THE HEALTH Afl U LIFE OF WOMAN Iacontinnally in porll if ri mad enough to nojrlect , or maltreat tboM sexiuJ iiiegulañtiea to which 1 thlrda of hm tmi in more or less uniiject. DR. CHKSSMAN'S PILIS, prpare.l tima the un formula iviiich the nvoiit„r, COUNKLIUS L. CHEESEMAN M. D.,nf for, ba fT twenty yenrsusnl ,uc,'y in an extended private prïctice-inmieóiaMy relieve without puin, all disturtaBCM of the periódica] lsc!iirge,vhclhcr!irisiiir from relawtioo or BMppren1ob. They ct ltke oharm to rcmoviag tlM pmai that aeeompaDf düfioult ör Immoderate metstroation, and are the only safe and reliabb remedy for Flusl-.cs, Blek Om i che, Palm in the toln, Bokad SMw,PalpHaaon of Uie ll.-nrt NefTous Tremor, Hynterlo, BpMm, BrokeC Slep ar, I otbei unpk:is:int:UiJ il.iniicrniis p'livU Of mi nonatural ooadition of the sexual functloos Tn the wout casei of Fluor Jlbui or WbU8, Om} eiíeot a Bpeedy cure. To WIVKS and MATHONS. DK. CHÉKSEMAN'SPILLSareiifroredai the onlj safe meam Of renowiiiglnterrnpted motistruation, but. LA.D1BS MUST IJKAK IN MINI JTkl re ís WW cmiilhion of thefemnh tjta in wUch the Pilh cainotbe laken icrhnut prudiiciitg a PECULIAR UESULT. ThéUmdilbm referred to ! ritEQNANCY- the reeult, MISCMIÏÏIAGE. Sticht) the irrrsislibir. trndency of the medicine, lorrstors thr. serval functtmt to a normal condhioi, tliat eren the rcproduclicc power of nature canfiot rrsit il. Ezplicit dirtctioia slat'nig vihtn, and when they sliould oí he ustd, with cacli Box,- Uie Price One Dollar each Buz, r.öntaining 50 P:U. A valu.ible l':i uplilet. tn be lui'1 frpe of the Aents. Pilla nit bij mail 'promp'ly, ijy enoloslng pnce to any lsnt , Sol4 by Druggisin (sneiiil y. B. B. atTTCHlM88, Pnprletnr. 20 Cedar-ft.. tem Yorli. For iaV by M.VYXARD STEBBIXS & W1I.SON, asd '.iAVIl.i.I-: & ÜU.ER. MOTHBRS RE AD THIS. ThefonovmgiaaxtraLt trum i letter wrltten by thepaatorof a Baptfct CWirclï to the "Journal ani MesaeBL0rtn Cmeinnati, Ohio. and spttaki volumes in favor oí tli it norld renowned roelicne- Mus, WisLOW'a -it ITHING VKUP FOR CHILDREX TkkmiiiNv. '. (i We see an adverttsemest In your eolumna of M# Wtnalaw'i SoothiagSyrup. Nou' -c aevr aaid a vord in fcvot of a patent medidine befi re in our Ufe, but we feel compelledto say t yöurraader! tiil t ii ï i n" humbUg- WB IÍJVK IK!KP IT, AMI K.VolV IT TO BIS IT claims. It ia. prafeabty one of the most Bnooessful medicines of tÏK' day, beeause it is one of tlie Dest. nii those oí your readers who have babies can't do it bettevthan to 1 y in a supply." See.idverti.semeut inanotheroïumn A CAED TO THE SUFFS! iNG. Tbe Rev. Vilijam Cosgrovb, white laboring as a Missiouary in Japan, mueured of CoaBamption, when all other ui.aiis had failud. by a recipe oblalUïd from a lenrued physician residlug in the great l ity of Jeddo. Tliis recipe hai eured great omisbera who wwe Buffcring hom Uonsumption. Bro lohltia, ikire . Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervcu déptvasion eauaed by theae dwordera. Deairoua ot UenefHling oihers, ï will aend tlns recipe, which 1 havebrought beau with me, to all who iieed it, fiee of efaarge. Addresa Rbv. VfM.COSGROVE. S23yl 4Í9 faltoa Avenue, lijn, N. Y. Ice for ihe Summer of 1862, ry'.E BUBSURIBERwillcommencdeliTering Ico about llrsc of May next and deliver until Iliemiddle ur laat of Oetober, or forSX ont ia will dBlivcr', per. d-iy "401ba on Saturday tor L5,t 0 for the aeftBon. Will beklad to su)piy all hiHforrocr cistoiners and by being prompt ünd punctlt&l will tnk-.ivorti Kivtí satiáfaction to all w!ii liiay i'aviir hlm with their orders. Na [oe will be deliberad as heretofoie for a few weeku in rfoj? dayi at SI. per. month at t is impoaaible to keep the thta4 undcr that airanitement. Hou Is uu) .Saloons furniahed aa heretofnre. C1.FMKN1'. B. THOMPáOS. Ann Albor, Hov. 2, 1S6L 827w3 Blackwood's Magazine AND TEB Briüsh Review. Greal ladücement To Subscnbe'. PREIÏÏIUIÏÏ3 and HEDUCTIOElS. L. SC01T h Co., NEW YORK, continue to publfsh tlie füllüwin leadiug híritisli Perodicals, vi: 1 THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conairvative). o TUT: EDINBUttGH liS.VIEW (Whig), ■ THENOUTII BRITIíII RKVIEW (FreeChurcb). 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 5 BLACKWOOD'S EDIXBCRGH MAGAZINE (T.K-y). The jirosent ritical state of Europe&n af&ürá will reuder these nublicatums unusually inte r enting d uring ihe fortacomíag year. They will oceupy muidle grounl between tUe bastily writtun news itms, crudo sptxulations, and fïying rumora of the daily Journal, and the poaderous Tome of tiie future historian, writteu Bíter Üie ttring interest and excitemeat of tíw gnmt political eventsof the time sball hare gaAsed away. It is to these Perfodicals (hat readers must look lor tUe only reilly inteligible and reliable historv oí cunen! evento, bjm! aseuob inadditiontotheir well-esíablished litera ry, scittLtiac. and theologicul charactcr, we urge ihem upon thecoo-tideraíiooof the readíog public. Tin' n-ceiiJt of Advancc Slictta fpom tbe Britlsh publisluT.s gives addíüonal vaii.e to these Reprints inasmui-has they cannuw be placed in the banda oí' subácribcrñ ab jut as soonastbe original edillons. TEIiMS. (Regular Prices ) l'or ann For any one nf the four. Reviews, - - - $' 00 For ny two uf the four ReviewBj - - - 5 0" For any three of ibe .our Keriews, ■ - - 7 C0 Forallfonról the Reviews, 8 00 For Black wood Mngaiine, - - - . - 00 Kor Black wood üiid ue Review, - - - 5 (M For Blackwooa and two Reviews, ■ - - 7 0J For Blftcltirood and three Bevtewi, - 0 00 For lílackwood au-1 t':t' fuurlíevirws, - - 10 00 Money currtnt in the Siaie wh-re issucd will be rêCfivsd at par. POSÏAUË. Thp Postagk to an" part of the United States will bu but Tuctiiy-four Cent-t a year for " Ula kwuod," and but Fourtten Cents a yuar for oach of tbe Rerlewi. At the above prices the Periodicals will be fum shed fürl662. AND AHA Premium to Mew 3ub3crib3rs, the Noa of the nam ■ Periodic ilftfor 1S 0 wiUbefuriushed complete, without úddüiotia1 chtrgt, i a lik e tbe morí e liemeral Hgatinea of the day, tliOM! Pe iiHlícals lose little by aje. Henee, a fu 11 yar of the Ñus. for 1&60, ínay be rcrarded ueariy as ratuable as '"v 1802. Sub-criuers wishing-Mso the Nos. for 1861, will bo suppKed at the tollowing kxtulmely lowratbS. Splendid Ofíbrs for 1860, '61, & '62 Togetlier. For Blackwon.l's Uafazine, tbe three years, S5 00 Kor any one Review, ■ - ' l' 50 For any twoReviews, - - " " 8 00 For Black wood and une Pan tew, '' " R ' 0 For Black wood and inu Reviews, " " 00 For three Iteview, - - - ' '■ 110) Foi Blackwo'idiiiid íhree Reviews, " ' liï 00 For the tour lU-view-, .'.'' 't 13 0Ü For Ühickwiiod and tbeiouv Reviews, ( 17 00 Any of the abnve works will aUo be furnihed to Nlw Subscribers tor the y ar löjij-'i , tí, and 9, At One Half tbe Regular Subsoription Prious. Th ns a New Subscriba" iuay ;btaln the lïcpiiiits of tb,o Four Reviews and Black woud. Seveu Consecüiive Year $37 ! ! ! Whlch ia but littje mure thin the prïee of the original worki forone year, ka we BÜftli oever again be likuiy to olTtr aach induce as tbose here preeuted Now' is the time to Subscribe ! ! LP liemittan;:.s iiiii-it, in all civs B, bc m L'le direct Co' tiu Pul Uherx, idl it tUuse yricen uu coinnjiüiun cn bL-aüüwcdtu Bgeats. LBi)NARD SCOTT i; CO, Nu. ttfloMatrset N'e York Uurruli for the Union! Deatlilo IU Encmieil -A-TTËÏiTION ! 100 ablc-budied steady young meu WANTED! FOR Capí LR.Buchoz' Co.of Lanctírs! o , MEN OF WASHTENAW! Most of you have iiiiown me for tlie last 17 year 8, and uów in this hour ot mv countiy's need, I eoná dciitiy appeal tti your patriotismo in aiJiug me tu raisc a Compaoy of 10.) true, brave and stea y young njen, willlbg and ready bo ataad by inv in Üghtihg the eoeoaien of our b'-'loved Union. TO S(7CH MEN 1 pledge my hoo )r and life to ftea tliom well treated, and n ver order Lhem to go vhere 1 vould n )t be ready to land. COMK í)N you briave, patri I ■ mr Urne bas come, givenie ihe oppottuiiity of provfng the trutb of luy, and I wili c-rtlisL ymi in tlio most dashingaud effective corpj of thisor any (.■lier country' serviee. It has nerer been aarposRed In npUndor and gceoutlcü in the tielU. Our pqyipmoot ík to be oomplete and every way similar to the löth Kneüsh Lancen. Our Colonel, Honorable ARTHTK KANKLV, Ib r gentleman of inddinitable eniTgy t'i 1 c[K in military ïnatters, as wcll asa tr& e and a(;coupllslied offleer. His wisli ie to makt; bü Regírnenl a inodj oca iu every reapect.and mine, BOYS OF HAW", s to nuke Bachos Cuiupany of Ijuseera stand A N'o. l in that KeRiment. Withsuch men all I disírc i tuut tfai pnemy fhould ííive usan opportutüty to mak'e thena feeí (La'ooers raabion) of wbat metal the Wa&htenaw boys arVmgde of, Aw now my FrieadAwho have been aitingforme togetOTwmy brokea leg scrape and pet my coromts tiicm(lain rvady for you, andtheiooner you show rour welcome facea and siga your name on tb Huí ter Uoll the better your frieod and Captain vi] bke t. OËiT Fnrther Information ai to l'ay, Equlpment, A;c., I will bo intist. h&pf f U gïvi at inv liiTiullln (ijhiKi-, J, H. GOVliDS Hat Ntui'i, FiuuJi;i Ulucli, An ii ArUor. Ij. R. BUCHO, Crfa;nin Col. A, Eankln ' Lincers' Cavnïry Rmnt.


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Michigan Argus