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From Stockton's Regiment

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Hams Hill, Va., ) Dcc. 17th, 18G1. $ Dkar BnoTiiF.n : - Just three montbs ago last cvening I was t-worn into the Onited States ■ervico three yearn, bid good-hy to Miclvgan, and startend for Washington, 'j'hri'ü montha hara gono, tliat is by tho Almnnac; but tbo time scuma short, ver short tome, and I can hardty realiza that three months havo passcd incc I bid my friends in Aun Arbor good-by, but t i.s so. The most of that time bas been spent pon thm hill, and it begins to be a gfeu( deal like horno. I begin to have an aflection for it. I begin to live this spot, and pmbab'y it is ns v!l tiiüt I do, for in all likeühood we shall havo to spond tho winter herc. I h:ivo just i.-ioved my quarteis, frorn the tent of Orderly Cook to that of Corporal Gilland, which is at tho corner of First and Barry Rtreetf, jimt opposite to my old residence, and Rorniíwnai pieaminier. i nere are oniy i-leven oceupants, '.besides myself. - Shouki you, or any of my friends, ever coniü hore, I should be vory happy (o have you cail on me. You can eusüy find my resident by inquiring of Major Welch. This is the most ploasant wenther I [ ever saw at this eeason of the year. ' To day it is comfortable sitting around without your coat on. You have no idea liow beautiful it is. It is hard to realizo, to-day, that it is winter. I soe by the proceedings oí Congress that they are trying to abplisb -the Sutler systein in tho It will bo a good thing when they do, tbr if tliere ever was a pack of swindlers, thieves or robbers, just as you are a muid 10 have it, Butlers - They are not human beings. liverything they sell they charge and get nearly if not doublé its value. Ilere is the price of somo things. Our sutler sells pies for 20 ets. a pieee; one quarter of a mile froni here you can buy them for 12J cents ; cheese at 20 cents per pound, near by you can got ie for 14 cents per pound ; butter 30 cents, of traders out side of the unes of the camp, 25 cenls; black tea $1.25 per pound, at a house ncar bv you can get it ior 75 cents, and everylhing else at the samo rato. Now, there are a great inany little articles the soldier wants that he cannot get outside oí the lines to purchase; and ho is under the necessity of getting them at the sutlers; besides this, there are rnany things that a soldier could get along without, but which tho sutler keeps, and, therefore, they purchase, paving him doublé priee. What ie this but literall}', robing the soldier of bis hard earned wages ? In one oí my letters I mentioned a church, a short distsnee from here, that was being dostroyed. For awhile a guard was stationed there to protect the frame. Last week the guard wae withdrawn, and to-day not a timbur is left to mark tho 6pot where it stood. The grove, too, whieh surrounded it is fast ditiappearing, and soon not a tree will stand on that once beautifu) spot. Our timo is stül spent in drilling, but they aregradually easing npon us. One day last week Hon. Mr. Giiandi.ek visited our camn. and itiv tent. 1 he ncxt day I was Dalled out of my tent by Major Weloh, vvho introduced me to Jlr. Ernmons, of Detroit, who brought tno news from home. I was very thankful lor the cali. With the esception oí a severo cold I ara well. J. P. JG5L" e S've place this week to tho letter of Gen. Scorr on the MasonSüdoll arrest. It is nn ablo paper, and produced a great effect upon public fcjeling, bth in Franca and England. - It will be seon by the Foreign News in anothor column that Gen. Scott returned on the Arago. As he had arrauged for a long stay abroa d bis return creates much ppeeulation. It is mud that lio liad a long interview with Prinoe Napoleon, just before taking the stoanier. fc" The Legislature will convene in extra session on Thursday nest, January 2d. Enourh work is boing blocked out for a three rnonths session, but it is limited to twonty days. SJËT Prince Aibert, the husband of Queen Victoria died ou the 15th inst., of gastric fever. The Queen has Bomething to think of at thia present time besidos tiïf) importúnate demanda of her cotton and negro loving citizens for a war with the United Stalde. Ejjf Washington advices say tliat official notes have passed between Secrctary Seward aud Lord Lyong, but nothiug of their conteuts has been made pub lic. A moro hopeful foeling provails, and it is gencralljr thought that the [Front difficulty will be amicably and houorably arranged. jL3f Zack Chasdleu has been serenadod, has made a speech, and has again raieed the " On to Richuiond " cry. - He bas also proclaimcd liimself in favor of abolislnng West Pcint, thinking, w suppose, that Congrcssmen aud pothouse politicians make botter Generáis Colonels, etc, thau West Point, eonfes scdly ono of the best military schools i the world. For this latter act our neigh bor of the Journal denounces hun as charlatan. Wc fonnd that out long ago &L" IIod. John Swboles, formely Auditor General of this State, died at hia rosidenco in St. Johns, on tho 17th inst. KySTTloy. Garrett Davis, Senator eleetfrotn Kentucky, vice Breckenridge oxpelled, took his eeat in that body on the 2od inst. He is a staunch Union man, and nevcr nandered to secession in Ihe least.


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