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Great Heduction in the Price cf sino: a & co.s Standard Machines . U'cll known fo he tfrt. fíest for Manufacturing Purpose. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, fnrtnerly sold at $90, reduced to 870. No. 2, of samo kind of Mnchine, for merly sold at. 8100, reduced to 75. STNGER'S LETTER A MACHINE ; ! t!n-i-si i') the world f' r Kaftnly Fwing and Ligtrt Manwfattortog Par&oae: (wttk liemmn bcnutifully orfBtea1 d 'fh N'o. 1 nd 2 MtcklntB re of great capacity and apsffeatioa fw noufacturlr ■ r i ■ UurWo. 8 f:i'-hin.vs are wptcially adapied t o all kindi of lipht aml Itiü'.s l, ■■.:!!'■;■ forti, In Carrlafl Trinmin? lïunt f' Sho biaking HarnMLM&king}etcMte. Thev are of extra iUöj and itU ■ a-rm Long euougb to cake under it and stlUb Um largeiif t dasfaes. Tlierc ir scarcely any part of a 1 rímmers' Btitcttlng tbat eannot be bettor floae with them tnan bj? baad no, to, the Having of time asá labor. is e-y great. Thetablcof i.,:iclnnea ii 24 inchea l"ng. aixj theshnttlfl will holt] six timesthc usual qnantity(oi" tlu-md. TWUlge machine workafts f mtM BniaUon We wonld ak for our letter A Machines, tlie sjjrcial attention of Vest If akers and Hfesa Makers, and al! 1 tliose who want llacbinoc i'ur Hghimannfocturing jmrposes. Tht-y embody the prtócïplea of the standard machines, making tikethem theinterlockd ltfa, ané ara destined to he as celebra tad (oy Famu.v Skwing atd light manufacturlng purposei aaour standard machi nos are tve mattnfaottiring purgóse in g neral. We bave alwaysöM hand, HKUuIiia oaügb , sile Twut LINEN' ANO COTTOH T1IKÜAD, ÜN SPüULtíj ÜUST MACU1NE O1L 111 bottlen, etc., etc. We manufacture onr own Needles,and vould wam all persons uwing our machines nottobuy anyothíT-;. Wfl know tliat thwe ara oaedln soJd o í.c mos-í inferior quolity at higher pricefl (han wethargtí forth .'s. The necdles sold bv us are ffianuáacturedí'speííaUy for our nía hlne. A h cid needlcmay rendar tht ' btt machine Uur customersi ma y rest asured that allour ïrauch )fTiccs are tuniisti; 'f trithffae1' ueuuine aclicle " In case of Httnll purehüsea, tliu mune) may be sent in 101 -;;iniji.-, or bank I Correspondí uta wiü pTeofte write tii él r1 ñames diatfret y. It is all inp'irtant tbttt we should, ïneacbcaae, uto tlie Vost utTïce, CóotJty, and State. g" All perstfBa retuiring informalion ahout Sewing tfachines, thöirsize. pnce, worbinge&pacities,audtfae jest methodn of purcUftBing, i-an nljtiiin it by euding to u3( any of our B ranch Umcesfora copy of [. M. Siager & Co. 's Gazette, Whidi is a bfautiful Picforial Paper efitirtly Jevoted to the subject- It teill besent gratie. SL$ We have made-the al.,ve RF.DUCTTOK IN PRICEwtth tlie two-fold view of benenting the public and our selves. Tlifi public have bci-n fwnulleil bj iporiona nutnliines ntade u ïmttatloi) of oura. Tue metal in them. f rom thí Iron C&Btbifl to the'st pe iee, le oí pooi quitlity. Tfaeir makers have not théme&xu to dothaïr worb weil. They arehld avay In iecfet places, when it wouldbo InopoMÍble tn lmve at tbeir comoáodthepTOper m'clar.H:;il appllanceB. It is only by doing ■ gr1 busUmsand baving'ex tensivo manu fací un Dg esiablishments, that Bood machinea cr.n be madeatmi irices. Thr feeffl de i ;ned nu bines, JlAll.V M.VDK, are ilwaya linblo to got out of order, and aresureiocou considerable trouble nnrl nioncy to kiep them in repair! The qualilies to be looked t'r m a nachiseare : c r taintyof coireot action at wil ratea ot Bpeed,ahnp icitj of construction , greftl durability, and rapulilv o1 opflration, witb the least labor. Machine 1" cmbinö tbew e.isential qnülilifs. jniusl be of tLe best ipe tal and tini-l'l to pefi-ction. ff"d have theváy und Hkéaason a grand scale, to do thf. Tle ptifchascrs of machines, WÏiosedaÜy hívnd iímny concern, wil! Öod thftt those haTlugtfeö fcbvpqualitSee not only work well at WpSft aa üdl na slftir rte ol speed ,but last longer in thp (incsl pönsltfle wotklttg nier. (jur maehinéft, as macle by as, wffl earn more fflonej with less labor thaoany others whether m fmitation oí oui'sornot, Infact, they are oheaver tban any othei machincsaB aglft. I. M. SlNGER k CO., 458 Bro&dway KewVurk. Detroit Office, 58 WoodwarJ Avenue, (Men 11 Block.) Slltf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Aon Arbor. J3F" OLD FBIENDS JgJ IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated PilisszE TIIKIïKST FAMILY Ca"ir-X tbartic in the worid. 'A . f nE[ r . iive millions oí1 pei.snn::--i.., siuiuülly : jihvays iiiv SHtisI'action , contiiïn ÍEng iiotlmiif injurious ;. patroaízed by the prin,, cipal pliypicians ;un. Fsurgeons in Die Union ; elegantly coated witl. W&W sugnr. Y?my l.;ir?P Hnxes25 cents: BBV"3 fivc1 my.v fnr 1 tlnllar '-. = _r_.-,' Fulldirectionswitheach Tat.t..ttarse, T-roí CorNTT, FloridaJuly 17,1860. ƒ ToDn. IIkp.rick, Albany, N. Y - My Dear Doctm i- 1 write this toinfoim you of the wondt rlul effect of yonr uar poated Pilis on my eider daughter. Fcrthree ■;m-s ïlie )i:i bfeeií nSicted witli a Wllíoua ueraDgemeni of the syateïtf. s;iilly imarlng her health, wliich hu been steadly failing during thatperiod. WheninNew Vnrk in kv 1 n s t , a frn-tK] ftdWsed me to tost your p ■ 1 1 - HaVtng the t'ullest eonödeoee in thr judgnaent ai mj ffíend, I i.bUined a B-ipplv oí Mir-, Bornea ft Park, Druggists. Park Iïow, YoA. On reiaroJng hornette kceased ali other treatvt, nd admimstcred yoni PÜIb, one each tiglit. The Improveiideni in her feelings, complexión, digestión, etc., BurpTised usaiL Arapid and'peruianent restoration ïo hesïlth has i '-cñ the resuli . We used luss üian Öt boxes, and oonder her ent'rely wt'll. I eoxurtén the abore a joat tribute to yon as a Physicin,an-1 trust thatitwlllbo the mean ofinducing many to adoptyour Pilis as their fa mily medicines. I remain, deursir, with manv Üianks, Your oueu.eiit servant, S. G. Mobrison. Henick'a Kld Strengthening Piasters cure in five houxs, pains and weakness of thebreast. skle and back. nnd Kheumatic Hamplaintsin n equaHj short jOTiml of ttme. Spread on bcautiful white lamb skin, theirune subject the wêarer ín ro incönTèniece, and each nno vrU wear from one week to three niontlis. frke i3i cenls. nerrick's Sugar Coatctl Pili? and Kirt Plaiters are Fnlf oy DniRgists and Morcliants in all parta of the ünlted State, ('marta and South América, and may be obtained bvcalling forth=m by tlieirfull name. ■ 1VSO5 DR. L. B. HERETCK, & Co. 1 Albany, N. Y. RISDON & IIENDERSOK isaa THE &ENVÏNE STO V BP We wish to onll the attenlior. of the public to this cclobratod' COOKyG STOYE! Whhh is'lhe only perfect 9tove iniule. It -will do more I uaineia with one (hird lesa fuel tlian nny other STOVE made. From ttstiniony given by the personi refcrred tobelow.on nccount of its duuibüity and Fuel Saving Qualitics, it has provcd a saving from Twelve To Twcnty Dollars per yenr, We woulJ refer you to the füllowiiig list of PERSOXS WHO IJ A YE TJÍEM IN USE: Prof. Tappan, Ann Arbor. l John F. Millcr, Ann Albor Prof. Wood, " J. GiBwrt tfmlth " Prof. Wmcholl, " .1. T. Auna, " l'rof. Doug ans, " Josc-pi: Watts, ' Alpbeus Fel 'b, " ï. WJlkhura, " ■ Wm. R. Martin, " Mrs 8. Uenton, " Rieh'd Hoopcr, " O. Hawkini, " Hon.B F Urungcv," C A.Chüpin. " J. W. Msynaid, " riwirlos Tlüiyer, " [■'. 1, . sti-lilihis. " Martin Clark, Ü.B.Wilson, " B. BoUford, A A ,Tois-n. Mrs. O. Wi'lch, " Thomas Wood, Pitwifiald. - Mr, ET. Williams," Alvereton Drnry, -; y Chapla, " .lacob Polliemus, Scio. C.'H.Wooa. " N.C.Goodal, " JosepU V. Wood, " Mr.FelIers, Bharon. We hnve on limid a argo nssortment of the best kinds of Cooking, Pailor and PLATE STOVES. nnd a general assorlment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, nnd Bent stuff for Oamagfl vork. Pnrticular nttention paid to fiitinf up EiiTi-trougli nnd (Juiiilnctors, nnil all kinds of Job vork done at the Shortest NoUce. KIS0OÍT tt EENDERSOX. Ann Arbor, ]F(il. FPESH OYSTERS. We are receiving a superior nrticle of FRESH OYSTERS! Direct frcmi M13 OYSTER HEP8 CAN FURN1SI1 IS ANY QÜASTITY ÜESIRED Ami Kürninl thcm nico aml frc-'i O-FOTJ SAT.E CUE XI Ü3r Tbofie in wani pienso gire Ui a caü.'ñS 82í)w6 THOMPSON & SON. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. An oxij-'i-ñ.n.f'l Kaw aad t'cmala Hbynieia, pctácaM lo thf a:t ■ fJ'wn oí th i's, f SOOTIUNG SYRUP, ?OR CHILDREN TEEHING, vrliicli jwatiy facilítate! tViO proeeft of ti-.ith'n;, b Ki.íti si íj the Kuitik, re1iictaf ui i ídBartmaatU.dM irfM alla.v ALLPAW niM , n m di i t n. und i SÜRE to REGÚLATE the BCWELS. Depend i'.p'jn it, mofUvtf, it vi'.i ghfi re t ïj -jurwiv(.# uild Eolief and healtli ïo yonr Infaftt Wc liave put up bsü tul fcold ihi ni'í'.clt íur ot# . and OaN BAV, f5 ujNI 1K1.NCK AM IKfiH oi it. vlmt w bnv O et btt a'n'e ïo My of, anyolln-rnjHi:-:n - KhVM! IJ A ]T All.f-ï 1ÍÍ A SlNÍJtE lNb'l'AW i TU 1MHT A I tfet, kro timely dm6. Nevid wre knw un it;n. c of di; Tiby ai)y t.n" who uncJ it. ! tlio c frfrnry- uil tri! dfhghled wilt ita 0{tórati D , sotl fjn-atc in Ufln of aranmenriatii n of nwfes] oliVcts mv m"iiiiki vtrtuea. We fpeak in tbis Diatttr "WUAT VfE JO KNOW,"after t-n vern-' exirU-iwe. .M) I I.UXK OÜB RfePCTATifiN FOB THE FVIF1LU11MT W WHAT WKüi f:: DR( LARF. laaltwui evry in-tnc wheite fhe iaf'il ■ ■ rnmii [ n .n.l rataufttw nltd wHl W-tovü'1 n &fWn bi twtnty ubutev ft' Ibe Byup ís M. mlnisti. n-(i. This v]u:ihlr' pröparation U tlie i r-.cii tiou uf on of the mol Ë3CFKRIENCKD and KU.11L1 NTRStfl in Nu l'nHtí.lf tiftil bas beau ued with KtVM IAIL1N0 SütVRjfl i THOUHAM) OF CASFS. Jtrot ocly reliuvea tJipehiMfmin pn, imt InrigiTittM .-lii'll1. bO'.V'-ls. C' ÍFí'. ïs R'-i'i t . Ln.igifS tP :mïenerKy totlie wSiulu syt ïtm. te jr'.V. a mor.t indanri relieve SRIF1SÍG IN TJIE BOWETi?, AND WIK!) COUO jin-1 overeóme convulsión , which ií Aat Rpecdlj rcHj died end in dëKtli. We ' tt UKil m. jüBEST REMEHY IN 1HE W08I.r in 11 ckm ot DYSKNTERY and I IAIli:II'V.A IN cini.nlü N, v.!ipll.-r it nn-;es front teething. or frwn atiy othr cue. W woulrt say to fvery motltrr rbo ]i a cln'W ■uilcrwf frorn ftnrol i - nt - T ' NOT 1 .T ViilÜ PREJÜI ICE.-1, NOR TUK Ï'M.IU'ICKS OF OTHHiS. st-nJ bHwviM' y ri'l ""r ?íííirni child, aml the relief that ivill bt .SI UK- Yl-.S. .liI.L'TFLY - t; fulkw the use of thin mt-Jic m.-. if t'nirly iiscd. Kuil óiect'.ona foi nsing ül ac'iopan UotUa. i nn nnle f fac imtl i PüRTU i l'KK. KIN, New-Vurk, i on the outnida r:ti ptfT, Bold lv Drugists throupout the wi rll. Principa! .(live 13 Snot. K. T, J'lilCE ONLY 5 CENTS PER B0TT1-.K. Forsuleby Ebcrtact i Co. UTS. Jór Me Speed? and Permanent Cure of Seminal Wcnkness, Nocturnal and Diurna! Emissions, Nervoun and General Debility, Impot&tct, and all ËitttuM ter is in y rom Selitarf Habits or Èxcessivv. Indulgtnct, rpnEHË are tlioilflands of YourfG Mes, as ell !i Minni. X Ar.ED and Oi.D Mlff, ho M Mlireriug to som extent from the above diseases. Many, perhaps, ai not aaro o their true condition, or wlien assi.-tanoe is really needa J. For the benefit of sucli, we harewlth give a fw wf Out mort cominon sym.toras, Til; WtcümaM i.f the ,n and Mj Pi i.i ( ÍW and Sids, Dimnc of Sujht, DnU and HV.t before the Egt. PalpUation oí tht nut, DyfHfva, mi V Memory, Coiou ƒ .'. ''l"'' "ƒ Sirfntt, ''""U7 tho ahovo' svinptgins tlicse nmtdlM V il I bo fuuud a " Su Theso remodiea cmljraee tliree prpacriptions : A t) nï 2a(el, a box of Kerm,,' Tonic J'Uli, and a Iml of tu-lt Tonic PiUn, all of which li.TVe important offices to ptfrwr, Sniishóuld ho nsed togother in every case. Thcir lupcriurit other modes of treatment may be bi-iciiy stated m rolfifi- TÍicv diminish Ihc violencc of seiml cteitem'ni. JBhó' Tliey iinmedjately arrest nucturnai and diurntu iq ""y Thcy remove local wealtness, causing U.o rgu I assume tlieir natural tone and vigor. They itnngtban the constitution by overoomlnj osroua debility and general weakness. They enlivcn the spirit, whtol are UKUlllj dcpro. by expelling all IdiUlM causes the SJïtem. 5"By their iilTlgoritlnj proportie! ti.ey restore tl patiënt to !iis natural health and vigur ol mauhood, They onre whon all other otiiii luive tailed. S" Thcy coitain Jfrr, no ppíiiai, nor onyUilc that can in any event prove injurioiis. S" Thev are easy and pleasant to nse. and will not irtlx- fere with tlie patient'-i usual busincs? or pleajon. ítíS" Tliey can be used without suspicion, or kuov. Ielg ol even a mom-mate. . That they may come wlthin Eïie renen of al!, har nicf4 the prico of the VtatfU at ffl per box, and the i 1 .JJ cents per box each. In ordering bv mail, m nd.lmon to tin price, tvvelve cents ia stainys sliould bc ïuc.ostil fyr ruturn postage. --. T,AT)TnS in want "f safe and eltVitna EpOk remü'ly for Irrt-gttlwitiM, 8upprwn wf Uit flav,?! Men?, or anv discase peculiar tu th-iir V Rk Tíl Should USO DK. QTKSa rEUAl.K MOXTUlJ ' ƒ# Pli.i.s. Trico, by mail, $1 and ene -ur,. Zfí&Xrhi CAUinlN'.- These PiHs should not bt u4 WET Jah during ï-'-.'Hanc, as nrtearnoci will ! ü -"" CI,AlVl ÈTwho, from ill-hralth. ileform, or any other hunnno and rcasonaü;e citnje, cílmii it touary to avoid an nereaso of family1, 1 ui ■' m witlMtt iuring danser to healtb. ar constitnti.m by 1 is nss of M. C.r' Itnd Pr-mÜM Pmcdcis. Prlc, by mail. ït af two stamps. , These I'owdcrs can only be by ddrasims lii General Ageuts, ai below. , .. Send for Dr. OiTts'S Pripoi Jieilioil ÏVi!is o Sociuil Xiiaae3. Fbioi Tm Cknts. Address, H. O. miXBR 4. CO., Oonii-rl Arent, L'.uisv;n. Kr. For fule by MAYNARD, STLBBl'3, fc WIISON. y"88in Ann Arbor, Kfieh. Black wood 's Magazine and ras Brilish Reviews. GREATIKDICEÜEXT SUBSCRIBE! PREMIUMS and RED'JCTIQWS. L. SCOTT Jt CO., NEW YORK, continue to imblü th 0 followiuj' leadiug üritish Ptrüdlcalü, vir ; 1 TÍIE LONDON QUARTERLY (Coassrvatlvu), 2 THE EDINBUKGH REVIEW (Whig). 3 TTiENORTH fltlfiSH REVIEW (tm Churc). 4 THE WESTMIV3TÈR REVIEW (Liberal). 8 BI.ACKWOOD'S EMN'BLT.GH MAGAZIN'E (I'rv). The pröaent ritical p'af e of Eurnpenn aib:r wíl! reDder thesft jfablicationd unnstiaïlj ntevesting 'inring the f'trtticomin c;tr. Thy will oocapy a ntódM Sr.mii'! betweeo tha liastily wriltcn nesi!-m, cradn P]ieculi'tinnfl, aml flyin rumnrs of the ilaily JournsJ. ;mtl popderoua ïonw of t'ie future historian, wrütea aftar the Uring Interest nd esoitement of Üio great polf tic al ereata of the time h&H have pused mwy. It g to tbeso PeritHlicala tUat reaier lnuk lor tbs ui!v iimMv intelMgiWe and reliablc liistnry oí curren eventa, aiid a sticli In Atldttíon to their weil-osfiiblihtíd litomrv, acier.tilio. aml thM'logical cbnractrr, we ur{ them iip"n tbecoBidertionof tlie reartiug public. TIn' reMipt of Atlvanc Slictts from the BritUh iultlihfrs giveB adiiitienal value to these Reprint. i'ii-isiu ■-. --li :i-i lli'-v iiiniii.ï le plaod in the lnind of fiubrfcriUersabjut aa mjon as tïWï oriffi-n.1! eHliüiia. TERMïi. (Rogulai-Pncés) VV sta, Fornnj oneof the fo IïeVïews, $3 o I-'ur Hiiy twuof the foor BferleViij ■ 5 0 For vaj threo of Üie ;ir Kl- iewn, - 7 O For all fnurof th$Revtes, W Fürliliickwunil sM'gíiítue, - 3J Tor Blackwoodand "!,;■ KerlêWj ■ 5 0J Pn Dlanbirnnn nnd twn RtnVffll. - " 7 (& For Bla-ckwood and threePeviews, - ■ - 0 00 Kor BlackwooAimd the fourlïeview, - IC 0 Money current in the State wh-rc iastttd will 5 recetará' oí par. POST AG E. The roswGE to any nart of Mie Unilo 1 Sttos will h hut Twenty-four Cent ;i ycat tur " Bla.kwjod." iMi-1 li;t Fouiteui) CetU ü" vear Tör ench of tli Etaiteva. .t t'iH' nbovo prices the rerifxlicaU will bü fuinjiiifr Pol 1863, AN'J A Premium to New Subscribáis, the Nos ol' the Ramo IVriodicilf: f"r 18'0 vUlbefurmho4 complete, Kitumi additiantl chtrgt. the mtiri ephemeral Mugrurinu of thi iij, liisi-litllf bv na: llenéis R ful! ti'IH uf th Ños, for 1SB6, m: be rcgseded'noiiií y as valuabl as 1869, Subscriben wi lis Kol. fur 1501, 11 b suppl ed at tht tollowiag extiiemíiy iotkiiis. Splcndid Offers ibr 13G0, 'Cl,& '63 Togethe-F. For Blacliwood's ïfagaslue, the (Utvc rears, Sö 00 Kor any uno Rtnie-, ' " "' ' 0 For any tWoReviewa, " " 8 00 For Blatckwood ané oneBevlfw, ' " s to Fr Blackwood indtwo Hevie's, " " M M Kor three Rei iw, " ' 11 Oi For BUickwAoduud thréo Kerïewi, " " IJ 00 Fot t'iur Revi&m - - ' 4I l3 tól For lihickwood and tUeiour Reviews, 17 (10 Any of the above worKs will al-" bö furüUcd -i JVmi' Subfcribcra Inr tle y ar 1856-1 , i?. nd At One Half the Reguiar Swbscriptwm P ricos. Tli us a Netc f(btuin ih Ppviuta of th Fpui Elftviêwa aad iHackwooil Seven Consecative Year f ar $37 ! ! ! VhichinitMttlenorc th-ia tlie iricc of the original wo rits ('Tour y-ür. As-we Bhifll iicri-r n';:tir 1 WheLy toofTe such in4nr Tí ow is the time to Subscribe ! ï f1 Remitlnn.'ri must, in ,illm;p,b" m ulp hr( to tif Pubiishsrs, for at tüdae fttoea no commisslon c beulluweüto agenta. LKONAKD PCOTT Í; CO, Ko, M GoJ3strwt NewTork TT sss 33 s a. :r. j x o &■ .a. E M PIRE WATER FOK Inilitcsticn r.r Pjpfpia, Ctnillprt'on, NVnrtn Itfhilify, I-"s f Appetítc, Onunon CoKls, iit-nt of 1tü' I.ungs, HiivUlcla', and FvVfliah Rt,t Oí tbc S.'.T'hv MAYNARn, BTCnBIN! k WILSOX. and BACHtCO, AniArbcr. ljiüS. Oral Picture I'iiuncs A ÜSIZKS, STYL8B aad jutt rocc-hec .n.d i i. forsd!e chaj' ■' bsCHOFF & MÍLLEK'S


Old News
Michigan Argus