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"üUEATBARGAÍJSS Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's, 1 TÏ. UAVfcAGAIS REPI.KXIPHED OtR STORE WIT] E3 O 313 S , !;■;: WAS . ■ ■■ oflen! in any om establishment ir ihc Stal, aII ■■. it Uich w oflï :■ :--r OAOE! Oïïï PBSOIS.m)O ifllOV M eau b3 fi:u!ul in the Union _ Wc want TvToney ! Greal Saerïfices on Anyibing weJiAVO to obtaiD it, nol exec-pting OLD NOTES AND ACOOÜJNTg We conliaüy invite ALL CASH CCSTOMERS to cali and examine our GooOs and Pnces. Wa alai invite üur Prompt Paying Customors to com and buv thelr Avpnliei] fr the Wiufer. To thosi Baukful onea thit are alraiú to cali, nre ay to th. m,tok. couraso SKBXjZj Yoiir VPHEA'S illiout longsr wuitii.g for llgher pricf(eomc in, old scores, and tlipn at saeta prfces as wil] m tke '-:ï n'l losnea ït i hardl; Deccessary to numeróle oui Uoodsfür We have ïSveary thing J A large assortmont of UARPETIXG, CROtKERY DRY GOO.US, MEDIIKES, G HOEFJES, PAINTS, O1LS, IIATa, CA I'S, EOOT8, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c, &c. (715tf) MAYNAED, STEBKtNS & WIIO SCIIOFF & MILLE? RE STILL ON' HAND at thcir oTd Staad, Ho. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assorticent of Books and Stationciy, PERFUMERIES, F ANC Y GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTA INS. IIOOKS AND PINS, STER3OSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tbis Marlet ! aod they wouWsuggcst tothoseinpursuitcfanyiliinïin SANTA OLA US' LINE tliat titbj can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pnrcliasing from thifl stork, as oach purchaser gets an additloo&l prweni of Jewalry, :c. , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. ff Thytrut that rhcirl'iní eperi(Mice in solectincr goodsfortblsmarkfli nnd striet attentiOD to tho wants of f:u-tnii(M-sf may intiHt' ti'cm to a libfia) Oj Patronage. Aun Albor, Pí-o. 5. 1SC0. 777tf Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEPi IS THE AGENT O1 HlO MlmvinK first clasücompanics: IIO.UK r.VMIUSCl! COMPANY, of New Vork Citj.- CapUal and Surplus, 1,500,000. CITY FIKK nrSDRANCB COMPANY, of Dartfori.--Capital and Surplus, SlüUHOO. COtttHfENTAIi ISaUBAíCW COMPAHT, ol New Tork City.- Capit land bnrpliu, $100,000. Thvccqnr.rtflrH f tlif nett priflliH In tlns Cunipnny is dinded uinunny aosoDg ita )li-v holda. ;. H MULLENAno Arlior, Dcccraber 13, 18C0. (m778 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aceumulated Jan, 1800, Si,TC7,133,S4 MORRIS PRANKLIN, President, J. C. K END ALL, Vu-e Pre'tident, PLINY PEEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSÍTED with theCoinptrolfcroftlu' St:ili of New York. DMdends average 40 pcveent. uooually. ASSETS. Quli In Bank, $ 31,355.49 lnveated In BwurltteSj croatd unrler tho lawaof the Stato of New York and of the U. s., 258,870.70 Real Estáte and Pistaren, Nos. I12andll4 Broadway 132,48 04 Bonde anti Morta;ilKPSlriiwins" jior et. intorost fiSyJOS. 30 Notes rocelved for 40 per cent .i!' promlojni on UtV polides, bearlng foterc t, 67,315.85 Qnartorl; and rnu .■■ oemil pramluns, luc subsequentto Jaonmrj 1. lSfiO 30,U0.88 fi,..rsT aorod nu to Jan. 1 . 1RC0, 36.488.77 Rent aeemed "i toJan. 1 , 1S60, I.7O8.SJ Premiumsou poli':iesin hands of Agents, '-1 .11 '-I1' $1 .7(i:,l33.-J4 Irï Wklw and LswlIT, Medical Rxamlnera. T48tf ■'■ G1LDERTSMITH, Aijcnt Con"vay Pire Insurance Co., Of OoDway, Müss. Capirnl paid np, - $150.000 00 Asset (Ciish), - - 269.963 12 Liabilities. - - - 10,410 03 D. O. Rorers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. Preaident. DlftECTOFlS. J S.WIÍITNKY. L. 71ODMAN W Kl.I.IOTT HIIOWI,1ND,D r. Mi-(!l,VK,r,K I) MOUON VVAIT HKMKNT JOSIAII U.Uf !hBIT'LEN W.H. DIUKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGER'. Ann Arbor Kpferences: Dr, E. WELLS, I.. .lAMl:1! I„ DODfïR KNOCHJAMKS. rAFT. r.R. OOODRIOH J. W. KNIGHT. Airent. Ann Arbor, Micliignn. IUJYPARALLEI.ED SUCCESS SEC0NI1 AltRIVAL -o] -- G" O O X S -AT TI1U- Eanner JSitoxO, A. P. MILLS, PROPFiïETOR. Geods bougliL uoder panic prics. í soW pricea that teillmakf hard times come ajahi no more ! Facts for the People -oy"W" ASHTENA "W - 'NI'- ADJOJNING COUNTIES ! And Lheir numeróos questions answercd. Win ia Etrrylmdy trading at the "BANNEIÏ STORE? '-Because A. P. IVSiLLS, the Proprii'tor of that ErtablUliroent hnsjust relurnvd l'rom the Eflilirn Citieewilh the Lavj's!. li&ndsomest, Cheapest, and Most Atracliv tilock of STAPLEAifDFANCY DRY COODS! ever biougbt tg tilia part of Ihö Stuift., Vt'htt is Ererybody pUasra iriih his Stock? Roca i: se bisslylen kn more beautltul, qnallty botter, and pricw fower wan at any othor store in tin.' couoty. Why luis he always Somtthing New and Cheap to Show? Bocause Ji; fcnsa fricml eonneetod with one of the lar tíi-st i r v (ie . s Honaea ín iíew Vork, who is contluualy , " fiOBftlüG ROÜSD ' for cheap bnrgainsand the latea ! ivio, :is they appear frono time u time jiik! tntblè waj teeftps hioa Bupglicd witli s'.vlcs, uní conMq,uotIï customers caüahv.tys iiixl sinin'tliiiigFrpsli , KEW ÓQEAP'and DESIÍIABLE TV7iy does 'ne teil so much Cheaper ihan the rest? i: -;::is:i Imyif in tlie city ill tlu' t me to t.lfcfadvantage of the oootiiluaJ chango of the uurket, and in il):it way bujH his gooda tn icli clroaper thao oilirs uo, mi'l tiicr hemárbi ttufeadown tothe WA does he sc'l Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes so much cheaper than was ever iw.ard oj by the oldest i SUoemaktrs? i Bccausc he buys bis stock in tne Iaikl of thoemakers, of tlie manufacturers, fully -5 per cent cheaper (han t!i? New York Jobbera sellthem, and muob tMtWr vork than tbc}rgunor.iU' koop. Ihifl OOUT80 eoables iiira to sell h botter (ïaiter for 35 Cents. than othersseli at 50 ccnt,aod a botter FOXEDGATTEH at 50 cents, thau others sell at 75 cents. Has he any fíats and Caps? YesfT shouM thínk he lias siacks of lli'-m. enongh to Bapply the State, at prleM lower than was everhwrdol I roaadtheae parts. Why is his Tea 90 much bptttr for the rrtee pay ihan you get at other place 2 Because !:■■ taken greát oare tn aaleetlng ir, god giveshig tlie bonelit of a rea! good T5 ceat TEA FOR 50 CENTS. Itisawayhe hap Rut Where should yon go to get your CLOTHS ar.d have them Vul or Made? To ÜANNK!". STORE, where the I'coplo's Banncr if unfnrlo'lior tlm Ptftple'sgood. South side of Public S'iuure, a féwdoorfl west of Cüok'i Qotal. A. P. MILLS. Juni IS. 1861. 76fitf PATENTF.D November let, 1859 ..,.. TBS MKASL'RES S ' riV A, the i sta nee -"■v. n I' 5L r.mnd lite Xeck. n B tB the Yoke. , I f---ÈS ï to C the Sleeve. Y BT""'""'""i lW D to D, distance 1 f arovind the Body I Jiim , ,.. _!_ _ . I the Arm-pits. IJ r ■ ï Ö.j EtE,the BALLOU'S Patniled Improved Frenefa Yok; SHIRTS. PATENTEDXOV. lst. 1859 A New Style of S irt, warranteel to Fit Ky sondiog t Ij t aboTc raettsnres per mail ht3 can gaar antee a perfect fitt our new sljle of Shirt and retum by bxpreau to any -art f the Onltfld Staties, at $12, $l5,$is, S'24, kc, ftc, per iioTwn. Nu order forwarded for lesa than baifAdo n Shirta AIso. Importera aud Déniers in MEN'S FURNTSHIXC UÜODS. 4B Wiiolysale tra'U siipjiliod on the nsual tt'rms. BALLOU BROTHERS, SOGtf 409 Broadway, New York. LOOMIS & TRÏFP, Succe.-isors to Cliapin fe Loomis.aiulChdpin, Trïpp & Loom rriHEabove Bnn (i' Loomis ft Trtpp haTlag purcha.tei I the entire Intoreal "t" tha fonnar oompaiktea vrlï. continué the business at the old, vhere they wil! ready, on the shortest notice Ut Uil all orders ia tht lini' [1 Castings and Machinery, in the most worfananlOw manner, and on as libera term a anrothersbop inihc State. Among the vari ons articIcMnitnufactuitHl by U8, we woulil eTiumerate KTKAM ÍENGINKS of all kinds; ilill Geartng and FixturM, wroughtand ciist. alltiic rarious catings formaking and repnlrlng [Toree Powers áTBreslíing IVfëcliinee inoh a are at present, or hftve fODpadrly bcvi in use id thle part r the State, aj vrellasall the rarfoun kinds fit oantingi and machine vorb calk"! for by farnien and mechaofes intbis ectïon of the eon ry of all va. -ion s patterna, up ín aliea and pi ices, wïU be keptconstaatiy onhand, gotthemOSt modern and improved fítylt's. Thankful ror fonnet patronaRo tothe old arms,we oroaU) olioH a continuancefTomoldfriendBjandatriail bv all vlahlng foranythtos In our Une of biiRinew.. J LOOUI8 k TRVBTm Ann Arbor,MaT I8th. 1H50. fftf New Remedies fok l E U vi A T OBltlKEA HOWARD AOCÍATIOÑ, PBILAPELPHTA. A lie Tnttttatton nttabttêlusd bv spseial êndtwmtnt fnr the re.Urf ff the Sr.hand l)8trr#tud, njjHcttd leith 'ViTfL-rn and C'ironir. Diuca sea, nnd KSperiatlij for tht C'tre of DíiMtM nftlic Sexual Org.inf MKi'lCAL AJDtfICti given gratU, by the Acting SurttQOf . VALÜAB1.E UKI'OliTS on Sperma' orrlm-a. :im1 othei D!aeaea of the Sexual Organn,and on tbi fíKW UKMKhlKS emptnyed In the I'isj msaty, -out in Baled lett-i' envelonen, fre of charge. 'JPwoor thr ntampo for post age accept able. Addwe, Dr. J. SKILLIN IIOUÜHl'ttN, Uoirard AAsoolatlon, So 2 s. Kinlh .t., Phfla.delphla, Pa. lywift General Land Agency wantinj; f ar me, or rosldcnccnnorne Ann irbor, aan by CHlllngonni ctecilrocaa lint of ovo r KMI Parmv Kor Sal ) OlVarlout il zee t rum 3, te lÜOC ncn-t ;nch ■,[ ome at goo(itt'inyinthift Connty.) Morrthan ín UvrellliK tlouariH n".hltíítty,frmtwo ïundred co fourtbouaanrdoiarsdach : and ovat 2OO HülfJ)I?iG LOTSl Amoogthofarms nrr t he Kishc peiarm. i.i00'creê, tin; Potter farm, in Green Oak, (he Plaoefarm, a i 4 ■ ) fteroí. ihelïlanfïoninfï Jenka farms, in '■'obste r; th StubSa, Michacl Claiw;y, Newton BttOgan, nd P'allahsi t'nrma. in Anr rbor; J. Kingsley'4 farm, in EUtstlpd-tho llntch and flick tarmi in Lodi;the PatrirV i'layu farm ín l'reedom; VV. iS, DavUon, B. n. Bakert: and lïuck's farms InSylvan. Mostnf these and many utbors can bo iividodto mlt iHirobasers K. W' MO UJAN. AonArboJ. Jan Ut . ipm i


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Michigan Argus