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Statement Of The Purser Of The Treat

Statement Of The Purser Of The Treat image
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The foltowing i.i the most material portion of the Ktntement ol tha Piraer ot the "Tront," relating to the seizuiv of Masnu and Slidcll : "We lift Havana yea'er.hiy tnorning nt 8 o'clock. This tflorning ubout huil pust 11 we ofcwerved a largo sleauiship anead, and on u r.earor approüch found she woa hove to, evidenlly nwailirïg uï. We were then in tho narrowesl part. of the liuhumii Cltatuiol übpeaat of Paredon Grande lighthouee. As soon as we were wöII within rango we had the first intimalion of her j tionnlity nnd ntentions by a round shot ■ being fired acroH pur bows, and ' ut tho saina moment by her showing ' American colora. We were now euñiciently near to observo that all her ports were open, guns run out, and i crew at their stations. On a stilt nearer approaoh ebe fired n shell from n swivel gun, of large caliber on. her foreeoetle, wbioh pnssed witliin a lew : yards of tho flhip, bursting abont a ' hundred yards to leeward We wero now within hnil, whon Captain Moir, commnnding this fbip, aaked tie Anterioan what he meant by stopping his ship, and why ho did mi by firing fhotted gane, contrary to usual enstom. The reply was ttiat he wished to send a bont on board of ns. This was imrnediately fÖHowed by ! bont pibing off from ilio BÏdfl of the San JnoitttO, uontaining between twentv and tliirty, men, heavily armed, under the cornmand of the Piret Lieutenant, who eame npon the quarturdeek, and, ufter asking lor Captain Moir, demanded a list of passengen As his ' right óf senruh' was denied, the infoririation required was, of conrso peremptorily refunod. He thon stitted tfiat lie had nformation that Messrs. Südell, Mason, Eustis nnd MePárla'od wero on board, and demanded that they should be (fiven tip. This ateo be'ng indignantly refueed, -Mr. Slidel! himself came forward and said that the iour gentlemen nnmed were before hiii), but appealed to tho Brilich flag, nnder which they wero sailing for protection. " The Lientennnt said tbat bis orders were to take thom on board the San Jacinto by forue ii they would not Bnrrender. He then wol tred to tho ide of the sbip and waved bis hand; iinmeiüately three more heavily armed boatspnshed off nnd ourrounded the ship, and tlie party of marines who came in the firwt boat, came up ind and took possession of the quarterdeek ; these, however, ho ordered down on the main-deck, to tike eharye of the gangway ports. Captain Williams, É. N., the navnl agent in charge of the mails, who was of cotirse present during this interview, then, in the name of her Majesly, he being tho only pert-on on board directly representing tier, made u vehoment proteatation against tliis pirática! net. Daring the whole of this time the San Jacinto was about two htindred yards distart from us on tho poi t bemn, her broadskle gun.", which were ui! inannet), directly bearing npon na, " Any open resistanco to sticb a forcé was of couree, hopelefs, nlthongli, from the oud and repeated plaudits whieh foilowed Captain Williams' protestation, and whicb werejiined in by every one, without exoepticn, of the pas.engors ongregatod on thequarterdeck, 'nen of all ualions, and from the manifepted desire of somo to resist to the lust, 1 have no duuht hut that crery persoti wou'J, hare jtin d heart and soul n the struggle had uur commander but gh-en the order. Such an order he eould not, nnder sucb adverse circurnstiincös, conecientioubly gine,and itwas tberefore considerad suíficient that :i party of mürines with bayonets fixed ttbould lny Imnds on the gentlemen named. This was done, and th gentlemen retired to their cabins to arranga socne few changos oí' clothing. "A most hcartrending Beene now took place between Mr. Slidell, his i eldest daughtar, a noble girl devoted to her father, and tlie Lioutenant, It would require a lar moro ublu pen than mino to describo how, with fhtshing eyes and quivering lips, she threvv herself in the doorway of tho cubin whero her father was, resolved to defend hiin with her lifo, till, on the order being given to the marines to cdvance, whieh the, did with DftyopetB pointed ai this poor dt'fen.-eless ciil, her fat her ended tho painfiil scene by esciiping from tho eubin by a window, wheu he was immediately seized by the marines and hurried into the boat, calltng out to Captain Moir as he left, that he held liiin and his government responsi blu for this outrago.


Old News
Michigan Argus