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Message Of The Governor Of Ohio

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Cleveland, Jan. O. thé Obio Legislatura organizad todv. The Goveroor's message ib conotátulatory on the prospect oí a I favorable terroinaüon of the present i wr and on the general prospenty ol the State for paet yeaf. He reÏteibrtafly.thoüS.lory oitha State „nee 1802,'when the uonstitulion was adopted, howiog immense increaso 10 weulih and popuíatioD. Aftr devotiog spiíc to uffuirs of local intorest hu icfers to the report oí Secretary (Jhase and diswnts froin bit plan of a national curfcnby as lialile to roany objeotious and impracticable as a rneasura ot relief to the Goornment. lie likeni.-oohjects to tlie nemno tax imposed by Congrass, at makinR an unwise diacrimiaatiao between poople u'hn nra nti willinff to cnitri!)uto to the support of the Govenimerit in proportion to ttosir meaos, and altw dweriminatina between United Sutes and State eouritrt. Refcrring to railitiirj affuirs the Govèroor states that on the Brit cali of the President 92,000 men volunteeretï. Tho aamber of men dow in 9 yenrs service is i í,S84 oí which 45,985 are in active service outsid of the SUte. This does not ineinde tho citizens of Obio who have eniered military organizations in other States becuuse of the want of authoritv to receive tbem in ühio, the contingent number of which is estimatcd at'10 000. Tho total amount pended for war purposes to Jan. 1, 1862, riolading unpaid liabinties, is I2 339 45J. The whole ainouut rofunded by the United Statea to Ohio is $1 077 600. The thinks th ultímate efiect of the war vvill be the extinción of slavery, but deprecates immediate emancipation.


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