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Li K iiSiUIA Üfc.. Tho Ccmnecticut Tiutual Lifo Insuranco Company. AccumulnteJ Capital, - $3,500,000. Wn.LIHSüKK LIVKS foi mv nmmint not exeeediug :.:',j. tbc whota term of Life orfor n term of vefirs, tm the most favorable term. X. I! [Tie Company Is pureij mutunl nnrt the polio; holden get all the surplus oTer tUexactcoit "I , anco It accomodate tho innrei In tb settlenrent al their pmiiiiiij (IN' LIKK POLICIR1, il' desired, bjr lakint aooteforone half the snuiint, hearing interest at six per cení, per ;i nir.jii . IJ i ui den Li are Decarcd Annvally! and f ince t'nev amount tO Wt per cent on tin' pro mlum -:ivii and note, and art; iDcreasfagtbey may be üjmiii (6 cancel tbenote. - The ratea of premiums areaslow ;is anj other ra RpGtisi ble Company ndthelsrge aocumalated fond ol 10 ia securely tnvested, is nuiv be Been by reference tn the itatement made aeeordlDg to law, on Illc in theofficgofthe Count !iik,:i' Ann Arbor.HS JAMES SOODWINjPrBrt. Gct B. msira.Seoy. For partfwlarsapply to JAM C. WATSOlf, 7r;;v i Afrent at Aun Arbor, Klim. Important National Works, Pobliaheri v U. All I.l.ïoN .1 CO., 316 AND 34d BEOADWY NEW YORK Tbc Followiag works are Bent lo Subscriben in nv part of thjoountay, (uponreoeipt of rotail price.) by mattl or expres, nrepaid : TUK lïliw AMKRIAN C'YCIiOrflJDIA: A j Popular Dictiunary ol llenen 1 Knowledge. Edlted by . Gito. Ripley and I HARim -i. IUX., alded iiy a rwrtnerout . select corps of writersinall branches of SdeocM, Art and Uterature. work being pnblluhed n bont ló larm "ctavi volume. eacb containing 750two-ooluo page,' v„i,. L, II., III., IV. V. VI . vil. VIII., V IX. are now readr, eacb contáinlng Deur 2.50kriginal ni bIm. Au addltkmal volume will bc puMwhetl once in about three tnnnths. Priee.inCloth, $3; Flieoii, $3.60; Half Ruasia, $4.50 aadi. The NftW American Cyclopttdla is popular without beinp nuperfleial, tearnwi itïou( betg pedantle, oompre henilri sufflcii-ntlj detaOed, trwfroni praonal pique an) party prejotce, l'rfsli and yt accurate. It is a complete statement of all thai la knmvn uiKn eveiylmportaal topic witbin 1 1 . - acoi f human intelligenee.- Kvcrv important artiota in it ha been npeetally wntte for Ita page by men who are authorittei uiion the topic on whlch 'tlmv pcak They ar re qulred to bnng the rabjeci np t.. the present moorent; to state Just how it taada tmw. All the tatiatloal informa tionta from the latr-ti reporta; the geographical aeeoantn keep pace with the latcst explorations; biatorical matters include the freshest just views; the biogmphical aoticeaednak nol only of thc.lea.l but also of tlie living. It is a librar} "' At!"mlHíEMKT OF THE DEBSTES OF CUtGRKS Bcintr a PoBtteal Bistory of the Dnited States frotn 'lic nrganisation of the flrat Federal Congres., in 17S' to 1856. Editedand eompiled by Hon. ïuo. Hakt HKNiox.frntn the Official Etecordü of Congrua. Tlie work will be ooispleted in 15 royal octavo rolóme of 76fipageeach,ll of which are notr ready. Ana ilitixnal volume ill bc pulilisbc.l once in threcmonths. Cloth, ÍS; Law Sheep, Half Mor., 4; Hall AWAT ÓF l'KUCL'Ii'N'O THF.CYCLOP.nPIA OR DEBATO! F nn clnbnf foor, and remit thepriceof foarbook, and nve oopie will be ent nt the remitter's lor .arriai.-e.or tot ten BUbacribcra, eleven copies will bo ent at our expense for carriage. To Vsiuits. No other work wtü o liberally reward the exertioni of vt,ents. A.v Acsvi wavted is tiiisCoixtv Terms madeknojen on appUcatlon to the Publishers. Alm Arbnr, Marcli. I8M. BSOÏaaii % i'.t'V THOfl. WiuiiiiT, aííent at Kinne ,v Sulith Tïook Ltore, Vpsilanti. VITCI1ÍWAN SOUTHERN & ITX HORTHEBN IN'MANA R.UI.KOAI1. 1861. bOMMEK AltKAN'bEMK.XT. ISGi lntins now run on lilis roatl, PusOAyfl oxcepted, as follows: Leave Foledo ror Chicago at 9 00 A H.,and9P. U., and via Air at 0.15 A. af. I.eave Detroit for ( bteago at 7,16 A M. and f1. 30 P. II Arrivinii in Ghicago from Toledo and letroit al "i Hl P M. and 7,88 A. H . and ra Air I.ino at T.S8 1'. M. Ar:iïeat Detroit from Toledo, at li:55 A.M., 6:05 ' 1 M. Leaves Detruil for Toledo at 7 15 A. M., and 0 00 T. M. Arrive in Detroit l'rom Chicacoat 6. 05 P. JI. , amlC.fu. A. M. rrive in Toledo f rom Chicago 4,20 P. M. nnd4.30 A. .., íind viiuur lineüt 4.1Ó I' M. :.eare .lackson tor Toledo at 4.45 A ■ M. and 1,(15 1'. M. Airive trtjin Toledo :v'. S.öö A, M., and 4,0 P. MOONNKCTIONS. At roLKDo- With Cleveland s Tulodo Rail Road, wiüi Wabanh Vallev Rail lload. AT DïTtton - With Grand Trunk Raüway , wlth i;reai We-tern Kailway, ulso, w;tli the Uetroit asa Milwaukee. Kaürot 1 At Nkw Ai.han-y k Salxv R. R Cbosmso- WithTraini for Lafayelte, New Albasyacd Louisville. 4t Chicago - Wilh Chicago and Socklaland, Galena. Milwaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quinc.y- N'ortl, West Railway - Chicago, Alton and -'t. Louit, Illinois Central, and to all 1 oints Weal an.l Kouth. Trains re run by Chicago time, which is 20 min utes stowcr tlian Ttdedo tiine. Patent SlMpisg ('ars .iccerr.pany th Nijtht Trains on thi Route, al-bur'ys Patent Ventila torJ an.'l Du-tersaro Qied on al! ïumiBef Trainn. L$- '!'nn. aud Pare the tame aaby any other Rai' Road Route ÏVO I). OAMPBKLL. Oei"al Superïntewlil BOOTS SHOES MOüHE & LOOMIS Aro nnw reccivinj a lr.rgft fissortment üf Bcots and 3 hoe and :el xj b s e :r s i Which tLey propose to sell 50 per coit beloit forntr pricer for ca$h. Men'e good Kip Boote, from $1,'O to $3,00 Men's good Tliiek Boots, frora 2,00 to 3,00 Men's gwiil Cal f Boots, from 2,50 to 3.75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1.75 Ladies' Gaitera, from 44 to 1 25 Latlii'' Morocco Bootet-e, from 75 to 125 AnJ an enilless variety of Smal Shoes from Fancy Buhnoral to Iofaotü' Creeping Slinos. We nn alsoNannfac tnring 11 kinds of WAREANTED BOOTS & SIIOES. Mtns Fine Preneti "ui f iíoo a Peggfíl aml Sewed. Po give U3 a cali before pnrehaaing elsewhere, as we rtre b..unl not to be undiiraold. (JJKUPAllilXii liU.NK O.V SU -RT XOTICE.iT Mi)T5E & LOO1VIIS Main St., Ann Albor, Mich . SÜOtf EYE and EAR. ;: g DR F. A. CADELL, Of Chicaso. 0PSRAT0H ON THE LYL & E&.R, ' Vot DAalheu. iïlltulmss nndat clefttts ff Slht uixt Heat Ing. DR. C. BKIMG A REGÜLAK IMiysici.n, witli TWKXT V ' VKAR ■ ' exclunivv prfcctice in tht i reaimeni of il '' aaa B of tiw EYK ANO ËAR, wiH be fgaad fully qualí&ed tafarive relief 'r &flfect n cure in ftny c tee vrltUio the Mftcb ' of humat) fkill - Ite Ckhrge for nn trami iim or an opinión t' Orfur Uwtlicrcssful KTVCAf. Dn. C.'n Treati.'K on TOE Kvk and Kar, w"ixtli E'lition, ; of 800 Pogen, oontaining Befertnces, Te-tinioninls, Descriptionuf Jiisca i-;,''iim's, nul nilur nnp. rtuiü niiitU'r, ili:Mtr'ti'(! witli í 'uih, lu b' had ïrattt, by Rending Tvumtfjtn CentêXn pay postage Addrftsft Dr. Cadwkm 01 and tíS IÍ;uk1m1i,1i ireet Corner Jieaborn, Ohlcftffo, Uüuois. Ij82. ' Ice for he Summer of 1882. rI'HK SUBSCRIBES'lctiveriní cv ib.uit Cbeflrst üfilny nxt and delfrer ontJJ lbeiddlei)r iMtof Ocfeober.orforS nont'rfjrl] delivcr -Obs, per. i dar"4OttM m Suimday fort-5, 0 lor t!m shusmii. Vill ii--ufli'i to upply til lus furnu r oustonwr i and by i betng pmmpi and punotual will entoavortn rít satisfaotioo t iili who m.iv :'av-r liim with tbeir onlers. pïo (f ,v;ü be delirered ;- beretnfoie i"-r a tow vA ín (7otf rfy- ftt $1. pei". ni t' a ,t i raaptHWlfolfi Lo keep tho t'iin undei fint :t i r iiiLít-niHiit. Hoi. Is a rul suloonx furn uhed fl Iwrolofora. (1,1 MINT. K THOMPSON. Ann Arbor, Mov. 23, lfl J73 WAHTTINAW MXTTXTAIj FIRE INSURANCE COJI'ANY. r Secretar v wnl be at Oookii HoteJ, in the City f I Ann Irbor, onTbuYsday of eftch week, nntttfuvtfaer noli-e, ready t j rMive no aambei. October 3Jd( 181, 824tï REAL ESTA'IE FOR BALE Ann aeres of land Mh a wll of gooi irator, and a % V U livlnfr prlne, tOQe bouxe. barnapö new.Jihed, nnd good orchard, and - l.un 'n-i : flfty acrea_ lm. proTed. 'l'ïic i'.inn i silnuf-'l in the town of Fclo, aod sou(h..f Mr Boyden' plaln,aoflf(mr ad lui II' ipiles from Ann Aruor. jri.IA Ml'HRAY. Wil. UÜRBAY. Fcio, P,p . Tt, un. 819we NOTICE. THE ASNTAl.motinir of ihe'!miin Fnrmcri' Flrj bumraam CompnTof Wasbtenav Couoty, 'i;i bc held at the dwalllntK I wofjaeob April, in, on Mondar nee. 1-t. 1 -Hl. at 10 Vloek. A. M. I J.Q.Koca Seo JAOOB JKDEIjE,Sen., l'rowdwit. i he Latent Special Dpaích ( o the citizens of Ann Arbor and Vicinity I I ' NTENSE EXCITEMENf! ' Uundreds watchiitg the progresa of ' Daily Kvents ! ! lic Federal Arm y again Victoriuus! , , , 'The Union must and shall be Preserved !" " ThiTr toas a man in onr totrn, '■ Je was so wondrous wise" ?ut with n'l lii wi.xlom, he wan no' bo wise :i8 that ' other man, ' wlio wWen hu wanted to buy thu The citenjpett and best O L O T H I N C! In tJiid markï always jumpedinio O ü I TE R MAN' tí HEAD QÜAETERS! For there be knew he nlwny9 crot hig moncy'a worth. 8reing is bfllieving umi y.m t luit. wisli to eee come ii atnl believe. Thnse that can't „sei' can keel, aml as we nlways nk our oiistoTiii-i's feel gootl oer Rood bargsint, they are especiülly invited to our unximia seat thnt thcy too muy realize how goo.l it is tortluin to le witli U9," nnd bow inueh picasure can be obtained in the enjojm. nt ui SPLENDID BARGAIWS ! ' me rill ye lliat nre vrry nnd heavy In tli'ii" - witl) Üoikh umi we will de oi,r lies' to p"Heve von - g:-. inirvou in re1 urn tho jinttt kii, tl of Goods a the lowatjigurei. Great liflttles nre lioiirly tnking plaoein th Clothirg li ne - win le regí men ts of Oftisitneres. 'egtim's tc. nre being eluutrlit re I bv Gen. ÍONDHE11C - to fit, the reit ruIi of recruita :ht, ii'e pouring in from every tireetion, all mxíom to liiivo their naun-8 enrUed for n NE AT AND 'JAST Y 8 UIT f - jueli as can oniy be ha3 nt the Ilead Quarfers f Guiterman 6 Co. One of the firm. Mr. M Guiterman. hrtving OBt retornad fram Earope wiili ■ large s lort muit nf Cloths, Ca finieres nnd ! mee lot f fine Vest. ngs. nUo ji few i eees nf fine Beavcr for over. mits wlii hwewill mal;e up .oor. in llie 1 iUt style, we feel cunfidc-nt ;hat we can suti-fy nll. STTJIDJISTTS 1 We nre happy to groet you ngi n n our Cin . after speüding yuur vacation wttb t lie (ifar old fiilks' nt hnne Be nsnured wc wish vou a pleasnnt. term, anj shull tver be glad to ine.-l you at the Old Head-QnarttrS; N'o, 5. O" Our former eustomra, we feel nssured, vill osU on ns again To you who con. e as trangers we tvoul.1 iay a tem word, wc ïvish you te cnll nnrl look :tt our fine Coiits, l'ants aml Ve-i8 we c:"ti iio botter ly you thun a: y other h u?e in ;he City, and if y u :ail and examine otur pood, and Itj thcir fits, you will uuicliase nowht-re else DON'T FAIL TO OuSLIjXj j& "3? E3r. JE3C. C?. DK. IIOUFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the npeedj cure of Gouijhs CotJê. Influenza, ("roup, Hoarseness, Brtmchitis Pneumonía Disfases of tin. Row gis anxinyfrom Cold, inripient Coa tumpl'on, and for the relief and if ■ tt all poixib'le) cure ft idients in adcanctd stayes of tft. i atter aiseas'. rpHEBálgftmlc Cordial ia entireiy :i Vcgotabl pro'lucX tíos, oonbttkiog t' heatiug propertiea the Halaan, with th invigonitmg quaiittes of m Cordial, pro ducinp a cnibmat n tíi adaptt-d to ihe ptirfoace inteinled, tlist tht're but ifw cave of disease which will not, at an early pendel, succumb to it healingasd lile giving properUéfl, For age.-tj ha t!ie trrniment of pulmonftry diseaseg occup;ed tiw grcalor port ion of iÊe atffc-aihin oj the scittDtific of the meilical wfirld, but mnt1 acqaired more enitiience in Ma treatment Bol tbese dtseases, than tlio cck-brateii I'ruisian. lr. Huofland, the oHgnatoi t tlic BAlmi Cordial, HwliiewM deroted to the pruduotion of remedies ihut won ld btaad aariralled. How well o lia Kucoeeded, the AoieriooA peopfeare ableto judge: and we pnsiiivfiy awert, t ;?) preparationa that have ever been placed l ori; tliem, bave cooferred ihee&me arnooni l beaeHtd 'ii suffcring bumaalty, or have ejloitêd w ukuiv oummendatiODB trom altclas-es oi society, as the remedies o( Dr. Huofland, prepared by ir. C. Jl. JatknoD &Co., of PhiUdtlphia. Tlic Cordiai h dfigned for ;t clans of disasos more g'-ueral and moie iatal than auy other to whteb The people f tliis ouuptry atfi nabjcct - those pi inging trom a ttêlSgiU culd.'' Tl. at emiaetot authoriiy, Wr Koll,sa)s: "1 will not-;iy iliat ('olna are to onr inhab ilanih vbat tbc Plaque unü Ytllow Ftvrr ere to thOM oi other ooautTM s; but 1 eau ;tv-r coaö4eDtlj thnt thcy ushsr in dtieMt) of grt'ütur fcoiuplicity and mortal i ty tliau ibeaelatter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcóholic l'reparation. DK. II OFLAND'S (.El.KültATLD GSáMAN BITTEB3 Preparad by DR C. M. JACKSON' & CO., Phiknelphia, Pa. Will ftffwtaally cure LIVEK CUMi'LAlNT, UYtiPEPSIA, jAUNlifKjClirouic or Nt-i vuus UebiUty, DueaMN ui the Kiiiiu'ys, aii'l all anslng trom a diaordeied Livcr or Btmach, Such a.s Consiipation, Inwanl Piles. Fulness or Blood to tli1 Heac, Ac'üi'.y of tUe öt inacli, N.iua, Heart hurn, Diïtgust for Food, Fulaess cr wi-iglit in the tom ach.'-our Eructatione , Sinking or Fmtlorinjr at th I it o! 'the t.)in:ich, "Wlnamlng of the Bead, llarried aml Ulffloull Bfthiag Hutterinji at ibe ileait, Choklng oi Miiï'ncüt iv soih-af i wlicn m a lying posture, [Mm n&M "i Vi.-ii'ii, j m .i - ni webs beforethe iight, h'ivef i (i Dull Pain in the Mead, Iicüciency of Pernpiration ei Idwihss of tliekin atrl Kyesd Pain in tho ,-i p( Buck Chesi. Limbs, teq. buddec Fluaheíví üeat, lim'-uingin tlie Flesh, Constant imaginnn ef er il. and great heprvB&ions of spirits, and wúl poattivftlv preveot ytL I.OW FKVKK, HlU.IiiC FKVKi:,c TIn1 'v']'t'ieiiT Lb calting tlic at aatlon of the public to tbis prepararon, tioen so witb a fevbng cf the tiUaost cciiü'IctK-e in its viitues aud idaptution to tbe dtaeaKW lor whloh it is recoroixve-nded . Itisnonew aml untried artiele, but onj that has Btood the test of a twelve years' trial bef o re the Anierican ptopJe,and its repatatioD and kul' aro unrivalled by any similar preparatloai ext9t. Tbe testimuny iu its !avirfiiven by tlie most rninent and wcll-knnwii Phystoiani aml iihhviduals in all parta of the country is immense, and a car ful nTUial ol Ibe Almanac, publiflhed aunually by ttie Ppopriators, tiul to be hafi gratis of any of their Ajiem.s. canaot ouf ,stisiy the most pkeptical llittb s remedjr ii rtally de.serviug the great celebrity it has obtained lEiai' the K liï'.n ■■ TromJ. FcistoJi Brnwn IK , Editor of the Encydopt dia of Ri liiious Kvuicle'lge. Although uot ilispoftcil to t'avcr or recommnd Patent Medicines in gvowol, thrnugh diatruat of their iiiRredifnts and elltt:ts,ï vet know ol do suffloiènt roa-non why a nrau may not tetiiy to the benefit hè WHerea Imnscit in have Pfoeived trom auy simple preparation, in the hop that he may thus con tribute to the btnetit of OtillTS. I do tiiis the more reidily in regard to "Hoofland'a Cernían Bitters,' prepftred by Dr L', M. Jaclcson, ol tliis city, beca use I was prejucHoed against tiiem for years, uoder the impresMon that thei were chfefti an alonhol ie mixture. 1 am Indebted to my frlead Íibcrt SlioeDiuker, ■'{ ■ lor tlif remo val oí tliis prjadfco by proper tr:-is. un l tor euco. rKgemeni to tr ilnui, when sulferIng froni preat and long Qntlo ed debt" y. Tlir a%v l tbre bottleM of titofte Bitterü.at the beifiuitfag of the prei int ■■■' r, waa folio wer by evident i f lief, and tora tuin tu a ítjrree ■ t bodlly and mental :"v Indi I lia i not feit forix montÜi befo re, and had ftlmont paired of regaining, I th.Qrefore tbank God n '■ tav Mond Fhr dip otlng mvt.' kfae ase of fcbem. -l. MfifffÖftl BRüWKReftd whai the eminent {Slaas Mfvnufaeturer, ,TOIIN i[ WI11TAI.L, says of the l!I,s.MIC CURDIAL DR. C M .Iacivsov - Uis(ei;lfl VV. eml: Having fi: n Iopa time been acqainted with the virtnei .f tby Ba', namic Cordial in Cod h-, Cfli4, Iml iminatiou of the Lunga, feo. 1 thus free.1 har tttbmony to Lta efilcacy l-'or ,-t vt-r:il yeai'i ! huw nerar been willi-mt it in my f::inily Itlogívee in' (lir.i-.'n, lo -tile t.hat 1 have uBedit withentirp Miioceï ip ;iif tn-atmtci , Compl.vints. 'l'hy frieul truiv. JQIIS' BI. WIIIT.U.I.. Fifth Mo. 17, 1R53, Race Street, 4th, l'liila. These medicines are for --ril e i v al] reapectabl IrupHÏstR nnl deslera in oid eines in the t'ni'cd StatftM, Ftntiib l'rovince.-, and Wrntlpdiea,! "í f ceiits per hrtle - Rt ure'aod gel the prenuino, with i he signa tu ré of c m. f CKyy on th WTftpjper OÍ each bgjttl; all a'hrr n-r couvtirfcit ( 'OSco and Ma.nufaotory.41H .n VfcPWfj Khiladelfbrl, Pm. 8J07


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