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The Army Of The Potomac

The Army Of The Potomac image
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Tho grand review at Biiiley'a Cross Roads, near Munsdn'a Hill, on Wednesday last, was tho greatost massing of troops ever befpr'e .ttempted in this country. Tbere ware seyen divisions, under Qenerjtla McDowelI, McCall, Heintzelman, Smilb, Franklin, Blenker and Fitzjohii Portel', the strength of whicb, in regiroerits of nfantry, and cavnlryj and biittcries of artülery wqb is follows: Gincrls. Infantry. BattcrUs. Catalry. il ia ' a i Eleintzelmftn 7 2 1 Rmith ID 2 1 FrantüB ïi 8 I r H 2 1 !. l'.r 'T LI 3 2 KeBwU --11 1 Ti.tM T7 17 8 If the regimer.ts weré :i!l fi (loei to tho regolation máximum, thero must bttve been, inciuding ;ift. división, regalental nnd cnmpuny officers, a forcé of neíirly 90,000 on parado. And as eaoh man carrying u gun liad forty rounds of ammunitif. n, ovor 3.000,000 of cartridges woro ' in their boxea. - Evory lliing conneoted with the mare!) of an army. except the baggage wagons, was ongEged ín lbo review. Tbi8 ionniduble force is hut a fraotional párt ot the army of the Potoinac'. Thero aro largo numbers on 'the upper waters of tho river, as well as on tho lower Jfaryland sid, and on the eaètern ehorë of Virginia. Evcry regiment is under perfect disdpline, and the officers havo beeoselected with the titinost circumspection, and tbe size oï tho army raay bo inferred fróin tho calculalion of an eastern papor, that, if it was in line, moving with ca.vafry 6ve aisreaStj ;nd tnen in files of tour, with neceesary wagons, ambulances and anitnunition train, it would rerich not far from one hundred and liftv miles.


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Michigan Argus