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Congress And The Administration

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" Socie apprehensions are entertamcd that Congreas will be misled into aatiou bat will seriously damage the natlonal ause. The liaste to intrwiuce tho varius questions connected with slavery on he üi'St day of the session, n:id bcfoï'd be business had been regularly aud pro.rly introduecd by the message of tha "resident and tbe reporta of the heads of Jepartments, argües badly f(_rr the temer of a portion at leïst of the metubors. ' - Sprinajield llepiihli. an. Congress íb supposcil to meet (o d irate on tho business of the nation. retarding forma tlirougb which bilb niut 50 previous to ptssuge, the cÜetk which the two HouSes eiert on eaöfc er, aud the veto power vestej in t!ie President, were intended to prora?!:; wise deliberation, and secure for every important measure the calniest, fullest, and coolest eonsideration. The hot laste with whioh ccrtain raembers attempted to pasa a "snap judgment " ou exciting questiou, without ev-.n payiug the President the respect of waUing a few hours to listen to what 'tie bad to .say on them, makes the House look moro liku a conclave of busybodies than a discreet and dignified deliberativa assembly. - iV. Y. World. We confesï that the prccoedinga of thefirst few days of CoDgress aro uqt calculatcd to re-assure the frienda of the Union. The hot haste of super zealous patriots to place theinselves ia adcanco of the country and the adininistration, ruay, if uot chucked, be prolilic of mischicf. - The North is now substautially a unit ; is it quite dicreel to thrust into the foregrouud issues that have in the - that may in the present and the future - distract and divide ? Would it not bo batter to leave to those who have taken upou thmselves tho labors and responsibilities of the war to conduet it in such ïnanner as experience has taught them to be tho best V Would it not bu better to permit the President, hls coustitutiora! advisers, and the (Jommundurin Chief, to go on with the great task befjjcg tUcm, without embaí rassinent or diotation '? - Whatif they have made mistakes in the past ; are they not r.ot oórricting them to the best of thcir ability, :i:;d tiuus net the work now, ''go bravely on?" Why not leavo well tnough alone ? Is tho honorable gentlemen from Buncombtown, fresh from his ledger, his law-p:iporB, or his potato patch, better able ta lay out the map of the oampaïgö hal the men who have devoted all tho enefgies of their souls to the subjoct í'í" months ? If it has been de termined to put tho administration on trial, would it cot bo more dignified to impeaeh them outright '? If it has been deterniiued to arraign Gens. Scott and McClellan, why not suinmon them directly defore thu bar of the House ? Among the innumerable inquisitions ordered by the Housa is one for the investigntion of tho cause.i of the dtfeat at tíull Kun. Did it occur to the gentleman who offered the resolution that such defeat hape ed Juring tbe extra session of Congres, au l pfo wcro the instigators of that fatal " ouward mevement ? ' And did it Oivur to him also how many members of the Feder.'il Cougress followed in the tr ïin )f t!e 11 Grand Army " and assitUJ in ihs retreatt The pcople hare confidence in the patriotisui a:id di;.eretion of the men who stand at the hcad of affaira. Ihto tteïr hands they checrfuHy oonfida the honor and welfare of the flepublio. They hopcfuüy ook to thom to bang tho war to a euceeasful teruiiuation. And t li ■ y will not fail to rebuke the efforts of polioiansand stump-warriors to supersede the Bxecutive. - -Albany Eveninj Journnl, !2F Rhode Island has just sent hei1 eighth battiry to tbe Beat of war. No i other State stands in anytling 1 i k e thii proportion as to artillery ; ar.d Khcd; ' Island artillery is confossedly fair:


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