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Has passèd a bilí assuining the national tax for 1862 and for 18G3. A u'ill ainendiug the law for the relief of volunteers. Some joiut resolutions relative to a naval statiou, relative to an exchange of prisoners, relative to a grant of lands for a military school, etc , etc., and are considering vnrious proposition of a public nature. Several local bilis have also bcen passed, The adjournmeut if not buíoro, will necessarily take place on Tucsday next. We shall publish the important acts of a general charaefer as sooa as we get autheutic copies. &"L" A few days since it was seriously proposed iu our State Legislatura to prohibit the eirculation of Canada moncy in our State. As a commentary on the proposition - designed, we suppose as a retaliatory mcasure - we need only state that Canada raoney is worth two per cent. premium in New York. The laws of trade will regúlale financial raatters better than statutes. But then if John Buil and Brother Jonathan should get up a ''gamo of balls" some day, that premium might be ehanged to a discount, so it is not best to entirely rely on Canada currency for a circulation. jL2E" The Legislativo Council, of th rebel governinent of Kentucky, has elcoted II. C. Burnett and W. E Siimns Senators ia the rebel Congress. Exniinister Preston has bcen appointed a MajorGencrál of the rebel Kentucky forces. 5g" It is now rendercd certain that Ex-Senators K. M. T. Hunter, of Va., and J. C. Breckinridgc, of Ky., have effected their escape through Canada to Ilalifux, from whence they have gone, by British steamer to Europe, as euiissarics of the rebel Government. JSïjf Both Hohscs of the Michigan Legislatura have passed a joint resol ution asking Congress to próvido by law for lian ging all conlructurs who defraud the governinent. If Congress ehoulddo that thing, tve fear that the death by haogiog would be moro thnn thoee by tho balls of tho enemy : and tbíit thore would be inourning in high places. E The Stenmer Ella Warley recently succeeded in running the fleet and stone blockudes at Charleston, taking in :i cargo of rifled cannon, gunpowdar, drugs, &c, &c, with a number of passengers, including messengera from Yancey and tho rebel agent in Paris to Jeil. Davis. L3f üepprt says that Oassius M. Clay, Minister to Eussiu, bas resigned, is to return immcdiately homo, and will enter the army as a BrigddiefGeneral. Report also say that Carl Schurz, Minister to Spain, desires to rusign and tuko a military cominission. J53L" Tho Territorial I.egislature of Now Mexico has unanimously repealcd the law establishing and protectiog slavery. Popular Sovereignty is doing itework. CF" Col. Sam. Colt, of " Colt's Pistol" notoriety, died at bis residence, in HiirUord, Conn., on tho Oth inst., aged ■18 years, of an accute disease of the brain. JtX We regret to learn, as we do from a letter to the Detroit Tribune, dated, " Cütnp Brodhead, Frederick, Md., Jan. 7 tb," that Col. Brodheap, of tbc First Michigan Cavalry, bas met with (juito a serious accident, by slipping on the ice in front of bis tent, and injuring hia knee cap. AVe hope that he will soon recover. J The N. Y. Tribunes Wasliing. ton correspondent says that if the Senate bill for the roorgauization of tbc Supremo Court, bocomes a law, Caleb B, Smith, dow Socretary of the Interior ; Ilon. Jos.jHoir, and Senator, of 111., will bc the new Judg s. BrowxiMi bas proved himself too much of a radical and politica] mountebauk to be deveted to the Supremo bench. " A eorres pondent oí tbo Richmond J'xamincr fiiys that ftCWnfortaWe log house bave been built at Oéntérville, Manassas. and thcreabouts, for tho Masommodatión of the rebels, and that tho rebel army of the Polomae hae eonc into winter quurters.


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Michigan Argus