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New Medical Discovery. For tin; npeeay ml permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Sleet, Urethal Discharges Uruvel, Strlctnwi, mul Afeeiioki of the Iüdneyt and Bladder, whldh l's lin l"'(1 hv npwdi) of ONE BÜNDRED THYS1C1ANS, hithcir prite iratic , witt enth ■ uulior "wELL'S SPKC1FIO PILÏ,S, m gpeedJ in , efferting a curéis ;i dJ I . ..4 iMa .vtrrl-: th;it ;in' ,OTlananevriMUeatethe.!tMiliBh ftflmpreg1. ;■:-., tu : aud teina BUitr-coatci, all nuaoous ,, n!c;fe:e uh busieiiino without iny sigoature On tho WTapper :V.N,I!ocliestor, N. Y., (ii'nc n', Agent. II. Je L, HMONBAe, Uitrolt, Whotoale Av PRIZB FOtiTKl. Let entertain boal i f 4eJt In -ar, ■n.l HlMtrels 'uBe their sweet guitar, A Qobler theme n.y hcart i BH - In pratse JU ■ tenlws pina. Thoir COTW nro O"m'l " WJ 1'- -,v] Ru Bnoi - nd Atrio a bhdoí i Th. ■■.■ '"fffi8!!1!! l'rodaced bjr Herrick's Matchleis 1 il.a. Boos iiseiwe fllic '"" ? neTerdouM TM oh i.iin.r cotnpomri wUleatcnlt out, An.l haalth :i;ai '""' evsli-m BH, II .., m üy at malo ili-:!:l:(i.l'.lls. nafre f fo lU- JwtÜJ oU and yong- Thir praiHes nr1 on every tenguo ; Disease, disoTwed- no loneer kill, s1),,, afdwlth Hekmck si 1U, Pa np wlth EngliKh. Spanisli, Corman inJ FrenSi dirertions. 2 -"ts P(r 61s"a' CoaiccZ Sm adrerüsemBOt on thirl page. BO Important to Ladies. Dr JOHN MAP.YKY, bavfng fel opwards "f twrrtv ... 'devotert Ms professional fme Pxelusively lotlM treatmem of Feimile IMfticulti.'S, and havtof . ■ in thousamlii oi oaaea in re u ringtbei to sound intith, tas oor entire conttdcnoa in offitting ■.- liia "GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," HABTET'S CHRONO-THESSIAL FEMALE PILLS. Whicli liovMicvi-ryd. faUei (Vlien fhc direotioni haw been tHctly followe,T to removieg difBoaltieBarisingCrom Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, ornmtoringthe patento pf.f.ct hfalU: -li-n suf ferinc from üniui Awections, PotAreü Ctïbi, thi „■ other wexknese o th l itBim OiGANa. .Uso ,, -i Li' ,„-,- of IlramiTï nltXcnvoi-s ifROSTEATIOX, HTS r t-. a nh!Ah -i i-o 1 In. lnrC!1!; IM'.'TS TORIOS, PAIPITAT1OÏS, ra., o., ".cu .= .. ■■ ■ of mor,, seriou. aisfiaM. "ƒ Pif aré ,,crf,,i ,, harmlcm en tkt cmMtvtion, and mmj bt laken by tut osl deHmte femále without cauiinf diêtmti&t H methej iet ukb a iharm Ij strengthen , period wlth regnlanty, omtt from ht =;,. toeobstractions may ari. k„ shouia ImWEVfr, oí bo taken durlng the Br1 .iprr..T,l 5l.f"-ï thnrtimc as i i oulo b tu naiuw. Ï'ach ' ' D0llaí!,ln,d hen (]l. ■ , -,t by mail propaW by any advcc . t. od eceipt of the ïvioney. SiM 'bvVniiSülstsin Ann Atbor. 'J BRYAN, Kocboster, N.Y., General Agent. Il & 1 SIMUÏiKAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fn lidügan. 806tr MOTHERS READ THIS. m..Mimiit is.-in nxtr.ct ti-i'm n letter written by toM.toro a Bapfct Cturch to the Journal and toaienger, Cinommdi, Obio and neab Toluine. ia aror oi tha( worldrenöwned medicine- Mits. WissflW'gSOOTHIXG SVRUP r.)B ClIlLDREX TiKiniXCJ: "Waaee d adrti8emeirt in your aolnniiaol Mra. Vinstow'sSoothmgSyrup. Now we Bever uU w nfaTor of a patent medicine befcrc m Ufe, bo „feeloompel tur readers, ttatthh b n SiiMS. H is, probably. one of the most uccesni il : .softh.. .lay, b.M Iti. "„oof the MM. Una those of youi readers who hare bable eau t do ït betterthantol.yinasnppljr." flMadvertUenientinanotheroolumn A CABD TO THE SUPFEBiNG. The Rev. WIU...M CoaoaonL while Uhoring Miwrnv in '11.111 waaeured of ConauicpHon, when au Ufanea, b, a recipe obtalned debiUtj .a 1 mou depresión ca,.,,a bj i1"r'L.eatttogolheM,Iwillndtht. recipe, whieh 1 have teoagW heme xviíli me, to all ho neeiit, fiee of cliargo. AMr1-Cv. mr. cosGRora. 89ïyl 4L9 Faltón Aïenue, Brooklrn X. T. MPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Is contimmlly in peril if slic is m:l 1 enongh to ncglocl ra m;il!ivat tlxwe wxaal irtegularities to wliicli two. tbirds of hersex ure hito or less subject. DR CHEESEMAN'3 PILIS, prc-parel from the same formula whli tt inventor, CORNTUÜS L. i MAN M. D.,of Xe-.v-úrii, lias for twenly years uscl nueceMfuBy inan extended private practicc- jmmcataielj relieve without pain, all disiurbances of tlie pcvioílical disc'aargc.wlictlieransinír (rom relaxation or supliros sIod. Tbeyact like a clmrm in romoving the pnms tliat acccmpany difficult or imniodcrato mecítroatioB, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flusbea, Sick Beadache, Faius In the Lolas, Back and Sirtes, Palpita tion of the Heart Netvooí Tremora, Hytfio, B BrokenSleop ana other unpl aangcroos effccts ►f an uonatoral conit!on bf ttw sxol functift I" the worst cases of Fluor Albtis or Wkitcs, tliey elkct a ■nujf (lirO . TO VIVES and. MATROTSTSDH.ClIEF..-EMAN'SI'lI.Iai-c(.iT.jrcla8 the nnly safe tneans of renêwinginterrupted menstroation, but. t,,VDiES 5IIST BEAU IN MIXD Tkcre ís one r.andhion of the femnlc sys'.cm vi Khichtki P'ilU cannotlclahm vt'hanl prodiicing a PECULIAR RESULT. The-condl' onreferrcd lo is FÏÏEGNANCY - the rnnjl, M1SCMHUAGE. SuA it the irresistible tenderte? af thc mcdlrínr lorntori (he naval fmctiont lo a normal conditíon, Ihal emi the rrproduclivc power of nature canTiot raUi i'. ExplicH directions tlaling vliert, nnd when thnj tliould ■not be used, v.ltli cncli Hnx,- the Price Oue Dollar each Box,i:önlaiinugia Pilis. A yalualile Pa n'phlet. to be hd frec of the Avenís. Pilis tmt t) mail promptly, by enctosing pnce tu any A"ent. SoldbyDrugpisis general y. K. B. HÜTCH1NG8, Proptletor. 20 'dar-St., N York. For Rlby MATNARD BTEBBINB 4 WI1SON , ■ GRENVILLÍE & iULf.Ii:. TWO DWELLINGS FOR SALE OR KENT. mQlT!'ATr.F. M on Main fmH O and the othei on Detroit ['SS Street. l'ususs' n given IjÜLggPr l.nth M the boTe direllings -11 be U for ü sra&ll sum down, ml the bnl.-iiice on time to uit purelier, lor further parttoaUn mquire ut g oi'FICE. TO RENT. ATWO STOKY Biiek dwelliog in a pleasent part of ;he Cily. Anply to " P BAOH. Ann Arbur Dec. 24, 1861, 832v4 Cintrpool anii oníion Ko. i Hale stivet, LiTerpooI. Office, M w.-ill and 61 Pine Síiects. New YuiIl. -0 anü iíl l'oulíry, Loo OXL Paió ii p Capital, Surplus ;iml Rescrved lunds, $0,0 16,585 : n thi:5 Couu';ry , over Vcurly Jíovtnuc, ovet 200 000 H3, The 8hreboldew Persunallj Rwpornible -i TOR ENGAGEMEX18 W THB COMPAIfV. All Directora mvist be Ehí0hders. 'íl Director; and Shan lio', Yrs in New York. JAMES BKOWN, 1' q., FBANCI3 ((UTEXET, Esq , Chaimin. Depu(y .Lnn.ui, E. JI. ArcWbald, II. B M. Coonul. Jnwplí Gulllard, Ir., &q. Eugene Dutllh, Esq. Henry Ünnnfll, Eq. 1'. r. ï-:m íonos, 1 AWxatwlCT HftmiltcH .Ir., Em. AmsD i'i.u., Ks. , Ai.i:.. Hüuuro, Jr. , Sro., Ke.-k'i-ni Secroterj, üoanel of tb Board. J. H. BURLES02Ï, Agent. At D. Mrhityrc's Banking Office, Aun Alrtror. TOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN. OlVEKTXEXJiS FABB, TUK ÜNDEKS IfiNED.notel ProprWor in (hii efty o) tfully nnnounce f" the public, Üxai on and afin the at day of January, 18 5, j rülT CENTS F A RE. Trui be charjel totach nd avery pi"Rofl earried ín or , . the Omnibun p.CO !I i'. U'sï"V. Franküi H Au . . . '"-'f e- m ra S. .1? j' od !.- pi? 5 h is P: er j III hl 5 I - I 2 ,„ n es === .-9 H o g ü . 1 S " O „r Si U - H g En a. fc Öi wH . gr; 3 . o llurrnli for the Union! Deathto IU Encinics! 100 abl-boilled stcaily young men WANTED! FOR CaplLR.Buchoz'Co.oiLancers! MEN OF WASH TENA TV Moei of yon have known me for the last 17 years, ■d uow in (hts boor of onr country's ned, I oontt, 't v appeal to youi patriotisn. in ding ■ to raise .ndWmeinflghtii.gthe. f oul fc ' KüCH llKN ' p' onar and life f. ee thira v.-c-l! treated, anü n wrt" tem to go wher. I would ot be to lu,:. COME "Nlyou brave, patriotie boy, yo.r time bascóme ivemet!iooi..mtunity of proTing Itae trath of my word and IwillenlUt yoo i.i tbc mort dMhmgand Xctiyo corps of this or any olher country 8 orvice. lt ha.neverboen8BnMlBBptendor and execuUcB ., tl(, Bdd o, r Muipment is to be coini „verrwaysto" ? the IWta ftwMi I .- , '.1.1.1. .„.niAvnprnnAa ui military ere aswellasabnive and aeeompUxhed efflcer. 11' ,vh ia t., make his Regimeni ■ lel one in every ;!,„■',.„; Coujiany of Uncew steod A No. 1 in tint KlYh";-!i een all T d,-S:rc istbr-.t H onomy =1 :..u',l re ïn oppert to mak. ü,,m Sl (Uiteen r'lv ,') '' i whal mei il the We ihtenaw bo, of. indnowmyWendswho ha be uiting tor me te eet over mv brokea leg rape and pet mj oommiawelcome faces od slgn your mmo m tto Hut Koll th; a.e.0., Captaja iu Col. A. Itankm'sLancers' Caralry Regiment. t. -„.,. ,rt. lnrre .and Well sok'cted assorlmcut Is now a iai-ge kou ow-w Clccks, UTatches, "_ .-i Sllrtr nntl Platetl Warc, TABLE AND POCKET C3 "BU "EÏT1 - TE3 T6T RAZORS and SHEARS, O-OXiXD DPEISTS, Musical Snstruments, Strrng fy Booki for Instruments, SU -E ET MITSIC, COMBS, ar.l a put uir-iety of TTAXsriHB JSTOTIOIsTS, 5cO. He woulil cali articular attenüou loiis largo slock of SPBCTAOL DE3S, o" Gold, Silcer, Sleet, and Plaled, ioi4 PERISCOPE GLASS; a superior articlo. Ako nuDtiBgton 4 riatfs celebratod CALENDAR CLOCK! Buitable forOffiie, Cooriin?, Halls ot DwelUiyH. Thcsoclocks are rcliable tin kwpers anl Calendar c,.iiil.iii"l,and rcqui'e win:li.i:t of the time move mcuUonlï.toMcareallfbe reqntred chngfa tt nrtdDight Bhowing tho dy of tli montc una ay of (hè month, Inotadlng the 2tb of Febr iry vear. niigoodi are moirtly of recent purchMe ftrom Xow Vi.rk nnl tin, manufacturéis, and 111 bc MtO soit the timos. PíraflM having difflcntt wtcbe to ftt with gtann a b seeomodutod, as mj stock ia larga &m] comnUte. P. S. Particular altentínn to tbc of al! kinds ofline Wat ches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, finion, Sifljfo oud Cijl'mdcrs. AUo CIjOCKS, Sc T33"Vi7rEXJX5r uefttly roprurcd aod VarnnUd, at bis okl standeagt sUe of il;iin Streel. 0. BLISS. Ana tibor, Nov. 15, 1S01 3G Captain Ruchnz' Lancer Conxpany ATT ENTION. Hind f rienda haring ropnrtcl ihat I gw p anl l'aüid Inralsing ray oompaay, having, no duubt, in rjew thfl high auil benorable inotlye of ioterferiiig wiih my recrtiting nerTice, 1 tke thoutmoit plManre v. ij forming ■ (hey 'M enliraly mlsUn intond, and ahall muaterm bafur ühri'tma, Ii(,v m,ro Uian half 'f tlie men requirc-'t and alp puaitive ttaat I will Koa bave the balauce. '1 i 1 t t' se wlio wiab to enlit in my company culi at ■ ■. al my Heud Quoto, in J. il Qoold'i atore and b Bworo in. L. R. BUCIIOZ. Dcccmleria, 1851. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CTTSTOIMIIBIR-SAIJ.fcc"i!nt? over six montin musí he gettied at vnct. Cali a Dd pay u. A uell HlecUd Btock of New (uüJr Chcap for Ca h. 82itf KATHARD , STÜBBIN8 S WH.SON. Tbe annual meeting ol the Forost HUI Ccmctery Compeny of Aun irbor, for the electioii of flfiiöera and the trnacttun of aueh otlwr buRinew aa nvay UgaUy cnme bcfore It, will lie held al the ofSce of tne Clerk, on 1'uesda.jr, Janoarj 711', i nek 1'. M. j. B. PUNO, Clcrit.. Ann Arbor Deo. 25th, 18 ü ■ Icc for fho Summcr of 1862. -■ I ■livcrinii Iet ol : ■ it and flellvcr nntil thf mlddle ur ■tobcr.orfi r. 11 itollver t(Hb. per. 01b ouüaturda; ror5,' 0 Tor the ; . suppTy all U saadb mpt and puuctual ill m leavoi I [ taction to all Uo miy favtr him wttb 11 i ' Nolco will hp .1 livered w Ueretofoie foi a i n'roí .n:il ti. per. n.-intli i ÍMs iinpus .-bli1 to tcep the tliiü.' umkr that atraogí H.txiLs aad ítl'Hiu? furuished ;i iicrotforp. CI.KMfjrr. R. THOMPSONAi.n Arb-r, Ko. ■-'-, L61 c-'


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