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PIÜNTÏNG OF ALL KIXDS Neatly Executed AT TUK ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE TREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IX THE LIXE OF PRINTING AT TnB M08T REASONABLE RATES. We hare rcccntly purcliassd a ZR-CXG-GHLES ROTARY CARD PRESS3 ani! have adiled tlie'st et5'Tes of Card Type, -wbieb enables us to priut INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CAEDS, Y1S1TING CAIIDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the njatest styles, and as olieap as any other bous in the Stote. We ara aleo preparc-d to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, L1LL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPIILETS, &c BOOK BINDERY is in chargo of IIBST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And llanufaotured in best sttle at New York Prlces, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-33ound. All Work warrantcd to givo entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main A Hurón Sts. A. DE FOREST, Always ahead in lxw Prtces HA VIXG REMOVED MYISTOR1'. to tlio Ent bíiIc o Muir, Bfirgt ouf dooroorth oítíaitaman's. I am now rccotviug Xpw Goodí, comprisiiig alï kiadi of Gro■■rie-s Fruití, Kxljacti., ClnsArc, Lamps, Looking libliCuikiy, ?lvor)laUH Gjods,íc., LOWER THAWEVER! Freneh China ToaScta, from ti SO to ÍS 00 Prenota China Dinni-rSots. from 20 C0 tu 30 00 InaTcñ Seta, feo) 1 oo to 450 Stone China Din:uTüv5s, fron} 6 50 to 1650 Reautirul GUMOoWeti, 2 1)0 prdoun (ilris KiTosenc Iamps from 37 to 00 Hmble Kerosene lamp fronj 78toí 00 Fluid r,ani]is from 1G to 50 Kofosena Oil, guodquïility, 80o pcrgallon AUotherOi ■ ;m Compodlig prlwa. S&j lAullisot1 all kipíls ftlUïii.iand l ojinli ril, PsojlM&tore, IMM A.nKi'oursT. Mo ney Wanted, Who will LendMoneyl IAM REQUESTEI) BV SEVKBAL I'EHSONS to obtoin moaoy t"or thcm at Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.) Kor any one wiílinff to lend, I can at OOM iir.iüt on jood uiiouomnbñrel abuiulnnt ItKAl. ESTÁTE socupty anyitama o f muijey and scothat the title andseourUy IIVAU KUilIT. j8 The borrowftr payínp all expnPF, inltullnsrr. eordtaff. W. HDBOAN, Aun Arlicr, T.ct. T.75Í, 7161f ARENOWÖPENÏXd, Drihírf ri'OM PÚBUáflicRS ANIl Manufacturéis. New au . LAW & ;IH!)1CAL 13OOKS, School Booka, Miscellaneous Books, Blank linohs, dan 8TATIOSTE ïï. IK" ! V:iM ni.. i Tiod0W F:licr, leal Instrumenta. Music, Juvenil Librarit, Eurelopas, Ink. nml Carüs. ' GOLD And all ollter Jitnds of Pens and Pcncils Wiivifnr Cnvntce, Hh.-ules aml Fixtnro, POCKET CÜTLEKY! AafloTerythingfcortiiinlng te the trate, and moro to vhichlhey wouKlibvite tlie attention ot the country. Io condneting our bosiness, we fttaalldo all tlini can b4onetígo ü:ut no rcosoaaMe m&n,w mbo w child sim il liti'l apy f;inlt . We poa B 'viiicli wiü cnable us to suppïy Our stomers at the Lowöet Possible Figures. We propose insell for READY PAY, uta smalt ailvance. 'v oxpwrt r prtiiit op. our goods, bat Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGÏÏSES. Wohaveenrairwl services ol JAMES F. SPilBIMO, hcreforeai-o prepared to fa Visiing, Wedding and all other Cards writtm to order, with ncatttess and dispaicl, by mal1 or oticrwise. The "EmpikbBook Stoot," is na&nned by a c""ï 'crew.' n& tht-y will alvfrya bc ibunil cu tho quarter'debk" roftdy ;ui'j wiUing to altend to all with pleoAurOi wko will favor them with a cali. liemembor the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ami Arbor, M;iy,1860. T-lg AÑTOHER A E AREiyAL AT THE NJÉOLD AND RELIA BLE iWfe CLOTHIWC EMPOEITJMI! Ss-lS3 Q PHCENIX BLOCK, MaA STREET. hasjnst retarbed froin the I . with a larg uiddesirablc stock of FALL AND WINTER Gr O O X 15 ! wkicti lic is now oíTcríng at unusually Among faia Assortmont may bc found BR0AD0LOTII8, 0ASSIMERE8, DOESK1NB, & VESTIInGS, of all (.Ic5uvipt!fn!, ospccially fur FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! whicli hé Es CDtting and making io nror. in tlifl. I best styles, together with a ortment of READY MADE CLO TUIN 0! XiiUXKS CARPET BAGS, UMBRHJS, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, with nuniorous other art:.cle3 uanally found in Hiraila: establishments. -s ANEMPOFIÜM OFFASDIO, tbc subscriber iluttcra liimself, tluit hialong fxpcrieneo and general success,will enablo him to givr tho greatesi BatiBfootion tOftlJ 1 1 o w. trust him ia the way of manufaetitriug gurtnents to ordtr, 769tf " U'M. WAG-];ii. Ho fer the Mmmoth Calinet Ware Hoorns. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JL'ST OPEKED IN' TÜK1K ne and Elegant War ft-R oom? EAM' SIDEOF MAWSTTÍEET, A oomptate Btodi of KOSEWOOD, MAUOGAJNY Í17TS OF PARLOR FURNITURE ÍNCLÜDÍNG Sofas, Tütc-a-Trtes, M::'.n ■..-:■. Kom-W.OOd, Black Wal nut, l'lam anl Marble T OIKlTtElS 1TOÍL!EO? ROáEWOOD, MAHOOANY, BLACK V.-A1.KIT, 1AM V ANP COTTAGE CHAinS, l ■ . , .ve, íic, kc: Elogant MIRR0RS.BÜREAUS,SECRBrAHIB8, Complet BED-SOOÍ1 INCLUDING LATE8T STYLE8, -OFOf tho bfst iialiiy aml Different In Tact thej M;ivc Ererjtliing'Wltli iriiieb to furoi.-h PARLOB, ' uocnoiR, S1TTINQ ROOit, OR KITI ÜEN, AND OüR CITIZENS NEHD NO .onger go to Dotrolt or ebrewhere to [ïnd i Utrg a,3sortFUBNITUEE masut bc wld and will bo fiold at V E R Y LOW 1MUCEHI fSF Let every man ana his wifp orgoing to be wtft COMK AND 3EE. Theyalso live a HEARSE CARRIAGE, Arifi m alw&ys ready to Attend 10 tho burfal oftht Ia4in i (jooiag country. Tare Roqj sido of Main Street, between Washington and Liberty o. II. MARTIN. 0m8O C .Tí. THOMPSON Summer Hill Kurscry. THEODORE K. DuBOIS, ■nTtOPBrrOROPTHESüMlíERHILLNDRSl RY.AHN JL Arbsj Micïi .. is Bow reafly to rtceive onlersTur Frtll iviitl Sprtug Setting:, ]] 'orders for FrvM and Ornamontal Twm, Vinos, Shrnli-.i tC. and hit personal atteñti4ti tri tl be givcn tr the i I and flllinj? the same. Having bconwffuïarly edu is Qoofldnl thai wtüi ■ andolosc attention, and strict hooeflty and integi ity.lie will be able to eiTe satlsfactlon to evny one ooQflding ..VS to liTm. AH farmers or Fruit prowerfl will ño woll toglve him a other parties. ild refer töraany eitixensof the City and Coanty iviiü ; ■■ ba ed of htm tho past BpriQgfor -- trees brouglii n by !ii:'".. as wellas i"i l'it; good ■■ whii-li thpywererccelvw an I 804tad "9, W.MOEGAN, Agent for Mulual T.iroTninrr.nceConiiiany, Kêw Ynrlr. Accunuil:tt4-'lAssets, - $"1,350,000. the leailinfi ï.il'c InsuranopCompnny Inthfl U. B. Kniokeroocbct Life [osuranceCompany, New Vork} - a Bral cUmwjTCo. - terra Humb'tMi FIre [naurance Compaiiy} Now York. Oapital, with alarge surplosj - - $200,000. roorifl Marlufl .v i'ive Insurance Co. } - : Ili. - bnt % xq. i Fire Insurance Co's. 707if Capital, - - - $500,000; rpiíE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE X INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - 8500,000 one af the HBAVIEST, 8AFEST and BEST Insuranw ('ti'p. in tin l s. [nflurea on raasonablfl term-', nmi al iivs ].;iy proi !'■■■ Tbereia no botter Fire InsurafH Company. - GllË AT B A RG IT AT S i Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. yy v..vv. acain' retiJenisuec oí . I i the juoat igpicuiliij níocii ot' E3r O O X f Hint WAS ftver oflVn-il in aay one o-taUiMnm-nt n Sutle, all of whicUwo offer tur O a O sa Oe íp ft O y O i mIow a can be fnnud in Ihe ITiuon We want Money ! mil wiil makt Greal Sacrificcs on Anyiliin vrefhave to obtaiu it, not excepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We cordial ly invita ALL CASH CÜSTOMERS to ii!l and examine our Goods and Prices. Wc alsf inviU' ur Prompt Paying Customors ia cíimc a:n1 boy their Bupplies for the Tinier. Ta thow I-lifiil ones that are nfïaid to cali, we ay tü them, tak. oonrofto withoutlongcr wnitiug for higher pricefljOomc in, oUl scores, and tlion at f.nch prines as will m ike np aTl losses It Ís hardli nycccösary to enumérate our Goods}for We have Ever ytfoing I A large asaortmout of UARPETING, CROtKERY DEY GOOJ3S, MEDIINES, GEOEEIES, TAINTS, OIJ.S, HAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS. &c, &c,, &c. O[LtL ASO OHgQIJOS (71ólf) MAYNARD, STEBBIÏfS & WII.SO SCHOFF & MIL LEK RE 9TILL ON II.ÍND üt tlmir old Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost completo assoríiuent of Books and S-tatioisOry, PERFüMERIES, FANCT GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, EOLLER3, COPvDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEKEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in this Marlet ! amï tl.ey would suggoat tothom in pxirsuit cfanythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that l&ey can secure a Doublé Cliristmas Present ! lv pnrehasing frnm V.üa stock, as cacli purchaser gt-t.c anadditional resrnt of Jcwclry, de, Banging ïnvaltie irom 50 ets. to $50. 45 Tbrytrust that their Ion; experiOKCfi D selectipg gnodsCorthitmarkot, ftmistrlcttteaiioB to the wants of CoctoniArS) Duiv fui it! tlitm to a Uboiftlsbs vu oj Patronage. Aon Arbor, Mee. 5. 1800. ÏTTtf Hangsterfteis Ulock. DEA W$c C O „, INVTFB attcntlOD tu tlicir new stock comprising ail kind of Crockeiy, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures UBdHoQS9-faraúliüiggoo4Aftll "f which Khey areoffei ing Al the Loiced Posrible Bates. Frcncll China Toa sets Iïhïi j5 00 to 20 00 French China neta frora 25 00 !.. 70 W Btone ohina Toa íets frwu 8SP to 6 00 p.lnnn, iliiiiii'r seta hom 8 S0 1 20 l0 (.tiv.-is Kerosene Iihíjs oomplete rrnm 3" Já to G2JÍ Marble Eoroseae lAmps completo from 80 to 10 00 Plold Lamps from IS to 62 j Iimps of all kindsaltered and repaired. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Acoumulated Jan, 1S60, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vwe President, PMNY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED wlththeCoraptrollerof the State of S!ew York. DiviLeads&verffge40 percent-, annually. ASSBTS. CathloBank, $ 81,855,40 : :n secnritles, croaioil nndëv the Iftifaof the State of .'■■ Yort and oftbe U. S., 258,870,79 tato and Fixtarea, Nos. 112 and 114 Bi .i Iway 132,460 0-1 !. Mortiras'1 drawin; 7 por et. ini ■ Eotefl received for 40 nor cent .of promttmuron lif! policios, bearingrlntfl ;;.'., :;i'.sr Qr.nviiTh' :m'l Sftml-annnftl ii:omiunis, duo subse' quenl to Januarjr 1, )8(iO 20,500. SS i up to Jan. 1, 18C0, 3r1.4ss.77 koaraednptoJottpl, i J.70R.34 . i du poUolat) in hands of Agcnts, 20,445.10 $1,787,133.24 Drs Wtaij and Liwirr, Medical Exnmis 743t'f J. G1LBERÏ SMITH, Agoat Conway Pire Insurance Co., Of Conway,. Mass. (Tapicnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Oash), - - 2cn,96:M2 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. O. Rogers. Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y . President. DIRECTORS. J P.WinTNKV, 1,. TiOOMAN, W F.LLIOTT, ASA IIOWI.AND.D C. McOÜ.VIïAI' K. T. MOItGAN WA1T BEMENT. JOSIAH ALT.I8 A II. BU'.IEN VV.H. D1CKINÖON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. UOGültS. Aiin Arl)or Hrfoveiif es: Dr. E. VVF.l.I.S, ),. JAMI'S. L. DOnOR, KNOCI1 JAMEP. OAPT. O.S. OOODRICU J. W. KNIGIIT.Afrent. Aun Arbor, Michigan. NEy GOODS, SS er.;: er. a ble Gcods, CUE AP (JOODS, For Casli, BACH & PIERSOPá Havo jusi openoj a clioicc e!oc! of Winter Ooodsj Bought for Cash AND TO BESOLD FOR CASH nt siieli ]inci'8 na will mate Uio buyers 'nugh at the ii!c;i of Iliird Times Tlio stock inehuli's n elioice lot of LADIKS'DRESS (iOOilS, GENTLEMAN'S CL0TII3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, UROCEKIES, Ac, .te. Novf is tlic time to buy your Winter'9 flii[ilies. BACH4PIER:'O::. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, lfGl. IKTIES'W E3r O O DS . VTLXES & KNIGIIT havo just rcccivcd a full stock of FALL4WINTERGO0DSI ■wliich they OFFER JT OH CASH! Prices vcry Low, WINES & ItJNlGHT. November, 1861. PATEWTED November lst, 1859. yrr-7 THE MEASÜRES V '$W (k A, the dist anee X-l [yo round the Keek. ff' L B ty B the Yoke. w & pp B to J), distaace -J around the Boily j ÚW „ . _ -_ the Arm ;i N. S ■ ï ■ Sjli E (J E, the i3 1 lenth ui' tlio BALLOU'S FntcRled Improved French Yokc SHIRTS. PATEKTEDNOV. lat, 1859 A ïïew Style of Süirt, warranted to Fit lïv son ■ irea per ma(l we canguár put -e fi perfod 'M 'i our ■ ■ b bI ye t' Shirt &nd retni n b.v expreu to&nyt&rt ! LTnïted Statc41 at $12, tÏ6,18, 24. &o., fco., per duzen. No brflér forwarded for lesa than haif-a-dojeu Shirts. Ai. o. Importéis aiül Dealera in MEN'S FÜKNISHINQ (JOODS. i'ijj Wholesale trndeíipplicl tn tlio niaai terms. BALLOU BEOÏHERS, M5tf 4mBroadvay, x'-w York. Sue6Msor8 to Clmpin A LoomÍR,andCb,ípin, Tripp A Loomis THE&bove Hrm of lxnmif; í: Tripp íiaviny pnrch.isec the entlm interest of the Former oompa,nies wiU continue the bu Inci ta.1 the old stands, whene they wiü , , on tlieshortest cotice, to fill all orden in th liue of Castings and Machinery, ín tito most v, mannor, anfl on ns libera berma fti any other shop in the State.Among'the vari omr articleñnaoufactard by us, we wouM uumortite STEAMÈNGINËS of all kinds; Mili Öearfng and FlxtnréSj wroughtanfl cast; all the varloufl caatlnga for making and repairing Iloree Powcrs & Threebmg Machines such fls are at proont, or linvo fnrmorly been in i:se in t h is pari of tneSttftO) :is wllaa all ílie va riooa kinds if cnstinirR and machine woiAf CftUed for by fanoera [and mechanica lothis Bectlou of th ooan ry. of al the varlóus páttoro) up in BÍwssaftd pricep. will lip kepi oODatofttly on hatd, yut the most modciu aud improred styk-s. Thankf] for fermer patronage totheold Brms.Tre vould Bolictt : eoutinuanoe from oldfriends9andama1 by a.11 wtahiog foraoythlog inoorlineof buaiaem. LOOMIS ft TlïllT. Ann Arbor, May 18th. 1859. COTtf General Land Agency PERSONS wantiiipfnrmB, o r roaláe.ncctin orne Ann Arbor, eau by Cfillingonme fcoloclfroma iiat ofever 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofvariouf híüos ( rom :ï, to KWacresfiaeh (lome a a goodnsHU v ' nthisComUy.) More t han SO Dwellng House ntbUOUy,fromtwn Imndrotf to iourthoucanr'doï' araonch: and ovar 2O ECJILDING LOTS! Amonptbrfarm? n.rr tho Biohcperarm, lïOOicres, frhe i'otter farm, in (ïroen Oak, ttioPlncof 'nrm, tin i 1 laores.tbéBlandonnnd Jftnkaformt, in Webster; ttu Stubb, Miclidl, Newton Bfiegan, ad FnlIíib.M farmi, in Ann Arbor ; J.Kiiüíshiy'41'nrm, ÍnPÍtt8Hnltho Ilntch nnd Hick farms In Lodi;the Patrirl;Clyufarm in Froedom; V. S. Davibon, B. fï. Rtikor b nnd Bnok'a frms inSylvan. Mostnf tbetr nnd raany uthors can bo dividodto auit purchnerrs H. aOiGAÏV. AnrArboj.Jan Ipt . iRfifï 6 ' 3STOTIOE. rrillR AXNUAL meeting f the Germán Farmers1 Fïre L Insurance C iaw Couoty, wiil bc held ut wollinR hoon of Jacob, April, In Scio, on MondayUe. lt. 1861. at LQ '■ , M. J.G. KOCH, í . JACOB JKDKLF,S'en., President, Dated, Nov.eth. 1861. 1361. 1831. FALL & WINTER GOODS XOW IÏECnVINT. AT HAVTXO to pay OASHfor nearlyali kind of Gooda pnrohnaed in New York. ■wc are neoeetnrily obliged torcBtrict our credit system hcro. Conseqncntly we slinll offer our Fall Goods for Cash, ft!, a very smiill nclvanco on tlio eost. C. II MTLLEN A CO. Ann Arbor, Scpt. 24, 1861. bl'Jin:i GREAT. GREATER GREA'j ESI bargájks ever offeuld 1859. q!H59 1 b tliisCiiy, nre now being ofTered U tl;? C4Ii:AP,CL0CK,WATCH, & FoxvoH? OtorcTïlJO ñirbícrlbor tvou)dsay to thcdtizensol Am Ar bor.ln particular, i nd tl e rest oi Wushten" ' ■ ■ ' !i I ED f)! UfiCTLf ('rom EUROPK.a Trcmendons Stock of Watclicp! AH of whlch hn blndghltneeirto wil CTTEAPKR thot - w-t of Nnw Vui t 'n y, Open i :.■■■ f'vliu'i. r Watchea trom i Itö úo .i. I,i ver d 3o 8 o flüntiog Case Jo ! ■ c', i . ï i'i Cyllndor do do 9 ■ OoWl Watrlïca front L0 tu HC I Lavo iilso tnc CELEBIIATI2D AMEllïCAN WATCÏIES, wbich I wil] Rf-n ttr $S5. TCvory Wntcli warrniiUd to perform woll, ortlie monoy reianded, Clooks, Jewelry, Fltted Wan, Fane.y Goode, Gold Pnna, Muslcfiïluatrummits au-i . Cutlory, fcc, and In faet a variety of everytbin Dna]ly kepJ .i. Jteweters eau be bougbl for the sext uinety dAJl ut v-rr O W N PEICES1 Persons buying auytblng at this woll Itnown estatHshme ut can n Ij tij on g itting -.,.■!- exact'? as represented, orthnmor:y refun ■■■■■ Oaliearty and ecure the besl bttrgolDi ever oflerod in thii "ity. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Wfi nre pr pared to innfce any repnirs onfine or comtnoii Wat( he, évèn to RLtdtiniid er iht) en tí re watc ■.-.■ry. Repuïrlng of '!■.■ . ..■■lrV us neiuil. ylsn rho mwuiifact urina ol RINGS, BROOCH9 or aaythlng dcnïred, rnm CiiUf.irniit ((M on b hort doticTfl. Enpravine in nliitsbranchvscxnentcd withnoa1nes ftïid dlapatcn. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jflo. S8thl859. 7L4w IIORACE WATERS, 3 3 3 Broadway, Bícw Yovl: Ptiïslliher of aitislc anfl Jünslc Books ASO DSALVB l.v Pianos, Mclocluons, Aloxanclre Orgnns Organ Accordeons, Martiu'e oelebratod andother Guitars, Violios, Tenor Viols, Violinoellos, Aeeordeons, Flutinas, Plutes; Pifes, TrianglesClari )nett8,Tuning Forks.Pipes andTíammera, VioIinBows, bestltalian Stringe, Base Instruments for Bands, Piano Stool?, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S Ttt. o o t XVC xx S i o, i:-oin all the mblishers ín the '■ 8.. Bertbii'a j oud Modern Schooi, anclall kinda oi [nslrnctión Books fo'i i):t aboyo inntroineutsi Cburoh Mttflic Books; Ubsic . ! y boand; Mame papur, and uil kiuda oï lusic Bferchaudise, A t t heLowest Prices. New Planos, At $175, $300, $225, $250, and up to jsoo. Hand Pianos from $25 up to élOO: New Kclodeons, $-15,' $00, $76, 100, and up to $200; Second Hand M : ' ■ ps, $100, i, $18 rS: ' A liben jnnen, CUur tu Schoo!sSei . The Trade suppLiod atfheusu ■ l n ta Testimoniáis of tlie Iloraco Watert Planos aricl Mcl(ïï!co:i3. John Hewett, of Cftrthage, New Tórk, one of tlie HoraccWatera Planos, grites aa follovs: - t(A fricad of mïne wlshe lier. She likes the one yousold me ín December, 1866. Mv piano i becoming popular ín tfits place, and I thlak I one or two morej they wül b move popular tliiiu any otber make.1 "We have two of Waters' Planotí tu uso in trar'Semi nary, ono of which has been seyerely testad for Ihree years. and we can testifyto thefr (jood qeallty and dura, ■ -VWM & Gregory, Mottnt OarroU, tt't. uJl, Waters, Esq. - Dkab Bui;Havtng oaed one of yonr Piano Fortes for twoycars put. I liavo fonnd il :i wry superior Iriftnnnrnt. AlQjfi i G Principa? Bmoktyn Nfifñts Semmarp. {iThe Piano 1 recoïvcil from yoo conüiraeQ i glve sntisfaction. 1 r -.. ■ of the loi Instrnmentii in the place.1 ÏAXÉs U Cx_KKC, Charleston, Va. "T!ie M''l' ■■;■ '■■! to yon fory our IfBcrál dL"cottnt." Kcv. J. M. íIcCokmicIí, YarquittHlcS, C ' i be j.i.nvt was duly ree ■ ■ condition, ;ml U very much admïreö bymy ntfmcro'ji family Accept mv thanka for our promp ! Cooi%a, IVárrrnham, BrafjOêd Co. Pa. uYoui ■ - us well. I; u the be one m oer county.",- TlIOXáS A. LaÍTBAM, Cohivf'rfUan. On. "We ave vArt miich obHged to you forhavins; snt ssch a ftne Löiirument for $250.ï) - Brxk,1ÍJ I Bvffahi Ihmorrar.. ■ Wajers Pïanosareknown asamong fcne very bc t M ■ : ' - ' ■■■■'■■ ii(' I líese ns1 1 u :r,1 knowledge of thefr excelleni tone and durable ijnaUty." - N. Y. Evangelist. "We r;in Bpeak of the meritg of the 1 Ionice Waters pianos fxond personal fenowlo ■ q iifi ] i 4y . ' - Ckrhtian Intetligmcer. "Tlie Hoface Watera ' ' ;í" tlic best and most th' asoned nurterlal. We hftre i thai '"'■ ■ ■ wcll.perhaps better, rit thi any otherbouse in tiifl Union." - Advocate aid Journal. Water1 pianos and mcloö irith the Anesl made any ben Intibii country." - flomt Journal "Horaee Waters1 Piano Fortes are if falT, rich aivl eren tojie, and powcrful-ií. Y. Musical Revew. "Our frienda "ill ftrid ui Mr. Waters' store the venbest ftsflOrfmeni of Mnaio and of Pianos to be fonnd In the TniN-i States, and we argeoor southern and m ■ i n friends to give him a cal) whencyer tiiey go to New V,..!,." - Graham's Maqaz'tne. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba th S ch ooi Bell. 100,000 isscert In ten Months. Tbo oupreoedonted palo of inducotl the pnblish ■ 80 new tuneaand hymna to i's nresent Mf, witltoui extra charge, exoepf ":i the cl v beainlfal taires and hymi may be found: - "I onghi toloremy mother;' "OI'U be a good childf Indeed I mU." These ar Vnniversarv of the M. B. Churcbat the Acadetni rreat applause. The Bell contatos tíearly 200 tunea and liyinn--. ;nil i nne of I e4c Elegantly bouñd, i gilL ü.'jc, $20 per 100 it has beon Introduoed nto many ;' the rabile 9choolB. .-". ie pablished in small nombers entiüed Anniveraaiv and Sonday Sobooi Maiic Boots, Nos. 1,2, 8, 4, in oï ■ ■' late the mllllon; price & S" per hnndrod No. 5 wil! ioonbe isráed - commenc eanent of asother book. Also, Revival Mulc Booku, No, I ít '. price SI & $2 per 100, postase le Morethaa noo,OOf) .' : ■ books have boon iftaaod tlio pist i months, and tbfl demftiidtotfcpidJyincxeamng, PobHshed b.7 H0RACE WATEKS, ' öao Broadway, X. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No 333 Broadway, New York. VocAlfuKiml Worda can never die;" "The Angels told me w;" WUds of the Wctj' "Thoughta of God;' "Oiva mebad my Mteantaln Home;' "Day DreamB;" ■'Dan'ïy Cöck Robín;" 'Tb ith thee Btill{"Pet nainc;" "There'ano darilng like mine:?' "Sarao Jane Le6;tKvet of thee;" (I'm icavingthee in Sorrow;" "Birdof lïi-aniv;"1 "Home of our birth;" "Grave of RoRabel' and (Wako, lady wake,.' price 26c each. ' 1 ■■iitr.MKSTAT, - ' 'l'rtliice Garden, or Rininsr Bird Pollen.' 40c; "Swingii ttach;" Thoma8 Bfckerf 8cbotÜ8che;" 'Piccoloiplni Polka, 86 cent eaoh. The abovepleceshavel Vifinetteo, "Weimer Polkaí" "Araban Wai eryMaroh," iviaztna Doniella UamrkA; 'Rea !.-- djc Polka;'1 "CSrinoline Watts," and "Laneei drtUe "26oeach. "The Emplreof Reich' now dance, and "Tbc Hlbernian Qaadrüle," SSceach. Uanyof er'e oilebrated oren, - ;. with great applru8e.49 Üailed freo. A ïai"elot of Foregn Masic at half nrico. pianos, Mclodeons and Organs The Jlornoo Watert Pianos and Melodeons, for depth, purity of tono and durability, are unsurpaiHed. Prices very löw Second Hand Planos Meltxlwnp from $'25 to $150. Uutic and Music;-.l Instructlonn of :'.ll kinds, atthe lowestn : . HORACE WATERS, Agent, Nu. 888 Broadway.N. Y. TflSmiONlAlS; - (Tlio Waton Planos ave known ... l.' - F.vnniíe.ÜHt. "We can spoak of thpir nicrits iron porton :il knovledge.f - Christien htfr.higcnccr. 'No hmgat the Kuir displayed ffreater cxcollonce -"- Chtttchman. i1 Pianos and Melotleons cTiallenRcoiiiparison with tlio finest made anywhiTcin the country." - llovic Journal, 710tf Iiving's Works - National Edition rplTIP Fin" Edition of the Worka of Wshikotok Th 1 vivr; (inclading the Ufe of Vusliingt4.o. wül bë pah sliod for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Moütbly Vol unios, Price $1.50 Pajablo on Doliver3T. illy Prlnted on heavy BoperSae paper, oft3w . t quaïtty, and Babstanttally bounl in heavj ■ boards, [JZTEacli Volume illustrntod witli Vignette; on Steel aml Wood, X# Knii'New York, Sketefa Book, Cloth. ColüÉOtraP, H vols. Bracebridge Hall, A8toi la, Tales of :t Tmv, Ier, Crayon Miso IIanyt CApt. Bonn Oüvcr (ïi)Ul.mith, Mahoiuet. vols. Greña hi . Alhambrfl . Wolfert'fl lloftst, Life of Washington, 5 vol?. Sabnatrandi . ThtBöditión w(H hr gotd mccrraivuT o Subccriben and will be greatly superior fco any ever b ■ A vorv handsome set of thosounlversally popular worki is thue pïaced within the m umi of all. P P. POTKAM, AfftMPobliaher, 1 16 hfaaaaa ptreet,Kow Vork ■fep%5 A Y ER 'S CATHARTIO '■'J'ï'&Z'Jfirk ro }'on p'c'c' ' : l- -J" cr v5 ■■I cnniplainiiigi1 Ai e yoq ontej . witli yonr Bystcm deI rftuged, ftpd yotn CeeUnfEB tui ' L n I C e' SBSIn coln 'ürtu ''AUKirSSB' ' ''■ ï-ii-jiiik' ; Yr I HffiTi 8eii""' '!llus!l' Sumo fit oi -i nl.l aveii íf 'Vp ■ '1 tintcly uso of tho rilit ren ffrf&Zt HV t! ' " A3'tír'íi i''llsf;uid i domase out thu disordered huI C ; f ' f- Bllj Mors - jmrify the blood, and i L .ftttKUBBSfilSil '! i!l" Ituitlsmovo on nmhO1. 5í K 'i'hey t i mulato the funcüons afcfeijJBBIlESgfe tivit.y, purï'fy Iho ftystem tïoui tl 10 obstructioiiB wliicli make Acdtd BOttlofl BOlrtöWIWO i:i tlio body, ftnd oh' atrncta lts natural fanctiona. ïheae, if not relleved, ■. es and the BtirrountllAg ori I duCÏDg : '■:; i.'l RRgTaVaUoil, Mlih'l ili.Lí, [Ui I Wlille I ■ ■ ta.Ua Ayei's l'illp, aii'ï Bte how direclly thcy restore tlio natural ftckloa of tlio systt-Mi. and witli it iho buoynnt 1 feellug of healtti agidp " Wbotla trueftoü ■ ui] tlils trivial un-l coramon colnpltdpt, is alao truc in muy ofllic deepseated aud dungeious dirftemiKtrg Tlio santo ; purgative otfect ii":]i thein. Cufl l by slihjfor obetruo nt-i of ibe aatnral Ctinctiooa of tUo li -lv. il: -y :rt ?'"f.:; idly, and uinny of tlioui Burely, cured ljy tlio sn nio ui-;. N6ne vrho kooW tlio virtii'-s ui tfastoo :!l beglect to cmplo; tboin wlteu sutTcrig Tivm I the dUordera tliey euro. Statement from leadiiig piiyslelah ín nmo of the principal chics, aud IWui oüier well kuiMvn publlb p -rB008. .fVoni a Itbrwardttjg SéreFi ■■ 'fSt. Löttiê, fob. -1, 1856. Dit. Arnït: Toar Pilis ore tho aragon of all tít:it is groat iti moiticme. Thoy have Dure i mv llttle dun bl i I of alcrous sores upon hfii liaadn aad iV-.-t thut hiul provod i incurable tor yeats. Hor natlier bm bwa long griev;I üuly atïlictctl with blotches und pimples o her f n hor huil-. tUd was cured, blio alsu tdod yom 1111.-, and tUey btivo cuieJ ber. ASA JtORGPvIDGi:. As a Fnmïly Physlc. Fi-om Di E. TH Citrlwright, Scw Orkans. Tour Pilla are tlio prlnce of pnrgos. Tbelr excellent íjiriiiti . iv cal bftrllc we possen. Tbey are mild, imt vèry certftin 1 ' 1 effectunl En r ï c ilr octhïii on tlio v.iii !i nukea thiu lav&kiabje U) tu ia tho duiiy tnatmeat of duease. IIcadaclkc,SicUIIcn1nolsc,Foul Stoniach IVom J)r. "Edioard Bojd, ËhUtmbrë. DE.utlïr.o. Avrtt: Icnr.not miswcr you wfiat complninta I have eten l wil li your PUla b it) r tiim i i eay Í cwriri .-. i place gn i dence o iin -iTt-ci n!il cathartic in my luily oontest irlth and bclievinEf as I do lint your Pilla atford us iho best wc hiivfj I of coarae valoe Üiem blgbly, PiTTsnurci, Ta.. Ua 1, 1S55. Dr. ,1. C. Atbbu Sir. : I have boen repeatedly cured of tïifl worst heudaÜtit any body rnn havo bv n, tlosf nr two of your Ptlls. H seejm to tttiso bota a fuul etomacb, which they clfiiii.-o at once Yours with great reepect, KI. "VT. PRERLR, Clo'k of SUatner Claii'At. Blllous IIsoiflcr8 - T.ivcr Coniplnints. From Dr. Theoüore Bdï, of Kap York C,!. Nat only are your Pilis ndmirably adnpted lo ttielr p"fpnso as an aperiont. l'Ut I fiml tlielr benoflcinl efiectsilpon tho Livcr very maiUnl Indood. Tliey have In my practico proved more eueetnal fbr Iho euro of büióta wmp!:iit($ tiiun aiiy otoa rainedy l can meu(ton i rejolco Uiat we have at lenglb a pmgaüvc which is worthy thü couiïdouco oí" the proftttion aoil tho peuplo. DCPAHTMEST OF THE INTERIOR, ) Wasbingl n, I). C, Tlh Teb., 1856. ƒ Srn : T havo uped yoiu i'ills ín my general and hospital practico ever td i,aud cay not bwitate to eay theyare tiio beaÊ catbni . ;.. Xbëir regulatiag actiou on tho Hver Is quJcfc and decided, consoqiK-iuiy tbey are au admiifubje remedy for deraugenients of tliat orgaii. Jmii-i'd, 1 liave at-Mom fbnod i case ut büiatu liseae m obsánato that It dld oot reailUy yield to tbeai. youra, ALO.NZu lïALL, M. D.t JPtljftician cfthe Marine Hospital. Dyscntery, Diarrhoca, Relax, Uorms. Fi''it Dr. J. O'., fff G&iCBffOk Yoiir Pille Iklvc bad a ÍOBg Irlaï ia iny practico, and I hold tbcm in csLtttu ns one of Uie beet aperlettta 1 have ever foiuul. Their altetutive c-fi'ect upon tliv livcr niakea th'üi an L'.relK-r.t rouaedy, witen glven In amall doses for bilious tThasa Tbeir. Bttgar-coatttig makflfl tbem very aoosplnble aud couveuiout iur tho uso of vromen und childicn. Iyspisïa, Impurlfy of the Blood. From, Jlcv. J. V. Èimes, Fusier oAdvetU Cfnarck, Boston. Dr. AyLr: I liaveuoed your Puls wiih cxtrnorrlinary 8uccf3 in uiy fainüy and auiong thoae 1 ato called t vi.-it in distress Tu regnláte the ürgans of digestión und purity tho blood thoy are the very best remctly I have ever knowiij ana 1 eau cottfidontly reconinicnd tbem to my frieuds. Yours, J. V. HIMJB8. Wuta&.W, Wyomlng Co., N. Y., Oct. 124, 1855. J)ev. Sir : T am uaing your Calhartic t'ills in my practico, and find tbeiu an excellent purgativa to cleaitse tho Bystein and vurij'y the fbttniaint of tht blowt. ' JOHN Ü. MEAC1IAM,M.I. Coistipaifon,Co?tlvenrss, Snppvcssïon, Itlicïunni isjtt, (out, Neuralgia, Dropsy, ParaJjiiH, Kits, etc. Fi'om Dr. J. 2'. Vattffhn, Jltmtrcnl, dtncida. Too nuicli cannot bc Raid of yonr Pilla for the cure of COStwtnetí. lf otitct'S of ottr fiatfinlty imvo Itjund tbem aseiïïcacious as I ïiave, tbey should juin me in proclaiming it for the beueñt of tho multitudes wbo sufler from that comphünt, wliicli, althoagb bad cnough iu itself, is the progenitor of otliers (hut iro worse. I believo cosíttwíMWto origínate in tlio livor, but your Pilló aüuct that organ and euro the dj From JUrs. E. Sluart, Pïnjsician and Midwift, Boston. I find ono or two ïarge doses of yonr Pilis, taken ftt tho proper excellent promotivos of the natural secretean wfaen frbolly or partuUly soppressed, anT lso very eSectual ío chunse tito slomach and txpr.l xvnnns. They aro so much tlie best frjffltr Hihlurn thlf T recommeud no othcr to my paiientflu Ffom the Seo. Dr. HawJcettqfthe Methodist Fpi$. Churdi. Pdlaski IToüsb, Bavannah, Ga., Jan. 6, í IToN'onrD Bi: T should be unputefal for tho relief your skill has brougbt me if I fíi'l nol report iny case to yon. A cold settled tn mif Ilmbs and bronghf on excruclattng ntítnúgie paim, wfilch ende4 in tftrontc rhntma(ism. Notwithstandin I had tli'1 I ians, tho diaeaac grfevf wbrse and worsftj until by the w ice of jour excellent agent in ïïaltimoro. Dr.MaclcenaiO] I ti PUls. Theïr effecta were slow,lnt sure. ïïy perseveiiug iu the use ol'them, I am now eutirely well. Senatb CnABfiiER, lïaton Rouge, Ii„ 5 Dec. 1855. Dn. Ayer : T havo been entïrely enred, by your Pilis, of I?iïumolic Gout - a paiuful dlsease that hai afllictcd mo foryears. VINCENT BLIDBLL. 4S Jïost of lïio Pilis in mafket contnin Mörcmy, trhieb, nlthongh a vnluaMe ronicly In akUfal hands, is dangerons in a public pil!, froto the dreadful cousoqxienres freiueutly mllow its incimtions XO9 These contain no i:iercnry or rateen! fmhstjtiica wliatevcr. Price, 25 cents pér Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared h? Dr; J. C. AYER &, CO., Lovell, aas. Aud f i n ■ Maynard, Stebbms & Wilsoiij fARKAND, SHELEY & CO., Detroit. S09yl .1 Iï. BÜRR1LL, Tra veiling Agent. mñe Fac tör! A. J. SUTHERLAKD 0'A.c!removeñInpGiinPhoptftheNwBlocIí"ii BnIjltonstreetfSouth ol the3ourl í v !6tontneocond floor, wher i:cí-prcpaicdto í; ruïah Guns, Fistols, AminuBition Flanes, PcUihet Game Bags, and Everj other article in Lis Line. On tbr most rcnsonablc ttírnie,niKHo do all kinds o IE. 33 3EP uSL 1 3EÏ. X KT & i the (huxteftt uoticc,nnd in tho bost man er fulla92itra int alwaya kpt onhand.ond mndc tcorl!(T. City Cheap Lumber SaxJt., Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris, Grand lliver Piaster, Wat Lime-, Ifails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Piitly, Lc, &C,, 35. DeForest, HAVINGiacrcssed his fnniHtiM Inr rtoiTgbusi'ï l:ia Ynrd nnd Stoek,is preparod the pre3(mt scaeon, with the bcBi,lnrgcst n(i chea'icst Eiisonod stock cverin tliis marktt to sntisly the reaEODFibip expnetntions ( 11. Óui mottri is notto b( aodcrfoldfoT oah on ciollvery I wtlla ::ic p;:blic bysaying thnt th"7-will gntshavcd it they bjyelewhcre,for we presumo tbat otherswUlsullaslownsthey enn afford to. All kinas of Tijuïjcr, Joists, and Scantlin, Tina, Wintowood , Basswood , Hem löck, Planed aud Matched Pinc, 'White'wood ABhl'lQOlinj,PlaRedID.'lrough Pincand Wi-i : r'icr Pustf , Oka;idC'dar Pots andl'ickot! ot all lli;:(ïf. JJltnc íaíi), anï) iUljitcwooö L. ■!} P-toe, Aehani Whitewood Shinglce, Barn Boards ancl Barn Flooi Plank, RInck V i..(ut,i)HH;h'irr and thin stu.T, Wagon nnrt BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, lioxaad Jlady Ijumb' I r, lliajmry, Oak, Ash, Bïm, Beech, Of i!!-.hicknossC8,width3 audlenstlif ,.VC.. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piasier ofallkindi. "jSS CkAXfSÍ Pf :=U"", c, &■. 8ASB, DOORS, & BLJBDS, i Inordri' nplmras fnetory pTÏrrs, on the êhortcatnotice by the bestof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber lïillp nfnii rVs.rlption in the nhovo building line furnlbedontheBhorteato.i noticotfo.r .Wekave Mills Gaf ing Regzdarly. A fuHftmln perfect aetiortnient of the ubovc nat other kinds of Building Materials ConstnntlyonliiuiclatUnlowestpossiblnrates Cali and be Convinccd. A few rods southfrom R. li. Depot or. Dctroï. Street, Ann Arbor, Mick. Il O O F I N a. N.B. - I am now opsrating; Extensively ín the Patent Coment Roofing. Mortgage Snlu. D' Iho con.liüon of "i (i I ml' ■, i , ■ ■ ■" I ■ :.„.! tl" ■ - ' ■ lufnwu eaUlUu halroííSÍ u'r' "'"' larter o( -rciion ; nd llic tfcirth ,-.,-i qoarler .,1 th [on K . nlñeW County of w.?. - -.n IImX" .t tl. ,f V ; ano' utfUïiïb j:.v. ":R JAMts' W..D.ted. X ... -.".il,., a. 1). ;.,stL Clianccry Salo. BY VIRTUK "I ;i 4, cree ma Ir and antered in tii-Oir' ■ :..... ■ ..,v,„;,: ., Vitr SS ■ .ii ...:J .:.;,:,■„, I . lnp ,,' „, ■■'■ sMo froni IJie rood , mSnui, ,' ■ LïLSK3 Circuit Cour! Commhsloner f ,!'v,' h,!"' Mch - , AmiAi-Lmr, I. ,:. H.lvf.l. ' S50W fc of John P. Davis. OTATE OF MlaiKJAX, Ccv.vrr of WipntwATr .- _ : . ,;V iMrto f th" Proats Court lor th Ountr the Probato oiiu-c in lh on Honday, tho nixtesniu dav „f '1 eight liitiulreil and ■I idge .f rVobM -iimi.,,!,;,,, Administrator of u!d eatoU, cornal ■ irt and represent thai be & now prrtmrm) itrator, an.l .-k.s tliat' è,]]l" edfor lAaccuDt. an.lthat ootice thcKof „,„ in sM estáte, in icl. maoncr as sa ' Ijlere i] n il - Ordercd, Tuat jfraAr the 13th dar ', "1 MM olcloc in tbe all.-,n(H.n, be' I account, and tho ■ o, and all other peimo nirired to apocar at. ''"■■(. then t,.!.,, noMen at th. ITobat AnnAfbor, in aJd County, and '--y.ore W, V,,v 1!lc saM aount Ai, 1 it is furtlu-r Oldervd, thnt said Adniir.istrator mtnouce ,, thjpersona interested in saiilc-t ite, of th ■ '■' ncfiunt, and the hearing tbereof, br ■ ,.y ol lliis order to be publlbd in tw í newvSAper printed and circulating InaaidCountj iil IVaabtenav, tbree succossive weeks, lrQViou8 -oaaidday of hearing. f V tiücco;iy.)' THOMAS XINDE, 8SIM Judge of Probata. Moitago Sulc. MICHA!::. ':. liJCkii:OX Mortajf Eloventh day of December, in th JTM i '. I-:' ..lit luindivd and üft}--eigirtT il;,., i] to William D. Vansickle all thoe ir.irt :.n,l parcele ol land lyinj in tim state if Michigan latw, aml Towns ,f l'itúneld and Ic-'l as tbe Kit half of th Xottli j.';i. i quaiterof ectfpn number one in Townnhip li, ol lialifte number sn at eló :andal0 the West hnlf of the North West r of K-c. ion nnmbor .six in Toirnship number thre p ■'' "' i. ■ number neven Eaat (Ypsilanti). . v.i'U t:,. power of satcjnenin contaiñed, was recörded on tlfe JIM, da.v of December, ■ 5 o'clock, l if., ol tint dar, in Libet 2S of raortgages, a pageI74,in theoBicc of' the Heester Waihtenaw. On t'-e Wth cajr of Tecember, A. 1)., 1,1. said Morteage -aa dulr ■ uinei t n ivriiin_', dnly xiutei, d Wiiliini Vansickle, and by him then delivexed, to Leasure UKimmel, ivhicli o ded on the flrst day of Januarr ' I ■ -■ ' VIH o-cloüt. V. M. , of ihat day in -. at page 175, in the office of'tlio .. FourHnndreu and seven(y-four 81-101 I ollars, l, sidea the Solic toi's fees and exiKmuea „r a provided in Raid Mortñige, is claimed tobo e, and the note accompanTing the .iato ,! this notice, and delauft haring ■ '!,- '■■ the o ndition of said mortgage by irfuWi thejetn conteined has pecóme operalive, and no suit or proo lijjg Bt law baring been recoverthe ilebt thereby Boenved, frany t I :: n thal said Hortgag wili be fo.'eclosed by a tale of tbe above describii lanl, whish sac H i'l take place at public vendue at the ï-ou'.h dooT 6? the Coort ffouao (being the place f holding -:,t) in theciiy c.r Ann Arljor, in the said County, on the thirtj ttsi dar "f March A. D., 18C2 at ' o'clock r -.M-, I.i'A-l RE I,. KIMMEL, Assignoe of M',rtfrae. I .l t ■ :. .!. : u r. . ■■:. 1SI _■. Siitf. Commissioners Notice. OTATE OF MICM0ÍN, Connty i.f WaJhteoaw, u: O The underained liSTing ■■■ the l'roprt for ui.l Oom mtissinnen to i-eceiv, U of all perile of Patrick Hobin lat, ' l!y oi ! Countv. drcoasttl. berebj . i , l.v order of rt, alloved for creditors to present' trieir clninis Rinst ed,aiul Uut th.-v will meet al of "Patrie WM. in tbe City ..f' Ann Satortlay, tlie twen'J ninth day i ythe ttre( day of July , ne o", ■],.(■!; I', Bi., of e.icli uay 1ü riceive, eiatnine and ailjust .cai,l claiins. HCK McKEENAiff Lomm issionefa. 833 Aun Arbor Marble Works. !Oi1;c2a.olca.oir II AS on hand ft Que assortmeat of American aud 1TAL1AN MA li B L E wliicli lic is prttparedto manufacture in to IIONV rfÉ MENTS. IIEAB VW '' STO'KS T O M B wTlij ft" TABLB liei varietie, and In a WOnKMAN'IJKE manntr Haring had conqlderable expf-rience in the busine he Sattora himsell that will bp abte to pleas all wlio may favor nio vrith their orcr. His pricci LÖ W AS THE LOWEST. thoe wiliint; any tliincr in ray l'no are repectfully Infiteito aaJL 'l). C. r.AÏCüELDER. Ann Arbor. May 10,1861. 801t SÜCOND WINTER STOCK! D. L. W00D & CO., HAVE JUST 0PEED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods. For tho FALL & Vi'lSTER Trde, Ha v ing purchascd their stock at much lesaj tlmn the usual prices, tlicy uro propared to, offor GIIEAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers,, Tliankfdl for past favors thcy ■will be evotkvendy to show their Good and by fair nn(J. liberal dealing bopo to receÏTe their ful} shara. of the public piitromigo. Vest side of public square. Ann Arbor Dec. 1861. New Remedies for SPEUMATORRH CE A HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILABKtPHIA. A Re ■ : ,,i .ii special tvdawmtnt fnr tht nlMoftlteSiekand IHttrmud, aJMctnl j.;f. ymömt and Ch-nnic. fitièèta, and sspmaily for B Gttn of of the Sexual Organ.', MEDICAL AUViCE giren gratis, by tho Acting Suril '"t rtABI r REP0RT3 on Snermal orrhoea , tnd nthir ,„,:„■.:,„,.„, th Nl-AVRKMa i„ theDiipen8rï,Ra1 in seatod letter ,,,„„., free of charge. Two or tiinx stmps for : j bh imhn i,i. oward AMociation, No 2 S, Sioth St-vZ" delphi.,ra. liMi'


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Michigan Argus