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Army Sutlers

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The Washington correspondent of the Boston Journal shows the iiced of reform iu the matter of' srmy butUis, in tlie folloniug letter : As ynur readcri are far from fchénrmy, Kt int be eyes f'or lliein, and tnkc a look nt sutlers' opuratioiis, Approxiinately ppenking, wo may say that tlierc are o:ie hundred ntid ñcventy-fire or two huudred isutlers in t'ic anny of tlio Potouiac, who ie!l ginger bread, pies, eak.s, betr, eider, na hiera, Bocke gloïea fhiris, hoe, pens jici'.cils, paper, ink, eiiudy, niisirtB, iigs, tobáceo, knÍTO) and n thousand Bf&er utticlcí, There are one hnndred atid sevsnty-tive shop koepeTS, with one hundred ■ml geyenty five thousand eustomers - Kofttoii has a populstion not much larger tlian than the aimy of the Potoraac. Kearly all thu 175,000 men smoba or chew tobáceo. The sutler has thrco eent cigars always on hand; ah-o, brier wood, elay, and meerschaum pipes, which ■re plcas'int eompnnions for the soldier, o far iiwvy from hume. ' The soldiers like oeeasio.K:l!y a pie, or a cake, or a bandful of raisins. All of them writo letters and of all patrón ze the ïutler. Their credit ia always good to a certain amount - made so by the regulations - go that if tlicy are out of funds their comforts can still go on. till pay day como?, when the Butler is sure to get I liis Bhare. Yon seo, then, that thn 175 uien are in a fair way to do a good business. They ore sbarp men, I have not yet run serosa éne sutler who ccepted the office, or who pcrhap.s brought all pnssibib ajipliancos and ineaus to for obtaining it, who did it from ])ire patriorisin or bencvolent motives. - Kvery one knows how to niake good use of present opportunkies for their own bencCt. Upon nquiry of atlers, coloncls and I otliers, I find that wIjÜo many soldien ïpend but tbree or four dollars per inonth, ïuany more npend eight, ten and twelve, and 8ome every cent of their pay. Tn some regiments the soldicrs, either from habita of econi uiy learoed at homo, or througb the influence of tho uffieers, epend but little, while in others oearly all the month's pay of the regiment tinds its way into the poekets of the Butlers.- It ia an inference wiiich I think wili be Bustained by evidenee, that an average of six dollars per month. per soldier, finds its way, either by cash or credit, to the sutler. If the regiment haa oue thousand men, that is 872,000 per annuni. In matters of this kind, plain tatémente, based on obseiFatioB, are of eoino value I have taken opportunitits to asecrtain the various aitieies. Being in Virgiua the other day, my fiiend and 1 palronized the sutler. Wo found raisin.s forty cents per pound - sanie in Washington thirtcen cents ; pies twenty cent3 apíceo - in Washington eleven cents. - These pies are bakcd iu New York .if. the Excelsior Pie Bakery. Tlicy are paekcd in boxes on racks, sixty in a box, and delivered to sutlers in Washington at eleven cents apiece. There reinains no doubt upon my ntind after patroniziog the sutlers in camp and aseertaiuing the prices of the eame kind of articles in Washington that Ibe avarage profits of the sutler are one liundred por cent. One sutler icformed ïae that hi.s net proüts wcre twelve hundred dollarsper month. Another, that bis were three thousand per month ! I am informed that oi;e who has a iarge regiment, boasts that be is pocketing live thousand dollars per month ! ! The whole matter needs to be earefully examined aud revised, It should be one of the first tbings before the military committees of Congress. Why should five hundred men receive oue half of the pay of the five hundred thousand men in arms? Taking the lowcst net profita aeknowledged - twelve hundred per month - and we see that these five hundred men are receiving, eaeh an income of fourteen thousand i'our huudred dollars per anntfm - making a total of geven hundred and twenty thousand áollarí! From what I have seen, I hare no doubt that the total net ineomo of the sutlers connected with the army this present yaar will be nearly two millioi:s of dollars. From whom is tjs money taken ? Not from Government, but from the families of the soldiers- from the community at large. In every town the patriotism of tho people, publioly or prirately, has mauifested itself in providing funds for the families of soldiers. Jlore thau this, Goverumeut has made its appropriations reach those families; but here wo have a gigantic swindle proteeted and perpetua ted by the army regulationa. L3C He who ia opeu, without levity; generous, without waste ; secret, without craft ; humblo, without mcanness ; bold, without insolcuco ; eautious, without auxiety ; regular, yet not formal ; mild, yet not timid ; firm, yet not tyrannical ; - is made to pass the oxdeal of honor, frieudBhip, VIRTÜE. KW Leisure Hours - There is room enough in human life to crowd almost every art and science in it. If we pass to day without a line - visit no p'ace without the company of a book - we may with caso fill librarles, or empty them of' their contenta. The more we do, the more wo can do ; tho moro busy we are, the more leisure we have. - ZTazlitt. töT We are too apt to forget otir actual dependonco on Providence, for the circumstaneea of every instant. The most trivial erents may determine our state in the world. Turning ap one strect instead of another, may bring us into company with a person whom we should not otherwiso have met ; and this may lead to a train of other events, wbich BMj determine the happiness or misery of our lives. JL2E" A gentleman iu London, who had not lived long in bis house, wcnl to the seaside for a week or two, leaving everything safe, and his furnituro loeked up in several rooms. When ho returncd it was late at bight, and he could not iiud his house. It had absolutely been sold, pulled down and oarried away iu his a.b■?nce ! The asistanee of the pólice was obtaincd, when it was found that a person of fashionable exterior liad called upon a furuiture dealer, and some pretext that he visbed to em igra te, asked him to value the furniture in his house. An csiimato was given, a bargain was struek, and everything in the house was taken away. The thiof t'.ion went to a bricklayer, and inventiug a tale that he wished to build a largor house on the site, sold the brick and material lor what they would fetch. The astonishment of the ownor, fresh from seabiithing, who left a houso and furuiture, and on bis return could God neither, was a cautiou. L2L" No woraan is capable of bcing beaiitïi'ul who is not capable tf bcing Jalee. ( EPWanted to Patent- The Filter of Mieiortune, to teparnVe truc friendo lVo;n the scutn. Jïluljipn Jrpü.


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