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SrECIAL NOTICES' 03" IIOUFLANDS GERMÁN BITTERS cóntain no alcohol or bad whiskey. Tliey are BDtirely a medical preparation for the cure of Dyspi'psia and disease of the Stomac.h. Kead the dvertisaient in another column. Anniversary of the STew England Society. REMEMBER APRIL 19 h, 1775 and lfcGl. The NEW FXGLAND SOCIETY of this ; city will celébrate its Foiirth Aaniversary, on MONDAYEVENING, DEC. 23,1861. At 7 o'olook, P. M., the Annual BuBÍneea ■ Meeting of the Society will be held at HAITOSTEBI'Sa'S UALL. At 8o'clock, P II., the Animal Dinner of the Society will be served up at the same place. Ail New Er.glanders, by birth or descent, . with iheir families and friends are invitcd tojein the Society, and be present on tbil ! ocoaaioo. Tha Membera of the New Yoik Society are especially invited to partici Tickets to the Dinner can be obtained at the Book Si orea, at the P.jst Office, or of the Committee of ArrangcmenU. Tv. E. WELLS, ) Committee L. DODGE, ). of C. H. MILLEN, ) Arr'g'm'ts. Ordinaa e Ko. 44 BE IT ORDAISED by tlie Maor, i er and Aldermea of the Chy of Ann ArI bor, That the ordinanco for the preervation of order nd qniet, pnpscd Octoner 7th, 1861, ; be su amended that the first mentioned ton o'eloelc íhall rea3 i leven ö'elock Made ana pnesed in Oomtnon Council this , 2d dny of Dtcenib. i-, A I) 1861 JOHN F. Ü1LLE1Ï, Mayor. S. 51. Webskh, Keeoi d-.;-. llnrrah fur the L'ninn! üealh lo ih Enefflits! ATTENTION! 100 able-boüitHlsteaclj' yoang man WANTED! FOR . Capt L.B.Biichoz' Co.ofLancwrs! O i MEN OF IVAS H TE NA IV.' Moatol youhave known me for the lasi 17 yei ■ ind uo in Ihis toar of our count) v,,t i ,■,..,., al toyoui patriotlsm n Hdlnf me to i Comimny nf 1M truc, brave, and ten y jroung men, . . h to stanij in ni i I ... H M!,. I ple b m vrcll treati 4, and o ■■ .,, ,, , ... .:■; e I ffould n t bc rea : to ea 1. ' OM1._ nN ' roa brave patriotio boys, youp time has come, Kiveme iheoj p. rtuuit] oj provin tl trütb of my word and I will enllirt jrob in ibe nm-t . ,.l thisor any olher country's nerUce. u splendi r and executica o r,... Beid. Out equipment is to be eomplete umi Pverywij similar to the 16th Bnh Uncer. Our Colonel Honorable giTHUR BAHKIN, 1 i fentleroan ,.f ndrnni .■■ ■■ ' r' JiWTj mat„,.,! asa brave mi i at-complishcd offltw. ma w:ll ato make h Reglmenl a model on m every respect, and mine, BOYS OF WASHTENAW, is to i Buchoz' Company of !neefs itand A 1 i" tlwit, With siieh men alU desire I that tlie enemy si live m au opportunlty to make them feel (iAncern i ishion) at whal metal th Wshtnaw boya are made of And nowmy Menas lio have been talting for me ..;- tny broken leg scrape rad gel my eommimB,] uni readyforjou.andthe ,oncr tob how your races and Bign vour name on 1hn Mustoi Rolt tor vnnr frieo I ac I ( l ' ill like t. Further mforroation as to l ay, EjjuipmeBt, icc, I rilt ra moei hanov to EÏTe a1 inv RirnlÏÏiïaartt,H.J.M. COILWS Hat Slorc, Franll,. BlocU, "%Lvcnoz ';i,t;,i:iin Col. A. Raïikni sLaacera' CavaU-ySsgiment. Seasonable Goods, CIIEAP GOODS, For Cash, BAGH $c PBERSON Have jus'; opencd a choioe stock of Winter Goods, Bought for Cash AXD TO BESOLD FORGASH nt aucli pnces ns will mnte the buyers !augh at the idea of Hard Timet. The stock incluyes ft ehoice lot of LADIES' DRESS GOOD. GENTLEMAN'S CLOTH3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÖROCERIKS, Ac, te. Notv is the time to buy your Winter' supplie. BACH & PIER ON. Ann Arhor, Nov. 15, 1F61. l?aï'7V C3r O O H S . WINÏS &KNÍGHT just received a ful. stock of FALL&WINTERGOQDSr wli oh they OFFEH LOR GASH! Prices very Lot, WIIYES & KN1GHT. IVovember, 1861. O. BLiI3@ Is now roceiving a large aud 'tll select'.'! a-íortmont of Clccks, Watchss, JEWELEY, Silver and. Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET C3 -VLJ "JHT1 K TH3 ÖML "5BT RAZORS and SHEARS, C3-OLÏD FIEISTS;, Musical Instruments, Strings S( Bnoks for Instrumens, SZEÏ-EET MUSIÓ, COMES, anti ■ [nat Tarietr cf "X'.A.nsrBlEE 3STOTIONS, cScO. He iTould cftll particular attentiou to liie largo slock of SPECTAOLES, of Gold, Silver, Slcd, and Plaled, with PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Alsn Iluiitingtün & I latt'a CALENDAR CLOGK! suitable for Offices, Countiiu; Rooms , Halls or Dwellinss. ■ ■ Caleodftr cofnbined,añd requlie the winding of thé tliue moveto secure aU. the requixed chimgea at mid og the !:iy of the week the moni] of the month, includiag the 29th of Februafy of Leap year, Bisgooda are inostly f receñí NV-w York.'ind the manufacturera, and w i 11 i i Balt the times. Per.sons havinj aiffleult watcl with gtasHis cao be aooomodated, a my ritoeU I am' complete, P. S. pBLrticular attention tothe ofall kinds i f line ffatclies, saeh m Making iind Setting new Jewels, piafarte, -v;nji'ftt and Cylindere. Atso CLOCKS, &c rE"V7"EXjï neatiy repálred aod warraated, at Lis oM stiuile;i=t ;.i Ie of Main ! C. BLISS. Anu irt'.or, Nor. 13, ]ÜC1 k:m ■v, nvsUllAJS'Ctë. '] fhe Coanccticut ïfiutual Life Insuranco Company. 1 ■Vecurauhitcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WH.I.'.xsi REI.IVES foi aayamount nol exceeding , : rmol i terra. purely Blut ' ",'."' hoir premium U.N UFE PO] t note for on half the amount, boaring lntret at six inum. Dividend are Dtdared Annvalh! , ;hf.v now amoant tOTOTT per cent on the pre , , , , ... re inoxeaaiBg tbey maj Be i The mlttms nreaslow asanv other ra : ,ted rund ot ■ ■'■'''.'' n filo in j i JaMKS (. ODWIN, l'io.-tt . Agen! atAnnArbor, Uich. ( Important NatioDal Works, Fnhlishoil bj I'. APPLKTON ■'., 34G AND 348 BROADW Y SEW YORK entti 1 rain any part intry' (uponroceipt "f retail price,) ly muil rTHBWBWAMKBIAli CYCI,OPED1 A : A Popular Dietionarj of Generei Ki 1 i. [■.!■■, neous jelect ootpa of writers in all branches of I ,,il [jlorature. This wort ; hedinabout ï ilumci ,each containinj? 75Otwn-column . 11.. III.. IV. V..V1., Vil.. V11I...V IX. are now rmidy. oacli contatnlng near 2.600origmal arti oles. Ao additi il rolume irtll be publisbed onct in about three monthfl. , ._ Price,inCloth, 3; Sneep, $3.60; Ib.'.r r.ussin, 84.60 KB Cll. , ;i, uC ■'..■■: ís popular wïtnont Deinn superSeial, l at beiug podantio, compre. henslv) but sufBciently detailed, free from personal pique i fresh mul yet accurate. 1' complete statement ofaHtliatia known upon everylmportant topic within bne scope of human intelligence.- Erery important artkle i;, ha beer, peeially wntten for i's parea by men who are authoritiea upon I oo whtch i They are re quired to bnn(? the Rnbjoct up tn the present moment; i1 bow il tanda no. .'.1 th atatistical Information i from tbe latett ropí ' '-''T I'-' ; historieal matters ittlnde the . h n i , bul alíoof the living. It is a librar? "V'ninfíF.iWEVT OP TUEDEBiTPSOF CONGRESS Being a Political History nfthc United Statëa from ''■■■ nrganiíation of the first Federal Con1 v Hun. Tilo ■ in 15 roya! octavo volume uTeaeaeh,ll of which ar now reaíy. An additional votóme H be pnblinhed oncein threemonth. ii tífceep, ll.ilf Mor.,-!; IU1I A'AyFl'ROc'uEiNGTIIECTCLOPÏDIAÖRl I club "I1 four, and remil thnpiricei Fourb .,;jl i,,. .,.,,( ai . '- pxpenacfoi [evi ii oooiea vU h" To Agvnt. N'oo'híTwovl: v:il i-" liherally ron-a ni t he exertion , , . ■ r; rara CorKTT Terma vn .i appjication to the PubUshi Aun Arbor.M 6Mait rg Bev Tilos. W'right, agont at Kinne & Smltns Book Store, Ypsilanti. MICHÍWAÑ SÖÜTHEKN & NORTHERN INI 1ANA KAILHOAD. 1861. ECMMEB AURANGEJIÍ2ÍT. ISCx Ir.iins now run on tïiis road, ar.inys GxcOpít'd, as : : I re Tuli lo forChicagoai ;i 0!l A M.,and9P. M., . 9.05 A. M. Loave petroil tor Chicago at 7,16 A ir. and : rom Tnledo and 1 etroit al 7,30 P. M. and .." V. M . and via Air Iiíi at 7.80 P. M. Arrive at Detroit From Toledo, at 6:66 A. 11., 0:05 P. U. Leavea Detroit for Toledo at í 15 A. M.. andC-30 r. M. Arrive in Detroit "rom Qilcaeoatö. OS P. M.,and6.55 A. M. in Toledo from Chicago 4,i(l P. M. and M., and t V M. : nd 1 ,l'5 P. lí. le ai B 55 A. M., and 4,20 1'. McoxsEí no.vs. At Toi.Kn-i- Vili Cleveland s Toledo Rail Road, with ;: ut - Witii Grand Trank Bailway. with etroit :ini Milwüukee. At Nbw Albast ts '.h-.m R. ! ette, New Albanyand LouiBville. Ar Chicago- Wjlh Chicago and S G llena. ml Qnmcy- Xorth .i si. Loáis, llliaoii Central, ai jfóf Trains aro r un by I tiioago lime, whicli ia 20 rainates slower than Tule Patent í Cara ; ' Trains i itent Ventila al] Sumiser Tr lins. rime and Fai 8 ti JNO. D. CAM 1 BOOTS & SHOES s s ? s MOUREJ & LOOMIS Are now redeiving a largo íissortraent of Bcotfl tnd Shoea ii ud R, TJ B B E K, S I Yrliich tliey Toposo to scll GO per cent behwformer pricesfor cash. Men 's good Kip Boots, from $l,.ri0 to $3,00 Men'i good Thick Boots, frora 2,00 to 3,00 Men's gooa CaU Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Cal f, Kip and Thick Boots, 83 to 1,75 Ludios' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' llorocco Booteos, from 75 to 1,25 And an endless variety of t-mal ShoSB from Fancy Bahnorul.s to Infanta' Creeping Shoes. Wc are aïao ïanufnctiii-lng ai! kinds of WARKANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Frenen CalJT Boos Pegged and Seweö. Po k'ívc usa cali beforQ pm-cliasinp elsewnere, as v. e are bnuml not to be nndersold. e."REl'AIl!lNG DONE UBT KOTICE.JÍ(r MtMRE & LOOMIS Main St., Aun Albor, llicli . 82(Jtf -EYS and EAE. 'K.F. A. CADWELL, Of Chicago. OPERáTOR OW THE EYE & EAR, Kor Denfurüt, B1Iik3:iosi, lincl all defects of ÖIHt anel ïlciisliig. TR. C. BEING A REGULAR Phy8icivi,with TWKRTY Jy ÏTEAR ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ eatmeni oí líseasetof tha EYE AND KAB, wil] befound fully qualified tojgivereligf or eil'cct ;i cure in any e ic wit ii in the Ol' JlUMKin f-Jiill. tífS" No charge for an ezamiiiñtion or an opinión, orfor uneuccesnful et ■ hu. Ca l'RKTiflK (wtuk Ey asd Ear, Sixth E.lilion, containing References, Testimoniáis, Pcscription ii' JJisoaees , CaseS] and other important matter, illuslr;i(cl with Cuts, to bp had gratis, by Bendjng Tteenty fice Cents 16 pay postage. Addresa Dr. Cadwtli 91 aod DS líuu(Jtlih Streel Coraer Deabora, I Illinois, lyS-S. Ice for fhe Summer of 1882. rTOÍE BUB ! ffill commenc deliyerinu [c I the i aíict and deliver ujjtil ihemiddle nr ]fist oí' 'Vit ='), r. '-r f' r5 ' !;;■■;' II delivcr -Oiba, per. ■ saturday for$5,i 0 for the saason. WÜlii-1 :;ï I '■ mpply all I tornera and by : ictual wil] i d leavor to give satis■ wil Ii i In ir order. -;,, ] ... ■ ..'■■■ ■!■ ,) few weeta in dog ;■ ■ ' io lioep at. as fuTniRhpd aahoretofore. CLEMENT. R THOMPSON. Ann Aroor, W'.v. 2St 1861 627w WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. risjTt! ■ Hotel, is tlu X Aiii ■■ ■ ■ i ■■■■, , uiiulfurther ■ ■ ■ w members. M. Kl'.XNV, Pecretary. OctoberSSd, i '■■'!. B24tf BEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. 6) n A ;ic'r(-: of laodwith a wi.ll of ood wator, and a i UU ' ew Kheils, ■ b ;rea lmpvuved. Tl todm tbe towo "l" Fcio, and t ñd a liali oailoa i i :a Aan Arbor, JüUA HURRAf. ïï:i. UI RBAV. Soio, ' "il. 819wo 3STO17ICE!. rpi!F. .'.X':: ■, .ftlxiJennan Farraere' Flre ! I Ir.mci' Oimpapy óf M O y. wilj be held ni fV i ■ ' Scio, on Mondiy Dec. l.t. ÍS81. at 10 o'cl. ck, A. vl. J.l. Kooh, JACOB JEDELF, Sen., PreiMont. Bittd, S'ut. w. h. ". I


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Michigan Argus