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From Stockton's Regiment

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II.u.l's Hul, Va., ) Dec. 22d, L8G1. Dbah Srother : - Yestordaj afternoon this División, i gisting of twelvè Rcgiments of Iufantry, onc of Cavalry, and one Battery of Artillury, numbcring in all about thirteen tliounaiiil men, was reviowedby Oen. McClolliin and stuff. Aftcr the review we forincd in line of battlc, threw out skirmÍ8hers, aftcr v.hich firing commenccd by cannon and by the infantry, and for a while a coutiuual roaring of cannon and Dinskotry was board, and the smokc rollod in dark niasscs over our heads. This is the only thing tbat bas taken place since tny last. ïhc Band of this regiment bad an inritation' to play at tbc Sm.tlisoniau Iu9titutc on Friday evening last, - of ccoirso tbey aecöpted it. It is a tip top band, and cauuot be beat. The National Republican compliment it iu tbc following worda : "We desire to tender our warmest acknowlodgmenta to t'ic band of otookton's Indcpoiidont Micbigan Ecgitnent, for its gjleet utturances of 'Sounds from Jlomo,' and otber beautiful picces, discouried for tbe especial gratifieatioj) of tbc Hèpublican Wiüce. It is undoubtedly one of the best bands in the service." To day I visited the Micbigan 4tb. - They are oniamenting their grounds, aud gefliDg ready for Christmas. They are very well prepared fur winter. They have erectcd ijuito a number of log bousea I took dinner with Capt. ükPl-y. He is in good hea'th and spirits. Hj thiuk's of being at home about New Year's. Also saw Capt. Eandolpii, be ia all rigbt. - Also saw Joe Richardson, Morcy, Waid, Clark, and other Ann Arbor boys. They are all well. They are bcautifyiug their streot, and crecting an arch over the entrance, whicb bears the name of BaRRT. In front of tho regiment stands a polc on tho top of which perches a rooster of some fifty pounds woight. They have their quarters well arrangcd and able for winter. Joe Iliehardson Las onc of the most comfortalilo littlö places I liavc seen. Ile was busily engagcJ in raaking ornamenta for their street. He 8 ono of tUe happiest looking boys I bave scen in Virginia. I have often written toyou of the standing of Major Welcii with all rauks, officerB as well as privates, in this regiment, and of the compliment paid him at the hcadquarters of this brigade, by aelecting him to conimaud a scouting party which was to bo led into the euemy's country, and wliich he did to the satiafaction of all partios. A short timo since it was determined by tho Sergeants to show their appreciation of him, by making him a present of avaluable field glass. It was purchased, and the presentation made at Dress Parndo, beforo the whole regiment, both officers and men, who fully coucurrcd in the sentiments of the preseutation speech made by Capt. Carr, - who by tho way is both a gentleman and a soldier, - whieh I will give vou. He said : '■ Major Welch : - Allow me, sir, as the representativo of the Sergeants of this Regiment, to present you the beautit'ul Field Gfoss which I hold in my hand, their joint gift, asking that jon will accept it as a slight tribute of their respect and esteem for you as a gentleman and ofiieer. In becoming the humble bearer of their offering, permit me to join in their regard, and rost assurcd, that the sentiments portráyed by this occasion are heartfelt and genuino, and that wliile you shall continue to use this as an instru ment of defsnse of our common country, you will always carry with you our best wishes for your prosperity and happinesa." Major Welcii responded in tho following words : " Captain and Sergeants : - Only a few moments ago was I aware of the fact that I was to bc the recipieut of this indiention of your regard. I can searcely use adequate languagc to express my feelingS 01 my tbnnks. Not long since we left our homes, together, Btraogers - we left our mothers, our sisters, our wives, to do battle for our country and for the preservation of our goyernment If we have Iearoed to respect each other, if wc doom cach other ontitled to more than ordinary friendship, it is but the just result of a truc, abiding, and I trust, mutual confidence. If I havo won your faith by what few soldicrly qualities 1 muy possess, I am happy - you eertainly have mine. In looking at this beautiful tribute. I do not sce on it any engraverd indicatiou of who were its donors, - but be assured, Sergeants, that my hcart is largo enougli, and true euough, and imbued vitll manly fccling cnough, to forever treasuro a dcar rccollectiou of you and your gift." At the closo of theso remarles, the parade was dismissed, and we all returucd to our quarters fecling the bcttcr for thi.s little digrnssion from the usual performance of the dress parade. I will now givo you a slight description of our camp and its surroundings. It is situatcd on u ridge, eithcr sido of which ! runs a sinall raviuo fed by springs of living water. At tlie foot of thia ridge, on a small flat, stood when we carne here a small and very pretty grove, whicli has uow fallen beforo the soldier's ax, through wbich runs anothcr ravine. Ou the right of as, and only sopara ted by a slreet, is tho 88d l::;:.svlv:iai.i Regiment, yho have their grounda beautifully laid out, I and either sido of tho streets sec out ' with evergreen tree;', making a beautiful ghade, a.s wcll as inproving Üio lüuka and beautifying ths city of tonta. Over ! the entrance of tlie streets, from their paradu ground, aru erectcd archea of i evergreens. On tho right of thcii1 cncampmetit is the Ntw York -14th, who have their streets bcautified in the samo style. Still furthcr up the ridgo, and in :i Q#turl gvovü, are tho head-quarters of Gen. l'orter, the commander of this divisiop, Gen. Uutterfiold, cominander of this brigade, and of Gen. MarsfieM. luirther to the right, and on a dowuvVard slope, is situated the New York 17th. These four reginients, encampod on tho saine ridge, conipose our brigade. As to our camp, regiment, nnd Coloncl, I clip the following from the Wushingt National Repullican, of the 18th : " Wc wcre in the camp of Stock ton 's Independent Ilegimcnt Michigan try, on 8abbath evo'nïhp, !nd until d:iy inortiing. The discipline of tlic camp is, it seems to us all liat is desira - blo 'i'liü complete iostruction of Cl. Stockton ir.any ycarsngo ;■'■ West : with i i ampie QxperieiiCe in .Mexico and I lead in to oxpi bI jusl .dicriv álate cl lliiiigs tliat WO iiml tbere. All Uic {:.'.■■■ are bundsoinely and comfortubly slockaded- the bëds raised from ton indien to two fei-fc from the . gronnd - nic furnisli .1 tu all, &c, &o. Thu officera are all , ing iu a stvlc tb at none, bat thusc wlio iru aceustomed to worse t':ro at home, ' would complain of; Beveral of tb om with thcir wives in camp willi ibera. If we trere a soldier, we wouli! estcein it an especial pleasure to meet, as frequently as inigbt be, the genial amile of Mrs. Stcrckton. Slie is a lady of tuucli oultivation - aceustomed to camp, at time, from childliood The camp pólice, qoarterma8tèr'a departniont, and all, nre vepy effitiently conductcd - camp cloan - men well elothed and well l'eii. Any pqe desiriDg aa esample ie the waj of Boldierly conduct, drill, discipline, and the like, would do well to mitste our examplc, and go to Ilall's Hill.:i All this I eau endorse, wiíh ono ringle exceptioD, - tbat about the stovcs being l furnisbed. The writer of' thu article carries the idea tbat thegovcrninent furnishes us with tovcs. The faet 3 the governnient bas not funnshcd us a siuglo i stove, and ever}' ono that is in camp has j been bought and paid for out of tho pocket of thosc who have theui iti their tents. As to Col. Si'Ocktox, too much -f praisc cannot bc giveu him and the officer3 ündcr Liin fur the effioiaat state tbc rcgiment bas been bruught to. Not only tbat, but tbc Col. looks after the eleanlinessand bcalth of tbc men bo bas undor liim. Sinco the abov-e article was writton our catnp bas put on a ncw dress. The strects bavc been set outwith evergreens, the entrance to flic strects Iiave been arebed over vvith the same malcriáis. - The entrances to róany of the tents bave boen arebed over, making a besutiful appearance. Captain Bi.nhï bas bis tent completely surrounded witb a net work of evergreens, making it one of tbc most beautiful residen ces in cur mimic city. - It is occupied by tbe Captain and lady - who arrived bere som o few days ago- umi Lioutenants Swan and PbentISS. Tbe same kind of frame work encloses tbe front of all tbe offieers tents on that street. Tbe samo net work extends around and in front of tbe tents of the Colonel, Lieutonant Colonel, Major, and Adjutant. In the lower part of the city, wherc the field offieers' residences are situated, a nuniber of log houses are built and in a state of erection. Our Col. bas one erected, tbe Quartermaster bas erected ono fov the proteetion of tbo provisión, and bas anotber under way, whilo below tbem the band bavegood comfortable tents, and on the same street with them lives my friend Wau.av k Wblch, wbo bas oue of tho most comfortable litfle places in the camp. Still bolow this, is situated the guard house, which is a good, eomfortable log house, or will be when fiiiished. In tliis part of the city is also situated our bakery, whicb is now giving ug tbc best oí bread. The lowcr part of tbc city, tbat is tbe part that hes below tbe residences of the field offieers, is not set out with evergreens, as tbe upper part is, and probably ncver will be, as the inlmbitants in tbat part are not as en terprisiug as tbeir 'up-town' neighbors. Our camp can now boast of havïng four ladies in it, Mrs. Col. Stocktox, -Mrs. Captain Barrv, DuFoe, and Sibley. tn connection witb Major WniCH I would invite you to visit our camp this winter. I wisb you and all my friends a Happy New Year. From the weather we bave here, it is alinost impossiblo to realizo tbat New ï'car's is so near at hand. J. P. JE9L f'19 Logislaturo convened in extra session yesterday. The electionof a United States Senator will como up immediately, and a severo contest rcsult. The leading candidatcs are Gor. Blair, J. r. Howard, II. G. Wells, and Judge Christiancy. If tbe members in the least regard tbeir oaths Gov. B. will be " counted out." We tbink the chancos are in favor of Howard, tbougb Cbristianey has a good sight.


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