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New Year's Eve Hop

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-The third bop of the ''Youug Men's Cotillion Club' taken place Tuesday Evening Dee. 31.- Their hops herctofure have been well attended, and tliere reason to believe tliia one will bu tlie largest umi pleasantest of tlie series The managers are inaking extensive preparations, and we have no doubt their efforts will be appreeiated, and that Haugsterfur s Hall wiil bc crowdcd. L3L" W have leceived ihe J .nniirj number of the Ladies' ({rpos'ln y - lts engrsivings are :t "View on the Esopus." a beautifu! lundxeape ; a portruit cl Sir IletiiV IlaveWk ; und "Leurning to Ritle," a siiperb Vljfnette tille. The oontents ire varind, and e need not hhv extw;llent, for the lityrature of the Tlepr.silnry is alwav. of the highest order. As ttfw h ihe season for seleeting and Mihscrbintr pen' miiculi. we cornmend the Repusiion to all who would give their families j pure literatiire. 82 a year Acdies Pok & Hitciicock, Ciminiiati, Oliio. t Too kek, Phoiogiapber, Exohaaga Block, has taken i nuniher of StfiToscopic Views in ind around Ann Arbor, wbich, beidws being adiniralily exeented, ure really fine picturec. Oiir citizetis would do well to purchase these View and send thein 'o ditant friendt. It would both niake uur beautiful City iavcriibly knonn abroad and enconr.'ige Tookkr to enlargo his oporations. ET W have received th January number of Petersorít Magazine, and a good number it is, proinising moeh for tho coming year. lts illustrationa are nuinerous and bcautiful, and, besidts, the ldie will find thora useful. The table of contents embraces a large list of paper frota well knowti and popular pens; in fact Peterson always brings snmpthirig readable. Now is the time to subscribe. $lí.00 a year ; thre copies 85.00 ; five copies $7.50. Address Chas. J PjbthbBO5, 30ü Ci.estnut street, Philadelplua. - Peienon and the Argm for S'2.75 a jear. 3f Aniongthe most welcome weekly ▼isitants toour editorial table, for soveral jears past, has bee:i the Rural New Yorker. lts large, clean Iookttlg, beautifully pritited pages are always attractive, and then the several dep:irtnients are filled ■with niatUr to interest and instruct. It il tl first class family paper and especially commends itself to evcry person who ultivatts half an acre or a farm. We uecominend il to our friends with confileixe %2 a year ; tluee copies 85 ; en copies, and one gratis to agent, $15; twenty copies, ai;d an extra one to agent, $'25. Address D. ü. ï. Moori, Kouh,ester, N Y. JP2C VVe have recei red the Jamiary flumber oí the chctic Magazine. Il ,bruigs two niHgni&cent engraving: "The Wif'e of Bunyan interceding fiir his raleara frorn prison," engravecí by Suitaiu IVoin tbe urignal puiiiting by Duval ; and "The Buttle ,of Bunker Hill," eiif;''uved by PertM Jroi Truinbull'd pntin(j. TbMe en gravmgs are icooinpaniuii by descripjve urticlörf, and tbe Lutter al by a piijier upon the Ua.ilu of Bunker IIill, by Evkkett. Btwidef, we havo nineleen pappf r"' eleven leudi'n'g foreigu periodicttJs, md all but to t tiium from periodicals iï t reprinted in ths ountry. The Er.hctw ontains inoott.iy 144 iarge, doublö column pages, and each niiinber superbly illustrated, making three valuablo vuIhiiikm yenrly $5 a year. Áddreti W. II. Hidmkli., 5 BeeUman etreel, N. Y.


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