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Ii is etiinntod thut about two millione of Canada rrnoney ík in citèulutios in Ibis States. The Canada Banks are s:ife and their money msy beconsidared good O l"ng as we aro i'.ilo to " keep Uk! ic;u; " with tlia Iiritiah nal ion, but as bood as the Snit gun firod il ■ n ill become worlbteu lo us. Wo aro not predicting Buch m event, bi)t it is , no cyjdence thut il wil] not occur thut ■ the Masen-Slidell aöair lias boen honorably mul peacefully setl'od. If thu ; Britiah Governmeot is determined upori war vvitli ut, - and re ave more íIkiii bnlf inolined to thiük it nt lenst is not avcTBöto it, - i t w il 1 find occasion to rnake a deiuand Ihat cannot in lionor be fioncodud, and tben powder and ; bal!, nnd shot and shell wil] bc called in as joint urbitrators. In fuch event we shall bo financially fortúnate if we are vc!l rul of Canada currency. "In tirna of peace prepare foï war," is especially a se rasxim now that Johttny Buil is gnasfaing Lia teeth with siu-li rago, burniebing hia firo locks, and threatoning to aniiihilnte the wliolo Ynnkee people, and an observance of it would cali for a concerted action between bankors, merchanta, farmers, and all, to sond Canada money home for redeiDption. We are no alarmut, but we hope to seo such a policy inaugurated now, beforo a panio shall ooour which will inflict a hoayy loss uponcur conirr.unity. KtTS" At tho special Senatorial cloction, held in St. Josoph County on Tuesday of last vfreek, H. II. Rir.nv, democrat, whs elucted over M. H. Wakeman, repnblican. The Ilepubücans liad ïefused to nomínate a ui.'ion candidato. B.ileï will mak o a good momber. - ii m il 13 The muin hip entranco to Charleston Ilarbor lias been effeotually blockaded, by sinking therein tweniy or more wbaleiog vessels loaded wilh Btone ïhis muy ba a sure way ol knaping up an " offective" blockade, but if the Union is ever to bo restored we muy well doubt the poücy of it. P 8ccrctary Cameron has declined to furnish the Senato with the correspondepco between Generáis Bcott and PutteraoD, believing ihat it would not subserve the public interest. j" Col. Kankin, of tho Lancer regiment, lias rcsigid and returned to Canada, to stand by his (Jovernmcnt in oase hostilitiea breuk out astainst tbe United States. Major Clakk, of the samo regiment, sticks to his commando and has voluntarily talen the oath of allegiauce to the Uuited States Governmeut. jL3T E. !■ Ward, of Detroit, writes from Washington to the Detroit Adcsrtiscr tlmt the appointtuent of a Lieutenant General is ti!ked of, and tliat many members of Congress are in favor of Beu Wade, of Oliio, for that position ; also that Gen. Banks is spoken of. "We warn " many Cougrcssmen " not to plaj that card. It wout work. JJ32T" There were in camp at Kalaraa zoo, ou the '26th uit., bclonging to Col. Stüakt's Regiment 873 infantry, 125 engincers, and lGf artillerists, in all 1,163 men. Col. Stuart is in Washington making arrangements to put his rogitnent into the field. _ SyT Congressman Ei. y has returned to Washington, his release having been procured by C. J. Faulkskr, lato a political prisoncr in Fort Lafayctte, but difcharged on parol to effect an exchange for Elv. If an exchango of political prisoners eau be effeeted so easily, why can not the release of Willcox, Corcouax and other noble oíficers and soldiers be procured ? JR2T 'i'here is probably no truth in the rumor wo givo elsewhore of the ccapo of Col. Cokcouan, on the occasion of the recent Charleston firo. Mr. Ely reporta that Mr. Faui.kner had appcaled to the Confedérate Government in behalf of the prisoners held by them, and it was probable our officers and meji would be better treated. J52Sf Liitost advices from England say tii at preparations for nn Amorioan war nrc being actively pushed, and that other domands aro to füllow the releaso of Mason and Slidell. jfcjgr lieport says that Gen. McClELlan politely informed the Congressional military sinclling comroittce that ho had moro importrnt busines3 on hand than investigating past failurce. Wc hardly credit the report, but hope it is truo. Homicide. - A young man named John Bonnett was placed in here last week, on a charge of having caused thoi death of liis btep-fathcr, Israel Edwards. j Tho parties lived at Medina. ]ionnett'i) story h that Edwards oaniè home on the evoüing of the 7tK, with a jug of whisky, drank and quarrelsome, threa tened to tylce bis Hfe, showiug a pistol and actually assauiting liim, avid in selfdefense he knocket tho old man down. - On tho 12 th Edwards died, and tho jury of inqueat rendered a verdict that hij dcath was causc.l by injuries from blows given by Bcunett. - Adrián WaUMmcer. LöömIs' Battbey. - Tho Oiocitrnaii Commercial, speakini of tho Michigan Aftillery, fays.' "Captain C. O. Loomis' Battery, of Michigan Artillery, numbering 1 men, 132 lioraes, six wagons, and six Parrott rilied cannon, direct from Western V'irginia, pussed down tho river ycsterday ou tliu steamer Moacs McT.ellan, destination hvwr: Louisvrlle, Ky. Loomis' Buttcry ia dlstingaished ' for eÉSeicnt service in Western Virginia, and will doubtless make tho rebels ((iiake in tlieir new (ield in Kentucky. Lieutenaut O. lt. Giilam was in command from Parkersburg here, Captain Loomis having preceded the battory by railway to th 18 lüint. 'l'he men are in cxceilett heaith, and tlicir deportment that of the best diseiplined regulBHS." Resiosatioij Acceptkd. - Tho Washington öorreftpoodenta says that Colont;l Rbnkin's reaignatioo of the command ol the Iiritish Lancers is accepti p,1


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