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How Queen Victoria Brings Up Her Children

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A young woman, who was formely one of the housomaids at Windsor, and lef t her Mujesty's service to niarry, perserves a lively reinembrance of the various incideuts of her stay at tlie castle and of the pranks of tlie little people who are now growing up to do honor to their royal 1110 ther's training. Among otLcr in cidcnts of her residence at Windsor, " Jlary" well remembers how, oue mornDg, sha wafl busy cleaning thc grate iu Prince Albert's study, the bars of wliich she was in the act cf blackhig, when the door oponed, and in tripped Princess Eoyal and Princess Alice, iu white momiüg frocks, their haïr very smooth and nice, atd their hands very clean, just ready for their morniug lcssons. Mary happened to be rather late that day, and was brushing away at the grate with might and main, bcing rather fearful lest the Priuce should make bis appcarauce before she was done. " Oh, Mary, Mary," cried the two ch-ildren, coming up to her, " what are you doing?" "I'm blaeking the grate," replied Mary "and I'm in a great hurry, for I'm aft-aid the Prinee will bo coming before I've done." " Oh, Mary, now, there's a good Mary, let us help you brush the grate" cried the two childreu, stooping down one on each side of her, and trying to get hold of the bruslies. " tíive us the brushes, Mary, and the lcad, and let us help jou. It will bo such fun." Mary beggcd them to go away, and not make hér lose time ; but soraeliow or other, though she did her best to keep her hold of the brushes, the little priucesses were too cunning for her, and soon obtained possession of them. No soonor had they dono so than they dip ped the brushes iuto the pot of black lead, and then in a twinkling, smeared Mary's faee all over with them, making her as black as a chimney sweep ; whioh feat bcing aeeoruplished, they soainpered out of the room in the greatest possible state of delight, leaving the poor housemaid besidc herself with terror, as the Queen, who is a very early riser, might j very probably meet her if she left the room, and what would Her Majesty say at the sight oí suoh a blackamoor ? "VVhile the poor girl, in her fright, was hesitating to go er stay, afraid of coming upon the Queeu if she left the study, and equally afraid of seeing Priuce Albert enter if she remained, the two children ran off as fast as they could toward thó school-roora, tittering with exultation at the thought of their ïnvestigation. "lt is vcry evident that you have been at some mischief," said ] Her Majesty, "and I insist upou your ] eliewing me at once where you have como , from." ' As lier children havo always seemed to know that their royal mamma is not to be trifled with, they immediately led the way to the Btüdy, though very reluctant ly, and in as great trepidation as was tho poor housomaid lierself, who beard what was going on, but eould not escape, tbere beiug no other way from the study tlian the passage by whiob the Queen, led by the ehildren, was advaneing to the door, where one glance at the faoe of poor Mary, who was crying as sho stood there trying to rub the lead off her face with her apron, reyealed to tlie Queen the nature of tho prank in whieli tho little truants had been engnged. "Don't cry, but go and wash your faee," said the (Jueen, kíndly, to tlio ïngiitetied servant. ';You are not to blamo because tlie princesses havo dono vroeg. You are two very naughty givls," slio continucd, turning to the children, as the housenniid left tho room; "you have Bpoiled Mary's clothes, and you will therefore L'ive lier a now gown, and cap, and collar, whieh you will pay for out oí your own moncy. And as you behaved very ill and rudely to tho poor girl in blacking her face, you will both of you beg pardon fur what you have done." The children's footman was accordin ly Üspatched forthwith into the tow with ngtructiODB topureliaso ;i nev --iwu. oap and collar for JTarjí; and ;is soon as these were brought up to the gciioolroom, the f.vo little priticesses were sent by the Queen to carry tbem to her, and to atk her pardon for the trick tliey had played upon hor. "Hcrc, Mary," they oried, as tliey presented her with the things, "lierc is a uew cap for you, and a collar and a dress, and mamma says therc is quito enough for flounees. And we beg your pardon for putting the blacking on your face this morning." And back they ran to the school room, deolaring that they did not in the least miad giving Mary the now cap, collar, and dress, hut they did nol Uk is heg her , pardon.


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