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T Jew .Advertisements. List of LettersREMAINING in the Port Office ai Ann Arbor, fbr tho mooth emiiiig Dec. Bist, 18C1. Alien J 1 Ijttfilirnï Miss Emma Alvnrd Mrs Sarah 1 ambert K .1 Adama Charlea S fcfaaon Margara! Aoatln Miss Louis B MeLean Mr Helen 2 Bator K.l UcQartoI John Blackmei David Slcl.ulnr .1 II Bartei U T Mmlgo A E 2 Browalftm Moore Mmgaret 2 Hwwy JoDah.H Murry Mi.-i Cornelia I'uroh Chrtatina Manroe David S Brouks lira Kii. ;,bcch M ,ulL?n diarios Austisa Brooks Mtea Laura V IVyti1 B A Brooka Vr Uartba l'oiter Miss Machio Uisa Uannah Po e Charles K Ii.:gby Miss -Martha Kiiey Mis Margaret QarkAlaonS Rcyaulds John 2 Calí i!r: Cathariné Rounda Nlaon Clark Nawton 3 Kobbins lili 2 Clark I - mith UisaSaBah l hanipliu .Mi-3 Mnry kearman Mihs Eaüeaih Chabboaeph ■■ William ■.nna Scott Miss Anti Conety lira Maggy Sfraitli I! I" 2 f ■:.■; I' Siv.-L-t VVillirm ï i ..:', ■! üv-ron TerrollW J Duiker Anna 3 Trucbaesajoh Dtckinson Biran M ' Webster Mino B UrsEUatbetb 3 Wnitcomb N FUher Gottlelb WUhanM Kiv.i FiskFL WadoQorgH . John V:i!kor Miss Kliübth inaaanJaae WilleyDt B V Fntain Marenc M'alker Clement (rieb Jobn M Wcidenfett M 2 ilarrison Frank Warren Mrs Kmma EJendersoD Mis Amolia EVjTOtffn. Huil v] ; m BjroraftJainea l'; How Miss Alico lk'nhcst Jacob Humplirey Wm II JlcColl rolumou Jammonj M Miller Tr James ■ ..K a O'Brien l'atrick Knehnlel thjlbr 3omul Liller 'rp Jamea Walker K l.inculn C II - calliog forany of tho abovo letters will pleft siiy they nreAdrertlted. JOHN I. THOMlOX, P. M. Commissioners Notice. STATE ÓP HICBION, Onnitr of Waihtenair, : haring been appointoflliy the l'r, . ...i, mmissiouers to it-ceira. ft and adjust all claimt la of all per;,. ofPatriek Hoban late of th inn Arbor. i" ■: i County, decoased, hreby ,lice that s:x nontbs froi dato, aro, bj .rlor of Probatt Cort,allowedfor erwlitora to preaent ;.: , ,.,.,..i.m,„i Itaat ""y' meetak wdL '" thi C"J "f. " kroor i, aforeaaid, on Satnrday, tb tweu. lirn .Uy of Juljr . I.. .'f each day to receive, eiaïLiine uii'l adjust saij cluinii, o s- yomm„,. Datotl, DeeembrrSO 1 1 R33 - - -i Mortgugu fcsale. M[CHA1 1. :. W( KI ll-ON !■ unie lentiiredfilortlt erontb '!.iy of Deoembcr, n tUoyearOne thouianá Eght hunired aud flfty-eight, i D. vansickle ail tracta D u 1 l:n tate 'T Michigan, uaw, and TtfXrna of Plttafield aixl ;. an.l descnbCd as t!ie Ea1 half ft tti ntterof acetion nnmb ■■■ in Tuwnahip i ,.l Kan-e numl-er tn Baat tho '-V, I halfol thnNorth We.t 'li ait r f "feotlo'n nombíf telnToitnshipniinH)tí. i-outli, of ii mi-r M'vi-n Kasl (YpailaaM), . , vrlth tho power o! --il tnevln ,.,„.;;,, lonibe n-.i. dav ofOeomnber. .,,,... : ., : ,. P M.. ol thal day, In Ober 2& . i7i.i„ ti,eoi!K-. of the Register ,.,y ,., WaahMha. On (ha Mth ,.lv,r ,■,,,„,! ! M..rtg.i(ro mi .luiy bT a lnstrumm1 m wriune, .luly aswntod I l,y said lilian, V,u,-il;kl,. nimthen del i iireUKinM!, wfclch .„, vjsivcur.'riloii the Oay of Januarr, 'cl .k, P. M. , ,.f that .Uy in . at page 175, in the offlc or tho ■ ■! tod ■i-v.Milv-f"iir Sl-104 ea tl o Solicitoi'a fea andexinaoa of fort-. i , ].rovi'ie'l in n1d Mortgage, is claiinrri to he p and the note accompanilog tho. ramo at khe dU of ibla nottce, and dfault hai-iiu; Ibe ei ndilion of .H moHgage by wjiich, ein coñtalned ha iwomc operatire and no snit nr r ■■-■-■- ■■ lnw havinx heen I thi'ioby eoorcd, r ny nart ' ?entha id Mortgge. w7ubef'eoloedbyallleof tbeab rad :i bid land, ,,ce at public vendue atrtia&Hiih. ,l„, r "f llfCoiTl (belng the place of holJinK ui) ii, the eitjr of Ann Arbr,,rn th ■, .i,l Coun'y on the thlrty Bral l.iy of March A. D., IW aV 1'. M .of iliat ay. ].;:.l.-n;tL. KIMSItX, Assignee of Murlgago. ■ ■ . . ■ O? J a a"


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