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ashiugton, loc. 23, IJSÜl. A special to tho Tribune, VYushipgton, "22 J, sajs : " Lord Lyons yesterduy uaada hi.-s lh-t official conimur.ioa.tion ta the Sec-ct:ry of State, who at once sei aboút lbo próparttioB of o röply. Tli contenta of the d sp:i tc:lics aro iínown t io oie cxcept tboae two, the Preaidont, and probablj Gen. McCIuIUd. Thegeueral opvnion auiong outsiders .-f tliat they donot [jiosentac ultimatum1, bot loavo 1 room tot DegoUations. "As regareis the statement tliat tLa Cabinet ig doterniined to yield to Englami, even to the point of surrenderiïi Mason and iSlidell, ratlicr than figbt her, whicb tho Herald of Saturday makes' boldlj, and the H'iiies insinuates, is utterly falso. A Ricbnrond correspandent of the' Nashville Union and American learus tliat President Da vis lias under eonaiJeration' a matter whicb vould; ia all probability, result in the resigoatioo of General Wise,and all tbe offieers of his legión, iu whioh event, O. Jeuniriga Wian, his sou, would' resumo his post as editor of tho Jinjuirer, and opposg the Administration ffith all; bis power, 'i'his would be a most unfor-' túnate circumstauce at this juneture, ! wlien a aingle turn of the wheal m.iy bvinpr endless disaster to the South. " Tbo Government ta-day received ï, brought by the last steamer from Europe, front Gen. SjoU, st.iting that he intended to take passage iu the next steamer for the United States. - The General does not stito the object of hia return, but lic undoubtcdly briaga inforraation to our Goreroment of important movements abroad. It must be a serious matter, for it is well known thab he had made arrangemcuts to remain for a long time. ': A gentleman occupying a high positioTi in Paris, writing to a frieud in th:s city says that the impvcssion was very general in the best iuformed circles in Franee and Eogland, that a rupture between England and the United Sta'.es is inevitable." The JleralcT dispatcli says : " The city has been excitcd to-d.iy by a silly rumor that the Government had agreed to surronder Mason aud Slidcll to Great Britain, and that they were to be giren up on Tuesday next. There is not the slightest partiële of trutli in the report. No such proposition bas been entertained. In i'act tbe Government has detertnined tliat the Britisb eomplieation ehall be secón-dary to tlie rebelliou ; tbat is the affair of most vital important, and nothing iu our foreigii relations will be permitted to avert from it tho attentioa of the Government, even tbc settlement of other aifuirs, will bc made subordínate to it.


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Michigan Argus