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New Medical Discovery. Fw the apeedy ;m i permanent cure of Qonnorhea, Bleet, Uretlial Discharges Urn vul, Strletare, and AJfections of the Kidney mul Bladder, „i. ■. , has b ■■■ used by oparda of ONE nUNHRED PHYSIC1ANS, In their private pracl m, irltt ei tira o , tnyoffitfpounduither '"íTeLL'S &PJ3C1FIC PILLS, kcuro in :i few days, : it. Tney are j itY.m v2vtble extractn thiti ara harlu .rii or impregnate the breath ; and tsinj nuftar-coatQd, allnnwoiia taate is avoided. .Vo Aanga of dia h nrecssary trhilst Ktirigthcm; nor dos llicir u i "ii nterfere witli busi[ta I' . '■ ■■ ■ ■ iti ■ '■ luMn PUI. l'RICE OSB iml.I.AK, andwili bet t'v miil post-paid by any vl ; ■,.. nwney. Sold dj ürugpat n Aun Ai lior. None genuine withnot my sigaature on the wrapper ,T. BRYÁN, Roclieiter, . TT., (iencral Agent. H fc Ii SIHDNEÁ0, Dettuit, B ents fot ;:in, suuti PRIZB POETRY. I.M carieftiina bo i war, And MrnstrelB fone their weet gnitar, Ier themi djj hcari ia BUed- In praUfi ui Hki:;í' ;;■■ ira-tclilesspJUB. Taeir euros aro fouad in ovorv laad- Ami '' ! in" ' The öti troua worfca - !1' Produced by UKiiaMM'a mutchless l'ills. Does dUeaM afflict ym ? never aonbt Thia ohanning compound will ■ arch il out, nd broalth again yomjtn tiil, lf jtok lly (U 0 ia BnutllCK'8 I'ills. They're tot all- oth old and young- Their praUes are on tvitv tcflogue ; I)V1, ; ' 'II luüfl T KillS, Siuce we atutüeispd wlth HraMin s Pilis. Fut op wlth Englinb. Spanlak, (;. rnmn anrt French diroitions. Prlce 25 cents nr box. Fuga' rement on thini page. ' Sul Important to Ladies. Dr JOHN' 1AI: :■ V, having for upwrdn of twectj yeamdevoted tiis profosiooal tn ictusiTcly to the m of T'einalo IDiliiculties, and havg [ed in Ihousanda ol canes in resti t id bealth, naa bow itUrfi conadenM in uüt-nug publiciy li is "GRBAT AMERICAN RBMBDT," CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Whkli kir'ii.ury-i failed [when the drrectioM have been siriotiy folinwed,) in removing dUBcultinarUing hrom Obstruction, or Stoppage of Kature, oriDre . lyaterato perfect health.when suf forillo from SriVAI. AFFEtMOXS, PïlOtAPSüa [TTBIU, THI o de I n kinv ' ibq Ifs, Aiso n all casos of DüBiirrY or NmvoDS Pbostratiox, HtsTFBU'S PALPriATIOXH, &C, fcc, whlC i :;,niHM Of more seriowi Staease. sv. Thué PtU are perfectly harmltti on the umstitutím, and mny be. taken by Ou most delicate f mált tcuhrml causing distrifs;:l the tam thne thej act ukb t bd ,n.i i y ,1. engtli ning, iarigoia ting and restoring th ■ a healthy coadit-on, anJ by bringing on the monthly pcriod v.illi rogularity, no matter from irhat cause tUe obstructiona may arise bould, howerer, ot be taken dtrring üie lirsl tbree 01 fcür montha of pregnancy, ü ough Bafe atan; other time. as miscarri bethereault.


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Michigan Argus