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I he Latent Special Dispatch ! To the oitlzena cf Ann Arbar and Tlolnlty ! ! I N T E N S E E XC ITE M ENT ! Uundieds watejúng ké progveat of Daily Jc-. nts .' ! Tbc Federal Army again Victoriot! -The Union musí and shal] be Freserved !" " Thre was a man in our í&wn, lie was so wondrous wise" But with all bis wisdom, he wan not 80 wise as thtit ' ol 'ter man," wbo wlion lie wnnted to biiy tliu Tke cAeapest and hcd CLOTi-SSNG! in tJds rnarhet alvjays jumped inio G U I TER MAN' Ü HEAD QUARTEKS! For there he know he alwnys got h3 rt)oney's worth. Si'eing is 'jolieving nnd yj tliat w; to ece come in and believe. Those that cAn't bsec can keel, nnd ns we nlways maka our custoniers feel good over good bnrgftiii?, tlicy ure rspicially invited to 4nf nnxioua 8oat,tlat they loo mny realize how "good it 3 forthnn to be with o," nnd how íuaef) pleusurc can be obtuincj in the onjoymcnt of SPLEaiD BARGAINS ! " me ,ill ye thal aro wcary and heavy laden" - wiih J!oi"ks nnd we will do our beet to relieve vou - giving you in reiurn the Jinest kind of Goods a! the lowcstjiyurea. Great tattle are liourly tajang place in tha CU, 'iir;g line - whcle regiment s of uauimer, V estimas, fcc., are beiog slaiiiit-red bv Gen, Soxniiiiiii - to fit the grujt ruli of recniita that sre pouring in frotn every directiOQ, all aaziona tu h;ive their ñames earulled for a NÈAT AND TASTY SUIT! - 3uch aa can only be had at th Bead QuarUrs fjf Guiterman c$ Co. Oi'Coftlic firm, Mr. M GuiTeUSIan, having just retorned frm Europa witli a large a.v sorlmciit. of ClotliB, Ga8imereg and ti nice lot íif fine Vetl)t)g. ftlflo a lew piceos of fine BeavcT fui' ovcivo:it3 wlú'li wo will make up to or-ei' in tlie 1 itedt stylí, (t'H feel coufident tliut wecan nali-fy altSTTT-DETMTS 1 Wo are happy t,o grect yon aga:n in out City, alter iptuding ycur Tacation with the '■ diur cid fülks' ut hime Be asaured wí wisli you a pleasant term, :md sliull ver bí fjlad to mo.-t you at the Oíd llead-Quavters, Ko. 5. ÍEJ' Our foniier customors, we feul assured, W11 tull 06 us ngain To you wlio eou.e líe etnuiger we fcoult] su y a fsw yo:ds, v vish yuu tu culi and !ook i t uur fine Cosita, Paute, and Y-'ss we can do letter hv ypu than aoy other li use in ihe City, and f yi,u cali iikI examine our líooila.and try tljoir t]ls, yuu will puruhuse nowhere else. DON'T FAIL TO CA.XíXj k.T1 O-. EC. . DR. HOüFLaND'8 BALSAIIC CORDIAL, Fot the apeedy curo of Coughs, CoUs. Influenza, Croup, Hoarsencss, llruncláüs Pneumonía, Distases oj Üu, Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient Coa sumpi'on, and for the relie) 'and Kif ut ail posmibU) cure of t'atients in adeanced stages of tfts iatíer aiseas. rnllEBalsamic Cordial is evtlrely a Vegetable producJ_ liuii, cota b.nieg tbe treuiiug propertiea vi tlie lialsam, with thTinvigorating (jualities of a Cordial, prounil:ii)it on bu ncUadapUfl to Ujq palpotea [atended, that there are but few case uf wbich will nut( at un early period, Miccuinb to its healiug und Ufe grrtng prepertied. For agea, hfta tin; tveatment of pulmonarv fltsèases oceupied lúe greater pprtioc ci" tba attuatiuQ oi tbe Bcien tifie of tiit.' medical world, but uoueaCquired more emiaence in liiu ireattm-nt „of thma diaeasaii, than tha celubrftted Prutiáan, lír. Huufliuaii, tbe orignatoi oí tíié Uoitiaoiio Cordial. llr Ufe waa devoted tu tly productioü o f i etuedfes tli.-it vould stand uní ivaliud. How well Le has socoeeded, tho Americaii peoplearc fcble to judge: and we posiüvely assert, that no preparations that )i:nc ever been placed b-.-fore them, bave conferred tho sama amoont oí benettta uu Ba&Wrios huni.iuity, pr have elicited so many commendation rom all classes ol society, y--, thereieüies oi Dr. Hoofland, prtíyared bv Dr. CM.Jftcksoa&Co., of Philadrfphta Thö CurdUl is dftstgaed for a claas of diseases more geuela&d mor f atol than a-aj other tu which the pCople of thiá ouuotry ate subject- t lióse spripaing from a "slight cold.11 Tliat emineut authorlty, Ur, Belt,8ays "Iwill notay tht Cakia are tooor fnhabhttnta wbftt tbe Plaque aud Yelloy Ftver are to thusc ui other countritBj but ï eau a var coutideutly tbv.1 tbey unhur iii of EreatrQ9)PpUsity aud nurtaiUy than lltt-piil-..11 Entirely Vegetable. No AlcoJioüc l'reparation. DR. II )OPLAND'S CK.EB&ATED GERMAH BITTERS Prciiarud by DR. M. JACK8ON k. CU., PhIUdelphia, Pa. Will PÊfectuaUj cure I.lVi:i; COJiTLAJT. DYl''SIA, JAI tíl)ICE,Clifonic or Neivous Debility, .Maeasej ol tlu Kiilneys, aud al! diseasea uislng hum a disorcterud Á ei or Stomach. Such s Conátip itlon, Tinvard Piles, Fulness or Blood to ibs Uea , Acditj of tb.e riumach, Xauoa, Heait barn, Dlagun1 for Food, Fulaesaor wmg&t inthe Mom acb., fcour Eructationc, Sínklng or Piutterüig at tho Pit ol the Stomach, Pwimmiug ui tUt; I Il-;i1 . Efurrfed and pimcuH BiMathing Flutteriog ut the Heart, Ckoking or Suffocatina senbatlona trheo Isa lying posture, Dim Desa oi Viöion, Dota oi' weba beíurethe aight, Ftver and Dull Pain intheHead, liL-liciency of Perepiratton, Yv l(jvue.--s of tliL'.-'lsiu and Eysa, l'aiti in the t-'i le, líuck, Chcftt, Limba, ifco. kudden Fiuaheaof Beat, BursfugiD the Floah, Conatani Emagimnga of evil, an.l grea I be prfSAÍoifa of Sj rut,aDd ill poaitively pnvejst YLLI.OW FEVER, B1UJOUS FiCVER, fto. ] g Propriolop ia calhng the at'tntion of the public to ti íh preparatioo;, dod so with a feling lí the utmost coafidence ía its virtues and auaptation tu tho illseasoti ior wbich l is recoipmended, Itíenonew ;r.-.,[ uhtrled u-ticlc, but ema 1hat has itod tbe tosí of n'tw'élvp yeacsitrial bfpr tho Aumm-fcan people, and ita roputatroñ and saw are uarralled by any aimUai' ureparUoia extaot, Vi; í.m.,.i ..,_,■ iiLita livor gívB i.v the onost pvoiniaeui apd tfeU-knowa rhvsiciaus and individual:. i;i UI payl-suf tUo QQuntry la immense, and a cr íul perubal of t!ie Almaoao, publÍHhdd annuall b) the Proprtetörs, and to be had gratli u any oftheir A feífta, caanot but aftttefy the moet skeptical pemedy j.s rcally deser viug tlie great eelebrlty it hasobta.iuod Xlcad llie Evldenr. írum J. Nmeton Bronm U. [).. Editor of tkc Encyclopedia of ReligiêUt Kïtüxoïedge. Altaough notdisposcd to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through di.strust of their ingredienta and eitcts,I yet know t no aufflcieotreaaon hy a Kan noay ""t teatUj to tfce beoeflt he be&evea hinomll lu have received trom aay Riinple preparaticu, in the l.,,.. :hat he uny thuh cotitribute to Ihe beneíit vS others. Idothiathfi iuobö readily in regard to t:IIoollaud's Germán Bitters," prepared bylír ('. M. Jackson, oi thi.s city, becausí I was prejudíoed agatsat tfama for yara iindcr tha impreebioií ffiat they mre chiefly an alcoholic p.tiiittire. 1 ain indebted to my í'iiend BotMft t-hüümnker, Enq.,for the remoral of thla prjtidce by proper tV ■ : i s , and for encoutagenmat to try tliern, when .sullerm greal and tóng coutin .■! dobility, The uso uf thn.i' botllea of these Bitters, at the bezinning uf the pra n: yom-, aa iullowf i by evideai reliuf , a&d reatoration tüa dtgreei i bodily and mental rigor which 1 had riot folt forsix nioutha tcfoi-e,aaj hadalmis1 despaired of recalnibf. X tljereïbre thank God and my frieud for dirtcttng me'tJ the use of tbem. J. N'KWTON BKUWX. Bead "h;it fïie eminent Glasa Manufacture?. JOI1X 11 WinTALL, aja of the BALSAM1C CORDIAL. Dn. C.M. J.(;k.-i).v- Iiespci-tccl Freml: Haring for a long linie Ikvli ii'4;iiiitcil witfa the virtuts of tlty Balsamic Cordial in Cou hs. polds, Inllainmation of the Irtinj s, &c ■ ï thus trcely bear tesitmoay to its effleaey ForMCrralyeard I h.ave qèr'er been without it in niv famüy it alsogivva me oleaaiMre to sute that I bare used it V'th finin' uoaöHa in the treat&aefti of lio wel CopUioU. Thy frienJ truly, JOHN" M. WHIl'ALL, Pifth Mo. !7, 1S58, Raot) Ötreat.aboT 4th, i'hila. 'l!ir-c medicines are forMtlebyaU re.spoctabto Drupgisis and dealen in raed'cinea In ttie United States, lintbh PförincM, am! Went Indiea, at 75 cents per bottle lite surr . ' i nnlne, with the rigtmture f f c M. J.'.í';m kou tbe wrappiT oí each bottle; all oficrs are co'tntercft. Pnnnpü.1 fflo( and :aaíattory( 41S ArcU íitreet, PhilátWj bfa, IV r3Cl Great Reduction in the Price cf srMÍH &, cös Sta.nd.atd Machines . H'eíi knovrn to be tht Best for Hanufqcturing l'uxl No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly Bold at $90, rediKsecl to 870. No. 2. of saitiü kind uf Machine, ('or ] incrly eold ut 8100, mluced to 875. i STNGER'S LETTER A M ACIII.VE ! Es tht-tu-st M.ichiin; la the werk! Pur FnmlyBw1i J.igtit Manufacturing Purposen : aoitt at beautifully otnamenttd 9öu. Tin1 N.i-. 1 ;i:í1 i MaCllíuta 9J9 f jrri'üt e.ii;:ci'y And ftppttfftUou for raanufacturing pur] Uur No. ;i Stechim ■ ü to h il i.i ds of light au;l lmivy Le%thr Vork, in Cnrrituc Trïiuniing, Bont uul Sboe Mftking Harn . Mi i .. . ■ to., etc. Tlify are oí exíra Biee, aod nitli an arm loug exumgh to ; cake ander it and titeh the targest ;s.c di in tcareely any pwt ofaTrimre' slitching tbat eau e il lio better done with them than bj band ; o, too, ibe Baring of tinw and labor is c-y great. Thetableof macbiiMM li l niches lon. and Uiesbuitle will i hold is time the osual quantitfol thread. The largo liutï woikri au fiMtW sniall 'Hu-s. We would ank t'or out Lett#r Á Haehinn, (fae spcialatteatlrm of V&nt kfokers and Dreas Waker, aud all fcbOM who wit ut Maeliine Cor ír mtutufafíufins purpMfl, Thy embody tha rldclia oi the I inachiiifis, making V , - ■h.and are deatloed to b ascclebr&ted for Family Sbh i: o ai - Ugkt qianufacLuring purpoaea astour staadi chines tire for (Bímafacturing purpose In gem ral We bavealwftyton band, UKituina ;alh;ks,mi k t'vi-t UNXN ANl CoTru.V fSKEAD, On SPaOLS, BI9I ILACiXÍNK ulí. iu bottle, vtc., etc. We Q :inut'actureour owd Ncodli's, juni wouldwamall pemops itsing ouf.macbfj(e8 nottobuy any ufUer . W-e kaow tha1 ïhere ;. ■ , .4 of thé mott ■ qualiiy at higher prlces tban ir cbarge for The neolcs suld by n are manofactured enpedally for our ma hiñes. AbadnccdLemay rcndtr tke bct machine almost ustca. Our eustómera njay ret íBureíJthatallour Hranch Offices are f urniabed wit h the" gonuïtreacliele " Id oí Bisiall parchases, the uunej muy be &eat ín postafrt; stamp! 01 bni notes. CorreHpondeuts wil] please rrite &jr nautas 4itiDctly. It is aH mportant that we should, ín eu.en cate, know the Post Office, Connty, aud State, KA percutís requiring infoimation hUph Sevmg Uachiaes, tlieii" Bisa, pricès, vvorking capacitíes.aud the best metbodi OÍ l-ur.;4i;isin;% vnn obtaio it by acudmg to us, or iiiy of our Brah#ji Ulüce.s for ft oopy of I. m. Singer & Co.'s Gazette, Wbieb is a bcautiful Pictorial Tapsr uatiroly Uevottui to the subject- It will bc soit gratis. +1 flgr We have made the abure RED17CTION IN PRICE-: with the two-fold view of beneftting fhe public and our sfivt-.s. The public hiivcht'en BWlDdied h Hpnrioufl machines made in ïmitatlou of ours. Tue metal in tlu-m. trom the iron casting to the smallest jwictv is el j.o.nqunlity. Tbeir makers hare aot tire meaos te do tkair work reit Xhfy are bid away In secret places, whtie ii wmiM ite impus.-iblc to bavs at command Lheprop er aapliaaew. H is only by. doijaj bmria88,aad haviiig'extessire mainifactiirmíí estal Kíhraents, that eow nincïiines cin be mafleatti priees, The best designad machines, BADtY M I alwaya Hable to et out of order, and aresure conaldeiable trouble and mony to keep tben ha repai] t ( The quaüties to be looked for 111 ;i Machine ars : c r , tüinty of cffirrectacticnatall c&tes ot speed, simpicity ' of construction, durabiïity, andrapidity el tperatiun, wHbthe trast labóf, Machines tó cmlrine th -f essontinl quaüties, Jmnst be made of tl.ebesf :,. [inisii,.! toperftotiön, We have tbswayand iueans,oa 1 a grand scaïe, to do this. Thepurchaseraof machines, wlmsedailr braad it rrwiy concern, will tint! that those iiivci ib ' ! not only work v-iïl at rapW as well :is alnwrateRi.1 speedjbtti tastj mgesinthfl üpebtpossibleworking order. Our machines, as made by tú, wííl earniiore inoney , with loss labor tïmnany othern whether m o: oursor not. Infact, they are cheaoer than any other machines ai agift. . m. --inI.H x (:ü., 45S Byoadwuy New Vork. &$- Detroit Office, 78 Crl.swold Street, opposltO the i'ost Offtes, si itf M. H. GOODRÍCII, Agent, Ann Arbor. ■ ' lyOLD FBIENDS IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilisg THE BEST FAMILY Cay (A fcbartic in the world dr ,jg#éiri&J v twenty vt-ars tj 't'-' '''i' ttSmSF-' -' w !ltlIlilil'ly : alwuy.s givc I itiftfaction , contain iüj; nii ji iiiir injurious pAtrDpized hy llie prin ;,■- - f _,-■'' -."--r'W'' (''l'11' pli.Vfiii'ians ;it;. liiffuih iu lin ['üi'.n 1LubbbVvbbbwbwBv ;i)'.tiliniy coaie wiil ! NBol ' ' iUj ■■.- 1 .julliir. T AI',A!i.SsF, ,YXtS COCJÍTI . ) ïlorlda, July 17, UU'!, j ToDn. HttBlCK, Albuny, N Y - Vy Deur Di.cto. :- 1 writu ttiia toiufoimyou of LUe wondcrful tffec' ■ ' yom Sugar (_'oa iü'1 Pilla on my eider dHUgbtr. Ft r thr p reara íhe has been añile cl with a bHÜous lierangeineni of the systea. wnJly ímparin Iiur health, which uaa been sleadly failing during th:ii perlod. When in V' ■■ Vork in A pr ïl tast, ;i friend .'.I iri -cd uu1 to tti your ] 11. Har i og the fuUesi coafidenee in tUc judgmafct ol ui; frtend. I obíaíned :i supplv of Mcu-i, Barnes ft Park Druggists, l'a;k lïtv,', New Ynrk. ();i rvturning home ■re 1 tl other treutei t,and a-iinimt t Pill, udc éach tight. The Iroprovrmeijt in her fVclin:: eomplexioo, digestión, etc., surj 'i{.d ati ;il. Ai ajir ÉmdipermaneDt reator ition to healtfa bas been tbe resull . used tam 'i;;'.n !.'_.'-, and cunüidfr-hei tyjt'relj veil. I consitUír abe m. jusL tubüte lu .■ Phvsici-n. and trust thnt it will b" the ineans nfin luciiif iiiimv to Áduotycnir Pilis H8 tbeu familjmedlcinud. I rumuiii, cwarsir, with roany 'haotit, Your übuJ.feQt serva nt, S. ü. llüBHlaü.v, Henick's Kld Strengthening Piasters cure in flve hours, pains and (reakoewi of tlubreat. eiJe aml b.ick, aml Rheumatic Oompluintdin aa eiial! short pprioO of timo. Ppred on beautifol white lanili skio, thetr use nabjectfl tho wear&r to uo inuoni enieee anl u-H'li one will tvcj froni weektu thruo mi-i.Ui-. Frice I89L cents. Herrick'e Sugar Qoated Pilis ffl Kil Plnster" nií1 wt oy Drujcgistfl and Merchaïita in aft parta of the United Sutes. Cunada and South America, and nuy be obtaini hv cailing for thcra by their full name, lvMö UK. L. B. 11KRRICK, & Co. Albany, N' . Y. i_ - -- -, - ,.. ■ .. . - . . - ■ ■ ■- - - RIS.DOjS & I1ENDE1ÍS(LY jfa, 7Vfí GEXU1XE Wm? SÏSWIRT'S ÍVe wish to cali tbe nttenlioa of the public to this cejubftitcj COOKISC STOVE! Whiih is'lhe only jierfeet stove made. It will do rnore i us'.ih-íí with pne tiiird les fuel thun any otherMTOVE made. Froin t stimoii y givou by the persons referred lu below. on ucount of ita úu.ubilily uud Fuel Savmg Qualiiies. it has proved a s:ving frjm Twelve To Twenty Dollars per year. Vo woijld reft-r jou io tho followiug list of PERSOyS WHO HA VU TÍIEM IN USE: I'rof. TappaQ, Aun Arbor. I Juhn F. Xliller, Ann Albor fruT. Wood, " ! .). Güliort tmilU " Prof. Wlnchell, " J. T. Aulls, ' Pvoft Doug aas, " Josenli-Wattlj " Al]ilicus Feloti, " Ï.Wilklnson, " Wm. R. Martin, " Mrn s. ] entou, " Kich'd Hcopgr, " O. Hawklnu, " Boa. B.F Granger," 0 A. Chapín, " J. W. Mayoard, " Ch.iilt1 'l'hajer, 4i K. I„ Stebbiu-. " Maiti" Clark, ' Q. B.WUson, " ford, A A ,Town. M. Q. Woioh, " TbomMWood, 'itts&eld. Mr. lO.T.WiUmins," Alveretun Iruy, - '. ' h:ilJH, 'Í ' PoliijjnuS, r-'ciu. e.' 11. Vm, ,!. " N. U.Gouilálc, '■ Jtoseph W. Wood, " Jlr. Fuücrs, Hharon. We have on lian.l a large assortmcut of the. best kinds of Cooking, l'arlor and PLAT E STOVES. and a general assortmeut of HARDWARE AND TJNVAREX and Bent stuff for Cim-inge work. Bttstioular nttention paid to fltting u}i lvivetionli nul Conductor, mul uil kinds of Job ork tlor.u at the Shortest Nutiee. K1SDOIÍ -HENDEKSOX. Ann Arbor. 1861. Haugsteifcr's Ulock. DEA Ü CO,, INVITK attentiou to tht'ir nevr f,tuck ooiBpckiBg U kiiuls ui CrocKery, Glassware, Lanips, Gas Fixtures linlUoim'-tutmshity guud.-,aU uf wli cii t'jvy m qtta la At the Zgwest Possibk Lates. Frencli China Tea eta from f5 OU to -Jfi 00 French ciiiu.i d inner net from 00 lo 70 on Stone china Te sets from SM to 5 00 Stone China diun8ttftoai f 60 to 20 UO (ln KcT"suii.' Lnnip asmplt fnmi ö' K to r..''j Mai ble Kaom Lamp compUtufirom f0 telOOü Fluid Lasy fon 13 ö Cï.'i S-Iüinni, vi 8ktoíTcIní TüHG & BLCOD INFIRRIARY, ÍV -vv L■, A J,' odtvard Ave D(trot9 D' ,;.;.' f. d mptfcn w Ulít ■■..(- JU ti.' UihVlVto ■ . ■ '. i i..ii ■ ' ,y íind : '- ■ ■! tl-i-v wiH t# ,-o;i ft M' f ■ -■ ;;. ■ ; ■■■■ ■-. i Rt 't. B .■;. MpplyitiK tna K$ser rotkan d- ne fcbu th roxtglil .i jwí.'1: ..-i--; on wiil ytjt _,-.ur wi.rk jui'iili-LLíl ii : ■ . '■ me difTwaei t . 'jar Ln.ngli t.í i-i r.i: i h ni :i I -, iu !aw, In ■' ■ ■ ■ y . and m i ■ .'r..i 't . ■ Hkt tiiei.-■■...,:; i ■ . -ií ;■ n. tin r d - uf m, :■ cnw in 1 and, n kb . ,i want il , ur i ■ ■ -■■ altíi . acMr ií ■,,.■■. i i mber ti ta at iuifle.-st.iinl wb; ■■ .:. r UGOt thn ii --.r..1 ■■ wl.icli ai" tn i In uu-r . . ■ ai 'ur a pon-ii' b ül ■ ■ "' tft ( utii 1 1 , oí liirli Um 1:ís t 1ií s-.i; atfc, ax by i ■ p ffspitj oi U i-r de wh%t bo i r cu. : , t may be io ia vliv.-ic An-i tl'i bp ;! . . : , . : ■ :oks urr Jl mpitün. Bt lvibr: , fi-nioit, by ii!scfl iijg th Lung-Mt ■ ; ' . . ir of ti ;- ' U ■:rlti n i. 4 . ;■; t M J tta j I .■ (.■_, rr.'l tV. reach wl ■- ■ ■ tina to bv bfi ■ ■ ' i . tora opon numbeni r io h grave, bu ha . ■■ ■ ■■.,:::■ ti to l.allU n medita Cor Conmrnptifl. But it iñ nwt at-o ■ to do no boro, for 1 b ftrct of OTiomaa demg wiral utiother esmu! CBEBot. i evident ti i etxumvn afine, ti Üns (i.i.wni, T can t i')y ídt( come asi ■ . . fcrí.l ol my fktíl vn tlw ■ Doctoj -''i, and Aun Arttor, !■ ■■ -■ ■ -.,.■■■ r ■ : ' ■ - ' ■ Hoi( 1. Sd ar.4 It'n of ettch month; tl.fivi.ini !!■'. ■■. i ■ lsti, 6'Ji . . ■,:, !,v ;. i'. ' ■ ol the fcimi U (viil Ül' touád&t birt LagTnfimj ny i,íetroit it77Í ■ Mrs, W1HSLOW, to thu fttti :'■ . . r. r SOOTIIÍNG SYIÏUP, F6U OfilLDRER TEETHING, wbfeh grcatly facilitatea t't. e procesa of tw'tii'ny, b ROfteiLni ■ I ínüíimnjaULn- wúl 1 allay ALIj I'AIN Mkl .-. citiuwiic ai t d, .n'l a SÜHE to REGULÓTE tho BOWELS. [ieiJtnd upua '.t, inoilcr, U wiil giïfl röfct ts our.ulïti, . .. ; Relief and hejiltb to your Infant Wc havo put up and ano hoIQ Lliis artteío for otm ti rnn, kal CAN .-.V. IV CONHDKNCE AM riiUXU ui ii, what we have nver betn ab L" sny ctJiermedbmc- KbVLK HA81TFAU.KD IN A SINGLE 1N&TANCK, '1U 1H-KT A (1 RE, wbca ttinely ased. Never did re khnv an loábate of dff sftt:sfactiiu by any no ulio ued On the it.nttrj , altare debghtd wUh iU opr ti mtaU sjjtab ir. ti-rn ... ,;;,;■ .i t i it , ;. . . ai.d mediffJ vtIii.s. Te ipeak iu tuw muttvr 'V}i.T WK JLO KXOW,"aítcr ten vaam' fsitn'ioe, AJHP 1 1.EM U uük i;i-ii-'i.'i[i.x 'fop the i-v:in.MiM Y■ WHAT WK HERF. DETLAKÏ. Infi tatsi t-iy in t ft lic whtre tli c; ml'-.nt sufftr Dg fdïu uu n ai iii.uu--tii-ct relïel wiil bú found in ñftc(.n twtniy id sutes afu ü.i' sj rup is inïm[niM red. Thi.s valuabic itreparatton U the preAcHitiiA uf op ofttie ntotl EXPEiÖENCED and ifKIM.MI. KVRStli in Nnw I riLrlün 1, and uaa bceu uatd with Ni-YLil fc'AlLlNiï &ÜCCE8ri io THOUSAND OF CASFS. It ni t ocly relieves the cb'ld from pam, but iuvi' r;iti Cl : ■ . ■ ■ , ■ . - -j ttjvpi t p ;; ml enirry to the wtole system. It will alinott Intinntl relieve GKIFlKfl IN ÏII BDWKLS, ApD W!íi ('0UÜ nl ovpreomt convuldicn , vYi'b if t ptedlj wip die1, en 1 :.' ■ ith ■ ■.■■ HHT u ,-n:i:-i mm "i .:■ ■ Rl ' In nH aaM ƒ DY.-KN: . HhHfV.A IN CHIÏ.LtfilN, wt-.ethcr it arHea ir im i : r m rhv othtr muw. W i vvïiii ii 8 a ci-H'1 sutVvr kj; ■ ■ .■ ui t'it É rgo r ■ :■ Li] '; ut - ' ' Jt'ÜT 1 tJf ■i-i:;.h:i Ice.-!, ko ï Tii:. íki.H.j U'1-.s u' OTHKR -. m ■ ■ 7 fiiff' r db Ijil4i vi -, Atï i LCÏI IV - to fuilow the use f tv ■ ■; tniply nuá; . Ful! díect üd i ( :■ : i jr inib uuitlu, f1 ?iti;ii" i nlws t'-v t"i ■ ■ ■ . - rt rfílTai it I KRKIN ;; N-r.v-Voi L , i , ;. lic oiitshi1 " ?aj p r, ê.ila by Drugjftatu Uirinigüi t the w- . PliiKlpftl t t&ce, JX tl r V:'t X. V. . ÜNLY :5 CENId ITEB OOTLS.E Ftr i ■. :.iTtï. SI For ike Speedy and 1 tre oí SemÜtal Wettkness, Nocturnal a id DUirnal Emí$9Íon4$ Ñervo ua and General Debihéj, f ■ ■ otsnjCt, and all Dtscascs arising ïrom SüHtary Habits or JSxcéssive Indulgtnct. rpiIERE are thoasanda of Yoctfa Me, tu well ai Mium. X Aqed and Oto Men, who aro suDoriug tu iorae iKuk froin khe abo ve diseases. Many. purUapa..nie not n-ivr of their true conditiOu, or wIiími asnstanee ti reaJIy necüa I, For thu benelit of suplí, wflherewitD &iu a few uf tlte iut commoii ajaptotoSf vtas Weakncst of the hurí and Limi, Pain Lu tk?, II. nd lUtd Siííí, Dimvcs.i uf Stijf ht. Vnt aJ " Ijefwre Lhe LfW. l'nipit-tthn o ;■■ Jfcuri; tijr"" '-" V Memory, Oonfusioii qf Idms, Deprestion of ÜpirU, wiM t, s.i, ■;',: s..:-lirut, TúnUlit-tj, tí-. Fwreaoh aí itl rf the abo ve svinptoins LkoM reme lies w iil bu l'ound a " buviÉ#ThM remclies embrace throo prescrlptlgat A Vi a IVís, a Lux oí Xsi-cous 2'utiie l'illf, Riid ;t Ui oí wü Jbaií Piis, all of whioh hava Important otftfl tu rfan bad shouiii be iiseJ tgetlwr i erery " cvb; oLhtr modos of tre&t&eut oxa} be briei iaiw m 6l'jws, Ii : Tiiey tUmiaUh tlio vWonce of Bszua] ncihiniaí ftá" 'i'hey imuiüiÍ.i;Ut;ly arrest uooturaal %nú Jiuii:: wKf lrThe remove local wltne, eaaíing tu raftJ W aisuuie their natural tone and vtor. j-jf" The y strongthen thu ooiistitutiua !jv aftrwoiuiu] niv0U3 dubility aiui gjuural WMukuega, jtjs-They ealiven tha spirits, whiIi are amallj tlcpraitwc bv eXMíling all exoiting üiinst frota tlia bj i j(fBy their invieuntting propertieii tliey re;t.r i4 patiënt to hts natural !. JKÍ Tllúy CilTu Whtü :d' i. .!■■;:■ Uil contalo wo ■ ■■ aor nj;ythtii tliatcau in íuiv afeas prove Bjwnoua. ' jgÉ Tioy are eisy and pleabant tu ase, &uu :.l itot iatr Un with the patiañt'd usual btisiaosa or pleirir. j" They can hú tuod without 8US{iiciuu, or Luowadf 4 van a raom-iiiate. That tliey may come witliin tho rtian or !i! , o l;-v fli4 the prico of the Puatoh ju Si pet boï, and tht ÍV rc ,'J eents jier box u:u-li. In onlerius b. ïnail, Ín addiUot to t;.t price, twelVQ cents iu stamps shouIJ le luelottu ír wknra liOdta '0. -- I,AIIE3 iti wfint bf a rufa and tfTcctoai V reniü'ly fui" IrrefiulnrüiM, tfapitrti&m of th W.'-Jj JW ■■'-. "r ay diíoase peciiliair tu tlieir x, "TW 'W Bíiüulil uaa I)k. Gates Fkmai.i: .Montult ■ffll-i: jT: Tim.3. 1i-íiío, 1 y, $! anJ n (lp. ÍjHPk1 Cuinos. -TI I i] d nM b h'cmI ip5" durins prna y, u wwttuíija v.iil U tUf BK. vtíS1 conseqnonce. " l.AUIF.S who.from ill-heaHh. tl.-fú.rini.v, Or any other humano and reasnnable ca mm ■ary to avoid au im r ■ - ■ u !t ""currlng danxer to health .rt ■ ■ tl.e nu i .". Cí-ií.c's AvbwA Jrwertíiiu Z'omiící. Frloe, l-j Wit, 51 ="4 Mro tt&mni, , TheM Powderi can ot:y be obtainecl lv wldi-uig U Qcncriü Agenta, a-i blow. Sdud ftr Dr. Gvtks's ï'ritutJ iicïkul Tnatltm wi MMtm l)ieastd, PltCX i'i. . CBKT3. Addi U. Q. iULLER CO., ( Fof tnl by MAYXAliD, STi:]HlXá, A Wíl SON. yTtídin ;Vcn Arbor, Mk-1i. prok lT mille: HAIH INVIG0RATO1 AN El . ■ ■ :. C0MHUfc FOK RESTDKJNÜ GKaY HAIR tü i tu örlgioel cIor w.Uout d; : ■ I uruag tfCO. FOIÏ I LFV„NÏ1X(; BAL] ■ . (Uei i.i febo p&rticl uf or rouupvrutivr utr-j rma!aiQg. fORB CLTÏF AXn DAXDÍU LT, aui'. alicvUueous aflccitöiis of ?citlp, FCUl BEACTIVVlKÜlHiHAIit, iuopí I b uboiu.illi gliwa and bi ■ ud tilX in ita textuí ■ i .■;.';■. Tbe grettt celubrity aitd tlie iacreaing dvtuaiKj for tíii iinrij'.Liü.'i preparatiüii, .■ avii ce thf pn ; iñ n. that ttu% trial ísonly üei wsarj W satitrfj ;t dtcemiii public oí lié -n iicricti' 'iuuül cti : ■ . .-. l vu ut if;iií iu uite. It cii-u.ti.-i' - li calp írtilU dandi ujf a% oiker eutèneouê dtteaiêê. Ótueefl tlie bair íogrow fd unaii: ■ i j mimJ hppearanctíj anJ al.-.u whero 'h huir i looüeuiog muí thío mqgr ii vill giv -::iii.-:Ii ;u . rüvi, 4 retítoi e tía e becue-. Utd, ea ■ ; liair. Tdereara UuBflruda i I ,■. Sl:;. iui iu Nw Vod; who have lunl tlitú . od Ly the ". oí this lúvigwrator, when all uiher i epuratíonf Lad !.u'i ti. ;,. M. hs ío Lia possesaioa lofctea % iuiiuino: n)l tel ifyirf lo ttO abo ve factrt, frum pt-vsuus oj ■ . ■■ .- . bilrty, It will effeetually luevt-nt i.v hatrfrmn tüa-ñirg fray until ti, . L , . Lhe hair Uaa oUahged í; CAlor, uíh1 lI [uviguiatoí wán wtthjöertainty retíer íí io ííj ai,yn)t A. , piiiifr 'it a lark, glos j ■ ■■ Aaa ptifuiue for t N'ilot an .1 KUír -: ■ ■ Is li;ii't;t.iil;i;-!y n c iptn rnK-.i . li; i n :igiVi;;Ui-. ,■ .. , itífil'il alTorUi a dru ■ pht whcq floxt with tU Ianp ■ . i. .::,", i ud foriñ nu a t u pregerro ita place, w lietliey pJttin vx in euils- her % tbe :■ " I for it 1 . ... j ti'í#i art tele which nona tmhi (o bo irfthout, as tLe pric lt ií liín ihi' raaeh "i" nU . ■ ONLY TWENTY-FÍVE CKNTS par bottle, to bo h.;i l at ü1 roupectablu driijgiBt1 h'1 perfui . Ii MÏIJ -.i!l tbe íittcn+ion nf rorcoti id Guardiiaus to Uio use of li ■ ■ ■ ■ fcrr the cli ■ ■ ífnk. 1 -.f i o l.iys tlic fouaíJfttion for a fjood liKid of hi . ■ .■ c any iinpuritiey that raa3 I.''1"'' becíirae ctnnictt wi '. lifiilth uf the Qbildand tlyj faiuie .í ; j Hair. Caütiox.- Xone ïnnmio withoottln ftir sfRilir f , ■ [ 1 .- Mll.l.Klí beB(r "ií ilie outer wirj i i i airo, L. 'iil 1 i t j HAIR INTTtiORATOR, N. Y. blmu in ílje plnfR. Wholesale D] I t. and Fold brjiB Miprlaeii ! pie tvclia nt au I ! ruggfct.s ihrní I oui tl e worW, LiberaUI Oconal I i pn rfiaen lj i he , i ■ 1 U.iOili.Mtv m ■n'Miit In t lie . ■■ . ■ ... New &Lr.rsroved Instontancors Xiiquid Hair 33ye whicli after year of pcientific oxper '!.' ''i a broughi to perfeciinn . Ii lw ' r browi [ntmf v witUout niintv to i'Ui' ihtii ur tlviu unxrft&tcd lLc bwt article of the klpd in cxIsU'BC. PRICE ONI.V FirrYCEUTS. DEPOT, 53 ?L7 1, JTf9 nr TtórJ f


Old News
Michigan Argus