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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Acadia--Fifteen Days Later From...

Foreign News: Arrival Of The Acadia--Fifteen Days Later From... image
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The Steaniship Acadia anived at Boston on Saturday, bringing dotes from London and Liverpool to the 4thinst. Th3 Great Western arrived on the 23d in 13J days, and the Hibemia on the 28th in 121 days. The Cotton market is in a very depressed state, and prices are literally fixed by the bnyer, and tliis is owing to the anxious desirc inanifftBted to effect sales. Washington Irving, Charge d' Affaire of the United States at the Court of Spain, arrived at Bordeaux on the lSth on hia woy to .Madrid. A letter from Waraaw pays that four fortresses in Rtissian PolanJ have cost 300,000,O00 francs. Queen Victoria has ?ent three carnaje dogs of great beauty as presenta to King Fredenck William of Prussin. Tlie King of the Prench hae sent L200 to be distributed lh:s winter among Ihe poor of Windsor. The Frencli minister of the interior his ju&t appoiüled a special cumniission to report on the odvantage8 of the sytem of eléctrica! telegra phs, and the possibiliy of thèif oppücation. The British Cabinet, it is said, contémplate a comple'.e change in the govermneui of India, which Avill extitiguish the polttical power of the Eist India directora. It i? stated in a Lotrdon paper, thal the ag italion ofrepeol has co&t the people nf ïreland, in twelve month?, the sur of L121,365, of which L56,000 were devoter) to the peronil and privnte useB of Mr. O'Crmnell.


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