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From The Michigan Fifth

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[TTn ar permitir'.] to milt tho fnlkuring extract fri'tn ;i lf-:t r roceivci] by uie of onr '■ ofllcQ t f ,' fnnn a brother whvlaa ï,rjc;.nt in L'o. I. 5 MlcUgun InTantrj-J Camp Michigan-, Va., ) Jabiiary lst, 1862. Deak Brotiier: - Midnight oi this, tbe firtt day of the New Year, finda me alone, no! not alone exaetly, for by my sido líos the eleeping forin of a wnunded soldier. His rest is somewhat broken, and every now and then he articulates the command of:- " Porra in lino! furm in linej do not fly from the eneiny thus ? Stand firm ! Show yourselvcs men," &c, &c, evidently vvandering over tho scènes of the past day, endeavoring to encourag-e and rally his men - (ior he ia no otlier personage than our firat Lieutenant, Charges H. Dksiso.v,) - in a little skirmish he ffnd to-day at or near Pohick Church. Ho was advancing at the hsad of o emaW pnrty of scoots, when he was fired upon by a concealed party of the enerry, one buil of a carbine taking effect in the lower part of his right cheek, passing throiigh the cbeek, jnst grnzing the lower jaw, and ir:flieting a sevfire wound n his neek. All the party, at the h"r.-t fire, broke and fled, löav"ujj: him iilone. Kocovoring somewhat frotn the paralyzing effect of the shot, hb wheolèd hia horse, a volloy of mu'akotry strikíng cñ his cap at tbe same time, and dnrted off aiter h men, endeavoring to rally thom and form them in line of battle, vvhich he suoceeded in doiog after a painful cflort. He had none of his company wiih tiiin, tho party bi-ing piokets, composed of both cavalry and iniantry, the infantry having been dephiyed on each sido of the road as skinnishers, yvhilo. he advanccd at the hoad of the cavalry in the road. Tbère were some over one hundred of tho party in all. The road tuminij abruptly to the leit, brougbt t'iicm Buddualy sgainat athioket of slinib 1 -inös, thflt covers all the hill lops in Va., where tha eneiny lay n vvaiting fir them. lic was urgod by sevral of his men to hasten back to lus encanvpment, but refu-ed to do so unlil he had called in the skir rnishers. Sevaral horaea returned with eni ty saddlés, bat webave ootlearned whother tb ere was any one clso injured or not. ïi:o wound is not considered a dangeroua one, nlthough it looked rather frightfn!, and wili leave a broad mark a.s a memorial of New Year'u day, 13G2, as well as tho part he has taken in the war of tho great rebellion. Our General, Richardson, recoivcd orders from General Heint.elmax, last evening, to have his whole brigade ander arms. He executed tho order by hivïng tattoo ono hour and a half eariier than usual, camp lights extinguished, and all tho mon in bed. - He is a funny genius, bnt tho men place all confidence in him, and are ready to follow wberever ho n:ay lead them. We porno oxpect to inako an advance In the morning. If we should I will tako tho first opportunitv to rform you of tho rcsult. J.. A P.


Old News
Michigan Argus