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The Jnnuary Ttrm of the Circuit Couit will commence ita seesion on Tuday, Jannary 14, ÍS62, Judge Lawrencv preeiding. Tlic following is the list of jurors drawnW the terra: Jumes Suraner, Piitefield. l'hüo Furrier, Ypsilanti City. James Jooes, Ann Arbcr City. Pbilip Scbenck, Freedoin. Lutiicr Dodge, Ann Arbor City, ítoses Fifield, Superior. Tiinothy Warrington, Lyndon. Jarnos M. Forsyth, Ypsilanti City. Hwace Holcomb, Svlviin. AVm. A. Davis, Alanson Eogers, York. S. M. Vought, Superior. Ilugh McCoH, Sck). Orvillo N. Conklin, Ypsilaoti Town. Charles Patterson, Ypgilanti City. Jaincs II. Clough, Lodi. Merritt Perry, " Patrick Donpvap, Ann Arbor City. O. Gooding, York. O. B. Bradlsy. Ypsilami City. "W. II. Calkins, Sharon. Jost'ph Wüsey, Pittsfiekf. Milo M. Davis, Ypsilsnti City. Barnabas Case, Manchester, ]L3E" Cnpt. R. G. DuFur, of company K, Fourth Michigan Iafantry, riived home from tho anny of the Potomac on Saturday last. He is Wcll and bearty and reports the Mich' ?gan Boys all in good condiiion, health, and spirits. Capt. DePcy says that the army, officers . and men, havo all confidence in Gen, McClellan, tliink thiit lio will move in due season, and (bat when he does move there will be 1)0 Buil Run disaster. Capt. D. leaves for Washington E3ËT" "e 'lavt; reeeived the first miintor of the Continental Moni hit, published by J. R. Gilmore, Bostoa, and cdited by Charles Godfeey Leland, late of Grahams Magazint and otber publicatioüS. It has several articles of fair literai-y merit, and the "Editor's Table," barring tbc "Chronicles of Secessia," is ■decidedly readable. The political or ïatber partisaa tone of the number is so ■ulft fanatical as to disgust a conservative public, and conipel it to look to the most rabid abolitionists for praise. 3 a year, postage paid ; two copies $5. Address J. R. Gilmomü, 110 Tremout ■Street, Boston, 53ST Oi tne last day of the late year we receivcd from Rev. R. R. ■Richards, who is a farmer as well as minister, his compliments in the shape of a fine, fat, live Turkey for our New Tear's dinner, for which we return our ithanks. Thoops for Sadlt St. Mary. - Wo .bave already annnuncod that the U. S. troops at Fort Wayne bad been ordered to Sault St. Mary. Capt. Ward's etauneh steamer, the Sea Bird, ia now ready, at Hutchings' wharf, to reeeivp then. Tbere are two eompauies of troops, nuinbcring, in all, about one hundred men, undeT the command of Capt. Gibbs, and they will proceed on the trip .as soon as arms and ammur.ition are re-; ceived, -wbich are hourly espected. The contract for furnishing subsistence, for sk months, bas been filled by Mr. E. B. Phelps, on Griswold street. Should the weather prove as favorable as it has been far a few days ,past, the Soa Bird will find no difficulty'in roacbin hor destiaation. These troops are sent up as a pre■cautionary mcasurc, to garrison the fort which commands the sbip canal. - Detroit .Advtrti&er. - Since the above paragrapb was put in type the order has been eountermanded, and the feoops stay at Fort Wayne. Frora tle S. Y. Times. The Reason of Scoti's Return. Gen. Scott makes no secret of the real motive of his hasty return from Europe. He desires it to be understood tbat he ariie clothed with no mission and oharged ■with no message wbatever, from auy fcreign priuce or power ; that he had no interview either with the Emperor poleon or with M. Xliouvenel, ms JJJinigter cf Foreign Affaire ; and that hie , on for coming home was tUe apprehen don of iramediate hostilities betweeu Englaod and tbe United States, and the fear that, if he did not embrace this opportuuity of rcturning, he eould not return at all. The only high personage with whom Gen. Seott liad any politieal conversation in Franco was Princo Napoleon, and to him lie expressed his confident belief that, if foreign nations did not interiore, tlio rebelliou would bü effectually suppresssd by midsummer, and that betlire tbat urne eotton for the supply of the iminediate neoeseities of othcr nations would be supplied, through the southern ports of which our troops are taking posacssion. Gen. teott titates that the feeling in üncrland and Franco was universal that war is inevitable. He shared it himself to thu fullest txtent until he reached this city, What he Las since scen of public sentiment on this side the Atlantic bas, bowever, very materially modified this opinión. ïhe causo of the extraordinary anger of Englaud, Gen. Scott believcs, is the conviction ou thu part of the great body, of the English people that thu United fitatetaré resokcd iqjon war, to punish Migland for her concession of belligerent rights to the rebol States. ïhe affair of the ïrent is regarded as baviog been made the occasion for manifestiqg this feeling towards Great Britain ; and not or.e man in a thousand bulieved that the government of the United States would disavow the act, or mako for it the a'ightest reparatiou or apology, - DO matter liow clisar iuidit be their cunviction that it was in manifest violation of the principies of international Uw. Gen. Scott is satisticd, as every persoa in this country must be, that this assumption is uttcrly uufounded, - that this goxesnuent has ]vt the siiühtust wish or will'ngness to insult Great Uritain, and thftt any reparation consistent wiih national honor, for üny wrong that may have been done, wil Le prompthr irid chcerfully alï'ordcd. - And this, he believes, will be quite suifi cicilt to prevent a war.


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Michigan Argus