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The Military Committee And The Slavery Question

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, aslnngton, Jan. U. The Military Conrmittee of tho House, to whoin were roferred all the petitiooa and resolutions in rölation to tho emancipation of tho shives of rebels, this morning indnced their chairman, Mr. Blair, of Missouri, io report a bil). - The cnrnniittoe is composed of Bjair; Buffington, of Massuühusetts ; Oüd, of New York; Wright. oí Pennsylvania,; Richardson, of Illinois; McKee, Dunn, of Indiana; Win. Allen, oí 0 1 1 ï ■ ; : Marston, of New Hampshire, and i Jackson. Tho two latter have not attended the meetings of tho committee. ' Ft is understood that tho oommittec agreo as to tho principies of this bill, : Imt not fnüy on details. The leading features of the bill are fhe.e : First - The apportionment of the national tax araong the rebel States. Second - The cbarge oí each rebel State's portion pro rata on the lots and lands of citi.enso' said States, acuordiog to the valuation thereof under the last census. Third - The proclamation of the President on the 22 .1 of Febrtiary next, to all oitiaons oí the rebel States, to pay tho tax es chargod on their lands. Fourüi. - Tiie !;inds of all vrho fail to pay, after sixty days, shall lo liáble to le seized, and the tillo thereof vest q the United States. Fiftk - Tho President to appoint threo Comrnissioners for each rebel j State, to take charge of lands whose ', title is tlms vested in government, and I leaso or sel! tho same as tho l'resident may direct; but persons claiming to be loyal, who shall, in two years, furnish prooi of loynlty, shall receive each ' f rom fíovernment title to their lands. Sixii - These coinmissioners to rcceive a salary of $.'},000 each, and to have two clerks each, at a salary of SI, 000. They shall enter tipon duty wbenever any country or district of tho rebel States ie reduced to Federal authority by the coinmanding General. Seventk - Personal prope' ty of citizens of rebel States to bo taken after June next, in default of their p:iyment of the national nc.ome tax. Loyal owners to have time for reelam at ion. Eighth - The proceeds of leases or sales of rebel property to be paid into the national treasury. Niith - Tho nlaves of rebel mastcrs, taken by our anny, or brought into ■ our lines, or coming in voluntarily, shall be protected, and tho rigl)t3 of rebel masters divested by a suminary examination of commissioners, and oertifioatea of freedora ssued. Tcnth - These emancipated persons ahall be hired to euiployers leasing government lands, or employed by goveromcnt in public works, or indentureü to agricultunsts or mechanica (Vir a term of fit e years ot all over twcnty-one, and until tenty-fivo j'ears of :iiro of all under twenty-ono, reeerving reaaonable wages for their service, which wages shall go to government, to bo held in trust for said persons, and to be used in deposing them to D8W homes - the employers to feed, clótbe and tolodgc them properly. Ehventh - If any State sha'l emancípate Lts slaves, they shall be taken charge of by the United States and treated in the same manner as slaves tukon frotn ".x-bels. Any free bégroes wishing to ennijfrate shall be deported ly governmeot and proyided for as si a vea emancipated under this bill. Tweljlh - 'ihe proceedings of the sales oí the lands and other property of rebel-, and the wage.s cf appren ticed and hired persons, shall créate a nutínnal f'urul nnc-thirH to n:iv the cost of providing new homes for eraaneipated pi -rsoiis and transporting them thereto'; one-thírd lo: pay tho Federal tax imposed on tlio rebc-1 Statcií, nnd ono-tbird to pav loyal owdofsoI emancipated glavee, and tho lossis ot loyal persona by reason of thé robollioD. ThirUenth - The President shnll aoquire in Mejsico, South America, Central América, or islaods in the Gulf of Mexico, lands, or tho right of seít'uniont on landt, to wbich emanoipated slavcs shall be transported, singio persons receiving fortj acres of land, and married persons eighty acres. 'i'he bilí contuins twenty-three gections, but the íoregoing 8 the sub&tance of tho vvhole, It is well ascertained that the President vvill approve no measure of emancípatioD not embracing colonization. Cleveland, Jan. 14. Gov. Tod was inaugurated at Columbna yestcrday. His messogo is brief. - Tho GovcTDor bas eonfider.oü in the purity aud patriotism of President Lincoln, and connnends the Presidont's detcimination to restore the Government to its forraer harmonj and vigor, irrespective of tbe result apon the domcstic institutions of any of tbo States. He recoinmends thö reduction of tbe salaries of all State oflieers cxeept Auditor aud Trensurer, tbe reduction of tbe per diera compensa tion of Lcgislators and a reduction of local taxatiÖD, tbc object of these retrenchruent being to cnable Ohio to fnrnish more to prosecutu tho war. Ife recommends a new system of taxing Railways, tbe continuanee of the tax for tbo support of families of volunteers, and advises tbat ]?.inks be allowcd to suspond specie payments, and finally a tborough oriranization of' the títato militia.


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