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Soldiers Aid Society

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The monthiy meeting cf the Sofera ( Aid Society, "il! be held on Fridav, lOtbrfert., t 2 o'elook P. M„ at the ; lisiüil place. A. B. LADD, Seo'y. L In this changeablo ueathcr, vlieu all aro tuking colds, something that will clear the throat is desirable. For lh;s purpose usa Broten') Troches, tèee advertisemont in nnother column. CP Tho regular term of the circuit courtfnr lliis County w!U commenee on Tuesday next, Tha calendar is not a very extended one. Doxation. - A donation visit will lie given to Rev. Mr. Blades, at his residence, on Wedoeoday eveuing of next. week. A generul invitation is given. L- E. P WniPi'LB, oi Boston, a distinguished and popular essayist has delivered torn lectores the present week, before the Student's Lectura tion. His Hubjects wcre " Yoang ilen in History," '; Shakspeare," " Bacon," and " Grit." Our time has been po occupied that wo did not hear them, but they are highly spoken of. J53g At the annual maeting of the Forest Ilill Oemetery Co., of this City, held on Tuesday, the following officers were elected for the ensying year. President- -W. S. Maynard, Clerk-E. B. Pond. Treaiurer- E. W. ]Lorgan. Trvsteet- B.H, Douglass, James Cloments. Stzto-J. D. Baldwin. The Treasnrer f: as instruoted to notify all persons wbo have selected lots, that they must payment for the same and take their deeds, within 30 days, or they will forfait all right tn the same. J3P We have received the February number of Peterson's Magazine. It is proiusely and beautifully embellished, and has a readable tabte of oontents. Peterson is a favorite among the ladies. $3 a year. Address C. J. Peterson', 306 Chestnut street, Thiladelphia. Peterson and the Argus f'or $2 75. jL3T The December numbor of Blarkwood's Edinhw gh Magazine is on our table, and brings the folluwing papers : Captain Clutlerbuck's Champngne.- A West Indian ReminiBence, - Part III, Augustus Welby Pugin, CbrooUlesof Oarlingfotd : The Doctors Fnmily. - Part III, VVassail : A Christmas Story -Part I. A Word from a New Dictionary,- "Flunkeyisai." ífetcher in Hnmlet uní Otliello. A Month wiili "tha Rebel," Some Account of Both SiJes of the American War. For terms of Blackwood and the four Reviews, see ndvertisement in another column. JG3T The Methodist, a large aud handsomely printed quarto, published in New York, hns been a vrclcomc visitor to our table rcgularly during the last year_ It is iudepe"jdent of all Conference control, and is ably edited by Ilev. Geo. E. Crooks, D. D , assistcd by Tüev. John McCm.ntock, D. D., at present residing in Paris and whose letters are very readable ; snd Rev. Drs. Abel Stevens and Nadal. The several departments of i the Methodist aro so íillcd as to make it i a most valuablc family and news paper, i lts foreign correspondenee is full, and bardly excelled by any secular journal ; and we may say tho same of its army correspondencc. Its news summaries are complete, and its market and financial reviews are full and reliable. Terms $2 a'year; five copies $8. Cunvassers are ofiFered liberal premiums for getting up clubs, and will receive specimen copies free, by writing for them. Address - ïhe Publishcrs of the Methodist, 7 Beekman street, N. Y. O" Aïeb's American Almanac now arrived and is now rendy ior delivery, gratis, by Maynard, Stebbins S Wilson, to all ivho cali for ït. Our readers may be surprised to know that this little pamphlet which has become so much a favonte in our sectiou lius quite the liu'gest circulation of nny ono boot in he world, cx:ept the Bible. It is printed in mnny langunges and scattered through fiiay nations os well as svippliod to almos'; the entire population of o ur own vast domain. Every family should keep it, for it contains informalion which all are liable to require, when sicknesB overtales tliem and which may prove invaluable frorn being at lnind in eeaeon. If you take our advice, you will cali and get an Ayer 's Almanac, and when got, keep it. Ï3P Seo a woman, in another column, picking Sambuci Gripes for Steeu's Wine - Jt is an admirable íirticle ustd in hospitals pnd by firet clas families in Paris, London, and New York, in proforenco to old port wine. It is worth a trial, ns it givcs grcat . J53T" To cure dyspepsia - takc a new px, put a ivhite hickary handle in it, bore a hole iu in the top of the handle, iill the hole with gum camplior, and seal it up. Vbsn take tho ax and cut cord wooratfifty cents a cord, until tho heat of the handle dissolves the camplior. JET Somcliody ssys that our passions are older thau our rcason, becausa passions are born with us, but rcason dou't follow till a loug time afler Tliis M a slander upon all babies. When a baby is spanked, dou't ho holler ? Ycs. - And hasn't he got a reason ? Yes, and a inighty good reason, too.


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