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cc t . tf 5 1 . ilf h I ; lelilí; j fM &s H o Bí Í 3 "11 [I H h liliJ H & ft 5 $ i .1 H i ü5tcH S } I jl ii is Hurrah fur Ihc L'nion! Dcathlo lts Enemics! 100 able-bodied stc.icly youug men WANTED! FOR Capt LR.Buelioz' Co.ofLancers! O MEN OF WASUTENAW! Ho i at vuil lru-c known me for t] o lasl 17 yea, and uow in thls hour of our onuntry's n"c-1, I oonfldently appeal to your patriotism i i I ■ rainea Company of 100 'truc-, brave and ' men, ilHnüand ready to stand i.y me in Bghtingthe enem e of our beloved Union. TO f i:i 11 MEN I plBd bonurand lifel them welltreated, and n vei der them to go where I wouid nat be readj to ad. OMI'. ON ! yon brave, pal i oome, irive me lh. ■"]■!'.! t"Eily af proVing Uit' truth ol ray worrtü and I wiJl enlit yon io the mist attthmg nnci ettective corps of this or ny oiIut couatry'ë -rvicli. It Uas never been surpassed In splendor ri in tlj fieïd. Oüï eqnipmeni is to be oompicU ana Rvorywav similar lo the 16th El ■ ■ Out Colbnel, Honorable ARTHUR RAKKIN, is a geotl man of inanmitable energj l ce in military mattra aswi [lase brave aad ac. pmplished wish sto mak hla Regiment a model one in every and mine.BOYS OF WASHTENAW, ia I BQohoi' Companj of Unoers stuud A No. 1 in tuat "wiaVlri.-b mriu'.ll 'l.'i:re is t'.int thi pnemy pliouW cive us an BBpaxtunity 1" make them feel (I-ancern fashlon) of wbat metal the Washtenaw boys an of And now my Friebds who have been waitlng for me to'get over my brokn leg rerape and get my commis:, readj toryoa, andthesooner yon how your welc'omc faces and sign yoat name on the Muster lloll the botter yoar Wend urn! Captain ffill like !t. tfir FurtbermfbrmaUonaito Paj, Equlpmont, fto., Xïit!SSSlLiiïSk. eOFM! Hat Sto,e, Pr.U. lïlock, A..IArb,,rt;cHoz Caftainid Col. A. Hair.un'sLancers' Cara-y Regiment. El XjISS Isnowreceivlnga large ani well selecteJ MBOrimeat of ClcckSy Watches, ■- ■ ■■II- illlllllllllll- IIIIIIIÍIWIIIIIIi'1'illlllllii ' "' JEWE LR Y, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET 13 -WLJ TBC IBC-J "33 ia "SST RAZORS and SIIEARS, GOLD PE1TS, Musical Instruments, Strings 4' Books for Instruments, sheet i-crsia, COMBS, and a great of -iTA-isricEE: iq-OTionsrs, &a. He would cali particular sttentloa to lus larc stock of o" Gyirf, Silver, Steel, and Plated, tcilh PERISCOPE GLASS, a huiorior article. Also Hunlington & riatt's cëlebrated CALENDAR CLOCR! ;,,■ e clocks are reliable t;me keepers fiml Calendar combined.and reauiiethe winding of the Urne raovncnts op all the requiied changes atmid he 'l.:v of the week the montfc and flay f the month, ncludittg the 29th of Febru&ry, ol Leap pear. Htegooda are raostïy of recent pnrchase frona New Vork and the manuf:uturers, and will be BOld to s'jit the times. Persons havinj diiïicult watches to lit witli glansea can be accomodatedj as my stock is larga umi completo, P. H Particular atteniífcn lo the of fill kinds of fine Wafcche, snch as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Siajfs, and Cyl'mdcrs, Aho CLOCKS, Sc TE"WELB n"!itiv repaired and Varranted, at hlfl old stand east Bidé of Main Street. C. BLISS. Am tibar.Nqr. 15,1881 836U Captain Buchoz' Lancer Company A rr T E 'N T I O N. Kinú friendíi ; .-, jia ing, do doubi , in iew l-.v high and bcmöHibhi moÖTe o1 interfering -iMt my recr uiting BéTYioe, 1 Ufce the u4raost pltoAvre :n mforintng them thjii t li'". i w entiri en, as I intend; and shali mustarin before Ubristinttfl, havinj? qow more than half of the men required i posïtive that ï "ffUl Mon b&ve tne balan --t t1!" win wish ii' enlitti io my ootnpany calVftt ;it my Bad Quartftn, i i r and bc Bvorn in. L. R. BUC1I0Z. Poccin'ocr 12, 1351. SPECIAL NOTICE TO GTJTSTOIMZTaiEtS. Ai.I,;iccnmts ovor six raóát&l fMMf be Bettldl :it O7ir(-. OaU tuk the offiee andnay sp. A well seiected stock of New (ioodfi Cheap for Ca.h. 821tL MAVNA'íI) ,STiáBl [NS k WJIJ ON. 'Die anniiül meethig 61 the foreat Hill Cemetcry C rapany of Ano trbor, for the olection of offleer aml the iriiHncíi')u ot' auch other banlnt'ga na inay leally couie before it, will be held at the ufflcc o) the Cleri, lj January 7th, lá'i'-i, at 2 o'cImc!; 1'. M. 1. B. POND.Clerk. Ann Arbor,Dec.95th, W8I . Ice for the Summer of 1862. THE SUSSCRTBERwUlcommracdelireriBg fee abotit thpilrst of May nrat ;ul dclivi-r utitil the mi ■ ■ !:,si of i viobi-r, pr ' r . ■ i ir (Mis. per. l:iy :1-'nllis m S;il nniüv for}5, o tbr -.i-ason. Wil! '■■L'in! to supply all tÜ3f6rTtKrcutomeraodby acl ual ' ill n leavoi to gii i to all vv ; i - ma y favor him u-iili tlu-ir or'lcrs. No i"1 will be têlit ire ' a& bei itofoïè fr a few weeks in doe ■jy al $1. per. mouth a it ís mus! ible to keep and) r tii.-iT uiTp'ini'iit. H m Ls and Saloons furnitthed ;i heretofore. ri.l MKNT. il. THOMPSON". A m Arixir, Nor. S?, lWt - ■ w3 JLIt'iü INSUKANCB. Tho Connccticut Mutual Life InSAvanca Company. Accumuhtod Capital, - $3,500,000. Wlll.l'-t RELIVIH fi anyMWmntnol exc Ung Hlc n-hole term Qi UL orfor u termo I -I 1.. !O WC ■ loldere ret 11 tWnurpl iheir premium UN LJ1 , : . . 'klng .. . iring interest at i percent, per ai Dividend are Dedared Anwailyt low aroourU I ■ "l"'1 h anJnote, nd ire mereaaing Ibey "■■')' U i el the notes. gf The rartes of prei ■ low ny otlier re umulKted ruud ra 10 is seeorel; im ■ ■in.'n'l Klii'li' :,(■'■-. rum' : Inu-, ml fill' 11) . JAMES G( 0DW1N, Pn '. y„ri. [,to JAMES CWAT?0N, getaAlil! Arbor.Micli. Important National Wcrka, PuWlsheJ by D. APTLKTON Í: CO., 34G AND 318 BROADW A.Y NEW YORK Igwotka are seatto Suliscribors ín any pnrt „f .-■ ■ ■ reeeljii ut : nuil V3ek"Jv?aiaí cyctopdia: a Papular Dictlonarj ■' General Knowlcdge. l-jlili-il l'.v KLK8 A. DAS , writera in aH braocl ca, Art nnii Literatura. Tbis work ia being published in aBout i .:, .-... -i ,, column n.,nn.,kix. containing noar 2.600orlKÍruvl urti lional volume 11 be pobliahcd i Lboui thi Price,inaotl Pj $3.50; Half Kussia,4.50 The New Americarj Cyclopttdla is popular v i1 b ins -superfioial. loatriPd viUiniH baiua iredantic, cnraj reliunsivt bol mfflciently fletailc, (rc-rroro personal [Mque aii-1 party prejoilloe, fresh and yi accurate. 11. is a te '.i;,., -■ ;-.' oj all thït is knoivn upon evi rj miportmt topic witliin the acope of human intelligence.- Everl important article ini nrritten for i pagmby m tlietopic -, speak. They aivrequirfato bnng the -■-ent moment; to state jut how It utanila jww. All tbe statistical Information ia fi ïatat reporta; thee fraphical account keep pi tl, ; 1 cal matters inclorte tne freshe i us( vicn : ; ■' ' ""' oulyof the dead bat tilso of tlic li-iii:,'. It is a OtAblD8EMBJfT OF THE DEBATF.S OF COSGRESS Bcing a Politioal HistoryoftB. fn -,, tbe oi tand compiled by Hon. ÏHO, Vï t,-vi ..v rmm tl (Ifli (■;;)! lïrl-l-n'-S "f ('() 1I"1TSS. ■ the Official Recorta "1 uoni i . n 15 royaloctavo volume „f 751),, oftrhtch ar now ready. Ah additional volume will be publishcd oi rnontb. Cloth,9$3; I SUíep, tS.SO' lUlt' Mor., M; HaU AawiYÖ rGTHECTCUPDIAORDEBATKS F vi. i a clnï cr foor, and remit thepiiceof foui ... the romittw'a ex carriage' or for ten Bub cribers, eleven copies uili bp sent at ur expenso for carriage. To Astiot. reward the ui of Wonts. As Aqkst vamn i.t toibCouxtï Ttrm marte km.ivn mi applieation ( the Po M02aa?{ "3 Ber. Tiïos. Wriüjit, a,roiit at Kiuuü SC SmlulB Boo Store, YpsiluKti. MIOHiaAÑ SOÜTHERÑ & NOETHKRN INDIANA RAILHOAD. 1S01. BCMUBt AREÍN'GEMffltE 186i Iniins nmruifonliis ruadSuunays exceptad, afi follinvs: l,,.;,v„ t ,i, !,, ■ i ' ■ ,1 03 A M.,and 9 1'. M., i Air Lin at ■'-■ 6 A. M. Leave Detroit lor Chicago t T,M A 51. and n.r;o P. 51 Arrivin ' ti Chicago from Toledo and Detrcit at 7,30 Ja Air il 1 7.80 I'. M. Arrire at Detroit fruhi ïuledo, at C:i5 A. M., C:05 P. II. Leavs Dctrcii for Toledo t 7 15 A. H., andO-SO P. M Arrive in Detroit from ChjcaffO at 6. 05 P. M.,and655 A. M. án-ive in Toledo from Chicago 4,;0 P. M. an4é.3O A. M., ttnd riaair lineal +.l" 1' M. l.ea,-ve Jackson foi Toledo at 4.4 AM. and 1,M P. F. Arrive frooi Toledo at 8.56 A. 51., and 4, 'JU F. 51' iNECTIONS. At ïoi.::io- Wi'li Cleveland t Toledo Rail Ruad, witb v Rail Road. At Detroit - Witfc Grand Trunk Sailway, wtto 8re1 ... also, Tith the' Detroit and HUwaskee. RaSroad AtNkw Ai.i:a v .v SitM R. K. Crossimg- With lrains for Lafiiyi'He, Neii Albany and Louisville. At Chicaso - With Chicago and Rock Inland, Galena, Miltraukae, Chicago, Burlington and Quiney- Nortl Weit Raibray - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Polnt West and South. jLg Trains areran 'iv i'liicagu time, which is20 min ntefc Blower than Toledo time. Patenl Sleoping ('ars nocompany Hip Nijrhl onthisEoute. ur'ys Patent Ventila tors and Duiter are used on all Summer Trains. g Time and Faro tlie sauie ivs by any other Rai' Road n JO. D. CÁMPBEIX, Oene-al pjpprintpnflert. BOOTS te SKOES S f 2 MOORS & LOOMIS tra now receiving a large assorlment of Bcota and ■hrs and RUBBERS! Which tlicy propose to sell 50 per cent below fermer pricesfor casli. Men's good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 tlen's good TUick Boots, frora 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 t o 3,75 Boy's Ottlf, Kip and Tliick Boots, 88 to 1.75 Ladios' Gaiters, from 44 to 1.25 Latties' Morocco Bootees, frora 75 to 1,25 And an eadlcsa vfiriety of Smal. Shoesfrom Fanoy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping Shoorf. ■Vc re nlsoUïtiimfactMiIng all Uliuï of WARUANTED BOOTS & 8H0ES. Mens Fine Frciich Calf Boots Pcgged and Sewed. So (rive üea culi bofíro purcVaBÏnp elsewhefe, as we art oi toba uodersold. -RISPAIRINO DONE UN SHoRT XOïlCE.r MDORE & LOOMIS M;iin Pi., Aas Albor, 5Ik-h. S2Utf HE dr. f. a. cadwell, Of Chicaaó. OPERATOR OW THE EYE & EA.R, Fon üeafness, Bllndncss, and all deífecta oí S;;ht and Ilvnrlng. DR. C. BEIMG A REGüLABFUysidn,w!thTWENTy Y"EAB praotice 111 the treatmenjt o) easea of the EYE AND BAR, will he round fully ijoalifted t Pgive relief or effeci :l cure in anj casewitblnthi reacb u!' hnmr.Ti skill : No charge for rn etamna:km W opinión, or for unsuccessful . rt ■-■- Di,, c. :'-i: -'-i' Ea, Sbah ' of 300 Pi ■ tiiiontal! l'e-i .... ,..i,. rían! matt' r, h Culi, tó I1 li" ' '-i Ailihoss Dr. Cadu i 91 and 93 Rundolph Stroef Corner Doahorn, Cl )vB--8. WASHTSNAW MUTUAL FIRE IXSURANCE COMPÁNY, rYHËSecretarj will I tilo CLt.T rí i AnnArbnr, -l! eacb wtk,nutílfurther notise, readj to recelvenewmembera. M. KkNNV, Seeretarj. OotoberSM, itM. S24tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. íi) H í il("rrs í ';mí' w'' :i we oí" ff00 water, anl ■ and g, , . . ■ d and fütv aeren Im pro red. I tuated m tbe town of I Houth of Mr. Eioydea's plaiüSj andfour afl a half miles from Ann Arbor, JULIA UURRAT. WM. SIOHRAY. Bcio, Sept. 24, 1161. Hl'Jwc HOLÏDAY GIPTS Ï Jí-,r opened tho ; tnent of Funcy Goods ever brought to tijis markot. DEORATED TEA SETS, GOLD BAND, Jo PAUTAN MARBl.E STATUARY, BOHEMIAS WA.HE, l'LATED GOOD3, etc., ole, Alió one huAdreí d'ftz to'ys for Mtle fo&ii M T )1'',.N it ( ! )'S. Honse PuMiking store. II:m ;-p rf'i's ' locjtj Anh Arbqij. "SËWIMGBÏACHÏWÊ FOR SALE. Jl.'.;nu:A' a nev Brst elasn FamttySewIng Uacbine. Warrantod o better u maikit. Tenas e;isy . E. B. POND. Ann Avbor, I ■ : 1 y lcth,1861.


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Michigan Argus