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Is one of the most exhilerating ot all pastime, vvhether on thö ice, or over onr parlor or hal! floors with rollerskates. In the days of " Quoen Bess," soine three hundred years ago, it was a favorita amusemer.t with the Londoners, whoae facifities tbr thu saine were limited to pieces of bone attachcd to the ehoes. As lives have been lost in connêciion with skating, the following SUffijestions ai' "lil!'e : 1. Avoid skaios whioh ar strappod on the ieet, au thev preven! tl o circulation, and the fbat bccomes f.ozoa bofore tho skiiter 's awaro of it, becnnsB the tigtit beuumbs tho foot and deprirea it of feeling. A young ladv at Boston lost a foot in this way : ariothei1 in New York, her lifo, by endeftTOring to thaw her feet in warm water, filter takiiig off her tkates. The safest kind are tbcraa wliich receiva the fore part of tliefoot in a kind of toe. and stout leather around tbfl heol bucktihg in front of the ankle only, Ihns keoping the hes! Bi plnco without spikes Bürewa, and aiding gruatly in aupportiiijj the auklo. 2. It is not the object so mui.h to skaie last, as to skato gracefully ; aml tbis is sooner and more easily learned by skating with dcliberation ; whila it prevenís overheating, and dirr.inishes tho chances of tnking cold by cooling ott too soon afterward. 3. If the wind ia blowing, a vail should be wnrn oeer the face, at leant "f ladieg 'and childi en ; otberwwe, a fatal matton oí thu luDge, " pneumonía, muy take place. 4. l)o nut Bit down to rest for a single half minute, non.stuud s'.ill, if timru is any wind, nor stop a moment afler the ekates are taken off ; but walk about, so as to restore the circiilatiou aboat the feet and toi?s, and to prevent being chilled. 5. It is safer to walk Home Ihan to rido; tlie laUer is alinost certain to givo cold. G. Nevor carry anythingio the tr.onth vvhilö skating, cfr any hard subsUnee in the hand ; nor throw anything on the ice ; none but a careieae, recklees, ignornmus, would thurt endanger u fellovf b kater a fa . 7, Jf the thermometer ia below thirty nnd the wind is blowing, uo lady or child should bu skating. 8. Ahvuys keep yor eyes bont you, looking ahead and upwurd, nut on 'the ice, thatyou njay not run against sorr.e lady, child or learner. 9. Arrange to nave an exira gurmem thiok and henvy, to tbrow over your shouldors, the moment you eeaso BR8tiníi, and then waü: boma, or ut least half a mili', witli jour month cloeed, so that the Ityags may not be qnickly chilled, by tbe eold air daBhiog npon them tkrougb the open mouth ; f it pnssea through tlie nose and head, it is warmed before t ets to the lungs. 10. It would bo n naio rulo for no ohild or lady to be on skatea longef than 11 ti hour at u time. 11. Tho gi'aco, exercise and healthfujneea of skating on the ice, can bo had, without any of ts danger?, by the nee of skatos wiih rollura nUatihuti on cornmon íVoorí; bettur if ooi'prpd with oil clotb.- HaU't Jou nul (f fSCT Ah iJoa is ofton moro fatal than the ïausküts of a wholc arniy. A L-iillet UilLs a tyf'antj uu idea kills tyr;uiny. iy OM gontloinan (affeotlonately.) My sou, wliy yu tlicw tllat iiltb-y weed. Yunth (siiiïly.) - To gct the juico out of it, olJ cüdgcr. fcZgT Tbey teil ;i ïtory nbout a i Yawkoê tailor dutuiiag ■ Bn for tlm ;uin uut of bis bill. Tlie man reilknl - i " I am Korrv, vciy sony indeed that I ; Bn't pay it." " Vell " said the tailor. " 1 took you for a man that would bo vary sorry- but if you are sorricr tfaan I ura I'll au}t."


Old News
Michigan Argus