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G REAT. G&EATER GRE Ari ET BAÜGA.1NS EVER OFFERLI) 1859. J 1859 In tliisCity, are now beiig oflereil at the CIIEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & J o -w elry StorerjHK ftdbtcriber wouidan totbeoittznol Arn Ar1 bor. fo particular, and the. re&t ol VVmluenftw CMintr ineenornl, thl huluisjust I.MrOKl'KD 1)1. RfiCTLY trom KUlïOPK.a Trcinendous Stock of Watches! Ah of which hu bindi bimsclf te sc!l CHEAPEB llinn enn p bousrlit w(Bt of Kfiw York City. Open Face Cyündcr Wmshoa Irom 86 to $10 df (i-i I.cvor do do 8 to 21# llunting Cuan do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylindor do do 9 ' to ■ 9 Qold Watefaes from 20 to l0 1 l.avc lrfo toe CELÉBRATE!) ÁMEBJCAN WAT CHES, wliich I wlll soa ttr 835. Kvery W ntch warranted to perlorm wuil, or the raomiy reiundeJ. Cloefci. Jcwclry, Pifttcd Wnrf Fnncy Goorle, üold Pens, Musical Instruments aud Stiinga, O.itlory, &.C, and Ín fact a vnrirty of evi i -yïhine uuufilly Itcpt by Jewe!':rs can be boughtfortha uoxt iiinety daye at vur OWN F 11 I C E S ! Persona buying ntiything at this well known estftblishme ut can reí y apon setting goods cxnct'y as rep resentod, or thnmuney rtilundccl. Cfilld&rly and aecuro the bost burgains cvor oiïüred in thit City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nrc prpnrM ïo mnke ny repairs onfinc or common Watuhcs, f'vtfn toraakingoer thfi enttre Witoh, if nncesstiry. Repairlng of Clocke and Jowelry tot tisiiiil. Al?ö tbe manufftctttrinii of RINGS, BROOCHS, oc áaythlng físiref3. from f 'nlif-imin (Jokl ou short nette, i'.irjnivipc in llits branchüsexcented witbnoa1neöa uiiddispatch. J C. WATTS. Auu Arbor, Jftn. S8tb!859. 7L4W IIORACE WATERS, A G E iï T 3 33 Droadway, KT e w Y o r k Ptiblislicr oOItutc ftiiO Mustc liooks AKS DBAISB IN Pianos, Mclodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martinne cclebrated find other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, TrianglesClarÍDnettp, Tuning Forka,Pipes andHammers, ViolinBowe, bestltalian Siringe, Basa Instruments for Bands, Piano BtooJs, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS ïx O o t 1M -ml S i o, From aU the publiwhcis in the l'. S., Bertíni'a Hunün's, an"l Modera School, uid all kiods o EnstrncÜoii Bouks tor tlic above instruments; Church ULdbIo Books: Mubíc elpgantiy bound; UuuÜO papWj aud all kinds ut' Music kerohHidise, A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, At f':;., $200, S226, $260,anditp to $800. Second Etend Pianoa frow $25 up to $100; Now Uelodeons, $15.' , $100, and op to S200; Secoml Hand Meloileons from $o0 to $80; -- ' , wlth five stops, $160, [, $185 and $225; thirteen stops, $290,9! $300; fi f teen stops, $8S0 aM $"7ó; A Uber&l i to Clergymea, Churcnes, Habbnih Schools, Seminarios . The Trade supplled at the usual trade discounta Ttstimonlnlsof tlie Hornee "Waters Planos and Itfelortcons John Hcweit, of Carthage, New York] who has bad one of the Hotác Vfatora Pianos, vritesu follows: - "A frieml of mine; wishes mo to purchase a piano for her. She llks the onc you soltl mo in December, 1856. Bíy piano is becomifig popular in this place, and 1 thïnk I c:in intiüiluce one or two morej tbey will be more popular thau any other mako." "We have two Of Waters1 Píanos in use in oiu-Peminary, one of ifliich has been soveiely test-ed for three rears. and we cao tesiifyto their good quallty and durabilïty."- Wood k, Gregorf, Mount Carroll, Hl. "ïï, Waters, Eaq. - Dbab Sik: Having ased oneof your Piano Kortes for two years juist. I havo fonnd itavery superior Instrument. Alonzo Gk.w, Principal Brooklyn. Heigkis Scminary. 'Thé Piano I reeeivcd from you continue to give atisfactioa. 1 regardít as one of the best, instrument in the place." jAUKSli ClaBKBj Charleston, Va. "The llejpdeon has safely arrived. I feel obllgw) to you fory our liberal discount." liev. J. JI. IfcOOBXiCk, Yarqnt$villeSt C"Tiiu plaao was luly recetved. Ttcamo in excellent contiition, and is very much admired by my numeroua famïly Accept my tl tanks for your promptiiest;." - ;:■::.! QOOPSB, W&rrenhatn, liradjoe.d Co. Pa. "Your piano ple . ■■■■ u - wel!. H is the best one in our oounty,"- THOOfafl A. Laiiiam, Campbellton, Ga. (We i to yoa for haring sent sHch a fti : tent for $250.? - Braxe,Held k Co., liujfalo DemoenU. "The Horace Waters Pianos are known asamontr the very best We are enablert to ppeak of theèe instruments with confidence, from personal knowledge of theJz excellent tone and durable qnaHty." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'We can epoai of the merits of the Horaoe Waters pianos from porsonal knowledgo, asbding the very üuest qnality."- ChrUtítm íntetUgencer. "The Horace Waters pianos are ouilt of the bt-st aivl most thoroughly seasoned material. We haTc no doubt thatbuyemcaado as wcULperhaps better, atthisthan at. any otherhouse in ihetuwn."- Advocate and Journal. Waters' pianos and melodeons challenge oomj with tlie tioe.-t made anywherc in the country.'1 - Home Journal ' Horace Waters' Piano Fortes of fulT, rich anti eren tone, anfl poTferfal - N. Y. Musical Review. "Our friends will lindatMr. Waters' store the very best Msortment of Muflió find of Pianos to bc fouud in 1hu (Jnited Statea,and we urge our southern and wogtem frtends to ive hhn a oall whenever they go to New Ynrk." - Grakaatë Magazine. Warehou3e 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba th Sch ooi Bel], 100,000 Issued In ten Montlis. Tlic unprecBdonU'il salo of this book has indacedthe pubüsher to a'Ul ome 30 new tuncsand hymns to itíí present sic( Uuiut fixtra charge, except on the chcap ?titiiür imong the m:ny bciiutii'ii'. tuiK'.s and liyinns added mv bc fmiiiil:- "I ought to love iny miather;" "O 111 be a good diild, indeed! wffl." Thes and elgnt othera from meBell,wert snivr :it tlie Sunday School Anmversary of t!ic M. K. Church :vt the Acailiiny of Uiulc, wltil great apulause. The Bell contaln nearly 200 tones and uitl is ono of the best oolleoöona ererlBSued. Prlce 10c; S10 pcrlmnilred, postale 4 Kleuantly bouuil, embosaed gflt, 2c, 20 per 100 KbastMea introiiuccil Into mauy of tha Public Schools. The Ke.l is puWlshed in smal] numbors entitled Annirerflarj and Sunday School Mii-ic lïooks, Nos. 1,2, 3, & 4, in order to aocommodate the niillion; prlce & $3 per hundred No. 5 wlU floon be inned - commencement of anotlicr bnol;. Also, Revival Mnsic Iinobs, No, 1 & 2, pricc $1 Je $2 per 100, pOStage lc. More thaa 300,000 copies of the above booVa have boen issued the past eíjlitrí'n niouths, aud the deniand israpidly increosiuL. l'ublished bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Jiroadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Wordsoao neverdie;" "The Angels toM me so;" "wSd or the Wcrti' "Thonkhta of God;" "Oiv me bnek my Mountain liome;" "Iay nreams;" "Damlj Dock Robín;" "l'm wlth thee. atlU;"Pctn; "Thertja no darflng like mine:" "Saiah WneLeeHEfTer of thee;" "I'm leavlngthee in Borrowj" "Blrtof Beauty;" "llnme of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel' and 'Wake, lady, vake,,1 ])rice 25c oach. ' I.vstrumkntai.. - ' 'l'alace Garden, or Plnging Tiir.l Polka,' 40c; "Swinging Schottisehe;" "Mirabel Sohottüch;'' 'Thomas Baker's Sohottlsche;" "l'ici-olmnini Polka, 35 cents each. The abo?epieces have beau tif al Viijncttee. "Wilmer PoJkaj" "Arabio Wl ery Uarob, the vervlast: "Vnssoviiipna DonièllaMaaurka; "Hea-u ina Polka'' "Crinoline Wiiltz," and "lanoeri' Qua drllle " 24o cac).. "The Empire Keich's Quadrille;" now dance, and 'Th Hibernlan Qoaflrtlle ' Mceach. Mnnvof thee rteoe aro playod by Uakcr's dabrated orohest ra with great llailed froe. A largelut of Foreign Music at half price. Pianos, Melodeons and Organs. The Horace Wnicrs Pianos and Molodeons, for dftpth, purity of toce and dorabjlity, are unsurpaaaed. Prices very low Second Hand Pianos and Melodoon from $05 to $160 Muslo &nd Unvicèl Instruotiona of all kinds, atibe luwcst price. HORACE WATERS, Agent. No. :;i Broadway, X. Y. TBOTMONUIS;- "The Iloracc Waters Pianos are known uamongthereryhett.' -Evangelist. 'W.nui speak f Ihfir incritM l'rum personal knowleüge."-C!iristian Inldligcncer. "Nothlngat the Fair disulayed jreatcr cxcollence -"- ChuTchman. Watera' Pianos and Uelodeona challeiifteconiparison with the BnMt madu anywheri! in the country.'1- Himc Journal. '19tf Irving's "W orles - National Edition rlIIR Fino MiUon f)f lio Works of WA8BW0TOR In ving (including the life oí WaabiiiKtiu),. villbp pubished for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Mouthly Volumes, Price $1.50 Payable on Delivery. BcauUfully Printed un beavy superfino paper, of"th ; ipiuljl)', and stttotantfally bound m heftvj . ■ ■ ,'.-. i. ■■ i board, O"Eacb Volume Ulustrnted with Vignettes on Steel and Wood. LJ KnidcOi'Nickev'K Now Yurk, Sketch Book, Cloth. Colurauuf, S v"]!. Braccbridge Hall, Aatorlo, Talaaof a Truvelor, Crayon Miscellanyi Capí. Uonnovillp, Olivf-r CuMsmitli, HahoDiot. 2 voi. (iri'nmla, Alhambi :1 . Wolfort'8 lioost, I.iiv of Wiishinton, 5vols. H:i lüi; ■umli. . . Thlseditlonwlll lc sol.l kxcu'sivei.v io Snliscnbert ind wlll b greatly superior lo ;iiy cv. r before lunelrA riy haocwome wl of MiflBftunlveMaUy ];opular work. thua plaoed withln tho moans of all. 1 e p. POTNAM,Agt.,Publü)her, lA&Ktawo 8uaet,Nw Vork


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