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Prince Albert

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ïho New York Tribuut of Tuesday last publishos the followii "Prince Albcrt, tho husband of Qnoon Victoria, wliose death ia aimounccd tliis moroing, was boru at lloscuau, on tho 26th of August, 1819. Ho was the second son of Kniest, Dulce of Sake Coburg Gotlia, uudcr whose immediate persoual superïntetidenoè he ruccived an admirable edueation, vrhich he oompleted by attendiiig tlie Univcrsiiy of Bobd, during tliree académica] sc-ssions. In Julj, 18S8, ho yisited England, ín companj witli Leopold, Kiug of Bèlgium, and spent souid time at tho court ol the youthful queeu, and in November, 1839, it was formally aunounced to tho privy couucil, by tho qu'eèn, that she utonded to i'orm a matrimonial nlliance with Princo bert. The secret had long beou public property, Lut was kopt in suspenso .bj lbo deeorous contradictions of the ministerial journáls. The warriage was solcvnnized February lü, 1840. For tbc purpose of rendering hita perfectly independent, the munüioent personal allowanoe of $150,000 a was made to him by Parliament. Beside was a Field Marshal, Knig'at of the Oarter. and otlier orders, Colonel of the Fusilicr Öuards, aud held a numbor of olher lucrativa or bonorarj ftppoiutiaents. He was a oiau of refined taste, and au acconiplisliod niusio'iin ;uid diauglitsmap. Foi-biddcn by bis pomtion to iuteïfere in politics, he occupied liimsolf with suporintouding the eduoation of his children ïhc progress of the arts and scienoes, aad general pliilantliropio subjects, suoh as the ''dwellinga of tho werking cla sanitary arrangeriients, &c, also eng3ged his attention. He was patroa and president of nameroua charitable institutioiis, in which lie took a personal interest. As President of the Society of Arts, he was the chiel promotor of tho great oxhibi tion of 1851. Similar exhibitions confiüed to nativa productious, h&d been long held in Paris, Brussels, and even in Manchester, and other towns of Englund. But whon tlie idea of holding one in Loudon was suggcsted to Princo Albart, he readily adopted it, and zoalously co operated m tno sclreuie 01 exccnuiug tu tho'whole world. Tho popularity which for a long timo, hu bad enjoyed with al classes, was for a brief space overclouded in 1855, when rumors were ourrentamopf the oppononts of Goveniiücnt, tiiat tlie Princ took an uaduc interest n politkal afiairs, and even held oommunioatiöns with son Qerman courts, which v.vre prejudicial to English interests, so that the ministers thought it neoessarv to clear up all doubte, by an explicit denial of the report from their placea in Parliament. Ho was uoted, íq a country of scicniific agriealturists, for the spirit with which he earricd out agricultural experimeijts, and his farming stock has been frequently exhibited. and gaiucd prizes. As a patrón of art, Priuce Albert has shown himself particularly Uve." A telegram from Washington on the 2-lth, to the same paper, says : "The report of the deaíh of Prinoe Albert niade a deep political impression in the society of the Engliah about the British Legation. The opinión was general that it would wholly cbange the polj ioy whioh has so pcrversely ir.eiiaced us with war; that it would load to a resignation of the Muiistry, and that the abdication of the Queen would not be an impíobable coníicquenoo of au uvent which must greatly depress the health of a lady whose hereditary tendeneies require especial exemptioa from sorrows and care. From tho Ntfff York World. It ia repnrted tliat be was carliost among the early risers, getting up habitually at 5i and pursuing liis studies till 7. Aftcr the labors of the day were over, it was bis custqni to pay visits to the faculty and Lis fcllow students, but UÍ3 favorito corapanious wcre mca renowned iu some branoh of scliolarsliip. - Tradition spcaks of Lia raro personal beauty at tliis time and of bis winning mauners, wbicli mude liiin the beloved of tba school. In bis later years bo in cliued to corpulenee; but at this time b was slendor and youtbful, with mild baze eyes, a profusión of dark brown hair, an features so entirely regular that a phyai orfnomist would have pronouneed tbei wantÏDg in cliaracter. He reraaincd at ]5onn a yeav, and in July of 1838 visitod I England in corapany with liis father and brother. Tliis jom'iicy dctermiued liis future, for it was at thifl timo lio saw lier Majesty, Queeu Victoria. It has iníloed been biuted that tbe royal journeyinga were not altogotlier accidental, but were the fraits of uiinistorial aud diplomatic management. PrevLous to her coronatioa her present Majesty entertaiued towiird a youns; nobleman, subsequently Lord KlphÍDStotíe and Governor-General of India, seritiments fio aífectionate as ecriously to disturb the ministry and the privy counselors. The laws of England forbid matrimonial alliances betvveeu the bovereigri and a subject, and the young toña exhibited a spirit and tempor wor thy of Henry the Eiglith. "She was Queon," siie is reported to have said, "and tilio wpuld mavry whoni stio plc-asüd "- Lord Pajtuerston' diplomácj was called in to estricatu matters. Ho vcry adroitly ghipped th youóg lórer t& to India, commissionod to a high and lucrativo cm ployment, and shortly thcroai'tor Albert of Coburg, reputcd the handüomcst prince in Uurop'c, camo and captivated tho royal lady ut sight. Fi ii tlife New York HeiMl'l. The feot of bis deatii wül bc to briug the Princö of Wales more prominently forward in public; life. As heir appavunC to tho tUrone hu will bu brought iuto oloser with matten of State than durin tho Ufe of lus fatber, whoBQ place in the eonfidonoe of the Crown be wül to somc ostont supply. - [lis youtli, howcver, will, ior souiu time to como, operatie agniust thc valuó of his ns; but bis quick iutclligence wfll rapidly vipen under tlie fivürab!o ipi' ees oí bis position, aud liim in advance for tliat tlirono wüich ib now woi-thily ücuujied by his inotlier. The effect of this buJJen bercavement will probably operaie Berióusly for a timo up ou thc Quëen'i hoaltli, already much impaired by the shook oí her mothcr's deatb,"aiid always roqirg a caroful attoutioii to hygicuif rules. The body of Üie Pnnep, betoro ínter ment, will in all probability bo in state j for several dajs ia Buekingbam Pa when the public will be admitted to view, ( after which the funeral will tako placo witb great pomp, the male portion of the royal fannly, thu armyj and all the high officera of the crown, the fóreign ambassadors, and many of Üie roktives of the Prince taking part in the proeossion, which will proceed by a circuitous route to Westminster Hall, where tlie burial fii-rvice will be read and the body interred. 'he burial service will probably be read imultaueously ia all tite oLuruhes in the kiogdom, and a general suspension of jusincss tako place.


Old News
Michigan Argus