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"Letters From Prison."

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Under lilis title it is proposed to publish o selection of Charles T. Torrky's letters and jspers, writien wbilcin Biilümore j.ii). .Aprended to them, will be bis Defence, read beforp tbc Conrt, demonst the perjury nnd subornation of the witnesses on wbose estiinony he was convicied. It will embrace many thrilling incident, illnsirating tlio slave sysleni as seen in-prison. The volume wil! be edited by his vrite, Mrs. Mart Idk Toruet, ond pubithed Cor the benefit of his fomly. AU bis frirnds who have received frorn ïim, other thau pureiy butmess etters, are reqnested to forward them, without expenso, if possib'.e, by January lst, to J. W. Alelen, No. 7 Cornhitl, or to Mrs. Torre}-, West Medway, Mass.; Gcrret Smith, G. W. Johnson, Mrs. H. M. VVillinm?, Dr. C. H. Gregory Rev. Wm. T. Torrpy, of Holley, N. Y.; C. S. Ha!stedf N. E. Whiting-, H. Dreseer, E. W. Goodwin," Thomos W . Ward, S. VV. Mifflin, Rev. T. Parker, G.W.F. Mellen, S. P. Andrews. M. V. Ball, J. N. Barbour, Samuel D. Hastins, Thomas Earle &■ Son, J. M . McKim, Mrs. Esther Mpo.-e, Prof. C ■). Cleveland, A. A. Pbelps, nnd Mrs. Hannah Turner, are particularly requesteel ro forward thoèe intheir poseession. The MSis will be retufned, if desired. They are also reqnesteó lo signify their assent to the nse of sncli paris of their letters to Mr. Torrey as may be needed to Ilústrate his own. It will make a volume uf about 200 page?, lömo., and be sold at a cheap rate. Ni B. Liberty aud other paper? will picase copy.


Old News
Signal of Liberty