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; A"YüR'S OATHARTIO f -" ï i 1-TTjTjW (ï?V'i?'-' Aro you nicle, feeble, and 1 ■ '' HhSbB coniplainiiif;? Aro jou uut of '.-. - 4-; _r order, wiili your system de ffiwftl rangttl, and yoiu fvulings ' u'.R q c "-,■ fimj8f COini'urtable ? Theso synip Imuvvaux p r-' W&r ton is ure o f ton the prelude to ? ■. v. k 3h aerlooa lUueaft Sünie lit oí F t-- '■[L HF slcknesn Iscreeplnguiioii youf i y'-', I nKl '"' avcrti-il y a k L vChHH 3 thnely "o of Uu? rijiïit ifinAv'B B edy. ïiike Ayert hlisaml ■-áw'Rl I ck-anao out the dlsurdered buCh7O"j&pUi" mors- purify the Mood, aud L 't ft-, 1 t. the liiii'U move on nnobIftcv ?VH "BW. structod in la-alt li flgtül. SBBK They slimulate tho functi-.ns F HBL the kody 'llto Yrl(l" ' ■ JBH -' tivity, puiïfy tho s.vbtem lïom - " ' the obstruotlotis wuloh nrnko disonsc. A coM mttlefl Botnewhere lu the body, and obstruuts its natural fuiicttojis. These, if not mlfeved, Feflótupon theméelvm oud the Burrouudlug orgao, (Uiting general aRgravation, Hufïeiing, aud dl Wiiile in t!yj! condlUon, opprened by tho derangunentt, Uke Ayer'g Pilis, and lee how dirucily they restore tho oataraf actfon 01 the lystem, and wlfli it tho bnoyant fL'i'linji of heult h agaln. VTlitti in tnio mul eo apparent in tbls trivial and cotnmon complalut, ia alto traelnmany of tho dcep-Siittcd and d&Dgeroua dlSteiDpefV Tho eame , purgatire effect oxpels thein. Co wed by Bnnllor obstmctlons and derangemonia of the natural fuuctions of tbo body, thoy iir r:qidly, and uiany of tbom Burely, curod by thüsauio means. none who kiiow thé rlrtuea of these lills, will neglect to vmploy thcui whcu sulTviing IVom the disorders thoy cure. Statements fröïn fendlng pliyslcïans In somo of the prlndpai cities, auii iroui other wcll kuuwu public perL.0113. Pi-cmi a Forwarding Mtrcïiant 'fSt. Louis, Fcb. 4, I85G Dn. Ayer: Your PHfa oro tlio pnvagon of all tlmt is giy:tt in medicine. Thoy have Oured my littlo dttughter of ulceroiis surfc.4 npou her banda and fet't that bad proved Inconble for years Hor motlier hai been long giiuvously affiiotod with btotobesaud pluipleson hor skin and in lifi" hiiir. At'ter our chiM was curcd, slio also tried your Tilla, aud thoy havo curcd lier. ASA MOIIGRIDGE. As a Fnxnily Fl&yslc Fi'om l)i 2l ir. Cbrtwrightj New Otieans. Your Pilis are tho princo of purges. Their oxcelleot gnalltles Burpasa any cathartlc we poanss. They aro mild. but vory eertatn andefleotual In UièlracUoe on tho boweltj uiiicli makea tuam iuvuluublo to ua in thu daily treatment of dlflóagQIIcalaclic,SickTlLa1ncbe,FouI Siomnch. tYom Dr. E&uroerd ISoitt, Baltinwrc. De.vrTïiio. Aïbr: I connot answer yo whut compiaints I havo cure-l with yonr l'ills h tter than to ay aUthat we ■ ever treat tvitft apuraatíM moliciut. I hlace great : doüc-eon an effectaal cathartio in my thlly contest with iHijwnn. and bellerlog aa I l iii:it. your l'illn aflbrd us tho oest we havo, I uf cuulïo vuluy tlmm higlily. PiTTflnuiio, Pa., May 1, 1S55. Dr. J. C. Ann. Sir: I havo beon rapeatwlly cured of tlie worst h'.aduche any body can llave by a doee or tsvo of your Pilis. Jt Bewas to ariso froai a foul stomach, wluoh ibov clano at ooee. Youre with graat i-espect, ET). W. PïlEIïLE, (XerJc of Steumer Ciarían. Bllious Disorders - T.lvcr Complaints From Dr. Thtodort Bell, qfJSTcW York Cdy. Not only aro your Pilis ndmlrably adapted to their purposo as an aperient, luit I fiml their benoncbü effecteupon tho Livor vory marked Indeed. ÜÜiey liuvo in my practice proved moro offsctOftl foi tho euro of bilions ennvplaiiUs than any ono roinctly í can ïncutio. 1 sincerely rojuico that wo have at length a purgativo whlch is wortby tho couflilunco oi' Llm profbwlou and Uie people Dri'AUTMENT OF THE IRTBBWB, %VaatiingUii, J). C, 7tU Feb., lSöfï. ƒ Siií : I have uaed your l'ills in my general aud hospital practico ever Binoe you minie tbein, and can not hesitatc to eay they are tho best cathartio wo employ. Their rogulatios actioii ('ii tho liver i qiu1c and dedded, coBsequently tlioy aie au admirable ifuicdy for deningeiueuta of that organ. Indeed] 1 havo soldom foaod a case of bilii'us düeau ko obstinate thut it did not roadily yield to thciii. Frfttern&lJy youre, ALUNZO JiALL, M. Dl'iiisician of the Marine Hospital. Dysciitcry, liiarrhtxn, llclux, "Worins. Frvai Dr. J. G. Ürun, of (JUicago. Your Pilis huvo had a long trial In my practico, and I liold them in esteem as one of tho best aperfenta I havo OTcr found. Their alterativo effect upo tiio liver makel them an excellent ramody, when giren In small losos for büious dytentery and dvarrhaecu Their sugar-conting makes them Torjr accf-ptablo aud couveuicut for tho usd of women and dilldrèn. Ilysiivpsin, Impurity of the RIoocl. Front Jtcv. J. V. Ifimes, Rutof of Advent Oturch, Botton, Dr, Ayer: I hoveosed your Pilis with extraordinary 8UCC0SS in my faiuily and amoiig those I mi callcd to visit in distre?s. To regúlate tho organs of digestión and purify tbo blood, thoy aro tho wry best remedy I have ever known, aud 1 eau couihU'iitly recommcinl tlnin to my frlenda. Your, J. V. HIML& Warsaw, Wyomlng Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1S55. Dsar Sir : I ani uslng your Cuthartic Pilis in my practica, and fmd them an excellent pnrgattré to cleause tho system aud purii'u the fountatn "f the, btnnd. JOHN G. MEAOHAM, M. D. ConstlpnilonfCostiveness, SpiL'C.sslon, ltliv tunal iin, (Jout, Neuralgia, DrupBy, Paialysiii, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montrtal, Canada. Too inuch cannnt bo fiaitl of your Pilis for the euro of eottütx ■ u. If othera of our fratornity havo löuml them as efficacions as I liavc, they should juin me in proelalming it for tho benefit of the multitudes who sullcr from that complaint, whicli, although batl enongh in itself, is the progenitor of othera that tro %yorae. I believe costivencss to origínate in tho livcr,but your Pilla aOect that organ and euro the disoase. From Mt$m E. Btuarl, Physician and Midioife, ÜGslon. I find ono or two large doses of yonr Pilis, taken at the proper time, ace excellent promottresiof the natural secretíon when wbollyor partially Aoppreased, and also very eflectnal to chause tho ttomach aud expet wórtn$. TJiey are so much the best physic wo havo Lhat I recomuicud do othcr to my patiënte. Frorn the Jicv. Dr. Hinokes, nftJie Methodist Epis. Church. Pci.ASKi IIOüSS, i-'iivannnli, O:u. Jan. 0, 1866. Iïosonr.D 8lB.i 1 áhonld l ■ lingraleful for the relief your skill bas brooght me if I did not report my oase to you. A cold s-ttleil in my linibsand brought on exrruciating nswvSgic pain$} wolfib ended in cjtronic rhetonatism. Notwithstanding I hud tho bösl of physlclans, the disenso gnw and wofMj nntil by U16 advloe of your excellent agent In llaltimore, Dr. Mac'kenxie, 1 tried yonr Pilis. Their -effecte werfl elow, but sure. By persevcriug in tho use of thoui, I am uow entirely well. BeHITB CnAiinF.iï, Baton Iïouge, T-n., 5 Dec. 1855. Dr. Ayer : I have been entirely cured, by your Pilis, oí RheumaUc Goul - a paiuful dlsease that liad afflicted tno for years. VINCK.NX SL1DK1.L. Most of tho Pilis in market contain Morcury, which, although a valuablo remedy in f-kilful hands, is daugerous in a public pill. from tho droadful consequences that freipiently follow íts incautkms uae. Theso contain 110 mcreury or mineral substanco whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Frepared t Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lorell, líass. Aiiil fOl B I Ifl bj Waynard, Stebbms & Wilson; ■i: 8HELEY ie CO., Detruit. 809yl J H. Bi 1UULI-, TteTIlIsg Agent. ÊïiiêFactor.y! A. J. SUTHERLAND HASrcinovciihlsOunShoptothcNcwBlockonHutonstrKCt.soulhoftbnriourtHt.usconthcsocond tloor, whcrelie ia propared tü furnish Guns, Pistols, Aminunition Flashs, Poushes Game Bags, and Evcrj other artiele in bis Line. On the mostreasonable lerme.nndto do all kiuds o 1 the ahurlest noticcand in rhe best manner fullaasortment always kept on hand,ond made toord o r . - City Gheap Lumber Sas7i, Door s Blinds, Piaster Paris-, Grand Siver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cÊc, &c. . D. DeForest, HAVING tnercased hïs facilitic-a for dolig busines and eulnrged his Yard luid Stock, is prepaied the present season, with the beal, largesi and cUeajiest sensonedstock cverin thia miritt. ta satiaty tho rcasonablc xpnetations of all. Om motto is notto be undereoldl'or eaeh on delivery 1 will not nndertaketofrighton the public byaRying that theywill getahavcdil they Ijuy elsewhcre, for we presumo that otheroivillsellaelow asthcy can afford to. All kinds of Timber, Joists, nd Scautliog, Pine, Whitowood, liasswood , Hom lock, Planea and Matched Pine, "Whitewood AshKlooling.PlanedHndrouith I'ineand Whitewood ■lding'FeacePoati, OakandCedar l'osts audlMckets of all kinds. JP'tni f th, anï) lUl)itfwooï %.t Ptno, Ashüni Whitewood Shinglei, Barn Boards and Barn Ploor Plank, niftOkWa.iint.amlCherry aud thin stuft', Wagon and BUGfiY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxund Body Lumbor.Muplc Log Timber, Ilickory, Oak, Ash, E!m, Beech, Ol i'LhicknoiSCB.widtlia andlenüth8,&e.. Sec, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallklnds. 'SS'ajïïSt oí all slzes, &c, &c. SASU, D00RS, & BL1NDS, Minde by hand to order as lowas factor y prioeB, on tho shorteetnotlce bythe bestol' workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Rille ol'aU (lescrlptfón In tho above building line furnisliedonthcshorteetof no tice, for Ve have Mills Cutting Regularly. A fuljauda porfoct asaortincd oí the ubove anc other kinds of Building Materials Constant ly onliandattlulowestpossiblerates Cali and be Convinced. A few rods soutlifrom R. R. Depot or. Detroi. Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. EOOFING, N.B. - I amnow opeiatiug Exteusivelj in the Patent Cement Roofing. Morígago Sale. DEFAULT baving been tanda in tho coadltion of Sivrlga I by David mitii lo Lulltei .hums, iíi.a I)".. is.',r,;uii ivcontfl thenuue le o'clook. at noon, In Líber No. ■-i; nf '.Mi t ',i ■■■ -, ;i t i:n',' '.'", ín the RegiitOrfa nfiir", n aw, by ithlch dufautl the power, of mi Y thftrefn conialnetf becfttö operativa, and Éo rail tn ■-■■' ia titule! nt i;-" f rtoWoí . wr ;uiy parí théreol : And fno" um ol üu' huntlrw! and liliy oJue dollars being rtw cliiiiufil to lr (lúe rt'on; Nut ico t ï : - - 1 tfre InTtb? :-: n, til I ■ e wlll fi.. ■,■■■:. -nt liv ri -rile if tlie inoríg ■ - t: All tUuiL certotu tjfedSi i : ,;í.' Kn . xn uutl dedcríbed ;- the eï half i the soutU eajM ■„ .-■. i -r, ani the rtotitfa baJf iií the' ■ ; ■ i ; 1 1 ♦ ■ i rj( Ihe [inrtli patff ■t:iitfr üf M-ctjnn' . :■■ :i; :i:i 1 ti ) - ■ dUTth ■ ■ t ::ir'iT ni tllO" oí neetton Nn, n:uu!ien;í umi the iiorili we t qtiarter nf nortfa v4 ■. in ton r ■ -i 1 j í No, mi ■í'iuili oFraiige Ni-, four cst. ftiliu Cotmty of Wiuhi V mu - "i m i :rl theteof, aO [iublic ven liif, attheCoini tioue, in toe City of Amt' Arta r,;ii raid County ou llu lt liy of llarob next it iHjun. LCTBSR JAUF3. HortgaMe.■;. W. M iígax, Mty DuU-d.Nuv.2aib, A. I?. 1861. 8-J8t Ghaacerj Safle. TiY VÏRTÜK ol a di '■■.■■■■ mode and edtered in tli Cir I -: ouíl Cuurt County 't Waali)envthi Cbany inj[ dille on tbe fourtb darof Novi-mtur. ls tf , i 'i-ri -:i tioörge K. Soutbwfclt, .Auministratur f Duty íoutbw . and John 1'. Harble aro" 9omplttiimnte,and Selab li. Col lina, PcridUa Oollla, ;tnl íiroverS. Worm r are defeadanU, 1 sball sell at pubTigr lOCtion at tbe &mtb door nfthe Coarl (luuse; ío tlw" :ty of DaArbor.on tbe twrnty-fW'tli day of Jarftrarj ui' tono'clock in the fort-nooo, tho following tl!crlbedtandnfTz;: "Tlie 1 ■ ' half of the North-wwV inftiter, (■■xccfit oneacre on the Korlh-ea comer,) and the Nortli west quarlr of the SouJth-earife quarter; and tbe Bouth-east quartci of tle Xorlh-enst quarter of ection niii'-; anJ a strip forty roda wlde "11 Westf side of tbal pait rf tho Wost half of Ihe Jí-rth-wenf narbcrol soctiout D}lyng8uutfa o ilit toad a1 t i uo-A" ti awiln! acroiM oaíd t (excopt a itrip two rodív. - i : ibe I :i : iide f rom the road üs ínrSontb as' [snii'1 SmfLh'fi I;m U now itin od said Eat Une) euntaia h enty twn aerea more or leas. The Hr-t tlireer tCBOríbed íiacis contnin one haQdxed and Bixty acres of ■ r tese, refereacc beinghad to the L'niietl i ■"■ . ■ ' All of whicn lanía lio In town ibtp onedouth of range toree Bant, id t-betítateof Mich IgSJK." P. S.TWTTCHELL, Circuit Court Comnümfoner far Washtenair Co-, Midi. iticAKKs Jfc Ahki., i-t' Oounsel foi Gomjilainiftt Date I, Ann Arbor, Dec, 11, 1861. 8OOtd Estáte of John P. Davis. STA1KOF MICHTOAX. Ccr.vTY of Wanhtomw, m - At a Beaslon of thJB Probate Cuurt for the County t WftShtenaW) holden at the Probnt Offico, in tho CJltj of Ann Arbor, on Mouday, the ahtteentn lay of u-i-. r, in the year One eight lnnnlrt;J and lixty-ono. Present Tin. mas Nínde, Jndge cf rr"Kile, In the Matter oc the Estáte of John I. Davs,decpasftdt Horatio ü. Bheldon, AdininutmtOi of saíU estáte, comes uto Court and represent that he fe now preparéd'to1 render hb account aa snob administtator, and atrita that i time anl place inay be asafgned for tbe bxajninlng aul illowing f)f bucI] acoaunt, and that notice thenof mas be all pernons inti-rcsted iu said estato, in .such [i;'-iiiicr aa laid Coort li II dircot. Thereapon it i Ocdered, Tbat fcíonday, the 13th day 3Í .lannarv next, at one o'clock in tlie afternooOi Iw iMigned for the hearínffof stid áflcoont, and tluit tho tiélra at Uwv of ed, and all other pertoni laterested ín saJd estáte are reqalsed to appürat jeesIoD dL sa:d Court, fchen tu ii1 bolden al tbe l'robateOlüce, ïn the City of Ann Arbor, in said Couniy, and ïhow causo, íf any there be, why tlie said acoooAt ihoald not be aUovcd. And it is furtber OiJorwl, thnt said Admtetetnrtar jiue DOtlee to the persoiú interested in asid eatateof the pendenfi} ol aaidaoooont, and tho beariog tbereof, hy .■:c!-miií a oopy oT Hits ordef M ho nubQshed iu the Michigan Argus, a newApajjier prtnted and circulatíng anty of WaaMenaw, three succes-sive weekr arerioüs o said daj ot' hearing. K truccopy.) THOMAS XINDE, 83ítd Judgeol l'robate. ST4TF OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for tho County of Waiihtenaw, in Ghanoerj1- Ira l'arker, Dt,va.Henry Baaslaugh, Harta C. Baustaugh, iinil-s Kitcliítn. and James F. Avery, Defendants.- Befbre tho II m. Edwin Lawrence, Circuit Judge at Uhambers. H aatlsffcctarlly appeárinfl to thla Court that tbe defendants, Henry II. uslaugb, María C. líausl Charlea Kitchen, are non-residents of thia State, butarr recidontsof the Province of Upper Canada: On mutíon pf O. Etawkins, of Coonsel for cumplain unt, it is ordered that tbemfd defondants, ílenry Hauslaugh, M:uia C. BansUvgh, and Charles Kitchen, cause their appearance in thla cause to be enterad vfthln four months 'rom the data ofthia order, and that iu case' of tbelr apptfarance, they cause thcir answer to the Bomplamant's bilí to be ated, and & copy tnereof to be wrved on the eomplalnant's Boltdtor, withiu twenty laysafter Benrice of a oopy of said bilí and not ice of tliis order; and ín default theréof. tbat the said bilí be iakenaa oonfessed by the said darendanta Henry Buuslaugh, Maria C. Baustengh, and Charlea Kitchen. And itlsforthex ordered, that wllhin twenty days the said ïomplainantoanse a notice of tiïiu order to bepubliphed in the Michigan Árgus, a newnpaper prlnted at the City f Ann Arbor, and that the said publicatíon be contln nedio ia1d paper ai toast once in each week for six succesHive weeks, or that he causo a copy of this oraer to be p?["o11 the satd dolendants Heury Rauslaujzh, Haría C. Bauslaush, and. Charles Kitchen,, it least tweutv days bvfore tlie time abo ve prftscribeó Cor their fti'iJOarauce Ann Arbor, October 14th,lS61.. ' K. I.AWKKNCK, Circuit Judge. Attest, Rorkht .T. Bahky, Register. O. IIawm.vs, SolicitorforConiplainant. Ann Arbor Marble Works. q 3D-. BatoJaolder rjASon banda fino assortmeilt of American aud ITAL1AN MA li B L E ivliichhois prepared to manufacture nto n alltbcir varictios,nndin a WÜKKMANLIKE manner Havíng had considerable esperience inthe busineaf lie lattara hdnaeU that he will be able to pIéM ill who may favor me with their orí.eri. His prieel LOW AS THE LO WEST. Aun Arbor. May 20, 1861. 801t 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW RECEIVING AT C H. MILLEN Ü Co's HAVING to pny CASH for ncsrly all kind of Gooda pnrehnsed in New York, w (vre necossarily obliged torestrict our credit system here. Consequently we sliall offer our Fall Goods for Cash, al a very sinall advance on the cost. C. H MILLEN & CO. Ann Arbor, Sept. 24,1801. 819m3 SECOND WINTER STOCK! D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVE JfST orEXKD A LAEGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALL & WINTER Trade, [laving purchased their stock at much le8 khan the usual prices, they are prepared tooffer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers Thankful for past favors they will be tc ready to show their Goods and by fair and: liberal dealing hope to receive their; full ahara of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor Deo. 1861. _ X7 SS DES SARAT O O A. EMPIRE WATER FOR trf tl'e l.H..g, BMÍacbe, aod lVv.rh rtátt of th. %M% MAYNAI1D, 8TKBBIH3 S: W1LS0N .4EBERBACH & CO , Auo Avbor. SW" ■


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Michigan Argus