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■VITOIIIWAN SOUTHERN fe LtJ. NOBTIÍEHN IKÜIAXA IH'MMUI). ' li: !'" ■ 'i 801. bUMMES ARRANGEMENT. 1801. Trains now run on this roatï, PttndliyB exctiptett, as bllows: Leare Toledo. Cln-niio ut 9 00 A M.. aml 6 1". M., inl vin Air ! in ■'. '■'. ' A. M. ■ troit for Chicago al 7,15 A M.4 6.80 F. M. Arrivlng íd Chicago from Toledo and Detroit ai",o0 ?. M. and 7,0U A. M . and ia Air Hat at?. 30 !'. M. Aiiivtivt Detroit frena Telado, at 6:i5 A. II., 0:05 '. M. LeaTM Uotroit for Tolodo at 7 15 A. M., anrlSÏO f. M. Arrivo in Detroit from Chloaio at 6. 05 P. M. , H. M. irrirelnToloiio (ram Cbieasro 4,29 P. M. and 4.80 A. M , nnd riaair [inat 4.v" I' M. l.eve Jaoksan tnr Tuledoat M A'ÏJ. and 1,951. M. (Vrrive froni foledo at 8.WS A. r., and 4,20 1'. MCONN'ECriONS. At Tolkdii- Wiih ClereUud .v Toledo Rail Road.irith W'.iliush Valley Rail P.oad. Ar DlTKOIT- AVith i:r;iinl Trunk Kailway, wüli Qreat ffestom Uuilu:i-, also, with tlie Ut-troit and jVilwaukee, Railroad at íív.v Albanv & Salicm R. R. Cboobsq - WithTrainj for Lafajette, New Albanyacd Louisle. at GiuCiOo-iWilh Chicago and iu.l; I.;IanJ, Galena, Milwaükee, CUicago, Burlington aml Quincy- Xiirth West Rattay - Chicago, Aitón aml st. Louis, [llloofa Central.and to all Pqinta West and Sp.uth. Tratna arenun hy Chicago timo, which is 20 minute Blower than Toiodti time. tf&" Patent Sleoping ijaw acconipany the Niphl Trainfl onthisRoute. tS" Salsbar'jH Patent Ventila tora aod puaterBare ttaed n a',1 Bammer Trains, Time and Faro the MM as by aiiy oilier Kai: Road Route J.N'O. P. CAMPPEIX. Oene-al Superintendent. NEW GrOOTS3 Ssasonable Goods, CIIEAP GOODS, For Cash, BACH te PBERSON Hve jus'; opened a choleo stock of Winter Gooda, Bought for öash A.ÏTDTO BE SOLD FOR GASH nt sucli yiriccs na will malie the buyers '.augh at the ide.-i of Hai'J TimcB The stock incluHes n. choiee lot of LADIES' DRESS GOOUS, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÜROCEKIES, Ao., ie. Now ia the time to buy your Winter'n supplies. BACH & PIEROX. Ann Ai-bor, Not. 15, If 61 . IJSST7V GOODS WINES & KNIGÍÍT have just recoived a full stock of FALL&WINTERGOODS! wliicb they OFFER FOR OASH! Prices very Low, WINES & KiMGIIT. November, 1861. O. BLISS Is recciving a largo and WclI selected assortincnt Oiccks? Watches, JEWÉLEY, Sjlver and Pluted Ware, TABfjE AND POCKET Z3 TKLJ TC Mit "HB3 ■. "W KAZORS and SHËARS, C3-OL3D EISTS, Musical Instruments, Striagi 4 Books lastrumenls, s:eL.e:et music, (OiiBS; and a grfiat vuciety of "5TA.3STIi;iL: LOTIONS, cScO, lie would cali particular atípiit;ou to Iííh large etocl; of SPECTAOL 3S@, of Gold, Silvcr, Sleel, and Plalcd, with PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior articlo. Also Huntiogton & Platt'ti celcbruted CALENDAR CLOCR! Buitnble for Offices, Counting Rooau , Halla or DwelUng, These clocjífi ar? reliable tinte kepera and Calendar cipiubine'l, iiiil requiie tht) frindlng of tlio time move meuts only,tr) eaure all the required changes at mid niflit, Bhowing 1 1 je day t' Lhewftek raontt aod l.iy of tne month, inclading the L9th of Febraary o! Leap year. lüs íuods uve most ly ts reoent purchase from New York and 'the patinuffl turers. and will be sold to sail the tiüics. PersoQi having alfflcult watches to fit with fíbiss s can be accomodatcd, a.s u:y t-t cU is large and complete, P. S. Particular atteaiion to the of all kinds of flxu Watchéa, sticli as Makpg and Settjng new Jewels, Pintoiis, Siajfs, and Cijlindtrs, Alm CLCCKS, 5c TïJMSrELRY nciitly rwairtd and v.-anant(l, at bif old standeast sie of MaiiibU-eet. C. BLISS. Apa irb07, Vov. 15, WA 'H LIFE irtSUKAlSCE. The Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insuranca Company. Accumulai.ed Capital, - 63,500,000. WliO.INSCRET.1VK3 fot rinyamo "';"? S.'.mvv . the ivhnle terra ofLiIo orfur a tetin oi ' ■ ;; , ,. ■■ [ii.nny i puroly mutml and I! e pollcj holdeia get alHhe mirplroi ovot tUwuut coat ol Insur i -i;" inimred I I '■. "! their premium ON l.IKE PUIJCIE?, f desired, l.y taliing iriug interest al wx per eent, per anuem. Dividend are DecJarcd Annuatlyl ivnJ -inco they now amountto nïTV per nt on tbepre i ' í ; i , ratm uf .r i i imi area low a any ■ I spoiiwW Cumpany nndtlielargc aceumulaled fü $;'. ó;ihju,: iseüure'y iurested, mfty be sceu bj n fel eBe i,; ; i in I , cc ri'.in [to law, nn lile IJ] theüIBccoftlioCouQtï Ann JAMKS c.oüWiN, Prwrt. KorsaiUenJnppljl to JAMES C. WAT3ÜN, 7G3ji Agem t AnnArbar, Mleh. Important ïfational Wcrks, PubUshed by D. APPLETON k CO., 346 ANO 348 BROADWA.YNEW YORK The folloviqg w;h-5:s :n'c sont io BobBCriberfl in ;iny pftri of Uw country, (upun receipt rf retaü pricej y mail nr express, prepaid : THE iïfcVVAHERIAN CYCT.OPSm A; A Pupuhir Dictiimary of General Knowledgc. Edited by (_;. Uii'i.kv and Chahv ■ '1-l--A. :li'!l''' ''X ;l numerou select eorps of writerB iu all branches "f Soiencfl . -1 : ! and Lltemtvue. Thia work I belngpublishedinaboni 16 lartre octavo volumes, each eontaining Í5ütwo-column pages VoU. I., il., DX, rv. v. , VI., . ■ rx. urè' oow ready, each eoütalnlng near 2.50Oorigi! ürtl ck's. An adiUUosal volume will be publjsua unte in ii'omit three tnonthfl. Brice, Ctoth, ,9 Shep, S0.50; iwr Ruel, Í4.50 each. The New Amezioan í'vr1,, piedla la pppular without beinf uperfleial, loarned witbout liriu;.; poAaittie, oomprehenain but suflleiently detailed, freefroxn peraeBftl t'i'nie mi-I pactj prejudloa, freth and yt aecurate. 11 ís a complete atatemenf of all tliat is knowfl upon .-vcr important topic wituin the scope of buraan inteHigence. - F.very important noticie uit bas ■ mtten for ils pages by men who are au thorities upon thetopic on whicb they spi-ak. They r re quired to bnng tlio subject up to the present moment; to state just aow it stanils timp. All tli'' BtaiUttcajl information is froBitlie laicst reports; the geographical accounts lurp pace witli tlie latest explorations; historical miiticrs include the fresheatjuat views; the bjograplilcal notiewedsak not only of thedead but alio -( tUa living. It ia a llbrary "'IDGEMfWT OF THE DEBATES OP CONGItKSS Being Politica! llistm-y "f r . ' ■ t-itiM fro the erganization of the Brst Federal Conirressin 178" to 1898. EMitedand compiled by Hon. Tjio. Uabt !''■ ■nix.f.Vo i.i the Qffleial fiecord of e,,;, The work wil) be oocspleted u 15 royal octavo Tolunws of 750 pages each, 11 of which "are now ready. An h1diti(piml volume will be publisTied oucein threcmonth. Cloth.' ÍS; law Sneep, HM Mor., Í4; Hali AVAOFPOCÜBINOTHECÏCLOPKAOPDBBATKE Form a club uf four, and rcinit the price of foui boofcs, and tive copies will be sent at the remitter's expensefor carriüge; or for ten subBcribeni, eieren copies will b sent at uur expensa for Carriage. To Aijeiits. No othor work will o liberally rewrflthe exiirtlons of v-lt9 AV Ai'.ÏNT WAXTUO IN' IHB COTJNTT Trniis ,nHMW on a, .-aii;... to the Publishers. i,,„ irhnt Uarch.l86a. (902aint ■l;i Bev T,7"5. Wbiiit, agent at Kinne & Smitlis Boek Store, Ypsila. BOOTS & SHOES S E S MOOHE & -LQ0MIS Are now recoivinj a lare fiEsortment of Ccots and ü TJ b b E n s 1 Which Ü:e.x i ropón to sell B0 per cer.t beloic farmer prices for cash. Men'g good Kip Bocts, from $l,r0 to $3.00 Men's goad Tliiek BooU, from 2,00 to 3.ÜÜ llen's good Oalf Boots, (torn 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thck Bcpta, 88 to 1,?:" Ladiis' Ga'itei-s, iïoiA 41 to 125 Ladies' UorcccQ Bcotecs, froru 75 to 1.25 And an ondless varioty uf Simal Hheesfrom Fiincy Balinornlrt to Infanta' Creeping Sil 00. "We are ïUo fll;iiu.i'nt. íuihií; uit kiiuls of WAK1ÏANTED BOOTS & aiIOES. Míus Fine Ficnrh Calí" IJoo:s Pegcdnnd Seweil. Po tflm us a cali bsfAre purchasing elwwhere, a we are bound nut 1" be underaold, grUiLl'.ili:iN puXE ON SHjKT MUORE & LOOMÏS Main Sí., Ana Arbor, Mich. 8:tf ROOMS TO LET. C"100I airy RobQU !■ I--t m ; quid part of the City, T near the Univtrity- Vuï partlculmra iiu;uiie at the Argus liook Uimivij. SPECIAL NOT1CE TO CTJST OMEBS. A LI, accounts over kx mootha m'ist be settleá at once. Cali at the uflict; an.l pay up A well selected stock of New (Joods Cbup fur Cah. SJ1 tf 1IAYNATD , STKBBIN'S & W1LJON" . Oval Picture Frames ALL SKES, 3TYLES nd PRJCE3 roceívud and fors.üo cnoaput OHOFF & MILLER'S. 1860.2ec.25, 'ÜUtf WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CQMPANY. 'I il IK Seoretarj will be at Cook'a Hetal, in th Cit.v cf J. Ann Aibor, on Tltursday ol' e&ch. v, uok, untilfurihor notit, ready to rüoüiveuew memben. il.' KtX.N'y, Secretar?. October 33d, 1861. 8Í4U' REAL ESTÁTE POR SALE fu a a teros of land with a well oí' frood water, and a i U ) liriog spring, stoae lioust-, bu ni aml tiew shcüs, BQdgoodorchard, and rneliundred ana fifty acres iraprovea. The farm issituátedia the town of So'i :in(l South uf Mr. Boyck'n's pluins, andfour and ahulfinile.s fruía Ana Arbor, .1CÏ.IA MÜRRAY. VM. MükRAY. Scio, Stpt. 24, UG1. SWwo Cavalry Horses Wanted. T)YKON CREKN wants to bny 10í Cnvalry Horres, líBay?, Brown,SorreU, r Blackn, bctwotu'l5 and 10 liamís liurb. (as} paid. ('nli mmuihaU'ly. Ana Arbor, .Voy. Otli, 1S61. 2STOTIOE, rrHE AXNTA1. metting of tlie (erruaü Varmors1 Firo I Insurance Compuiy of W&fthtenaw Cqituty, wiíl be Iield at the fiweltiiïjf house of Jacob Apní. ii: Scio, on Hondaj Icc. lst. Ii6!.at lOo'clook, A. V. J. G. Koca, Sscy. JAColí JEDSLV. Sen., Preaidoat. Dted,NoT.öth. 1861. Hogers Art Assocïation. A MEETING HF the K.ij-ers Art Ailoclation fer tlie eleclion of ofilcevs. and the transaction oí fjuch other biiisieaH as may be deemed Decesaary,vt 1) be b 'Id at the oílicü of the tíecretary ,on Friday, ljíh, at 3 o'clocií, 1".'M. E. B. PÜXD, Sccrctaiy. Ann Arbor, Nov. Oth. 1801. SEWIWG mACHIWE FOR SALE. Ï1OR SALE C11HAI' a new fint class Family Sewlng -Machiite. Warranted no better in market. Terms easy. E. B. 1"OXI). Ann Arbor, July lSth,18M. 1861. 1851. FALL & WINTER G00DS KOW RECE1VIXG AT O H. MI T LEK vV Oo H AVINO to pny CASH fop nearly all kinds of Goorts purolinsed in Now York, we ■re ni'eossarily obliged torestrict our credit sysUTU liere. Consequently we sl:all offer our Fall Goods for Cash, at n very email advnnco on the oost. 0. H MILLEN t CO. Ann Arbor, Sopt. 24,1361. B15m3


Old News
Michigan Argus