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lüirrali for Ike ïnunu [v.v.ütio (s líffiíiiís! A.TTEÍÍTIOjS' ! 100 j ■■■■''■y yuans ♦ W A N T E D ! FOR Capí L. R.Büchoz' To.of Lancero'. - o - MEN OF WASHTENA W! you bavo known for the lasl 1T years, n this honr of our eountry's noed, l confi,..,: toyi ■:! tatriotisni in aiüing me to raUe a . of 10 I truo, bra' e an 1 ptea yming men, :';,.! rt'inly to stii ti"1 bj tni i:1 RjrlitiuR th - i : . q, TU h( ''il HEN 1 ple.lge my I, ,, ,,- ,n i Life tu m ■■ Ihem wt II treatetï, aml n v ■ li, ,, tu ■ u tv'heie i ■ ■■■■ Ij to i id. i i;' ! .- ■ ■ ■ ■■ : ■ of my wordri, ai ■ it jou Lti the mo ;■ country1 . ■ ;.-- er been Bi i ■■ ■■■' p j! ;!1' w in the li IU. Our tu i ■■'i: ;ilj'1 Rverj ■■ i ■ ■'■'■ I"6tli Kngtiflli La neer. Our Colo&e!, Honorable 4RTHUB RAHKIN', Ib a geni i ni i ,■ s au 1 experionce in military mal - ii brav :-'i I at eon ■■'■'■ I ufficer. Hls wisli i to mnk ■ ■ oi e in every nad mine, BOYs OF WASHTEKAW, ifl to niftke ■ . Company uf Iincera 8 tand A No. 1 in that l!i'iTHH'i:l. Wrfh such tnen all I dfsfre fa tHat th ei hould jvï ua bid opiortiinlty to mak e tliom ■ ■ . si of wbul metAl lhe'Waibtnaw bj i arn mad nf. An.i qow -iv trientïïwUo ham b reí ray bióto n i ■ ■ lamfH■ yuu fbow your ■ Mustei Koll J.o it. ttf b'urtberiaformati a as to Piiy, Equipoient, &c., 1 will bc most hApnf I" uV(1 acrultlng In .ï. . GOULD'S lint tor, Fraitlln Block, Anji .irbor. L K BÜCHOZ, ■ i:i Ooi. a. Rankin'sLRncerft1 Uralrj Rejïiiöent. ■ Scasonable GöGds, CI1EAP-GOODS, For Cas li, BAGH PEERSOfy Hnvo jua; opened a ehoice stock of Winter Goods, Bought for 0ash MsV TO BESOLD FOR CASH at sucli pneen as will mfike the buyers 'augh at the idea of Hard Tiims. The stock ineludcs .1 clioicelot cf LADIES' DRESS GOOHS, GENTLEMAN'S CL0TH3, CLO AKS, SHAWLS, ÜR0CEIÍIE3, Ac, Ae. ITo-w ii the time to buy your Winter's euppües. BACH 4 PIER7OX. Ann Arbof, Not. 15, If6l. ÜQ'E'V7" O O X Ë3 WINES &KNTGIÍT hare jast reeeïreda fuTl stoet of FALUIIMGOÖ! wliieh tliey i OFFISB J:OR OASH! Prices ver yLow, i j WI7VES & KiMGHT. I November, 1861. ! C. BLI S ís oow raeeivlng targe aul wcll ulsctsd assortnieat ■ of OJccks, Watches, - ■'' " ' ' ' wtt ímmmimm mmmni anim g mm -.;. m man i J EWE LPÍ Y, Silvtr and Pluted Wave, ■ TABLE AND POCKRT 23 TtJ TBT1 JESL-í T653 Tfcf RAZORS and SHËAR3, C3-OLI3 EISTS, Musical Instruments, Síringx Sf Buoks for lnsrvmcns, SHEET MUSIC, COIICS and a grcat variety cf YANKEE 3STOTIO3S3"S, Sed. I[c woulJ cali particular attentiou io his lare slock of SPBCTAöIiES, of Guli!, SUver, Stee!, and Fla'ed, with PERÍSCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Alfto Itnatington & Platt's celdbrftted CALENDAR CLOCK! [tltí, I'all.s oí Dwcllio [B, 'Cbestí clockfi :r ■ re Hable time ktjapera uad Calenrlar e iiiKiiH-l , nul requite t!ie vrmAiug ot the 1 imc more ni i n' s cnly , io Becui e ;l!1 lii" roquiíe 1 chaogeá ni mid ■ i lie '-.i y of ti i m of month, iiiclvnlnr ttae '-ítili pi Pebru&ry "i LMp year. His gooda are mofltljr (f recent purcla ■ ; S'ew Vnik uul the namiiactar$ra, :nni wüi be Bold to .■ times, '-i-son-; iiiinc dífflcult watch to ftt with ffííisses oau be accomodated , as my utuck id largo am' complete. ; X. S Particular attention t the ofaü kinda ofihití Waices, uact as Makiag and Setting new Jewcls, Pinimiñ, StnjfK, and Cylhtdertt. Aho clocks, se riE"vvr:Ei-.:Rr5r rn-:i l v repaireH ;nnl mnratatod, at his bid rilatfAeast si le of Main Streei . C. BLISS. írn .bo-. Vot. Id '! KMW LU ..CE. Tho Cormecticut. Mutual Life Insuranco Company. 1 Ác'cumuktcd Capital, - :0 tjt ■ amoun4 nol i ■■ e ling I _,j,, r the ïiolotcrmofLife or for a teiui ol vearn.on thiraost favorable ti ma. " - x ,. . ■ mutual ml Hie pollej bolita ' ■"■ ''"■ v ' '", ] , l,v taking . bcanng lnterot al six per cout, pi tmnum. Dicideitdi "re Declara!. AnnuaVj! , .;... ... . i , ■■ rent nn Ui -i"-. , h au ! n t , an I ar meroasiug tbey niay Be ie , mulatcd funtl ol i'; ■..■■ ■ '. !"V n n lair, on me c J ;;;;;. „ki c. w.. ; A=n.t!ur, Mlch. Important National Works, Pabil i ud )iv D. Ai i LET05 il CO., 34G AND !)43 1JROADW Y NEW YORK (WoUowSntiforiai M Kul - '"' "W ' ! 'V'ï imauAW cTCMMParói.V: a Poiu I ■ '■■'■ ! 1 roua ■ ' ! .,:,.( '''■'■ "' rk '" !" "' ' pobltahedinafcooi ft'i , iv. v.,Yi . wi..vm., rx. ar reaüjv - " ' uie n-iU I e paUIahed oncein . aljoot tl . r„ :i; Sliecp, 3.60 flati Rus :■ . 4.50 ■ ettcb. ïl New American OyelopswJia Is pojin'r vrithontbe... .■,,■ ■. mpre ■ - pnue li anú jrat accurate. H I! a compl' : '■■ """ rl. . , ■ e of human intelligenc.- üverj important artkle ni( h i e . ... y for Ui a usbyi ' ' "J1! ",''■"' „:, whlei tlu-v tpoak. They a re quired to bring the .,„: I up o I moment; : w rw -Vil the Btati iticalinfon .. tion ■- (romthe tof.l reporta; the geographical aooounts kee pace wrtb IV latent eiiloiiitiiju : I ' "' freshesl usi '..- i; ': e b ■ ' not onlyof tUedeadl ■:-" " " lll'!';"-v "'a'i'iidcp.mrvt of tuk dbbatks ov CONGRES8 Bcing a Politici HMorj of the UnrtW r, .',.. ., ., tl ganization of the Uní Federal Con. i. ' ,■ i litedand opiled bj Hon. lnu. ke OBcial R b o) Songre. '■ ,. ;.. kwil, beooiapleted in tS royal octavo roíame of 75a paeeBeach, 1 1 oi which 'are nofl 1 ly. An adaiti„„al volume JrtU bc publi-hed on in threemontl. Ooth,1 3; l;..v Sheep, 3.50' 1I..11 Mor., 14 Hali íwA"KlbB'NGTIIECYCL0P6IABDEBATKS f ,■.,:, club of four, and remit th priceol and flve copies willl tni I f'ttor'i ■.■..-.' ...r carrtage; or for ' ; ■ ':' "" col'"'a wffl b foi carriage. tío other work will so liberally rewardthe exertions of racnts Vs omn wa-tteb w thisCountï ïermn madfknown ..11 appUeatton 1... the PublisheM. e thos. Wkiuht, agent at Knne öimtns Book Store, YpsiHnti. MTCIIKTaÑ SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA KAILHOAD. kïL . 'i 1861. ECMMER ARRAKUKMEST. IS61 Iralns dow run on this road, Suíáaya excopted, as folio ws: I.,-.,.. Toledo rorCuicago-at 0 00 A M.,andyP. II., an I ü. Air ; l. M. Leave Detroit for Chiiiiii ;' 7,15 A U. and f.10 P. M Arriving in C and Detn .1 al 7,30 1' M. aud 7.011 A. M ■ and ia Air Une it 7.Ú0 I'. M. Ariivt-iU Detroit from Toledo, at 6:58 A.M., 6:05 P. M. Lcavcs Detr i( for Toledo at 7 15.1. K., and6-30 P. Arrivo in Detroit from Chicaioat 8. 05 P. !., amlO.55 Arrive In Toledo ft-om Oiicago 4,20 P, M. and 4.80 A. 1 M a;i.l viaair Lineat 4.16 P M. leave Jackaon for Toledo :it 4.45 A-M. and 1 ,P5 I'. M. Airivc frojo Tole. m at S.;-. A. '!., ad 4,20 P. M( 1 .:■. 1 1 rKJ.VB. At Toibdo- With Cleveland ;: Toledo Kuil, with í Rail Road. At DBtüört- With Gran.3 Trunk Railway, witb úreai ' Western Railiray, also, with the and Hilwaukee. W Alüany & SAIKÏ B. R. Cbospisü- WithTraiDF for 1 afayette, New Albany and Louisyill. Ar Cuicaoo - With Chicago and Rook Ialand, Galena, lúlwaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quinc-rSorth West Railway- Cl 1 aád -'t. LouW, Illinois Central, and to all Points Weat nd South. tof Traína arernn bv Chicago time, vrhicli is 20 mmntes slower (!::m i'..! time. 5 Patent Sleeping Cari acoonspany the NijrW Train on thiaRoiit. Kf 3alsbur.'ya Patent Ventila tors and Dustüvs uied on all Smnmor Time nii.l iarf the Jlmc as J any other Rai: Road Route JN'O. I). CAMPP-KLL. r;ene-:il Supon utenitcBt BOOTS $c SHOES ! S f2 t vc now recclvinsf a Laige ffsaortment of Beo!; s and Shoea and L, TJ IB 33 E IR. S 1 TYliidi thej propose to scll 50 per cent below prica for cash. , Men's good Kip Boots, frora $1,'O to $3,00 ! Men's good Thiek Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 ( ï Men' good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 ! Boy's Calf, Kip ar.d Thick Boots, 83 to 1,75 i Ladiee' Gnitor, frora 44 to 1 25 i Ladics' Moroeco Bocteos, from "5 to l i ] Anti tra endU-. rariety of fin! Shoesfrom , Fancy Baltnorals to Infan's' Crebping j Shoee. : 1 ■Ve are olso Manitfactuilüg all Itlutls of 1 WARUANTED BOOTS Sc SHOES. Mens Fine FreueU Calf Boots Peggí'íl i-nul Sewed. So Klve n ;i cali before purchasïng elseWliere, ;is woaro boudno( tobi L-i;i:i'AlHIN(i DONE ON SUuEI XO'nCE-JËK EÍDORE & LOOMIS Mata Bt., Ann Arlior, Jüch. -lf ROOMS TO LET. fu)! atry Rooms tli I m a qaiet part of tho City, T ,ar ttaa (Jniverilty- For paiöeolaM loqoto at the Argtis lïouk Bindery. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUST OMEBSALI-acctmnts OTer six mnntlis muit bu pettk-d at oncf. i k-nd pay up A v.l-11 aclocted stock oí New iíooJh Chcap for 82l'tf MAYNA".:) , STÜBBISfS & WII.SON'. Oval Picture Frames ALJ. SEES, STYXES ní PEICE3 just reccivud and kle cheH pat CHOFF & MILLER'S. lS60.Tlpc.25, "8tf WASHTEHAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. riiHÍ Secretar; wiU be at Cóok'8 Hotil, in the City cf J Ann Aibor, onTliursda-y of each treek, unül furtber . cea'lv to receivenow meml M. Ki'.N'XY, Perttry. Octübcr2i., i ■:. 8-4tr KEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE ri a í ;h']o of landwith a wt-il i ir'n"! water, r.n.l a l XuU livinir spring, stone hou, brn and new sheAa, lcrchar.1, and i ne ftundred m.i ai uní ituatediD the towa af Si si.uth .r Mr. Boyden's ptolns, anifour and hal f tui tos fron Aan Arbor. ji:lia mdrrat. vm. mürray. Bcio, Ptpt. 24, 181, B19w 3STOTIOE. TUF. AXNl.'AI, i'vclii:;-' i't' !l" C-rnvin Farmer' Flre Innurance Ci uipan.i "f fl ity, will I"' held at the !welli house of Jacob April, a Scio, uu v llec lat. 1 61. ai 10 u'clock, A. m. J.i,'KuB JACOÜ JliDEI;f,Sen., i'i iilcnt. D.rtf.l, Kv.. Blh. IS01. Hogers Art Association. AMEETIN'O DF thp Hngf rs Art Asoooiatlnp Sr Ilio elcclionof offleer I tbs tranMlction of such otlier buiows as maj I be h ld at office nfthe iecretarj ,on Fri laj ■ November ljtu, ut 3 o'elock, I'. -M. F.. H. POSi, Secretary. Ann Albor, Sov. 6th 1861. "SEWIMB MACHINE FOR SALE." TJOR SALE CIIKA1' a new frrt cla Pamfly Sewing T Machijie. Warraoteanohettel In nyrket. Terms WÍ; E. 1!. l'OXD. Ann r'x,r, J ,'y IC th, 1851.


Old News
Michigan Argus