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Beauregard On The Bull Run Battle

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Thu Virginia correspondent of the NW Orleané Delta givos an account of a celeet dinrier party to Genera) Beauregaré, ai wbicb he made llie lollowing reinarks: " On the 21st of July, at alxmt SJ o'clock. perhaps 4, it comed to me thnt tho victory was nlroady within our graap. In faut, up to that mcmeut, I had nover was'et't'd in tliu eonviction that triuraph must crown our arras. Nor was my confidenoe shaken m, at the time I have mentioned, I vod on the extreme left, at tho dMtanue of somotbing more than a milo, a column of men approaohing. At their bead was a flag whioh I could not dia Inguinh. Even with the aid ol a trong gl8i I WÍ1S unible 10 detornioe whcther it was the United Stutos flitg, or tho Confaderoto flag. At the „amo moment, I received a dispatob 'rom Captain Alexander, in charge of the signr.l station, warning me to look out for tho left, that a large column was approaohujg from that direction, and that it was supposed to be Gen. Patterson's commund coming to rein force MeDowell. At this moment, I must confesa, my heart fuiled me. I came, reine: atit'ly, to the conclusión thut, after all oureftbrts, we shouid at lust be oompelled to yield to the enerny the hard-fought and bloody field. I again took the glafs to examine the flag ol tho p.pproaching column, but my anxioui inquiry wu improductivo oi result, I could not teil to which nrrny the waving haunur belonged. At thia time a number of my stuff were absent, having been dispatcbed with ordeiü to vurious points, The only person with me was the gnlhint oiücer who has recently distinguished bimself by a brilliant 'fout of arm - Gkneral, thon Oolonel, Evans. To him [ communioat&d my doubts and foiirs. I told him I fearód the approaching i'.rcü was in reality Pattereon's división; thatif suoh was the oase I should be oompelled to fall back upon our own reserves, and postpone till the next day a oontinuation of the engagement After lurther reflection, I directed Col. Evans to proceed to Gen. Johnnton, who had tisumed the task of collec tiog a reserve, and to inform him ol the eircumstances of the case, and to ■quest himto have the reserves collected with all diapatch, and hold them in readine to support our retrograde movement. Col. Evans started on the mision thus intrusted to him. He had proeoaded but a ehort distance __t. ; ■ nnnnmn tn ma tr mfllíP HüOtllfíI1 Wíl CU 11 I'U'HII leu LW 11 1D LV inunv uitv.iiv. exaininatioo of the still approaching fisg. It had now oome within full view. A euddun gust of wind shook out its iold, nd 1 recognized the stars and bars of the Confedérate banner. It was the fl -isr borne by your regiment [hare the General turned to Ooi. B-y who s;it beside biroj, the gnllant 7th Louimaaa, and the column of which your regimnt constituted the advance, waa the brigada of Geo. (then Col.) Early. As soon as you wero by our soldiere your coming was greeted with enthusiastic cheers, regiment iftcr regiment reaponding to the cry; the oriemy heard tho triiimphiint hnzzn; their attack slaokened; they wure in turn nssailed by our lorces, and within hnlf an bour from tlmt momeut oommencod the retreat 1 am gU-.d to eee that war-stsiined banner gleaming over us at this festive board, hut I hope never again to see it upon the field of battle."


Old News
Michigan Argus