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From Stockton's Regiment

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Hai.l's Uu.!,. Va., Nov. 28, 1861. Dkau Bkotiieu : - Nothing of importancc lias tornad up around hcrc sincü niy last. Tlio marcliing and eroluttODS of this división, Gen. Porkek's, at the grand review I wrotc you about is liiglily spoken of. It won the prize of a hursc whieh was offured ! for tiic bv'ít drilled división, which of couïso is a sign ui' Lts exoelling all ut!i;rs. I tbink it will do as well in bat t!::, and feéep up its name. Michigan lias tw'o regiráetitS iu this división, Stockton's aird tho Fourth. The weatber continuescold. On Sunday ovcning we bad quite a snow stonu and we have had a nuinbor of littlu flurrica sinc'e, which keeps us iu mind tli:it winter is here. On Tuesdflj morning a picket guard was sent out from this brigade. About four o'clock in the aftcruoon there was a rumor in camp that they had been dri ven back, and that tbc enemy was ailvancing. The regiment was ordered out, and in a few monenta was ready for a march. - We were drawn up oii dress parade, then marchod back to our tents and dismissed, Soou after ord-s cauie from head ijiuirters to send out. oue hundred and thirty men, with rations for twenty-four hours. They wero Bécf. Tho rest of the regiment were ordered to supp'y themselves with the same aniount of rations and to bold thcmselvca in rcadiness to mart-li at ! a moments notice. At noon of Wednesday, orders were issued to send twentyfonr hours rations to the men who ; went out the üight before. Tliis is tliu firat escitetnent of the kind we have liad for bokic time. night, at dress parade, an order was read, stating that as the 28th day of November wn tbc day aet apart by the (jrovernors of Michigan, New York, and Pei.nsylvania, aa Tlianksgivinj; day tbure wuuld be lo drill in this brigade. Therefore, to-day bas been a holidüy. - Now, Thantesgiving day was just as good here as in Michigan, but wbat about the dianer, the roast turkey, that was the queation. A I sat iu my tent Wednesd;iy evciiiüg, tho Grst few Unes of tbat old poem, eoiniiinneing thus, "Did you êrer gó uy 1 1 ñiackgiTÚíg? I .' ■ I 'i' tl :ll,'' pnabd tUongfa my mind. Thursday morning I made up my mind that if I coulil not get as good a dinner as my friends iu Michigan were getting, I would sce how near I could come to it. Orderly Oook, Welch, Corporal Gilland, Forn, and myself, all Washteuaw boys, sullied forth to sec wlmt we could do in the line of u Thankstrivini; dinner. The lirst house we eutered could do nothing j for as. ïlie second one could furnis us with ham, hot biscuit, tea, and, the best of all, buckwheat cakes. Taking seats we told them to hurry up the cooking, and at it thoy went. while we went at a pail of eider. I 'inner was iiuully announced, and we pitched iiitolhe eatables; and I think that we did them justice. - At two o'clock we returned to camp, very well satisfied with our Tbanksgiviüg ■ diooer. This morning Major Welcii, vrho went out with our pickets, returned. He re. ports a sliglit skirmish between the robels and federalists between the two lines of picketü. It did not amount to mucb. - Th is afternoon the pickets returned, uil safe and sound. J. P. J23C Senator Öum.nkr has turned general newspaper correspondent, " penny-n-liiK'H," oi' somo such thiog, and is furnishing the press indiseriminatüly with comrounicalions, editorias, etu. Wo huve reeeived two of bis lavors(?) reet' ntly ; bilt as liis views of the " everliisting nigger" in bis various phases difter materially frotn om own, th-y are not likejy to gain the " conBideratipn f the jieople " through our columns. Thflt'a all. Sgf HOU. HoiïACE M.W'NARD took his scat in the House on Mouday as member from the Seeond Tennesseo district Mr. FoSTER presented his certilieate of election from the Provisioual Governor of North Caroliua, whicli was referred to the eommittee on eleetions. iL' The House of llepresentatives, r on Monday passerl a resolution exptlling ' John K. Eead, ïncmber from the Pifth district of Missouri, he having taken up j arms agiinst the governmeut. Served him right. S'iSC" The magnificent new ; Meu's Hall, Detroit, waa opencd to the publiü with appropriate exercises on Tbursday cve.iing of last weck. A Poein was reeited by D. 13i;xiii :.ï DttriLi,u, Esq., au address dehvercd by the ! Hon. Jacob M. Howakd, and a supper spread by mine hosts of the Biddlo Huuse. The Hall is in the Biddle Heuse ; Bluck, and is s prouounoed ouc of the ; ñnesU in the West. L-jC Washington adv wee say that Ëz-Senatór Gwin and Calhoun Beojiam have been rejeased from " durapce vile," on tho urgent soliuitatian of George D. Preutieo, who is brother-iu-law to lïenliani. . "■""- g" We aee it stated that tho Legitilaturü of Vormont has rypealed tlio Pereoual Liberty Lw of.that State, an ablu cominittuo having cloarly demonBlrated its uncbnfetrtutionaTtty. Nöw let other Nortliern Statc-i ibllow the good exaniple, and, all right on the rteord, tliero wil! bo no h'.ld up UDÜl tfaje Beceded States aro compelled to return bo their aliegiahco. ii tim ui JgTGov. Blaiii has not yct appointed a suocesaor to the late Senator Bi.ngham, nor called au extra session of the Legislatura. Is he busy engagcd in j laying li:s corns ? In the meantiüie Mk-higan Las ono vacant seat in the Sonate. - in - ii 2J3 Nothing new from Fort Piek' BUS. - ï Ion. Jieob M. Howñrd, Gov., JmVo Uirnuy, Hou. 11. G. Wells, and oiic Perrin M. S.niiii, of St. Joseph Connty, havo bccu nominated by tfieir friendo. for .the vacant ' ship. Our neñjlibor of tlio Journal also i raya tbat our fullow-citizen Dr. Tappan ia spoken of in tliat counecüon. We think tbat the State ia Iikcly to do worsö tli.-m elect Dr. T. Il' the papers of the Stat? are' any index Howard bas tho j sido track. SiST TüKV want pAPEiis.- All , porta froiQ tbc boya who liavo gone '. tho war say that they want homo papera. Wie eend a larga nurober weekk!y, but MM iiotüilord ie suppiy al). We will, however, send the Ahous to the address of any officer or private m the ■ nrmy frr Si. 00 :i rear, in advq'nce. '. Send thu Akous toyour friends. Savk vnri! Money.- The tax rolla of thid Citv ui'u dow in tho banda of tho Collector, lloiiACH A. MooiiB, who may bo iounü ;it bis on Main street ( forèfioon, nnd at the store of IJacii & L']i:i;so everV nitornoon. By ! (Viyiiiir their. tüXes bffore the first Jay Januari onr citizens wiill savoone-anda ball por cent. - In tliis connection we ;ire hflppy to s:iy thut, contrary to general airtioipation', the tftsea aro considerably lowor than last ycar. iízst W8 are índebted to Herí V. A HowAiiü for the Congressional Globe and Appenduior lb,e first ses.-ion of I ttio 30t 1 1 CJoiirtx-ss, l'our vnhimcs. Tliev complete oureetfróni 1847 to tho close of the last CnngtëSS. - Also to tho same for the report of tho select cornmittee on Ábstractcd Iridian Trust Boods P? The Senate on WcdnesJay, by reaolutioD uuanimously adopted, expellcd Jchn C. Brcckinridge. llow are the mighty fallen. gyS" Chas. F. Bkow.v, alas u Artemas Ward," the distinguished show man will visitbur City some time in January and lecture betore tho Students' Lecturc Associaiiou. Artemas and his 11 wax figgers " are so well known that it is not Hcoessary for us to do any more tlnin anuoiinoe his coming, fy-ST" Our thanks are duo to Senator Cuandler for a copy of the Smithsonian lieport for 1859.


Old News
Michigan Argus