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Quartering On The Rebels

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St. Louis, Dec. 12. The following General Order will be issued tomorrow morning: HlUIHirAKTt:R, DKPAUTMtJ.VT OF Mis. OLTÍI, ï St. Louw, DecerabiT 13, lHlil. The suffering families driveti by the robels frora South-west Missouri, whicb have already arrieed herc, have been supplied by voluntary contribution made by Union men. Others are on their way to arrive in a few dayg, and these raust bo upplied by eharity from persons known to be hostile to the Union. A list will be preparcd of the names of all persous of this class who do not voluntarily furijish their quota, and a contribution will be levied ou themof $10,000 in clothing, provisions, quarters, or money in licu thereof. This levy will be made upnn the following classes of persons ia propnrtion to tiieir guilt, and the property of cach person. First, thoso in arma with t!ie enëmy, who have property in this city. Secoad, tho e who have furnished pecuniary or other aid to the enemy or to persons in the enemy's service. Third, thoss who have verbally, iu writing, or in publication, giveu eucouragement to the insurgenrs. Brigadier-Gen. Curtís, B. G. Parrar, Prorost-Marshal-General, and Charles Berg, Assessor of St. Louis county, will constituto tho Board of Assessors for levyiug the afore-mentioned contributions. As aoon as any part of this contribution has been assessed, the FrovostMarshal-Geueral will notify the parties assessed, their agents or representatives, statiug the auiount of provisions, clothing or quarters, and moncy, the valuo thereof required of each, and if not furnished within tho timo speoified in uuch notice, he will issue an esceution, and suffieient property will be taken and gold at public auction to satisfy the assessment, with a cost and penalty of 25 per cent. addition. If any person upon whom such asseasment shall be made, shall file with the Provost-Marshal-General an affidavit that hc is a loyal citizeu, and has been true to bis allegiance to the United States, he will be allowed ono woek to furnish evidence to tho Board to vindícate his character ; and if, at the end of that time, he shall not be able to eatisfy the Board of his loyalty, tho assessment hall be increascd ten per cent., and be immediately made. Suppliesso eollected will be expended for the object designated, under the direetion of the ProvostMarshal-General, with the advice of the Btato Sanitary Committce. Wliere monoy is reocived instead of lapplias it will be expended for them, as required, and any money not so expended will be turned over to the Sanitary Commissionors, for the benefit of sick soldiers. Any ono who shall resist or attompt to resist the exocution of thoso orders will bo imïnediately arrested and imprisoned, and will be tried by a military commission. (Signed) MAJ.-GEN. HALLKCK. Jno, O. Skeltox, Adjutant General.


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