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"SPECIAL NOTICES' 2ÍC. O. R. H Passenger train now lyave Dütroit aiyi tlje severnl Bt&tioBa in Uiia follows. Traini do not stop at stations wb.ere figures are opiitteil in tlie table. O O I N 6 WEST. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. N'iprht Ex. Detroit. 10.0!) a. M. 4.f,0 p. n, .ld r. m ypsüanti, 11-25 " 6.0 " 11.10 " AnnArbor, 11 . " BSO " 1185 " Doxter 18,16 P. II. ".'0 " 12.00 A M. Chelea, I2.ES " 1At " J8.S0 " Ar; ttiicago, 11.(0 " 10.45 " GOINO EAST. iMghtEx. Jack. Ac. Mjiltx. Tiielseï, 6.10 a. M. 3.32P. w. üexlcr: 6.SS " 3.60 ' AnnArbor. 4:85 A.M. 7.10 " 4.IS " Vpsilanti, ,6S " t.80 ': 't. 40 " Ar.nt D'troit, ..0i, II f. ■■ 0.00 " New Medical Discovery. Fot the Rpeedj and perma Dl cureof Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Strlcture, and Jffeotiotis of the Judneys and Bladder, en nwd bj üpwnrds of OXil HUND11ED PHYSiClANS, Intiioir private piacUen, wttb entli cocas, Pf". , LEs.oranor.eompounoiiniM '"iïELL'S SPKC1FIO F!LS, ,n uwd] la aetlon.ofUn ellecting ■ cure In a few aaya, andwhenttcurelselTected it ia t. They ate prepareafrun. ire harmle on tl,,, m I nevei naoneats the stomnoB or hate the ; ana teinï RuRar-coated, .:h taste i aroiaed. Ho chattfie of tet i iKasary hiltt nmgthem; nor aoes tb. r action teterfti e mth bus.mntuta. Boh boxcontoinii six U..011 lüls. PEICK ONE DO1 I.AU, ndtOltimt i'.v mail po)-pa bj any aavortwrcl ,areoeipt ífthemonoy. Soldby Droggiri In 'Nunègemiine without my signaturo on the wrapper J. BRYAM, Eoohwtw, N'. Y., (it-m-ral Agent. n II I.. SIMONKAU, Ustrolt, WhotoMH Amtafoi MÍcWgtó. FRIZB POETHY. Let Chleftatns boast ( f deeds In war, ünstrels anB their sweet gatUr, Anoblertheme mjr ;(rt is ti' ''"- Ia praiMof HïKBicx'a oiatcaleu plm. Th.-ir eares are fonnd ta Bvery lnn3- Ami.1 lUwla'i sDOws-and bio "! Thimooaroufl orku- the paper Ml. Fioduced Ubeeio_' mfAAtaM 1 'ls. Do#alMBictf rever ,lnuM Th. chai-mlngcompound wlll miek it oat, .„ ! h Ui a [aiu Kimf jttetn HU, lf you 11 y ( (' 'o HjaWCK'i 1'ilU. They're safe for all- boft uH and young- Th(irphMronOTerï I Diseaae, disarinod- no looier kill, Since m are bta '1 wllli llmmin; s 1 .lis. y Put o; witb EngHh. ! panisl, orman anrl Frfndi dïrection.. Price 26 cent. pu bo. Cooícíi. SwdTrtieinentontBirdpaf. 8U1 Important to Ladies. Dr .TOIINMI.UIVF.Y, havlng lor npwardn of tnty „"redevotedhis profesional t - .xoloalYely to the Knentof JTemale Diffloiiltte a having suoceodedln thouaamh! ol oaM in restoringthe to sound health, haa now er.Ure confideuce in ollmng publiclv bis "GRBAT AMERICAN REMEDY," CHRONO-THERMAL FEHALE PILLS. Which barenevery! (Wied (wlun the dlrectioni have been strictly followed.l in removing diflicultiesarising Trom Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or In restoring the ystem to perfeol healtl.wheo suf ferina trom SmAi Awcnoss, Proupsos Utebi,thi WmTBs.or other reakneas ol the ürasiüE ObOan. AUo n all caPS nl DEBILITT O NWITOBS I'KIWR.ITWX, HVtïeics, Paihmtio., te, fcfl., irhich are the forrumMr or moré eriou. diaeasel - Thea Pilh, are pcrf,r.ty ha'mlrss nn the amttntHon, and muy be taken by the naat itliaOe frmiU mklvvn cauêing dÍMtrtu tha ama time the icrtnc" charh ly strengthening, Invigotatlng.and rertrariug the Bjwem to a li.-nlthy oondit'on, anrt bv bringing on the monthly period with rogulanty, m matter fromwha! Dan theobotractiom toay ;u-,T]i"v hould however, nol be taken during the Hrst tireorfouTmonthsof pregnancy, though wfe at any other tifne a miscarriage would be the rnnnlt. Eaohboi oootaiat 60 Pilis. Price Om Dollar, and whnaiira vritl be ent by mH ptepald by anyaüver. tked Ae-'nt. onicceipt of the montf. HoldbyDraggistsinAnn Arbor J BUY N'. Rochester, N. Y., General Agpnt. H & L. SÜWNEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo SBohigan. 806tr MOTHBRS READ THIS. The following is nn extract trom a letter writtcn by the pastor of a Baptist Ctiurch to the "Journal and m," Cincinnati, Ohio, ar.,! speal s volaroM 1 hv.r ol thet wnrl'l rir.uwiv-1 rneaicine- Mss. uinsLOW'B -OOTI1ING STROP fOR CHUDRKS TMOTTJIO: ■:Vesee an aavortiaement in vour columnsol MM. VTinttoWBSoothingSyrup. Now never aaid a word InfaTor of a pawnt medSctao before in llfe. bat wefeelcompeltedtosay to yourreaders.thatthi i no hambuï- fl H.1VK TRIED ir. AM KNOW ITTOSBAU.II ei mms.' H is, probably, oae of the most successfal medicines of the day, beeauw It la "noot the Mat. Aud thosp of yottt readers who have babies can t üo ït betterthanto'liy inaaupfly." Seeadvertisement in anotnercoluinn A CARD TO THE SUFFEEiKG. Tlie Kev Vh-im Cosgbove, wbUe laboring as a Miss onarv in Japan, was corad of Consumption, wheo all other means had failed, by a reeipo obiainrd from a loaroed pbysicianrwiding in the great cuy oí Jeddo. This recipe has su red greai nber who were "ufferini from CoMaioption, Btoaehitis.SoreThroat. Coughsana CoHs, an.l the debility and nerveus depression caused by Desiromot benefltting othera, I wül send this recipe, which I have brought heme with me, to al! who ncell it, fice of charge. Addrdss Rbv. WM. COSGROVE. S23yl W Faltón Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. IMPORTANT FEMALIS THE HEALTH A.NU UFE OFWOMAN Is continually in peril if shc is mad enoogh to negl.-rt or maltreat those sexual Inegutaritle to which tothirds of lier sex are more or loss subject. DE. CHEESEMAN'8 PILIS, preparot from the snme formula which the inventor. COIÍN'ia.lUS L. CHSESEMAN M. I).,of fort, Jias tot tirenly years usc.l successfully in an extended private pKCÜee-imrne.liaU-ly relieve without pain, all dirtarbances of the periódica! discharge, whether ivnsing from relixatton or wppMsion. They act like a charm in ranoving the pams tliat acetmpan}' difflcalt or imrnotlerate mei-struation, and are the only safe and roliabla romedy for Flashes, Sick Headache, Paius intheLoins. Back and BMe,Plplt itioa of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterics, S] BrokenEleipand othor unploasanl a.i.l .Ungerous effects of an uanatural condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Jlbut or Whltes, they effect a spee'ly cure. To WIVES and MIATROISTS. D;;.CHEE?EMAN'Sl'IIXSareofteveJns the only safe means of reoewinsinterrunti'd menstruatlon, bul. LAD1ES MUST BKAB IV MIiD Therc is one covdkion of Ihefemale sy.i'em in tthich the Pilis cimnoílc laken wlhcml productng a rECÜLIAR RESULT. ThteondUim rtfartd ia i FltEGNANCY - the reaull, MISCASXIA.OÈ. Siicli it the irresistible trndency of the medicine torestors the smul fimctions to a „ormal conditioti, that ewt the reproductive power of natitre canïiot resist it. directions slnling when, andwlicn tliry sliould nat be used, with eacli Iiox,- the Price Oue Dollar Box, f,bntaining 60 PUI'A valuaMe I'a nplilet. to lm had free of the Avenís. Pilis sent lij mail promptly, by enclonng pnce to any leest. Sold by PruggisiB '-encvnl y. k ' R. B. HUTCHIXGS, l'roprictor. 20 Cedar-Sl., New York. For" Palo by MAYXATO STEBBUÍ8 & WILSOS , Bd SBMMVILLE h tru.r.R. SECOND WINTER STOCKI D. L. WOOD & CO., ! HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALL & WINTER Trade, Having purchased their stock at much less than tbe usual prices.they are prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash 8c lïeady Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors they will be ever ready to ehow their Goode and by fair and liberal dealing hope to reoeive their full share of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor Deel 861. , , . Ann Arbor SoMiers' Aid Society. rriIK HEMBKBri of I iré notiñed thtt the L moatbly &BS68tmeiSt oi tea cents on esch memberis Dow fine. In as much as tlm tre.isury of the Society néeds rcplentshing an immediate p&ymant qf tte alove aiMument in thereforp urgently renuesMd. MARIANNK C. 3 LTLLEN, Trtasnrer. Aan A(jor; Dcc. 17,1301. bn g hl " 1 1 1 ft 1 á P+ 11 s I Li %■■ aa Si ■ - yi = I r; q :- i -4- ■ ■ ff i3 ,_-, J 5 5 S;i? Rj HO o J ► o O ora fTj pS H i Ü S M " iS Ud Cm "9 (SI - Ilurrah for the UnionT Death lo lts Boemiesl A.ifTÊÏiTIOISr.! 100 able-bodiod steady young M WANTED! FOR Capl LR.Buclioz' Co.ofLanci'rs'. MEN OF WASHTENAW! MMtofyoibave known me for the last 17 ycars, ■mil uo-w inthl hour of om country ■ neea, i cunnSïpaiy. of 100 truebrave, and t. y nufim, nrillimr and ready to stand bv n Bghting Uie enemies of öhÏ belove Onlon. TO 8UCH MEN 1 pteage my Imnor and Ufe to see them well treated, and n ver order them to go where I wnukl not bo teady to toad. COML nN' rau brave, patriotio boy, vuur time bJ come, giTeineiheopportxiBtj of proving the truth o[ my word, and I wHl enlit y.ou In tlw most danhingand effeotive corps of thi ot any oiher countrv'a .-j -ie-. It has nevrr been mirpassod in splendor and execuhen n tka Beid. Our eqoipment Is be complete and way BlnUr to the 18th Mish LancerB. .On Colonel. Honorable AI'.TrlLK KHii , '■ 5"""" of iDcliimitabk-ciiiTiry anlcxperienc" in military matter uwellua braye and aficomptished officer. Hu wih Isto make hls Regiment a model one In ovory ,.,.. , ,.„.„;,.i min8, BOYS OF WASHTENAW, is to make Bachoz' Companj of Itncers stand A No. 1 in that '"w'it'lVsucliincnnllT dosiro is that the enemyshould eive us in opportonity t make tliem foei (lancera fashion) of whal metal the Washtenaw boy ivo made f And now my fnends who have been waittng for me to nt over my brokeB leg erape and get my oommUsion, I am ready for you, and the ooner yon i now your welcome fac and nign your nam on the Munter Holi thebettei your friend and Captain willlike -it. Farther mformatlon as% Pay, Equipment, te, LTÜiJÏÏ.S04ïlSSY,.aa.mi. eoown at er., F,a,.li„ BlocU, A..Avborucuoz (japtainln Col. A. Rankin's Lancéis' Cavalry Regiment. CJ. ! Xi I S S Is now receiving a large and Teil sclected assorlmcnt of Ciccks7 Watches, -- ' ..■■■■■.-".:■■'..... -"-.':' t ";..■. ...■-: .i. ■ ■■ :".,..;...:.:... ■ ■"■■■iJ EWELEY, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET C3 -WLJ "J8C" BT-j TE3 1. TBT RAZORS and SHEARS, GOLD iPEUSTS, Musical Instruments, Strings ty Books for lnstrvmcnts, SHEET MUSIC, COMBS. and a grcat var'i'ty of -S' aXTOTIOITS, &C. Ile wonlJ cali particular attentiou to hil lare stook of SDPECTAOIjiES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Flaled, with PERISCOPE GLASS, a Ruperiur article. Also Tluutington & Platt'K celeljraUd CALENDAR CLOCR! .anitabie for Ofiices, Onuntinp: Room, Halls or Dwellings. These elooks ar'.1 reliable time keepers and Calendar combi ued, and requiie the wisdiug of tliii time moveönly,to secure all the requited ehaoges atmid niglit, sliowing the Oay of the treek the ïmmtl; und day of the montli, tncluding the 29tb of February. of I.cap year. Bis good are mostly of recent purchaee froua New York and the manufacturera, and wil] le sold to uuit the times, Persona having difficuU watches to fit witii glaases can be accomodated, aa my stucU is large n lul iMILi uLlf A S. Particular attention to the m m. 33 3P -A. IÏFÏ. I WG if iill kinds of tinii WatchoH, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Stajfs, and Cylinders. Aho CLOCKS, Sc TE"WELKY npatly repaired and Varranted, at liis o ld standeast Bidé of Main Ëtreet. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor, 15, 1861 828M Captain lïuehoz' Lancer Company ATTRNTIO N. Kind friemls havinof rcpnrted tbat ï gave tip and failed Inralstwg ray companj, bavtag) ao lnnbt, in viewthe high anU liumiViiHe motive oí inLeríi-ring wi'h my recruiting Bervice, I take tlie u'.most plcasure m mfuruiing tliein tliat they ire eulirelj mistaken, as I latend, and t-hall master In before ChïisttnaB, aft vin now more Ihan half of the men reqnired and am positive tliat I will soon have the balance. ThferfcforO Iet t'ioscï who wlah to fnlit in my cmipítny ci!l at (i!,cc;in,iy Head Quarters, Lp J. íl Guuld's sturu and be swom in. L. R. BUClïOZ. December 12, 1851. "Tpecial notice to ottsto:3ve:e:flsALT- accounts over BÍX mouiha must bc scttli'l at once. Cill at the ofilee anti pay up. A wcll Bciectod stock of New Qoofln Cheap for Cah. 821tf MAYN TT . TKF'W" c TT "rxr SEWÏWG MACHINE PiML 8ALE. FOR 8AXB CITEAP a new iirt olasi FamilySewIng UaohJne, Waitanted no better in markot. Term easy. E. B. rOND. Ann Arbor, July 16th,18fil. Ice for 1he Summer of 1862. THE 8UBSGBIBER wIUcommencdelÍTering Ice about t h" Ofst oiMy next irul dellver unti] tKe mlddle r laHtf Octoer, or fi r5)í montan will delirei "01b. per. day "'JOiba on.S.ttunlay for $5,00 for theseason. Will beglad to aupply all bis fontur oustomers and by bcing prf'inpl and punctual wil] eniöavoro glve satis faction to all wIk may favtr him with their orden. K icf will ba deliven'.l uk heretofote fora few weekt in rfoj?' V P ! f 1 ■ i'pr. jnonth ah it is impossible to keep the thinz ander tbat ai rangexnent. Ilottls and Saloons furnWie as hwetofar. 'l.KMKNr. 11. THOMPSON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 22, 186L. 827 w3 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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Michigan Argus