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peinting OF ALL K'NDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS_OFFICE. WE ARK HIEPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IK THE LINE OF P E I N T I N G AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have rceutly purcliased a B-TXO-G-LES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and bnvc added the lnt'st styles of Card Type, whick cuables us to print I2ÍVITATION CAIIDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CAIIDS, BUSINESS CAIIDS, &c. in the nefttest stylei, nnd ns cjieap fis any otlier house in tbc Stat. Wc are aUo prep nrcd to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLS, BLANKS, LJLL UEADS, CIRCULARS, PAMP1ILETS, &c THE ARGUS BOOK BINDERY is in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS m OF ALL KUTDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in be3t style at New York Prices, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warrantcd to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND3 Prop'r. Office and Bindery, oor. Muin fe Huron St. A. DE FOREST, Always ahead in Low Prices HAVIN'O RF.MOVKl ÍÍTIBTORE to tho East sido o Main strMt, oso door nortli of (Juiterman's. lam qow tecftivinf NevGoodf, wimpnaig all kimls of Groceries, FrulU, Kxiracts, Glussware, Lampn, Looking Glasees, Ïabk-Cutlery, Silver-plated Gouds, &c., LOWER '1 HAN EVER ! French China TeaSets, from $4 50 to 18 00 French China DlnnerSets, fnm 'ZO CO to 30 00 Stonc China TeaÖOto, from 3 00 to 4 50 StoneChhu Dinnersets, from 6 50 tolfiöO Beautifnl 6Im (ljlets, 200 prrïozn Qlaas KeniMU IrfkmpA from 37 t 60 BCacble Kerosene Iamps from 76 to 3 00 Flui IjunpHfrom Jö to 50 ECatO ■!!■■ Oil, gootlquality, SOc pergalloü Al! other (ou'ls at Correspóndtng pricos. - lunps df all kiul altfrcdand iopftlrp1. People Store, W9tf A. De FÜHEST. The peoría marine & fire TNSURANCK COMPANY, OF PEQRIA, ILLINOIS. Capita], - - - S500,000 one oL the HEA VIEST, SAFEST and BEST Insurance ('o's. iu the U. Insures on reasonable terms, anti al ,vays pay proinptly. Th ero ia no bettor Fire Insurauc Compauy. Ayer's Agüe Cure.. Í ■■■'■ Empire IL OK GlOREtjaB ;, J. 1!. WI'ÜSTER ti ji " Í Oppostte Uie Kj ■ ARENOW OPENING, DIRECT FROM PUB1 'AND Manufactuu rs, a New and Complete ■ I jLAW AtAlüülCAL 1ÍOO1ÍH, School finolis, JSliscdlancous Books, lilank Books, dan STATIOKTBRT! Wull.iiyl Wtndow Paper, ï):.v. iug and 5fatlieni:itical Instruments. .■ i lopcs, luk and I GOI.B And all otler kinds oj Pens and Penáis Vit:!,v Cnrnice, öliades andFixlure, POCKET CUTLERY! . -._%■! 1 1 : i ■ r pcrtaining t tita trade, and more to wblcï . ■ otion ot tnfi oonni rv. In eondacting onr b la , we nhalldo all . ■ tbat iio rcasojoable uuim, voznan or cUUd shall fin il any fauTt. We ponteas faeiUtiefl whlcli will enabteusto supply ourstuiDPri nl thfl Lowest Possibio Figures. W pronose to soll for READY PAY, ata Bmall aiïvancc. Wc i-xpcct a jjrofit on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGURES. ffe have enüaged the wrvlcoa pi JAMES F. SFAEDINO, hereforearc preparoil to farnlsta Visiting, Wedding and all otïier Cards wriften to order, witJi ncatness and dispalch, by mail or ctherwise. Tbe liKMr:m: BoOK S-nn:r." manne6 by n jood 'crew.' ná they will nhvuys c lomul on tlio "qiKittcr ili-ck ,' ' ready and wUling to ittcnil to uil with pleasar0twho wil] favor them with a cali. Reraember tho "Empiro Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTEK & CoAnn Arbor, May, 1860. 7Jg ANTOHER A flt ARBIVAL AT THE Rj WOU) AND RELIA BLE W1 : CLOTHIJVC EMPOEIUMÜ jrl BL-1" s PHCENIX BLOCISI, MAIN STREET. has just roturned from the Eaatern Cítlos, wtth a lirg and deslrable itock uf FALL AKD WINTER O O3É SI irkicb lie is now offering at unusually Among his Asyortmcnt may le founü BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOE8KINS, & VESTEN GS, of all ilescriptíons, especially for FALL AND WINTER WE AR ! whïch he is cutting ancl makiag tr order, in Uilats1 :n' bst styles, togethet wiíU u superior assoítinehi of READY MADE CLOTRJNQ! TRUNES CARPET DAC, I-MnRIil.I.AP, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, with ntimerouR other art:c'los usually found in BimUftl eiitablishnieiil.-. Ai ANEMP0B1ÜM OFFASniO, the subscriber (lutU'r liimíclf, that hislong ex; and eeneil Bacccas,wiU cnable liim to give thö Sfttisraction toall wlio may trust himin tbc w:iy oi manufaeturing ffammifl to nrdpr. 79ti " IVM. WAONER. H for the Mmmoth Cabinet Ware Uooms. MAETIN & THOMPSON, TT AVI! JUST orEN'EI) IN THEIRnaw and Elegant War e-Il o o ni s l. t SIDEOF 11AIÑ STREET, , oomplete t"ck f EOSEWOOÜ, MAIIOGAJNY BET8 UF PARLOR FÜRNITURE INU.L'DIXG Sofas, Tetea-Totes, Mahogany Bom-Wood, lïlack M'alnut, Plain un 1 narbls Topped Or=3 rn crp rp fST) cfp A r3 fl f7? ( ÊLKjlTislKi IJ IA Ls IL Ljëi fe? ROSBW0OD, MAHOGABT, BLACK WALNTJT, FAN 1 AND COITAfiK CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c.f &c: k. -mé &m 9 Elegant MSSROfiS. BUREAUS, SECRETARIE9, Complete BED-KO'M SETS, INOLUDIKG LATEST STYLES, -OFlllllftAlli Of the best qualitv and DilTerenl Materia] In Fact tlicy Havo l'.v'i rvthing witli whicli to furuisli ' l'AlilOR, BOtJDOTR. SITTINQ ROOM. oi: KITCHEN, AND OUR GITIZENS NEED NO lungor go to Detruit or eUew bei e to fiml u large aeaori ■ tiH'ïlt. ':'!iis FTJEJiSriTIJRE musut be solí and will be Kold nt VERY LOW F RICES! Lel vnrj man and hin r(. orgoing to bo wift CUMKAM) BJLE, Xheyatao havo a iVl USE CA RRIA GE, And are always riady to jltt. n.i f tl; Ijnrial of tlir dead in ('it v and ndjotatlngooontiy. Vare-Roonueast slde of Mato 8treet , betweenWaihingtonand Uborty O. M. MARTIN. 01UÏ30 C.B. THOMPSOS Hangrsterfer's Illock. DEA Ñ C O-, TNVITE attfntion to their new ftock conilu'ifciug ail 1 kinds Of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andllou-jt'-funiishing go(id.",all of which thcy are oiTer ■ iug At the Lowest Possible .Rates. French China Tea ni i irom tb 00 to 20 00 Fronch China dinncr sets Trom 25 00 to 71) 00 Stone china rea sets from StOjU) 5 oo Stone china dinricr s ts tïoni 8 .r0 (o r Glass Kerostine I-ainps complotu fr(im ;17 ' . luU' kTarble Kerosene Lampa oomplete ('rom 80 to 10 00 Fluid Ump froto 18 to G2,'í &Lr Lamps of all kinds alten 1 ::p. 1 repaliod. Summer Hill Nursery. THEODORE R. DuBOIS, PROFRlíOROFTIÍfiSUMilERHILLNORSESy.AJíN Arbor, Micli.,is now roadj toiB06lv60irdtfiifor rail and Spring Setting, His ardarfl for Trut! and Onutmental Trees, Vfnes, Bhrqtwète) wiiiiiiMiiicii irom Üe !■■-' Ëastero Nurseries, and li is persona] attoniion frill bo ■-■ ■. : d ' ■ tl e MleoMon rnl fllliDg the same. Having beeHregalarty edaoateAIn the XursT.v business! be ; ooofldenj thai iiii prop ■; and oloi e attantiod, and si riet b uesty .ui in:r-rii v, lic wlll bc able i" Bfive satisfactloa to cvery one oon&dlng ordera to bTro, All farolera orFrali growera wlll do well togive hima oallbefore ocdeid&g tbrougfa óther pai Uea. H wouldrefar to manyoitfxensof the City and County qdipuronasedofhiinthepasl Spring tor the qualit of trees brought on by Eïni, as wellas foi the gycl or4e.i In raid) UicvercrcctMYtiJ anddclivewd E04tU "greatbargaius Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. vkjE HAVEAGAIN REPT.EKTSHEP QUE, 3TOIUS WltJJ ï the mout sjfi-ji. . . ■ , . ■ E3r O O X S 5 tliafWAS ever affered in any ono establifdunent ir the Slatoj al] a wkicta we olfi i tur OaOki @m iF[s[B)m)O[s i ■ luw as can be tbuud in the Üalon Wc want JfêXoney ! til will ni;u;o Great Sacrifices on Anyiliiii" wejuive to obialn itf not excopliug OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS i We cordially invito ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to cali and examine our GooiJa and Prlces. We alst invite our Prompt Paying Customors ♦o come nml Iray thelr aopnÜM fer lliofl'intcr. Tnthost Báabftil onm that are ulVaid to cali, we say tu Hum, tuk. oouraje SIüIjXj WHEA1 without longei walücgbit higlicr prici,eomc n, old gcoTes, andtlien at sucli priceH as will ui !ko op all Ioshps It is harill; uecceösury to cnumerttlc oui Ciooils, for "We have Every thing I A large asbortmcnt of UARFETING, CROtKERY DRY GOOLS, MEDHNES, GLOEPJES, TAINTS, 01 LS, ffATP, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTTONS. &c, &c,, &c. (7151f) MAYNARI), STf.BBIKS & WII.SÜ SCHOFF & MILLEH Ri: STILL ONHAHD at tboirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with tlio most complete assortme&t of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY G00D?, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLBBS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, GURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever pffered in this ]farket ! ainl tl.ey woultl yuggest totliose in pursuitcfanythingin SANTA CLA US' LINE thattiiey can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purehastng from tïilfi sfock, as eae-h purcbascr gets ;m ;iüilitioiiíii vt'átnt ai Jcwelry , &c. , Ranging invaluc irom 50 ets. to $50. tfg Tlioytrust that theirlong expericnce inselecting goo4sfortbismarket#anA8irfetattejitios to Uib want of Castomers, may onlitlo tbem to a liberal sliarc o 1'jltlMlWlUl'. Ann Arbor, Doe. 5. 1SG0. TtTtf Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS TUK AGENT lor th following first nlass companies: HOJIK 1SISI KANCK C'OMPANY, of New York Ciiy.-Oiiiiial and Surijlu, $l,0uo,000. CITY FIKK INSURANCE COBIPANY, of Uartronl.- Capital and Surplus, S-100,000. COTINENTAL IJiSUHASCB COMPANY, of New York City.- and Surplus, 100,000. Tlirccqiiarters of the nott prolits in this Company is (lividcil anitufilly among itApolfcy liolilers. Ö. II MILLEN. Ann Artior, December 13, 1800. Cm""8 NEW YOKK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. K ENDALL, Vwe President, PLINY FKEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with theCoinptrollerof the State of New Vork. JDividends avci'iigt1 40 per cent. uuuually. ASSETS. QubJnBuik, 31,355,49 inTostod in Boourltlos , croatod uodèr tho lEWSOf the state of N'c-' ÏOrJl and of the l'. 8., 258,870,79 Real E tets and Etxtores, Nus. 112 and 114 Broadwav 132,450 04 Ronils and Uortsagefl dmwing? per rt. inii-vi'sl 688t9989 H'l'l'ivcd !l 1" I". . Ml .■! pil-ÜHUmS Oli lift' pohcles, bearing luiere . 675,315.85 Quaiterlv and Semi-ailDua] proitiiunljdue suLshciucnt to Jaiumry 1, 1860 20,550.38 Inti-n'st accrut'd up to Jan. 1, 1800, 30.ISS.77 boomed up to Jan. 1 lSflO, ! ,70.:; J Premiums on poltstulD lianJa uf Agent, 20,445.19 Sl,7(i7,133.24 T)rí WüLtsand Lkwitt, Medical Examinen. 7 i.;iV J. Q1LBERT SMITH, Agont Couway Fire Insurance Co., Of CoDwaj', Mass. Capitnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 260,963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. 0. Rokers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y . President, D I Ft Ec"t O R 3 . J S.WrnTNEY, h. BODMAN, W EI.I.1OTT, i ASA HOVÏ LAND, D C. M-(il I. YH. Y, K. I). MOIIGAN ! WAIT ÜK.MKNT, JOS1AII A1.I.1S. A. H. BU'.I.EN , W.H. DICK1NSON, W.t. CL.APP, B.C.ROGER8, Ann Arbor Keferences: Dr, E. WEI.tS, L. JAMKS. 1.. HOnoE, i KNOCHJAMES. C.M'T. O.P. nOODRIOH I J, W. KNI GUT. Agent. i Auu Arbor, Michigan. UNPARAL.LELED SÜCCESS SECOND AIUUVAL -. t.H' E3r E O X S. - .T THE- 33Li.3an.ex Storo, A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. GcoiU bonsai uiidcr panic pricfis, ui5 sold af prieet thnt tciïlmake hard times come again no more ! Facts for the Feople -OP- - .ND- ADJOÏNING COUiNTIES ! And llu'ir numcrous qucstions anvwered. WhU Everyhorhj trading at the "BA1ÏNER STORE? '-Bccause A. P. MILLS, the Propiietor of tliat Establishment hns just rel unied from the Eastcrn Cities with the LargesL Hanckomest, Clieamest, and Moni Aüractiva Stock of S TAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to thispart of the State; Why is Everybody pleased witk his Stoelt? Because hlsstyles nre more bcautitul, qmtlily brtter,and prfces lowor tiian al any other store in the cmnty. Why has he always Snnuthing Neto and Cheap to Show? Becausehohoeafriend conaected with one of the largest OryGoorts Bouses In New York, who is conlinualy ' BOBBIIfO HOU y iv fox cbcap bargainsand the laU-s i!u-y appoar t'roin time to time and lathts way ïc.'ii ■ him aupplied v.itli atylos, and oonseqtMstïv cutomera oauarays fiad someihiuFrehj KEW CIIEAP aad .DESIRABLE Why does 'at sell so much Cheaper tkan the rest? Bficause he has a buyer In tho city all the timo to tekE advaatage ol the cnntiuual ohnnge of the market. and in that way buys his goods macb onoaper than oihere eau, and thee he inarba tttem down to tlio Why does he seil Ladies and Childrens' Shoesso much cheaper than was ever he.ard ojby the oldest Shoemakers? Because he buys his stook in tnc lan of .ihoooiakers, of tbe manufacturera, fullv 2ö pdir cent cheaper than the New York Jobbers sellthoib, :nni much botter vrork ttuta they j-inr:tlly keep. XhiBjïOuxse enables hlm to sella bet ter Gaiter Tor 3'5 Cents. than othersaell at 60 canta, and a bet tor FOXEDGAITEE at öÜ cents, than others seÜ t 70 cuuts. Has he any Kats and Capa? Yes,I ahould think he hu ftacka of them, enougb to, Bupply tho State, at prleoa tower than was ever board ol rouodthefQ ï)arts. Why is his Tea so much better for the pnce pay than you gei at other places? Bccause tajees great care tn selocting itf and giveshis customers the benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It isa way he basgot Where shoulil you n to grt your CLOTHS ar.d hatie tkem Cut or Made? TothoBANJJER STORE, where the-People'a Banncr la unfurh'il fnr the Peple'sgnod Sinitli íiido oí' l'ubíic áutuirc. a fewdoors ofCook'É Hotol. A. P. MILLS. Juna 18, 1S61. -Oíitf PATENTED November lst,1859 fT (h At the distance ■A"W-BÏÏ?ls round ti Ncck. ír'' B to B tho Yoke. I 'Á f --- jJÜfr C t' C the Sleeve. I '„BT i "IJ D lo Di 4tatneo Y , JÍ arounJ Uiu Body (AM - _ - ,3 theAnn-pits. JjB t ■ Ï.Ö.4 EtoE,tho fll lengíh of the BAXLOIT'S Patcntcd Tmprovéd French Yoke SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. lst, 1859 A New Style of S irt, warranted to Fit l'.y si'ii'lhij; the abpve mea ojrea per maU wc cangnar ante ■ perfeci fltöfour n-'W slyléof íhirt, and retuin iN},r.-;s to ;iny part of the United States, ;it $12, S15,$1S, $24, &c.} &c, per docvn. fío bráér fbrwai led For tesa thaa naif-a-dozen Shirts. Also.Importors And Deafort in HEN'SFURNISHING ÜOODQ. 0"=. Wholesale trade sapplied on the usual terms. BALLOU BKOTHERS, SOOtf 409 Broadway, New York. LOOMIS & TRÏPP, Succe.ssors to Chapín & Loomis,nm]Cbapin, Tripp & Loomis ._ ,n- - - JliHE above firm of Loomts & Trtpp haring parohase 1 Hif i'utirc' interêat of the formex oompanlea wít contiun the business :it the old stands, irhere they wiU be ready, on thehorüst uotice, to fill all orders in thf line o1 Castings and Machinery, !n tht' inost workmjinlik; manner, and on a libera fcerms m any other shop n tho State. AmoBgths vari oua articlesmaaofactured by us, we would enumérate STEAMÊNGINES ni' ill Idnds; Mili Géarftag :tnd Fixturos, wrouhtand cast; all the various oastings lor maUing a ml repairuig Ilorse Powers & Thrcshing Machines Ruch rh are at present, or hftTe fonnerly been In use p tbis p..rt of tbeSt%t9, as well ae .-ill the various kinds of and macbinO wmk caUedforby farmers l&nñ mechanica ínthis sectlon of the coantry. o f al i ilic v&fions patterns, ao in BÍzesand jiricos. wiii io keptooastantly on híind, got the most modern and iniproved styles. 'riinnkful for furmer patronage to tho old firms,vo wou Id sniioit contlnnancefrom old fríendSfed trial by all vtshlng forauy thitig u our Une it business. LOOMIS & TRIPP, Ann Arbor,May 18th, 1859. tiüTti' New Remedies roa SPER 1 A T ORRIKEA HOWAKD MeQC!AT10N PHTLADELPHIA. A Be nr.rofr'.t TtWtttutíon cMabUshfd by special en da u-w cu f for the relief of the Stelt and Di strest red njjïiriul iri'h Ytruhmt i'rt Chronir. Diseases, and e special lij for the Cure of Dmenstu of the Sexual Organs, HEDÏCAC APVICK given gratis, by the Acting Sttrgeoo , VALUARLE RKPORTS on Spormatorrbtya. and otlier of .the Si-u:il i trgans, n i en SV.W R J-1MEDIE9 employed iti the DIspeBsary, sent ín sealed letter envelopesi 6e of charge., Two or thrac ataippa foi postage acceptable. Addresa, Dr. J. SKll.l.IN IKHICFIyos. Howard Asaoclátlón, No 2 ö. Ninth St., Phila.. delphia, Pa, lyuöGeneral Land Agency PERSONS wflntlngfnrms,orre8idenceMnornei AnnArbor,cnn by callingonroo elcctfroma Jiat u 1 u v ü r Uil) Karin s For Sale! Ofvarlouf lzo trom 3, tb 1301' acref-nch ( somo ui guod nsanv'nlhis Cuiinly,) Murcthuu ,ï( Dwellug H011S6S n'.bU'Mty.fromtwn ïundred to fourthousan tdolari oach ; and over 2 O O B. (J I Ij D I N G I, O T S ! Amonpthafnrms nrp the lilshcpsiarm , IMOuorcs, r Potter farm, tnGroötfOakthePlfcfcefarm, a.i j iá lacros, the ülundon and Jenka farms, in Wehstcr; th ritiiltSa, Mlchael, Bfawton Beogaji, and !■"! IhIi.x l'nriii. in Aun rbor; J.Kii:itlry'4 farm, l(ii'HtSiil-the Hatch and Hlck l'arin lu l.niii. Ll.o l'atlirkCInyufnnn In l'rnedom; V. S. DavUoii, B. 3. Hnki-r nnd Buck'a Inrma InSylvan. Mostnt thnsr nnd many otbers enn bo illvidadto hui! purchriscrs i E. MOIGAN. AnuA.-buj, Jhb Igt . 18S6 63 GREAT. GREATER GREA1 EST BAttCiAINS EVEIÍ 01'TJiiïL.U 1859 ■ W Iu tliisCity, ire uow being o fío red ut tli3 CHEAP,CLOCK,WATCII, & Joweliy S&tox-oTTIIÍ Ptibscrïhor wmildfüty to theoIHzflnsol At n Ar bor.iii pHrticulur, and tl; rest al Wmhti Countj Id uin:r;il, thfli hnhadjuBt LMPORTüD 0ÍRECTLY trom UUR O ÍK, a Tremendous Stock of Watcho! Ah of whicli ha biruls hirnwir to col) CHfiAPEB tl an eau bfl bought weal ;l Now Vork City. Opon Face Cylinder Watchcs trom 8ü to HO cío do Lover d i ilo 8 to : 1 Iluniiiig Caae Ho do do 14 to : 5 do do CylinJcr do do 9 to ■- Gold Wat'ehfia from 20 to l.'O I l.avu also the CELÉBRATE!) AMERJCAN WAT CHES, wbtefa I wlll sen t rr $33. BreryVyatch wurranted Jo perfbrm wel!f ortlu? inotiöy rotundod. doek, Joweiry, Tiatod Wnr. Fnncy Goodg, GoM Pens, Musical Instruments and Strings, Cutlery, &c, and in 1'ftet n varutf.y pf everytoiog uounlly kr-pt jy Jcwclíira can bo uêxt nincty daya at yonr O W N PBIOES! Persons buying aiiything nt this woll known estahi lieiime nt cao relyupongettlng good exact ■ aa representpd, refunded. Calleitrly Hnd securp thfl best bargain8 evor otlcred in thi City. Ono word in regard to Rcpairing : Wc are preparnd to multo nny repairs onfino or common WatcheB, even to raakinffoer the en tire wato' i f nocessnry. RdpaJliog of Uncks aiul Jeweiry ;g Alto tb man ufact urina oí RINGS, BROOCHF or Atiythin;; dnsirnd, trom dilit'-nrin (iohl onshortnetii1. BngnTJpq in allits branches xeented whhneft , nesa and. dispateh. J C. WATT? Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7LJw ÍIORACE WATERS, A G E iï T 3 33 Broadway, ar e iv Y o r k lulllshcr of?-Iu:H: niKl Muslc HooKs AND DKALHR IN Pianos, Melodcons, Alexandre Organs ürgan Accordeons, Martin 'e celebrated andother Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Vïolincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Plntèfr, Fifee, Triangles, Clari mete, Timing Forks,Pipes andHammera, ViollnBows, bestltalian Strings, Baas Instruments for Bands, Piano Stpols, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instrumente. 53 lx o o t: 3VT -lx O o, From all the pubhshers in the l". i., Bertinl'8 Iltmiin's, nii'1 Modern School , and all kinds of Inatrnctíon Books for the above Instruments; Chuvch Husio Books: Ifusic olegantly bound; lloslo papw, and all kiuds oí Mibic Merchanilisi'. A t t hcLo'vvest Prices. New Planos, At $175, $200, S21Ï5, $250, and up to $R00. Secoud Hand Plam b firom 125 up to $160; Nw Melodoons, $45, . ., $100, nnil up lo (200; BecoBd Hand ttetodeoaa ii.i.i (80tO$80; IexandreOrgans. with i DÍnstopfl, 19fi inri 22ö; thirteen stops, $200, $270 an I $300; Öfteen stops, (SdOand $375; A Uberal diaooimt men, Churchae, Sabbatb Schools Seminaries and 'IVaclitM-s. The Trade uppiied at the usual trade discoanta Tcstïiuoulals of tlie Hornee "Waters Planos and UI e lade ons. John Hewett, of Oartbage, New York, who has had ono ot' tiff HojfaeoWateïs Piajaos, viitesae.foUowtf: - "A frlènd of ïntue wishes me to parchase a plano for lior. sin' Ukea the one you sold me in DecemK-r, 1856. Ifj piano is becomtng popular In thïs plaoe, and I Uünk I ean Introduce onc or two more; thcy will be more popa lar tlinn any other inako." "We have twp of Waters' Pianos n use in ouriremin;tvy, of whieh DAS bcon scvcrely tested fr tlirce vr'n-:. Bffld we ean tentify to their good (jualitj and durability.1'- Wood 6 Grtgöry, Monnt Carrol!, Til. "H, Wat-, r. Eaq - Iikak Sik: Having uáed oneof your Plaño Portea foi two year past. I have fonud il a very super ior Ir. strn ment. A LONZO ( k. v, Principal Fironklyn fítijfkts Semmary. "The Piano I roceived from yoo continúes to givè satlafactton. 1 regard it as onc of the best instrumenta' Entile place." Tavbs T„ Clarkk, Charleston, Va. "The filolodeon has safely arrived. I feel oblijreii to you l'.-rv Uberal discount." Rev. J. M. McCoion'k. YarquesüilleS, C"The ])iano was tluly received. Itcamo in excllnt condition, and is very mueh admlred bymj numirouf familv Accepi mv tïmiiUs for your protnptneflsV- ROBSKt GOOPKB, Wárnnham, Brtufyoed Co. Pa. "Your piano ploftses Qi well. II Ifl the be#l n(i in our county."- Thomas A. LATHAH, Cq.mpbellton, dn. ■ 'W ;iir rery mucli oblïgeÖ tr you for havïng sent sHch a fine instrument for $250." - Braxk,IIeld Í: Co.. Ilijfato Democrat. "The Horace Waters Píanos are known asamon? the verv best We are cnablcd to speak of these inalruments with conAdence, from personal knowledfre of thefv excellent tone and durable qualïty," - N. Y, Eva "We can speak of the mérito f the Boraee Watert planos from personal knowledge, áeboing the r ery flnwi "■- Ohrigtian fnwti'encer. uThe Homce Wat" ra pianos are ouilt of the besi and mosf thoroughly soasonea material. We harto no doubt that boyera con do wclLperhapa better, at thlathan at any otherhouse in the Union." - Advocate and Journal. Waters' pianos and melodeons challenge comparíson with thf fines! made any where in the country. "-Hom ■ Jo ar ti a l ■■II. Tace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fuï and . . mul poworful - JV. Y. Musical Rerew. iiOur friends wül find at Kr. Waters store the very i-i .i a sortmeni of Music and of Planos to be Pound in ted Staten, and we urge onr sonibern and western i.i give hhn a cali whenever thcy go to New York.11 - Gra kani's Maffathte. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], ÏOO.OOO issccil In ten Months. The üopreoedfehted f tiiisbook has tnduoedthe pnbUfthertoaddsoiiu 30 dow tnoBandhyiiiM4olt8 present siz', will.iiu' vvn charge, exceyt on tlio ri.r : liiur AinoMg themany benutiful tunvs and hymi; ma !■■■ foemd: - "I onghi to lffve my niotiiorï" ;i(M'll 1. 'n rood ohild, ladead 1 wíll." Thtseaml ■■iíílit others trom the Bell, were irang at tbe Sunday School Anmveiv lary oi the II. B. ChuroÉ al HM Academy "f Umie, with irreal anplajwe Th Bell jBOntainsnearly 200 tane and hrmns,And is nc of the bel ooUecttona wwriiBued, Prioe 18o: 10 per hnndred, postan 4c Elegantlï bound, ! gilt 25c, $2(i [■■!■ 100 lthasbeen ntroduced oy oi tle Public SchooU. Tho ê is publiilhed in small numbei-i cnlitled Annivt'isaiy and Sunday School Music Books, Nos. 1,2, 3, & !. n order. t aeoommodate the million; piice $2 & Sii i)er hundred No. 5 will aoonbe toeued- commeDcement of anotW book. Also, lïeviviü Music Booka, No; 1 & , pilco Í1 & $2 per 100, postage le. Moro tlur.i HOO.000 copies of the above books havo been issuetl the past etghteen months, and the deinaiul tsrapldly lncreastiig Published bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Biradway, N. Y. muslo, Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, Tf ew York. Vocal, '-Kui'! Wordacan never dio;" ''The Angels tokl me boj" "v:ms r iho Wfst-,:' "xhoucbta of,,God;" 1'6ito me bach nay Uountaln Èome;" "l';iy Drennis;" "Dandy Cock Bohla;'1 'M'm with thee bUII Pet □ '■il.i'i's nu darilng like mine:" uSátao jai lAej"lErer (if thet-:" lIm lc:iving thee in Sorrowj" "Ilirdof Beauty;" "Home of our hirth;" ''(it-ave of Rosabel,' and . ■, , wakLr.' prico 2öc oach. bigiRUHKNTAt, - ' Talace Garden, or Pinging Bird Polka.' 40c; "Swinging gehottisebe;" "Mirabel Schottiso!i;' ■Thom&a BaJier'B Schottlsohe;" "Piccolomini Polka. 86 centfl eacbu The aoovepleeeshavebeautiful Vigneltee "Welmer Polka;" "Arablan Wai i-ry Marcli," the very last "Vauaovianna Doniella Maxorka; uRealï iiK Polka;" "Crinoline Wnltz," and KUnoera' Qna drllle " 26c eaoh. "The Empire of Ilcich's Quailrille;" a now Janee, and "The Hibarnian Quadrijlo," 8eeach. M;iny of these pieoea are played by Baket'fl oeV. orcUi'st ra itli great ajplrusp.a" Mailcd freo. A large lot of Foreign Music at hall' pricc. Planos, Mclodeons ;ui Orgaus. TIn' Huraco M'ators Pi:inns anil Molodeons, for dopth, purity of tone aad 'ïmability, are aoaTarpaased. Prices very low jeconq Hand Pianoa and Uelodeona from $-5 to S160. BfUBffl and iluical [üAtrncttona of all kinds, at the lowest prices. HORACK WATKI'.S, Agt-ht, No. asa Broadw&y.N. Y. Tksttimoniat?'; - "Tlio Moract! Waters l'iamis aio Unoun ai.among thevety best' -Frimgaisi. ';w,:iii speak of thelr merita from personal knoulei]ge."_Cftriliin Intetiigaicer. "Nothingnt the Fair ■lisplaycdgreatercxocllonoc -"- Ckurchman. Waters' Plano and Meloácons ohaUangecomparlson with the ntteat anvwlicrein the country. '■ - Umne .lnnrnal. Tlttt Irving's "Works - IÑTational Edition rilIS Fine Edition of the Works of Wasiiixí'TOx Ib iu (lncluding the Ufe oí WashingUu --il!bcpubIshed Ibi SUBSCRIBBRS ONLY In Montlily Volumos, Prioe $1.50 Puy-ible on Dclivery. Prlqted on hsavy tuneidne paper, of ths , quality, and substantially liiiuud in hcavj bevelled board. ( OEuch Volume illuatrated with Vignettet on Steel and VVood. Jj Ei)lckrboekr'8 New York, Sketoh Book, Cloth. , Columbua, 8 TOh. Braoabridge Hall, A itoi :i , Taleaof a Traveler, , li ■ ■-■'.; 1 1 1 y , Cap"t. BonnOTiHe, OIïn t-r Goldamitn, Mahoniet a vola. Qrenádn i Alhambra, Wolfort Roost, 1 , of ':iliin:;tün, 5 vola. Salmaffundi . This edition will be aold kicitsivkly to Subscnbers ar.i , iil be greatly superior to any over before lasttí I ,- Avriy handsomeael of thróo unlvewMly popular work. isthn l'laced within tho in-nns olall. e I'. ITTNAM. A(rt.,Publihcr. } 15 Naseau Street, Neir York AYER'S iSarsaparilla FOE PUMFYING TEE BLOOD. Aiül for tlie sp eüjr cure of the ful lo w Ing comptafata : Scrofnla a lid Sorofuïoïis AftVc I ons, sucia BS Tumors, (l.i is, .sores, Kiuplioiis, iMir pl( s, t uit-, BloUUes, Üoils, lila : il s, autl uil Sklu JLis4-ascN. Ü.uci.vM), Intl., tiih June, 1859. J. 0. Ayer & Co. Cents: I foei it my dufy to acknowledga v.ii:i y mr gai [Hiiilln bud dono ívr ),w. InlierAU' i a ; from it in vnri . out in Uleers o ).:. Itamld ml hiuis; a uUiutM It turn i iiiwaiO and , nt lbo stonmcíi. Two S ■ II -i I. i ■!! ii houd ii ml cbvered uiv ettolp and wis vyitli i do soro, whlcli was miiiful inl luutltfoitte Iwyoml description. i ii.-i mutij medicines aud lus, bul without uuich relief from any thing. In net, the Otoorder grew worsu. At lengfth I wa rejnfced tu read in llie 0 , ! ::, iiger thut you had prci au 'I ra Riterat ivo (Samup rllla), I t l kiicw Iroin your rejiutatiin th;it aiiy thiiip jou inudu inwl ,;. ,,'■(. ] sein to Clnclntiatlaiit] .. ■ i it tin ir curad me. 1 tooit i!, lis y il uüvise, in BUiall d a t ;i: i .■!.;..! OVoi a nmnih. ii lid ■ i itlulofit tlireü boUfeS. New And luwifhy skin boom '■', -ii i" form imdoic Hip bcuI, which nfUTii whilo ; .: in la liow t)w, htod i know by my iwlinys that tfae.disease bas gone froai my sysUtm. Vcq finí weli believe tbul I ] wlial i nm . -'i, ■ when I teil you, that 1 Uold yon Lo I; uno of thü apöbtlcs of the age. and remata ever grau-l'ully. Tours, ALFUKD I!. TALU;V. St. Anthony' Flrc. lío se or Krysipdas, 'JVtlci and Snit Uhuuu, Bcald Heat!, Rlngworfflj Soie ISy, Dropsy. Dr. !:i-i"ii v. PieWe writés from Balein, N Y., I2th Sept., 1859, thot lio Ims cu i ■■- 1 ao Invetérate case of ; Vropxty uliih Uireatenea to termínate lulally. hy tho jtírscverinjí im of uur Om s;iji;irilia, and lllíO a lUmgeruui ; Malign.' ii larg áoéet of the wioio; snya he curen lint cotntnou Erupiiotu by t ooiutfantiy. lïioiicho clo, Ooltr or Sucllcd NecU. Zilnilon Sloan '■!' lropoct, Toxas, wrltea : ' Tliree hottles of your Sarsapavilla cured ic ñora a GSniM-- hWi eoua BWfllIing on tlio ueck, wliich i hád Buffered frora over two years." Iieucorrlira orWll H Ovnrlnu Tumor, Utcrlne ( Kcrution, Feinuic Oiiicnxes. Dr. .7. Tï. S. Clianniug, of Nw Vork City, wrilos ; I most cliccrfüüy cóhiily nïtli the roquest of yónr Rgeni la Bft) ï;i", I iii e t' .ri your SarsaparjUft a most i-xceHent ! alt(?r;itive ín tho imnioróiifl complalnta fur whlch wo emplo; Buoli a remedjy, btft eAjieoJaily in Ffytiale Diseases ■ uf tli" Supofulous (liiiili'-i-i. 1 bdTe enfed niany friTeteraíí cases of Lencbn hoen by It, and Eioino where Uw cop plalnt was caused by ttco-aiïm f tho uterus, 'ihc ' lij wassoon nn.-d, NoíIiíiilí williin my knowlBd inalB it for (liéae Feroale derangemento." Ëdward S. M.a,rrow, of Newbnry, Aln., wi itrs, li a danpeions ovarian tumor on nne of tho rematen in my funily, wltii'li liad defled til l th remedies wo conid mtploy, bas at length been conipl tely cured by your Bxtracl ofSarBaparllla. Onr physloláii khonglit notlilng bul extirpeti.ui c mlii ai; -i relief, bul be adi - tin Irial ■( your Barntparillft as iho last mort Defofe cuttïng, and it provud offecttia). A fier laklngyoov remeüy eight weeks do symptom of tlie dlseiu e i emains Syphills and Mercurial IiHcase. Ni.'.v Orusans, 26tli August, 1S59. Pr. J. C. Aykií : Sir, 1 Gbeerfnliy comply wltli tho roÏaest ofyouragent, and report to you öouio of tbe eflcvtt have rewfxed wHh yowr Banvparllla. I liave onred with it, in my practlce, most of tlie complainifl for whlch it la recommi nded, and have fonviá its effocts truly womlut ■ful in tlie cure of Vaiereaíand M-rourfal DFtëaiei One ofmy patients li:il SypliTHHo nlcers in lm tb roa t, which consanlng bis palato and the top of his montli. Voor SarsaparUla; fendily taken, cured blut In five weeks. AnotUer was attacked by secondary Bymptoins in Iih mw. nul uirct;ttinii inul eaten away a considoruble imrt of it. go tbat L beliuve Iho :■!.]■ nould (toon reacli bis brain and kil! btm. But it yiolded to my admluistgoüon of yoiy Sanauu:il]a; lïte ulcera bealed, ánd be is u-il again, uoí oí eoüreé without Bonu dlaBgumtíon to lila face. A wonuui wlio bad beoo treatfl 1 Cqï tb i stiui ■ ih.-i,u-r by toercu wtm Milieiing from tliis polson in her bouw. 'l'hcy bad become so seusitivjj to thü weatlier tli:ii on a damp áy she BuQered excruciatloK pain in lur Joints and bonas. .ho, too, was carod énurely by.your SarsaiiarjJia in i l:w weeks. T knyw from ii formula, wlilcli your agent gave me, tlmt aratlon from your laboratory must be a gri at remedy; conseqnutty, theso tiuly reinuikuMc rosults with it hüvc no t sm-pi ibcd me. VraternBJIy yoors, O. V. L ART5UBR, M. D. lïlicuinaiism. Gout I-lvor Compla int. iNDBNKDBNOBj l'icston Co., Va.. 6th Julj, 1859. Dk. J. C. Ayi:k: Slr, 1 have been afflicied with a palaful chronlo Wieumatism for a long time, which bttffled tbe skill of pbyslcittns, and link to ino in epite of all the ranedtee I could lind, uutil I trled your. Sareaparilta. One bottKï curt'tl me in two melu, and reetored my general healtli bo intich that L um far bettor Iban W ture I was attucked. I thinl; It a wouderftil medicine. J. FKüAM. Jules Y. Gtotcbeil, of St. Lonts; wrltwt M I liave been afflictod for yearwith an ttffectionof (ie Livor, which dwtroyed my healtb. 1 trled OTOTy tbiug, and every thing fiüied to relieve me; and I bare been a liok-n-lown nuin for souio years from no other cause tban derangemeni f the Lieer. Mybeloved pastor, tbe Her. Mr. Bnpy, aAvfced me to try yonr Saraapanila, becaum lie saíd he kcw you, mul iny thiiiE you made wawortli tryiog. l!y the bïessüig of Oyd it Ims cured me, and has t-'o purlflejd my !]rici as to make u oew inau of me. I teel young agatn. The best that can be suid of you la not half good enoagh.1 ScIkirrus.Caiicer Tumors, Knlargcment. Ulcerntion, Curies untl K-vlolia tion of the lioiiis. . A great vari.(y of rases Iuivp been reportoil to us ïvltere cures of thi'se formidable complainía have reeulted from the use of thi-s remedy, but onr pace hcie wil) nol admit tli-.-m. 8omc of them muy he round Ín uur American Almanac, whlch Uil agenta below.oamed aropleasod to furnish gratis to ;ill who col) for them. Dyspcpsia, Henrt Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Mt luiat -ïioly , IVetiinlgia Mativ remarkable curea of these afiectioni havo been made by tlie alterativo power of this medfa Ine. It Btlmulates thu vital fuuclions lato vlgorous actiin, aiul thnfl overcoinea disoixlera wliich would be supposed beyond iis reach. Suoh a remedy has long been n qulred by the neeesflltles af the people, and we are coulident that thb will do for tluin all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOK THJB RAPID CURE OP Couglia, olds, inlltKiiïft, Hoarseness, C'rou, HiOllcliitis, incipu n! C'mititimiit ion, anti for tliv. K 4.-1 lef of C t ii s u in tt live Pa lie u ta i i a tl va ik' c d Sla ges Of tile Disoasv. This Ï3 a remedy ao uulveraally known to Fiirpass any other for the cure of tBroat and linijr complainfa. that it i.- unlesa htre to publiéb the evidenceof its vlrtuAe. lts umivalleil excellence for coughs and tol ds. and Ita truly Wonderfni cörés of puimonary disease, have made it known througliout the civilizeil imtions of the oaith. Few are tho eominuiiitioH, or even families, amocg thfm who havo not eonio ptraonnl expericuce of Itáeflectfi - Bomfl living trophy in their midst of its vlctory otct the Bubtle and dauerous disordetv of the imd luners. As all know the tireiult'ul fBtality of these disorder) and a they know, too, the effect o this temedy, we med not do more tlian tot'assifre tbcni that it lias dow all the virtues that it did have when making the cnres which have won 80 stronply upon tho confldence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Masi. Maynard, St.ebbms St Wilson, FARRAKD, 8HELBY & 00., DéUuit. J H. liUUKIU,, Travelling Agent. A. J. SUTHERLAND HASromovodhisGunShoptotheNew Block-nHutun street. southoltln OourI llciuse.ontnesecond llüjrf wht-rt lic is prepared to fo rnish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Ftasks, Ponches Game Bags, and Evcrj othcr artifle in bis Line. On the most reftS(;nable It-rm6,tind to do all kil;ds o REPAIB.IWG the ahortest notie e, and In the bost innnnei "■JUT EJ'j W7 Km! - hü aaaorttnent always kopt on hand, oud made to orde t ■ ' ';' Oity Gheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris, Grand liïocr Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass,Paivt and Putty, cêc, èg. , D. DeForest, HAV1NG Incrcaaeii his fncilitic for dolig buslsin! (inlariïCd his Yard and Stock,is prepaied the present season, with tte be8..1argesl and cheacest scitsoned stock everin thia inarktt to BatUty the reagonahlp expnetations oi' all. Oui motto Is notto bc undergold for cash on delivery I will not. undertake tof riglitenthe public bysuying thnt thcywill getshaved it they buy claewherc, foi we presume thut othcro willeellailow asthey c&n aftbrd to. All kinds of Timlïer, Joists, and Scantling, I'ine, Whitcwood, Basswood , Hein lo-!(. Planed and Matched Pine, White-ood Ah Klooi ing. Planed'indroush Pincnnd Whitewood idlnR,Feic Posta, OokundCddar PoBtsandl'icket i „1! ktndt. #hu fat!), anïi ÜJljiteujooi) t.A Ptne, Ashani Whitewood Shingle( Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, Black Wn.uUt.andChnrry and thin stufl', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxand Body !,uinber,Mijple Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Ot'tilhhicknessee.widths andlengths.&c 4c, Piaster P.iiïs, and Piaster ofallkind. 3NTLils of all sizne, &c, &c. . SASTl DOORS, (& BL1NBS, made by hnnd to order ae low m fdciory pricea, on Lho sliortcstnotice bythe bcetof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bills ofnll descriptlon in the above building line furnishedontheih;rlestof noticcfur We have Mills Cutiing Regularly. A iul' a,iila perfect assortment of tho above anc othcr kinds of Building Materials Constanlly onliandatthc lowestpossibleratef Oall and be Convinced. A few rods south from R. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING, jj.B. I am now operating Extensivelj I la the Patent Cement Roofing. ' Estáte of Marvin Cadwell. STATK OF NflUHIGAV Oounty of Washtenáw, s.- , af llu' 1'n.hüir C,tii( for tli ("ounty of M the LVobalü Office, In the ("Ity.oi AuuArir:-. :i iii. ■ , the eiglith-4ay of November, fn i ;i ni am sixty-one of Probate. In ilta Matter cit t!ií' Bátate Of Marvin Gudwell] Inte oí saü CüDtti i ;i.! flliog Ihc peUtioD duly verificd úi idwoU, widoif of iiíl detosaed, in.iyinx among othjj tl inga thal her tlower ín ccit&m laoü .f irliien , i Bcribed [q ■ :ii1 petltlóny u til "o In r,:iccorüliig to th ■ made and provSrtoil Am) in róadtng Uio pcUtion duly renfiad "f Jason iï. cVlwell, ;it !;iwf of the si! flecfftWi, prajinff th.i! i] [■ ■:■■;!■ i'i iuch Uuiis. afiiT saíd doiror sháu q ■ Im-Msnred, may bo partitïonod amontM hcifs&UlawoJ I id, aod furtjier Umtconv rstoay be appoinled U m&ke such admeasuraiponit" Ordered, Tlmi Uondnythe ninth day . i t.i' f , ut ! i; '■ ■' i ii the f Orvhöou ,■ bfc is1-1 egaed for tiiv hc ring o) . 'tiUoDfl and thut the' '.1 Othér persons neatatearcr quiredtcappearata Rpnloif ■!M-n tobvhoraenaf the rrobata'Onièe, itf Cltj ".' Inu -: boi in safd Coonty, hw sbow cauxes ■- prnyei ofthe petitïónbr sli'mM not be granted: AtW it ia further Ürdt-red, t'mt said' i'.-iii . ju ra to thé pereona atérested ia s;ii! e$tttte, 'i t1 0 ot ift' putiliun.- and the hearing tho ■■■■'. '■■' eatutíúg a böp ƒ o? tlii.-t order tobe lisht-1 in the ï&ièhigan ArgxJ. a neiMpaper ir}nW flfld círculatíng Id said Coonty of Waahtenaw, thre" suQCiaHtre weeks previouR to caSd day of hfi:itin. (Atruecopy.) THOMAS ÏINDB, Jddfeé óf PrWtte.- Mortgagë Sale. DEFAVLT ha ving boeu made m the conditïon of a1 klortgas ■ ceout s i. . i ■■ aa !■ Hall and wirt to WillU-i i :: .ij :'■ r '-' rtrudf Fleteber v, A. 1'. l5ii, an) recordé ;:■■ of the Register "f Desdi oí WanJitenaif (mhuiv. id Líber Nú. 19 of Moctgages, on patf Cí and70, on Ibe ftrs) daj of Mrch, A.D. 1853, ai t- o'clock ['. M. . iri.l ón tho twentyaixth day ol August, A, D. 18üi , asolgned to James Kingdley, Ad ni i nipt ra tor, wiih tho wilt annexed, ol Öe catate of theeaidöertrade Kletch-by written asölgnmeptj teeorded acrosr thefaueoi tfce ré rdoJ Mid oaorttêge. Augoat S7th, A D. 1861, at (eno'elook A.Jf.,by whichdetault the power o sale contained " fcaid Hortgage bpcsme operaliw? . . uit or procee i b en natituted ai law to recovpr theaebtfsecttred by saïd Morigagfl f'1 any part thereoi j amHbcaum oXfouttenhundiied uu! eerenty(ivc dollar boinp; nnw claimcd to bo due tlieron. and farther In tallnwnts to beoome doe tliereoni Noties ix therofore hereby giren that sald Hortgage wl1lbrorv I a sale of the Mortgagë premisetto-wlt; Alï thal certaÏD tracl Ór j;ircitp of íánd known and describeí as followèj to-wit - coimmnciMfr on the west line of Malo Street, twenty two feet south of the north-eas cnrner of lot number leren, Bloek No. two porth ol Huron Street, Range thre,in the Csty of Ann Arbor an ' running west parallel with the north line of ftaid lot, and twenty-twd feet iherefrom, to tho.west end of amia lot. thnea aoutli twenty-two foei, the nee rast parallel willi Qrai line, and twenty two feet the"fron,to Main stivt-t thence north twnty-two toet tothephwwof be(dnnfng or aome part thereof at public vemlue at the Couri Hotise n Ann Arhor in saidCountvou llieseventt „ayof .„,,,,„,,■ „,st, n.on. JAMBlnH(BBBiC Ailmitiistratur witli Will annexeü.nf (i-rtruilcFletchef Y '.V. Hobcum, Attornty. Pated, Aon irbor, Aug 28th, A. I). 1861. Chanccry Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the ('bciit Coi-rt for m Covoty Oï Wasbtbhav, Elisa A Per&lú vu. Sebrah Per l.inf- In chancery; In purmmnce a decretal of thp Circuit Onrt "f th Cuimt. of WaahtenMr, in Chanwrjr. made in tb abor caum-on the second dny of December, A. D. elgbteen hundred una littv nin(-, and a order of thtoCoart mRde on the sixth daylof February, A. I) eighteen hndred ;i"'l sitty-one, wiU be 80M, umlvr the direction f the Circuit Conrt Commis kerforöiG6dnty of WashUiri'.v il public aiuctton, at the south ur iruut ilnor of the I ■ n House, in the ctty of Ann Arbor, on Snturday Uiesixtb rtav of 'Jtaly,eighUenliiindredand8Utjr-one.)at f.vcl ■■ u'r'.i (';, nniti. of said day,ail thnse certain tracts m pr !.- of laodltag od being in the tonhhip of Salem in (Vuntv of Washtenaw aforesaitl, and deacribed in nM decree as Mlows.viz: The iv-.t lialf ol the rauth Hustqaarter of soctioD Bftaen, ánd the -t half 1' tïe norlii-east ijiiarter ol section twi-iily-two, 10 tnvnshij ope Bouth, Of range seven cast, or o much thoreol as may be oei aty to Batltiiy thr amonnt due uDon Bald decree.toEtUier with iaterest and costs. 0 3 IWITCHEIX, I ,urt Com.forthc; County "f Waslitenkw 0. HAWKINSiSolicitor fi r ComplainBDI umi Asaignee Ann Arbor May 20,1861. Theabove Balo ié adjooraed unti] the 15th day of Nvembfi neXt, al !l;s:itne huur and place, üated, July 6th, 1861 D. S. TW1TCHEEL, ' Circuit Court Com. Washtenaw Co., Mich wjTVTK OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for the O Couoty of Wahtenar, in (Jnancery- Ira Tarker, Complouwnt,TS.B nryB i laugh, Maria C. Baatlapgh, Charles Kitclien, and James F. Averv, Defendanta- ho Hon. Ktlwin Lavrence, Circuit Judge at Chambcr. U satiLfRC.torily appeaiine to this Court that the dcfendanta', Hnry B ñSlabgb,TSIarla C. Kaunlaugh and Charlea Kitohen, are n eáldents of this átate, bul are refident sof the I'rovince of Upper Canada: On mvtionof O. Bawkiiu, of Counsel for complainaut, it is ordered that thesaid defer.dants, Henry I!:iuslaugh, Maria C. Bauelaaghi ajad Charlea Kitchen, cause iheir appearance in this cause to bc entered within four months 'rom te date oí thfe nrdélÁ, and that in case of thejr appearance, tbej cause their answei to tbe oomplainant'a bill to be filed, and a copy tnereof to be served on the complaioant's soUdor. within twenty ilays after service of a copy of said bill and notice of this order; and iu default tiieroni . that the said bill bo t;il;eri :is confessea by thi sald deféndaata Henry Baus"..riaC. Baiulaugh, and Charles Kitchen. Ana it ia further ordered. ihat vrtthin twenty days thesaid complainant cause a notice of tlia order to be publislied in the Michigan Argu, a newspaper printed at the Uty of Vnn Arbor, and that the aaid publication be uedin s:iiil paper, af least once in each week for six succeselve wieks, or tliat he cause a copy of thia order to be personally aerred on the said deiendants, Henry Bftualaufrh, Maria U. Banalangh, and Charles Kitcben, r,t Ica-r twenty day before tbe time buve presenbed for their anpeanmee. Ann Arbor, October 14ih, 1861. K. LAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. Attest, .1. Rarky, Reirister. 0. HAWhiss, Solicil'ii Lu Cwniiiainant. Ann Arbor Marble Works. I_ 3Bettoli.olcl.ex rj AS on hand a fine assortment of American and 1TA L 1 A N MA li B L L irhlohheis preparedto manufacture into in alltheir Tarieti,nnrl i a WORKMANI.IKE manner had considerable eiperlence In the businest hé Battors hinueli that ho will be aW o please all rho may l'Avor me with their or"eri. Ilis pnce LÖW AS THE LOWEST. Ann Arhor. May 20. 1 SCK 80Jt D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVE JUST OPKNED A LAEGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING & SUMJÍER Pradc f 1Ö61 Having purchased their stock at much les than the usual prices.they are prepared to, offer GREAT INDUCEMËNTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers, Tliaiikful for post favors they -vrill be eren ready to show their Goods and by fair and, liberal dealÍHg hopo to receive their full ehajj. of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor April 18G1 Mo ney Wanted, Who willLeTidMoney IAM REQl'ESTKl) BY SEVKRAL l'KRSONS to obtain, money for tlu'in at Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.i Foranyonc UUd,l can a ("..;; uvest on good unencumbored abnndánt Rl'.AI. rTAlE security anynums of nionöy and aeotUat thetitle and secunty art' AM, {1i:iit. Tho borroncr paying all expendes, iiichulirg re. Anü"A.bor, Gct. 7.1859. 715tf JJi ff.MOEGAN, Agent ior. MutiKil I.ife Insurance Coinpjiny, New York. AeoumulatedAasstB, - - . ,350 ,000, the leádtag Ufe tnsuranee Coinimny in tbe I. S. Kniukc-iVjck.i-l.MV tnaurance Company , New York, - a lirst rlimí !"■.- torn reasonablc. HumboldiFlre Insurance Company, J."rjkBÍtal,frithalargnarplu, - - ïiooioo. Peoría Marine i: liic Inaurance Co., 1 eorta al. - hMi No. 1 Tire Insurance Co'8. lOTt r Cipital, - " OÜO,000; Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus