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Proclamation Of Gen. Price

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Beüa.ia, aov. ;;íj. Tlic foUowjng s Gen. l'rtce'í proclaaiutiou, isiucd at Noosho, bat bearing do J ít 1 1: i Fki.i.ow Citizrxs - Tn (lio mcmtli óf June last I w:ir t.-r 1 1 ■ el to tho eotnmand A a iiaiidfull of Missouriane who nobly j javo up lióme and comfort to espouse iu i I lint glmuiK' liour (he cause of yonr btaeding country, strogglrng with the most onoselef uud cruel tfespotism known nmong oirrtized raen, whèrl ...'.ice and proteetiou could no longer be onjoved but at ! (lie piieo of honor and Hbertjr', Your Chicf Magistrato c:il!ed for 50;Ó0Q meu to drive the ruthless tnvaddrs froni a soil made fruitfu] by your labors. and conso orntéd by your bornes. To tbat cn!l leas t han 5,000 responded, Out of a male population xceeding 200,000 men, one in forty itcpped fürward to defend witli tbeir persoms aid thi'ir lives tho cause of constitutioü! ibtrty and human rights. Some aHovauoes are to bë i:r. cïo on the score of the want of military organizatio.i, a sopposöd want of ■ ara, the neceÜBaty rerroat of ihe ariny southward, tlic blockade of the river, and the pres ence of an ormed nnd orgnnizcd fue. - lut nearly sis months has irow elapscd. Your ero'ps have heen tilled, your harvcsts have boen reaped, your prepsrations for winter havo been made. The army of .Missouri, organizód and equippecl, has tüogbt its wny to ihe river. "The foe ia Ktill in Ihe iield, the country llecds, and our peoplc groan ander the uflictions of' a fye markeJ wilh all the characteristics oí bivbárian warfarie; ftná whcro are tho 50,000 to avenge our wroiigsaud free our eour.try ? Had 60,000 uren flocked to our standard with their shot guns, nnd their armor, therc woul 1 not non be Federal hirelings i:i the State to pollute our soil. lastend of ruined conirauuitien, star ving families, and desolated districtP, we slumld have had :i people blcssjd with protectioa and with. stores to siipply tho wai.ts :md ueeossities and comforts of life. VVberö aro tbose 50,000 men ? Are Missourians 110 longer true to ttiemselvés ? Aio they a time servimg, craven race, rit only for subjeots to a despot ? A wake, my eouutrymen, to a sense of what constitutcs tho diguity and true greatness of a people. A few men have tbught your battles, a few meu have darcd tho daugers of the battle field, a ffew liave borne the hardshipa of the c.unp, of Koorehiug Bon of suiumer and frost of winter, and malaria of tha swamps, the privations incident to our circumstances, fatigue and hanger uiul thirst. of on without shoes, wilh insuffieient clothing, with the cold, wet earth for a bed, the skj Cor a coveriiig and u stone for a piHow, glad only to moet the en era j on the Held whcre somc yaid the noblest devotion known among men on earth to the cause of jÖUr country and your rigbls witü their lives. But wbere one has been lost in the field tb ree have beun lost by diseaso induccd by privation and toil. During all these trials wc have murmurcd not. Wc offered all we had on earth at the aliar of our common tíounti-y, our own beloved Missouri, and we only nuw ask our fellow-citizens, our brcthren, to come to us and help to wear whht we bavé gaincd, and to win our glorióos inheritanee from the hand of the spoiler and oppretóör. ('ome to us, brave sons of Missouri. Kally to our Standard. I must have 50,00ü men. 1 cali upon you in tho name of your country for 50,000 mon. Doyoustopat boine to take care of us and your propetty ? Millions of dollars havo been lost beeause you have strayed at homo for gratification ? More mon have been ïnur dercd at home than I have lost in fivo succcEsful battles. Do you stay at home to secure terms with tho eticiny ? Then l wiirn you tho day may SOOtl come when you may be surrer.dered to the mercics of the encmy, and your substance be giren up to the Ilessiau and Jayliawker? I caimot, I will not, attribute s-uch motives to you my countrymen. Bat where ars our SouthiA rights frieridi? - We must drive thciprcssor from our land. I must havo 50,000 men. Xow is the criKis of your fate, now tbe golden opportunity to save your State. Now is the day of' political salvation, tho time for enlistmcnt for our brave band is begicping to espiré". Do not hold tbeir patience bcyond er.durancc. Do not longer sicken their hoarts by liope deferred. They begin to infjuire. whcre are our friends ? Boys and small prop erty holdors have in the niain fought tlio battles for the protection of your property, and where, they ask, whero are the men for whom we are fighting '{ How shall I, liow can I, explain, citizens of Missouri? I cali upon you by cvery oonsideration of interest, by every tio that binds you to home and country, to dviay 110 longer ; let the de ad bury their dedd; leavo ysur property to take care of itself; coinmcnd your homes to the protection of God, and merit the approbation and love of childhood and womauhood by showing yourselves men, the sons of the brave and free who bequeatbed to us tho sacred trust of free institutious. Gome to the army of Missouri, nut for a week oí a luoutb, but to free your country. Strike till oa;h ntrnej Cao expires ; Striko for your altars nui your ïii'ts; Sti'iku for the graves of yuursires. God and your natlve lana. The burning ñres of patriotism raust inspire and lead you, or all is lost, and that too, just at tho moment when all miglit besaved. liumbers give streDg tb ; numbers iutimidate tho foe; burabers suve tbo neeeessity oftcn of fightmg battles; numbers malee our arms irresistible; numbers eommand univc'real respect and insurc confidencc. Wís must have 50,000 mon. Let the hordsman leavo hi.s fold, let the farmer leavo his iiulds ; let the mechanic leavc his shop; let tho lawycr leave h:s office, till wc restore the supremacy of the law. Let the aspirant! for office and place lenow that they will ■be weighed in tho balance of patriotism and muy be fouud wauting If there be any craven, crauehing spirits who have not the greatuetis t respoud to tlioir country 's cali for bxslp, let them stay at home and let only the brave and trG como out to join their. brothers on the ti.'iitcd iield. Come with your guns of any descripion that can bring down a foo If you have no arniscomo without them amf we will supply you asfar as pos-iblo. MRring cookíñg utensiiifairxl rationa for a f. w weeks. Jiring bkwkcts v. A ', , and extr . I lies it" yoa theui. Bcing no li'.irsci to ueinain ' the i ■ :vy for lbo ugo tfi&nsp irtati ín. Wu must liave ó 9,0 00 men, Givc ino these B)cu nnd by the h ilp of God 1 wil! drive tho lii I ttid.H. the thi.ivi; :;?;.■' ïnmauders, from the State. Bat t' MisI souruns i'aü vnv to riso i.i their strength ! and avail tlicmselve of tl. is proj 1 moment to striko for Ro ■ v and I, you caunot sny tlioj we liava n thfit we ouuLl do (o sitvo yon Vu i i wiil ha advised ia linra at, wh.if, pfttRI to : m ar.d active servico. Leuve your proporty at home. .What if' it be all takcu, wo bnye two hundred : iiiillioo do'lms wortb ot' northern i)c;ms in Miisour: vhicli oaonot Lo removed. - , NV hen w ars once free t!ie Stato will :V everj sitizen w!io may havo lost a dollar bv sdhciiou, to the o:mso of your ' : country. We eiiall have our proprtj or i ! its vu!u; witU interest. Bat iu tlio ' iiniiie 'j{' God and tho attributes of man! liood let m appeal to you by oonsidarai;m:is iufiiiitely Lighoi' tlir.ii rasnêy. Are vc i generatíon of driveling, miveÜDg, : dograded alavea, or are wc men who have ; a.ssurtüd :md maintniu tho rights whwh esmiot be surrendored, and dfénd thofto principies of eyerlasting reotitude j-uro and hii;li, aul saored liko Gud their autlwri J3e y our s the cöice to chouse betwoen the glorj of a freo country and a just tJovcruineiit ;wd the bondage of your ohildron. L wi'l never seo tiio chaiua fastened upon my couDtry. 1 ivill ask foí hÍx and a half fect of Missouri sail on which to repose, but will not live to sce niy people enslavod. Do I hear yonin!out.s ? Is that your war cry which eehoes through the iand ? Are you coming, 60,000 men? Missouri gháll move to vtotory with the trrad of a gianjj, - Come on, my brave boye, 50,000 heroic, gallast, uncoiüjucrable Soutturn men, we your coming. (8igí!íd) STEKLIXUPRTCE. Mnjor Goncnil Cmiiaiidiiig.


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Michigan Argus