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insnusö littttít. how Itis dcne _ W. N. STRONG NALt, DUKCKLEE & Co., Dd aPï'mTal amortment of Fu.-nislnn, Gouds, KO 74 WoodWld Avenue, Corner of Lamed st., - " " ' ' ' " .Orders solicitedand promptly atteaded to-gA -O-H . RAYMOND'S Pliotogiüiïc and Fine Ali GALJLERYSp, gQSad 7 Jel&WOB Avenue, DKTROIT. JWRdTiCIUwI by 1UC Dezen hou Band. _ .. r. o. o. f. Wi?"h, ie Main Street AnnArtor. ' TWÏTCHÉLL & CLASK. iTVOBVKvsn,lCo„,,.eIlors at Law, Ol Life and "re Insurai.M agenta. Office m Oity Hall Blo, jtfMilttM.-d .pooial P - ÏVESED. S.TWITllIKLl , [l4_tt ___ "jTmTbcottT" t Moore Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. WINES & KNIGHT. DEAi.KK.inSiaple, FancyBry, Boot. and Slioes, &c. fcc., Main Street Ami Arbor. "MAËTnf&ïHbMPSON. I7üRNrrrRF.WAKKll„.,MS,Do:a1-rinal!l.-mdsofFurmtare.. l? &o. New Block, Mi" Street. DF in Hardware, SWi, bouse fiirnislimggoods, ï'in Ware kc. &c, Ne Bloek, Main Street. Duaihi n SUple Dry Bood, Grocerle, Boots and Sboes and Kcady Made Clothing, Hurontreet Aun Arbori' . BÊAKE3& ABEL, ttobveys & COUXSEI.I.ORS AT LiT, Wid Solicitors in Office LnatyHaU Block, over Wetot ! OiV Book Store. Ann Irbor , 'lOKGSLEY & MORGAN, TTORSKYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notarios Pub ft. lic, have Booki :uv piata shonriog titles of all Umdi In the ounty , and atiend to conveyancing and ci.llectmg mand3, J t„ paytog taxes and c hooi 1 mteres t m ar,y art of the State. Office eastsiie ofthe fequare. Aun Aibór. "TÁMES R. COOkT" Jt-STirK of til Peack. Office near the De.ot , Ypsilanti , H i B-dgan. ____ - ■ w, rwm aiTd.. TT J3rX J-i-i-i ii .j. j. j-i. - - -j Phtsiciax k SüWMIW. Office at hi residence Xortli sido of Huroo treet, and SA hoat est of División Itreet, Ann Arbnr. O. COLLIER, Hf-AXCFACTrRHR and dealer in Boots and Shoes. ExIVi, 2 door Skrath of MaynanJ, Slebbins fcWilson's'átore.Ann Albor, Micli. MOORË & LOOMK. ïjruroKcromw wrf i1"" in Birots "55?!} (VI Phcenix Dlock, Main Street, ono door hortb of Washington. mTguiterman& co-, ÍITnou-aAiEandRetail.lealers and manufacturer of W Ueady Made Clutliing, Importera of Clothi, Cussi oeres, Doeskin, Sc. So. 5, N'ew lilock, Ann Albor. O. B. PORÏER, " ___ Srwsünx Pentist. Office corner of Main ,BE fc nd Hnron ütreets, over 1'. Bach'a store, JjnpSBnK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wh. WAGÑER, DBAlERin Rcady Made Clotbinjr Clctli. ('ns-hiirres and VcstingR, Hats, Caps, Trunks, CurpetCags, &c. Main it. , Ann Arbor. BACII& PIËRSON. in Dry fiooils, Orooeiios, Hardware, Boots k Shof, &c, Main itríwt, Aliji Avbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., -KAI.ERS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs & Medicines. 'Jjüoots Sbie, bc., ooinerof Hein and Ann treet it bel - w the Excbange, jnn Arbor. "SLAWSON & GEER, "f rocers I'Rovifiox S Commisaioo .Mcrcbants.anddea JT lersin I'lasteb, aud Plasier oi door Eafitof Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, D kaler inClocks, Watclifs. JewelrT. and Fancy Goods at the sign of tbe Big Yatch, Ko. 27,1'hoenix Block J. O. WATTS. - Dealer in Clocks , Watcbes , .leivelry and Silver Ware N( 23, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREËMAN. Barbkr ftivl FashioB&bls H;iir DresRer, Main Street Ann Arbor j Midi. llair Fronta and Curls kei) onslantly on hand. SCHOFF & MILLER. Dkai.kks ín UuceilaneouB, Pcliool, and Blank Book Sta tionery, Paper HangingB, fcc, ïlaiii Street Anu Arbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHEB OF Piano FKte,Guttar,aod Singing, being ilesirousof cnlargingher clnss, wil] recelve pupila st he rosidence of Prol. WINCHE1A, which belDg near he Union School, will be vcry conveniont snch Bcholrsattendin;r tlHTtwho inay wi-li lu pursue the tuily ofmusicin connection with other brauclus. TermsïlO, half to be naii] at tlio midüle and the balAuce at the olose fo the toim. D. DePOREST. ai.ic aml Etetall I te&lsria Lumbor, I,ath, Phingles, Sftsh., Door, Illimls, Watei Urne, Grand Kiver laster, 1'1,-isUt Paris, m Xails of all A ful! una perfect a-isortmeat of the above, and all other inAi of building roAterlals constantfy on hand at tVie íowest poi on Detroit Street, few roda Erom Jbe QaUroftd Depot. Also operating extt-usivcly in iluatvui Demeol I'.uoBng. H. O. I1ARVEY. "Tf ETliC'l'l'ULI.Y offers hiu services (o tlie citizen IV of Ann Arbor as aTeacbeiuí Vocal aml iu.strumenta tT PIANOS TUNED AND REPAItlED -ft Rkkerencem. - Rev. Mr. BliidoK, Rev. Mr. Chapín Rnv. ilr. üorosliiu, and Prof. Frieze. Vut furtln'1 Mrtioulari tnqureof Mr.Harvey :l Mr. Eastman's WaahinKtan 8t , between Uivision and L'niversil.' tre, 821tf. WASHTENAWCOUNTY B1BLE SOCIETY. rVneanoBT if BlbUi and Tutanaat at the Boolit; V l'"ce„ty.c. VoorUein'. s chapín, wood & co., SUCCESBOES TO IjXJKTI3, CHAPÍN Oc MANUFACTÏ.lliKRS OF Ixiia.t, Bools., AND' COLOREP MEDIUMS, ■VVr,ipjpi.s Papoi-,c AMS AKUOli H1CH.


Old News
Michigan Argus