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The Connecticut Mutual Life InBurauce Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - 18,500,000. WtJXINSüREUVES foi any amount not oïoeedlOT j ,._„,. , ■ .,, ,,H.ifu er fora term ol vean, oníhe mot favorable ten. 3 s. i íbe Comnany is 11'1"1 h ? holden KC1 all tlic urpltu ofor theeitacl eost oí ImuranotetooM hlfM ainuunt, hearing m'.Hc.t at IU p]j cent, per aooara. Dividend are Declared Anmialhj! and snice thf y to PIFIY per cent "n Uwpre,h anJ note, una a mcrwismg the y lyb lo caní el ti enotM. „posible Company andtlraUrf cumuUled fnnd oi j 51)0 000 a Beeurelj iuvcil.-l, a M '"' " h-v n. mía lo the iltaíi ,,-■.■ n Ble IB the offle „r tu. county CIerKj :;;- p„5t for particnlanapplj to JAMf 0. TI "■'■'-; ,,;:;vl Ajrcnt ai Aun Albor, Micb. Important National Works, FaMtebad t.y D. APPLKEON L CO., 3-Í6 AND 348 BROADWAY NEW YORK The fo'.lowinfc worki M Mm to Subscrilrers In ny paíl of tb -country, (upun ri'cuij.t i'f retail piicc,) by malí OrTÍÏ0■A1iI3I:IA CYCI.OPH3DIA; A p lar Dictimiary of General Knowledge. Editcd by Gao Eüplki and Chabusá. h', ""li1" by a utnerons elect oorps of writera lo all branche of Scieíeei, Ari and Literata. Thl work Ib belng publishedtn Kbout 161arKeoctaTOTOlame8,eachcontahi!n7áütwp-coluran Vota. I.. II., ni., ]'. V.Vl.,n..MH.,fclX. are now ready, each containing near Z.S00orl(rÍBal oti cl.'s. An aiilitiimiil volimia WÜ1 be putüafcei nciin about three moaths. . price.ln (l.,ii,,$3; SLccp, Ï3.60; Ifcrlf Eussia, $4.50 The Ne American C ! lr without - nu euperfieial, I "■ "! [Wlantie, comprehensivi butsufflei ntl " ' ' mi] l"!1"0 nnd partj prejudice, front andyet I' ' complete statement ofll that is knowD opon everj in' pdrtant topic withln the Beope of human LntelUgence.- È important artiole ln haabeen#pecIallYwritten for its paires by men who are authorHie upon the .op-.c na wblcï they upeak. They trt requiredto brmg Hu abieet np to the present moment: tostatejusi non stand ra.. All the statisttesliiSforimrtlomlufromtte laUtt report; theg jrai hical aceonnt keep pace wlfli the latesi eiploration; htatorical matten fnclude the freshesl usi viow; the biographieal nstices ad ak nr.t only of thedead but alsoof the living. It is a Mirary "fA ÏK1DGEMEST OP TIIEDEBATES OF 'OSORESS Being a Politica! History of theünitw! ;.'.,! from organiration of th frrst Federal ConBta" S,9 ,,, irm ' E(!ííand compileil by Htm. Tno. SS " rom tho ODIc:„l foW 1 T , w-k wÓl beeompletol tol rtfj! ehgj voJn of 750nagee(icli,nofwbich-are now An aa,,,!,„■, TOlnnia íriU be publtahed once tathPee -jonth. Cloth.í S3; Law Half Kor., Ui Hall A VV4Í lMtOCTBtG TIJKCVCLOPJEDIA OR J)EBAT1C= Fora a club of foor, arul romit the price of four bi..:l;s. aad ave copie wülbeaeni the remittr' expeniwfor orriage or for ten Bnbscribers, eleven copies wül b seut at óur expense for carrlaga. No oiher work will so Uberally rewardthe exertions of vscots. A Acnwi WAiera is ramCocim rermi known on application to the PuMishsr. ,A.m Arbor, March. 1869. f,002amt BeT. TttaB. Wbiuiit, agent at Kinne ís BtOltnt Boo'k Storo, YpailaHti. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA liAK.UOAD. 1861. SUMMER Ar.üAN'CEMEXT. 1861. lrains now run on üiis road, Sucdays cicepted, as t'ollmvs: f I,c:avo Toledo for Chicago ñt 9 00 A M.,aiul9P. M., p.nd via Air Line nt 9.05 A. M. Leare Detroit for Chicago at 7,1S A. M. and H.30 P. II. Arrivinj in Cbicaga from Tolérie aadDetroit al7,öo P. M. and 7,0U A. M . auil via Air at "SO P. M. Anive at Detroit fioni Toledo, at 6:56 A. 11., 0:05 Leaves Detroit for Toledo at 7 15 A. M., and6-30 f. "SI in Detroit from Chicaeoat 6. 05 P. SI., and655 A. M. inive in Toledo from Chirao 4,20 P. M. and4.30 A. M, and via air line at 4.1Ö 1' H. I.eave Jaekaon for Toledo at 4.Í6 A M. and 1,9 P.M. Arrive from Toledo at lü A. M., and 4,20 P. MCON'.N'ECÏION'S. At Toixno- TOth Cleveland ís fole.lo Rail Road, witli Wabash Valley Bail Road. At Iietkiiit- Willi (rand TrMlk Eaflway , With Great Western Uailway, also, witk the Detroit and Mihvuukue. At New Alünt k Sai.em R. R. Cbossiso- WithTrains for I afayette, New Albany and Louisville. At CiÍicígo- With Chicago and Rock Island, Caleña, Milivaukee, Chicago, Hurlington and Qulncy- N'orth West Railway- Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, anil to all l'oints West and Pouth. Traint irrun by Chicago time, which is 20 minutes Blower than Toledo time. Patent Sleeping tara acenmnunv tlie Nighl Train on this Route. - ialsbur'ys Patent Ventila tor-J nnd Dustera are uscd on all Sumrner Tra.infl. Time and Fare the same as by any other Rai'. Road Route. JNO. Tl. CAMPBELL. Oene-al Supenntendert. BOOTS SHOES Are now rccciving a large assortmcnt of Bcots and hoes and Which tlicy propose to sell 50 per cent below former prices for caeh. Men's good Kip Boots, from $l,nO to $3,00 Men'a good TLlck Boots, from 2,00 lo 3,00 Men'e good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's CaK, Kip and Thick Boota, 83 to 1,75 Laaics' Gaiters, from 44 to 1.25 Ladies' MoroccoBootees, frora "5 to 1,25 And an ouilless varioty of Smal Kboes from Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping Shocs. We nrc alsoManufncturlng all kind of WARRANTED BOOTS & SIIOES. Mens Fine Freuch CallT Bools ■Pfirp-pl mul Si'veil. ■o ttírtí ns a cnll befnro nitrchafiinfr eiseWhere, as fffi are boundnoi tobe undersold. (Kiil'AllïlN'U DONK UN SHuRT NOTICE.JS MtORE & LOOMIS. Main St., Ann Albor, ïlicli . PiOtf r'gBYE and E AR. DR. F. A.7ÍADWELL, Of Chicago. OPERATOR ON THE EYE & EA.R, For Dcafness, Blliulmss, nml ;i 1 1 defect of SlgHtaml Iliarlng. DR. C. BEIHG A REGULAR Physifi in.widi TWENT7 YEARS' exclusive practice in the treatmentof Oisensis of thp F.YK ANU EAR, will be foau.l full.v qualiüi;.! I . he relief or eBeof a eme in any cuse will, in tho reaen ol humas skill. KS No charge for an exammation cranopnnon, or fnr UHïUrressfid sertiers. ■ ])n. CkTkeail-sk on tuk Ks AKB E , 8iïth Edilion, of SOO Pages, oootaining RfernoM, Testimoniáis, Descriptionuf DiseasB,Cae, and ottoer hnportani nutter, ll.islratcii witli Cut, to be had gratis, by sending Twruiyfirr Ciut.i to lay Addtese Dr. I'aiuvk l 91 .anrt 9U Uaudolph Street Corner Deaboro, Chiuuio, Illinois. lS-8. WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. riiHE Secretar) irlll b at Ooek1 Hotel, in the City cf 1 Arm Arlvn-, onThurmJaj of ach weck, until furiher Dotiae, readv to receive new mejnbers. M. KENNT, ecretarj. Octobcr23J,18fil. 824tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. m f a acres of land vi(h iv veil of (rood water, anda UU living aprtng, tone house, barnaud new sheda and - '■''. roliard, :ud fne hundred and lii'iy nerps im prored. The farm tsaitnatedm tke town of ScJo, and nouth of '-!r Boydea's plalns, aad foor and a half miles fruiuAnnArbor. JOÜA 1HJRRAT. WM. Ml'KKAY. fcin, Stpt. 24, 1801. Slwo HGLID AY GrSFTS ! Just opened tlie finost assoriiiient of Fancy Goods eTer brought to tnis marküt. DU3ORATED TEA SET3, GOLD BAND, ño PARÍAN MARDLE STATUARY, BOHEMIAN WARE, PLATED GOODS, e!c, ettí. Al-n one hundred do., toys for little folks at DKAN ï House Hangsterfer's Block, Ann Arbor. 6vS31 NOTICErrlIE KXECOT1VE OOMMITTBE oí llie Washtemw J. County Agricultura) and Horticultura! Society will meet at tbeOourt Bonae,ot Prioay the 2Uh in&t , at 11 o'clock, A. il. All intereatcdaro invited to be present, B. GREEN, Cor. tfecy. Ann Arbr-r, rc. tftb, I8I. Tbe Latent Special Dispatch ! To the citizens cf Ann Arbor and Vieiuity ! 1 INTENSE EXC1TEMENT! Uandrcds wntching the progress of Daily Events ! ! The Federal Army again Victorious! "The Union must and shall be Prcserved !" " TJiere was a man in our tenen, Jltí was so wwnuivus ivtisc, i I Bnt with all bis wisdom, lïe was not so wise I i as that "other man," wlio when he wantod to buy the 1 The cJieapest and lest OLOTHINC! in ihis market alteays jumped inio O UITERMAN'8 HEAD QÜARTEKS! For tliere he lcnew he aiwnys got his monoy's Worth, Seeing is believing and you t bat wisli to eee come in nnd believe. Those Ihnt oan't eee can feel, and ns we alwnya maka our cu?tomfrs fee! good over good bargainB, they are osiii'cially nivited to our anxious sciit.that they too may realize liow "good it is forthetn to be witli us," and how mucli pleaaure can be obtained in the enjoyment cf SPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! " me nli fe (lint are Treary nnd fieory lan" - witli KofK3 and we will do our best to relieve Tou - g'vinK V" iti rclurn tlie Jinest kind of (loods at the lowestJigUres. Great liattlee are hourly taking place in tli Cloth ing line - wliole regimeutsof Oassimeres, Vestinirs, Ac, are being slaughterej by Gen, S0HDBBIM - to fit the great rush of recrtiits that are pouring in from every direction, all anxious tü have their name cnrolled for a NE AT AND TASTY 3 FIT.' - 3uch as can only be haí at tlie IleadQuarters of Guiterman d: Co. One of the firm,Mr. M Guiterman-, having jnst rpturned from Europe witli a large assortment of Cloths, Ca.-simeres, and il niee lut of fine Vestings, also a few pieces of fine Beavcr for oveiv.oats whirh we will make np to orüer in the Utest 6tyle, we feel eoufident tliat we can satisi'y all. STTT-DEISTTS 1 We are happy to greet you aga'n in our City.after spending yonr vaeation ■vrith the " dear o!d folks" at home. Be assured we wish you a pleasant term, and shall tver be glad to me;t you at the Old Head-Quavters, No. 5. O Our formor customers, we feel assured, WÍH cali on Ú8 again To you who come as strnngers we would eay a few words, Wfl wUh you to cali and look nt our fine Coats, Pants, and Vesta we can do better by you tlian any othor h use in the City, and if you cali anci examine our goods.and try their fits, you will purehase nowhere clse. DON'T FAIL TO OXiIj J&.1? Ge. H. C?. DR. HOüFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the speedy curo of Coughs. Colis, Influenza, Croup, lloarseness, lirunchitis , 'neumonía, Diseases oflhe Bowels, arisinyfrom Cold, Incipienl Consumptwu, aud for the relief and {if ut all posúble) cure of {'atienta in aávanced stngrs of ths latter diseast. rnnE Bslsamic Cordbl is entlrolj a Vegetatie produc1 tlon, coiobiiiing the lieaiing ptoprtisa o( tlic Baltaxa. with tbe invigorating qualítis of B Cordial, produoíoea combina t.on so well adapttd to tbe puri-oses atended, tliat thore arebut fow casos of dlseaee wbich i!l njt, at an carly penud, suecumb to it boaliugami lífa trw infr nfnrwff i_ Por Ages, has the lreai-ment of pulmonary diseases occupied tíic grcitter portion of the attention of the scientiftc oí' the medical fforld, but none acquired more em 'menee ua hia treatment f these diseases, than tlio ct'li'biiilO'í rnif-siiin, Dr. Hoofiaad, the orignator of the BalsAmto Cordial. Ilis lite was dcvoted to the prodoetion of remedies that wouM stand unrivallod. How well he has succeeded, the American people are able to judge: and weposiÚTtílj assert, thgt iw ppftratíona that havo ever pwa d1 b-iore them, have cooferrod th.Ssanïê aínount of beueOtn on Bufferina lunnnniív, or have eliotted so many commendqtiuns trom all olftflea ol socittv, as theremeálfii of l)r, Hooilam], prepare by Dr. O. M.Jwkfwn Co., of Pbiladtlphla. The Cordial la deaigaed tbr a oíase of disoasos more general and more fatal than any otlier to whloh tlie Mople of tliis country are subject - those Bprioging from a "sligkt cold," Tlat eminent autlioriiy, Dr. BelLsaya; ui wiH nots.iy that Colaa are to our inhabitütits uiiat the Plag ut and YkIIok Ftrer are to iliu.sf oí otlier countríes; but I oaa a ver confldftntty thfti they usher in dkeaM of greaterfooinplicit; aud moctalHj than these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoliolic JJrejjaration, DJl. IIJOFLANDS CKLEBRATED GERMÁN BITTERS Preparsd by PR. C. M. .TACKSON & CO., PhiWlclphia, Pa. Will cuVctually cure I.TVKlí OOMPLAINT, DYSl'KIÍA, JAUNIICE,Chfonie or NFeivoua IVbility, Ciscases of the Kid&eys, and a.11 diseastt! arihiug from a disordeied Li ver or Stomacb, Suoh as Constipation, ïnward Piles, FulneM or ïïlood to the üeac,'Ac;ditj of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, I jí nst for Lood, Fulness or weight in the Stomach.Soar Eruatation , Siakiug or Flutterlng at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming ot' tlu: llr;u! , I iurru'il hVn Difflcult BrHaihlng Fïuttering it the Heart, Choking or gutföcating eenfeatioiu wht-n in a lying posture, Dim ness ot Vlaion, Dots of webs befo re the sight, Fti er i Dull Pain in the, Keficiency of l'erapiration, YellowoesB of theSkin and Eyea, Pain in the SHe, Back, Chest, Limbs, fee. Bodden Fluahesof Heat, Burningin the Fieab, Constant imagininga of ovil, and great DepresslOESof Spirits, and will positively prevent YLLLOW FEYER, MLLIOÜS FEVÏSR, ka. fheVroprietor io calMng the attention of the public to thifl pre para ti on, does so witb a feehng of the utmost Qonfldencein ita Tirtue and adaptation to the distases lor wiiic'i it is recommendt'd. Itisnonew and nntried artiele, tut oni tliat lias Blood fue t(ut' i twelre years'trieJI before the Anit;rIcan peop Ie, and itfl revtatton aad tue are unriralled by any similar preparatíoM extant, The testimony u its favor fuiven by the moet promian1 anl urell-kiiown phynclaDB and iadlvfdmüs in all partBofthe oountry is iiiiuicii'-e, and a car lul perufial ol the Almanac, pnblih'.-il amiually by the Proprietors, aud to be had gratis ofanyofthair Agenu, cunnot hut satialj the must Bkeptical tbatth'S remedy la rcilly ik'serviüg the great celebritj; it has obtalned Itcad Ilie Kvldenre f rom J. Newton Brovm 1. D. , Editor of the Encydoptdia qL Religión Knoiclcdgt. Altlioupli not&aposeid to favor or recommend Patent Medicinéis in general, throtih distrust of tlieir tngredientft and effect,! yet know ot do suffleient rWon why a itan may not teatüyto tliebenoílt he believes liimseïf to havfl reoeived trom aay simple preparatton, in the hopethathe uiay Ihus cuntributu tü the benefit of otliers . Idothisthe more ron-lily iu regard to 'Hoofland's G( rman lïitters," prepared by Dr. C. U. JaokflOB, oi thi.s city, becatta I ';:s prejudiced dgaUi them l'oryears, ander the imprefwioD taal they were ehifly an alooholicmliture, [ mu tndebted to rayfriend Bobert Shoe maker, Kí-q..lov tía remora] el i tila prjudíoa by pi-oper tests, and Tur encou ragemunt to try them, whea iuHn ing from great fcnd long continned ilclulity. TIjo bm o three bottteB of theae Bitters, si tbe beglaning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, ana resto rat ion túa d (free i t boditv aml mental v%or whieh 1 1' nnt felt forafac months before, and hadaimoat 1espireí ff reminiog. I thetefow thmnfc God and my Iríend foi directing meto the use ofthetn. J. NEW1ON BIÍOWN Bead wblkt tlie eminent GlafM Manufacturar, JOHN II. WIIITALLjSays uf the U.U.AMIC CORDIAL. Dhj C.M. jACxawf- Rwspeeted Ftitmñt Havin# for a long tim b#an aeqatnted witH the vïrtues of thj lïalüunic CordUl in ('uu.lis, Cotda, L&fUmmfttiao at the LaDgs, Ac, ï tUus Irrely Iwar iostimouy to its ffticrK'y ,v;ilyi':us t liaunovi'v Nei-n u-niioiit it íq my füiiiily 11 ;i!ml;:vcs nu' lUsvsure to stato thnt 1 ÉftT0 tned il witliontire lama in tlie trtntmrnt of Bowel í .omplaint. Thj fríen I U-it!v. JOHN' M. WIIITALL, Fifth Mo. ?7, lfóS, Ötnatfabov6 4ih, J'Jiila. 'I'licsc medicines aro for nüe by ali reiqeetftble Dntjrgis1 1 nn l dealera Is pdctnei Id tUeUnitdi States, Dnti- h Provloc6 anfl weitlndlWiat 7A cents pw botlle - ]tc sureandLtt tb prnuiuc, with Hie ftiffgaturt oí C. if . ,TjCüsori on thfr wrppr oí Mcb bfiltlo; íjíí o'kers are eountcrfcü. Principal Office and &fanufactorjt419 Arcli gtreet, Hlviladelphia, Pa. bJOi


Old News
Michigan Argus