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MllNTh(j OF ALL KINDS RTeatly Executed AT TUE ARGOS OFFICE. WE ARE TREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IX THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE M08T REASONABLE RATES. We hare rceently purcliased a BITGO-LES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the lat'st styleg of Card Type, which enables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS. V1SITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, Ac, in the ncateat stylcs, and as clieap ns anj other house in the State. We aru nlao pre partd to print POSTERS, HANDB1LL, BLANKS, LiLL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPIILETS, &: THE .A.IELC3-TXS BOOK BINDERY il ia chargo of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, ■ IiECOEDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO AXY PATTERN And Mftnufacturcd in beststtle at New York Priees, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-33ound. All Work -wavrantod to givo cntirc satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindory, cor. Mnia i Hurón Sts. A. DE JFOREST, Always alieaclin Low Prices HAVIN'f; RKMOVKl KT!8T0BB to the Eant sido o ! Main .-trrct, onc loor north uf Guiterroan's. I am ' uow rocelving New Gooda, compriring jill klnás of ; cenéis KruitH, Kxfractf, Glattware, L:unis. Lüoking,Tabli.-Ciitli.Ty, Silver-plated Gooda, kc, LOW ER '1 HAN EVER ! FronchClilnn ïciiStts, frora 4 50 to 18 OC Krciiph I Iiina UinncrSntu. fro 20 C0 to 30 00 Stone China Te 8ta.from 3 un to 450 Stoni'Cliina Dinnor Seta, from. 6 60 to,1650 Beautiful GU Oobletê, 2UU prdauo GIam Kerpwne Lamps t'rom 37 to oo UacUe KerMB Ijunps from. 75t3 00 Elttlí Iiiiii's from 16 to 50 1' [iim'IH! CíU,Kdq"ality, 80c perguïlun All ulhor SoOUt at líoirenppndinKJirioís. Ijiuíiis :Ul kiuls aitorejaud i opalrivl. Peoplmaton, I9BM A.HeKOREST. Money Wanted. o Who will IjentlMoneyi IAM UKQUKSTííD BY SKVERAL .PERJBONB to obtíüa monoy for thcin at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (OrMore.) Füv any one wfllíng to lcnd, I can at once invest oa cootl ummoiimbri-fl abun'.l;mt KF.AIj lSTATK sf-curiíy anyumw of nu-aey aad see that the title and security are all kh;mt. Tbc borro wer paying all etpf'nïrs. [nclodlng rocordinK W U0RÖAN, Aun Arbor, Gct. 7.18ÍW. ?10tf ■i : j f" .-r ■;;'■■- ■ -,' ' - -' ■ ". i ■ " fjBL Opposite tlie Ê y' A RBNOWOPENEM, MRECT FHOM PÜBIJSHER? í AN'1 MnDufaclurert, a New and Completo glock o( LAW &l MEDICAL OüKüi, School Books, lhtellar.eous Roriks, Blank DooJcx, dan jst'0E'JA-ixixc:Kr:Es:F5.-sri Wall ui'l ffladow I'apcr, Dravlng and Ha themarticnl Instrumente, Hmtio, Juveuile Ubrario, EuTdopes, Ink aud Carda. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Penáis Wintlow Corniee, Bhadoa aod FixtureT POCKET CU TL Eli Y ! Am! evi'L 3 Enins io the tra lo, and morti to whicii ' ■-iv thfl iilU'iitiini oi the couutry. In eoadaciing our business, we nliaildo all thatear lie flono,si. iii.i1 □ ' roasoDnbte man. womnn orchiM shal tin iiuy f:ult. We posAesa foofltttos whicti will en.ible us to supjily OUT iilMUHTA Ut tllÜ Lowest Possible Figures. We proposO iosellfor READT PAT, ata smftU a'h'ancc V QXpVCi ft pnfii tn OUT uOtls, but Cash Salosviil Admit of Low FIGUEES. Wo havo engaged serricu ■■! JAMES F. SPAI.DIXG, bereforcare prepurecl to furnlsb Visiiing, Wedding and all other Cards vrntten to order, xeitk ncatness and dispatch, by mail or otherwise. Tlu' 'El[PIRKBpOKSTORB'ifl muTincE Ijy n oml 'cre,' aA they wil! alwaya bc roand on the "ni;;itcT (eckj1' ■pji'ly and willing i attond to all with pléasuro, wlio will favor them with a c;il!. Uemember the "Empiro Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Aan Arbor, Miiv.TVn. 7)(! IStOHER (a ARRIVAI. AT THE $ OLD AND RELIA BLE Íi CLOTHIWt EMPOEIUMü mrmM' M, Jsr o. s phcenix block:, BIAIN STREET. has ji'st roturncl from tbc l-jj,--tern Cities, with a larg FALL AND WINTER OODB: wkich he is now ofTering at unusually ZLmO-W" PRICES! Ainnjig hlL AJwortmeni may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMETJES, ÜOESKINS, & VESTINGS, f alldescriptloos, especially fr FALL AND WINTER WEAB ! which liois cutiing and maldnj; to order, in the lat est and best tttj tes, tagether mth a suportar assortment of READY MADE CL0TI1ING! TRUNK3 CARPET BAG8, UMBREI.LAS, and Gentleinen's FurnisMng Goods, irïth M-itucrons nttior artxles uaually found in similar antablionêntS' Ab ANEMPOBIÜM OF FASÏÏIOÏI, che subcribor Sattera hímself, ílit hfsiong expertentM ia. aoceeaSfWiU yuable him to give the gr niest saiislactioD toall wbo may trust iiiraiu the way of maaufaet uring ganaenta to oi-dvr. Tüütf VPM. WAGXJU. Ho for the Sfflmmoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & TKOMPSON, TT AVE JUST OPKNED IX IHEIRnew aad Elegant War e-R ooms KAST SIDEOF MAIN' STREET, A completo stock of EOSEWOOD, M AHOGAN Y TARLOR FURNITU11E IHCLUDDíG Sofas, Tctí-a-Tetcs, Mahiipinv R'vu Woiwl, Blsck Walnut, Pulió Ha Murblo Topped O 11 KI f tl K Tí[g[L[lOr KO3KW00D, MAHOGANT, BLACK WALNÜT, FANCT AND COTTAGE CIIAIUS, ;r., &0., tic.t &c: y% -mlj se a 9 Elestant MIlíHOÜS, BUREAUS, SECREIAEIE9, Complete BED-ROUM SET8, INCLUDING LATEST STÏLES, II 1 1 1 B A 18 i ■vr1a. ' nvrT tr es se s Of the best i[nalty and Diffweni Hfttnial I" Kad they HaTe EvrythlDg with hicli to farfilsb PABLOE, BOÜOOIR, S1TTINQ ROOM, OR KITGHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO langer go to Delrail oí c lnewbero to (ïnfl u large uiortmeat. This IFTTIR.IISri'rTTIFtDB masut bc boW :unl will be soM at V E E Y L O W JP 1Í I C E S ! Lat övry rano and hls irifa or g-mg to be vrift OOMS aNP SKE, TbojaUo havo a 1IEARSE ÜARRIAGR, And nri iiluiivs riii'ly loattond to the burial of ths dead in heCltjandadjohiliigooiiiitry. Ware-Room eaat slfle of Main Street , beween Wahlngtoii ad Ubtrt; O. M. MARTIN'. ■ emW9 C .B. THOMPSON Summer HUI Nurseiy. THEODORE IEL DuBOIS, rnopTOROFïiii:prMMii!:Hn.i,Nii!si:iiv,ANN Ar1SMich.,ino eiveorderitfor Fiíll and 8iiiHg Setting, Ili 'onlors fr Kruii naá Ornamental Tree, Vine, Blw'8)tc.,winbeSU8dfroni tbe boatEalernNurserl, and h i atkntirm will bi iv.n to the Belectlon andi)Uii)gtle8ame. Having boon rogularly educate11n lbo NursiTv ;!ii'.-s. '.!■ cooAdent that witlj prompt utdoloae&UsntloPjtndstriot büucity nnd ntegTlty,hc wlU bu aUl to gic natUfaotton l otmj ono ooafldlng tUirordTB to Umi AUfaaMnor Fruit Krnwcrs tildo wcü togiro linu.i cali aforo orderln . through.other parüeg. II,. tronldre ■ the Cllj and (56uny wboporcluudoftim the past Spring for the quiilityof tri'i-s brooght mi by hiiii, a wclhis foi tbo 'tod order In wliidi t h j wererecolvea aaddohvorod Solmy íp W.MOKÖA N , Agent for MutualT.ifoTnsHranccCompnny, New Vorli. AwntfobtedAnets, .... $5,350,000, UurUfe tniuranoe Componj Is tlioU. s. Ki,, ,■ IterLifelnmntnceGoinpaqY, New York, n üi-st class gafeCo. - terms reasoziftUAt HoinbohU Kin' In turonoe ('unii-.iny, New ' Capital, with ui. in.'i'snrilu, - - Í200j000 Peoría Btorlnc ft Eire UuastAM Co., Peoría IU. _MI i No. I Flielnnúance Co's. VOTtr (hpitai, - - - 5OQ,"oo THE PEORÍA MARINE &PIEÏ INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEOBIA, ILLINOIS. '' Capita], - - - SöOO.000 ono of the HEAVHSST, SATKST an.l BEST Inauranoe Co'. intlioU.S. Ilutaros on raasonable tenajB, and a raya pay promptr Thercia do botter Kr Insurau Ccmjiany.


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Michigan Argus