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g M 55 ! se i n ■ -, M S2 Ca rt i mí SI H g feS fc I ï H I L S 1-11 H : g jrr TO WHOMIT MAY CONCERN. OlUCIISrXBTTS r-üB, THK UNDEKSlfiNED, Hotel Proprletor in tbis dty oj A,„, A,b.,r,n,,l.H.l1ully .nnoanoe tottal paDhc, tbat on and fier "''■ m '.' TJnary, lo 8, T" CENTS FA UK wil] be -charle ltoeacli nn.l ovory pfson CMT1M 10 cr :,' ... 0 - L, the respecta ËUrtel, by the Omnibui 'lnc' e OOOK, Vaefa Hrttcl. H.BAR.-W)W,Franklin Sonne. Aun Arbor, Dw.g4tt.18Bl. 8a8tf Cincrpool anb Comían fire Aivn ufe inwnmi co. Pftií „íC!ttal,8arpliiandBeTíl'nndl. ( 'Aj. in this Country, ovet o'4oooo Reveaue, over -.■" UJU ,3 Bharehoiaers FerspnUj Besponsiblo -S FOR'EKGAGEM'ÉTS OF TUK COMPANÏ. AU Wrwtori mart be Sliarelioldcrs. -S ana Shareholders In Ne-w T i Chahnkn. llfputj U.i.rton. ■ 5. M. Archit.aU. H. B. M. QoDsul. ?ojwph pillara, t'F,íi11ltr.n,&q. Aleíander Hailton, .Ir., E.q. i,.in Pui Eau -:: -X. II-imiitox. .Ir. ,F]., 'iJji.vútVvJ.i.vv. ConWl of U,, l;,l. J. H. BUBXESON, Agent. 832-3 At 0. Mdn'yvc's Btnklog BW Ann ArJxW. O. BLISS Is now romvins a large andf .11 selectn! assonment GlcckSy Watches, % MiMwawinairanraMi!!iiHi!i;flig:sCTi'.miic;imn!iCTnrTOi JEWELRY, Silver aiid Plated Wa e, T42?E AND POCKET T3 -OLJ "JBC BCi "BSe: E6-. "W RAZORS axu SHEAR8, O-OX.33 FE1STS, Musical Instruments, Strings Si Books for Instruments, SÜ-EET MUSIC, CO5IHS. anrt a gveat varietj of YANKEE NOTIONS, teO He ironM cali particular attontiou tn his largo s'.oc Of' SPECTAOIjES, of G.)hl, Silter, Steel, and Pla'.td, whh PERISCOPE GLASS, I hur.oriov nrticle. Also Huntlngüm & riatfs ■ cclebi-iiti-.l CALENDAR CLOCK! juitabje (or offices, Couüting Rooms, Balt or DwellUig. Chese elocV are ïeliable time bMpersMia Calenaai combi ned, and reqnlteth winding of tKi menta seoufe all tlw requited ohaoges ■■ .:ving ti dny of week the maait an of the monthTiaoludiHi tU ïStli oE Febrnary ol teap ear Sis gooda aro mosHy wf paüchase from New Yi.rk tnd the nutnuftotoreMj and will be Bold to lalt th times. Persona having difficult wsfoïes to fit ■itii glassea cn be ac(!ioodatetl, aa my BtocK ■■■ niii' rninplete, P. S. l'arücular attei.ünn to the of al! kind of fine Watclu-s, mch as Making and Setting ncw Jewels, Pinwiis, Surft, end Cylmderl. Aho CLOCKS, Sa iTEWELRY iicatlv repatred and Varrauted, athli üld rtfcndeait side oï Main Street. C. BLISS. Arm ArLor.Xov. 15, lfi'U 836t( Coplaiu Buclicz' Lanoer Corapany ATT ENTION. Kd( , my coiiipanv. haviu;.:, ui) doilbt, n V19W the tigh and honorable motive ol InteiTerifg ni'h mv recruiting service, I take the n'nvst pleawire in mforming t'n-n tal they iré enitreij mistaken, as I Inténd.and üfesll m tln belore ('linsiinai, haviiiR ,k,w rao tl.!,!! Iiü 1 1 of tbq men required and am posiii-.othatliviHs.ion bave the balam. Tlieriffore [et t'ioM' rUo i'n to enltot in my compnny cali al . my Uotd ftuartws, in J.M GouWs toM and be "rora ini,. u. üucuoz. Ice for f he Summer cf 1862. rpüE SÜBSCRJPEBwillcojnmencdeliveriiig lee aio al ï fMay neït and delWer untü tbpiniddle ur iastof Ootober,orfor5á moiittnwHl oeltrerSeil. per. bs onSaturíaj rbiJ,l ífor theseason. VVillbeglad to supply all hlsfbrmtr eustomera:and by h(.Q2 prompl anfl ponotual wiH enSeawcto gtve tiitfuotion tu all ivho ni iv l'aviir hini with tht-ir wdírs. Nll i,.,. wl bi hwetofoie fur a fw weelH in'rfní y al SI. r". month a t i impoaaible to keéf the thio ', undet that arrangement. 1Ií,u!.t uní Saloünn furntohed aff ueretofore. CíJCMEMT. .THOMPSON. Ann Arbor, Nov. ?.Q, itifit s-7"'3 A. DE ÍOREST, Always aliead in Low Priccs I f AVINO REMOVED MY TOBE to the Kast fideo [1 Hala twt, ne ÍOinnwrth of Guiterman's, I n now reeaiving New Gooda, comprúag all kinds f Gro , lM. . i :(rad , Glí rare, Lam] Looking GUssès.TauKl-'iitury. i-ilvi-r-plaU". Good5,&c., LOWEU '1 MAN EVER! liifu TsiiScti., fmin 0 to IS 0(1 1 Frenen China Uwris. froni -11 ' 0 to 30 00 StoneChlnaTeaSeU.from 300 tu 4 50 BtoneChin DinncrSotniei,, to.16.50 BeautifiülSlMsOob! 2fll (ilas Kerosene Lampa lïom Miiiblí Kr; i eni lAmpa rrgm Kluicl i.ampsTrom 1 to rr" Keroene On.goodqnallty', Sc ergUon All other Goooa ai Correnpnnding price. l..'iinpsnr ajl Usfls alterodaDd ïopaixM. " :■;■ A.BEti):tYT. LIFJü 11SUKA!NCE. The Conneeticut Mutual Life Insarance Company. Aeoumulatcd Capital, - 83,500,000. 1TrT, , regí lir i [YES foi (tny Hnami not cv ' '-1;;-?,;;, „.otUfeorforatermoi , per annom. Dividend are Dedarcd Annuaïïy! Ci ■■, r, rrKirs.Secy. AVATÍOX KorparUcclar.'PplytO JMnÍ'rtor, Uich! Important National Works, PubUAefl by D. APPLEPO 8. CO., 340 AND 316 BÏIOADWAYNEW YOMi I uk. Wng. H -i M'ir LL íwkYÓrraOCÜRTKC THKCYCLOPJÍDIAORIW ' dub of foor, and remit thepriceof fourbooks, mttur expense forcamage. To Ascn. ,...,,...AwS1s liberallv rovrnrótlie exort.ons Bnok Store, Vntotantfc MICÏÏÏÖAN SOUTHERM & MOET1IERS ISÍDIANA HAII.IÍOAI). Lfc= 1801. BÜMMEK ARRANGEMENT. 180i TralM nnrunonfiiis ro4, Purdays oxctTWl, oa 'Ol Toledo to Chicago ut 00 A M.ndor. M. Arriving in CWcago from Toledo añd Detroit al TO P. M. and 7,00 A. M . and vía Air Lino at T.80 I . M Arrive at JJeu-tm irom iuiuuu, ■" - - -i '''u-ave, Detroit tor Toledo at 7 15 A. M., and 6-30 T. MArrivc in Detroit fromCliicaffo at G. C5 P. M.,and6i55 A'irrive in Toledo from CliieaRO 4,20 I'. M. and 4.30 A. JI ad viaair lineat 4.1ö 1' M. j',;;v,. ,.„.,„,„ for Toiedo.t4;46A-M.andl0iP.M. -- ■'■"■ M"%ïsosï ' At Tomdo- With Cleveland s Toledo Rail Road, witli DWdnkRanG Waters lUulway, also, with the Detroit and M,lóaukee. R1ÏNCT An-.ASY Í.-FMVM B, R.IVM.NG-Witl.Trains foplafaïette.NMrAlhanyandLouiijrille. AT CnicAoi-With Chieago and ftock Wand, Galen Milwaukee Chicago, liurlington and timncy- Nortli ""i RaihVay-Cttago, Alton . Bt. Louis, Illinoi, Centrahan.1 to all Points West and South. T Traína arerun ly Chicago time, which ib20 atesslower laan loieao iuuu. pteni Sleeping Cars accompany ffie lima anl Faie the ameaiby any othoi Uai. RoadKout. d (-.„„.p;,,! ,-(.a,.-;,i 3arerl.ntenamt. BOOTSSHOËS 2 tf #3 es m mi '.-i. ■ MOOHB & !LOO3&LIS Are now rcwiviug laïge assortuiei.t of Boots aml Slioes aud ETJBBBESI Whjch they iropose to scll 50 per cent below former pricesfor cash. Meu's goud Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $-3,uu Men's good TLick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men'good CaU Boots, from 2,5.0 to 3,75 Boy's Ciiïf, Kip ar.d Thiek Boots, 88 to l,7.r Ladú-B1 Quiten; from 44 to 1.25 Ladies' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 Asá :-.n cu.V.oás varicty of iímal Slioos from Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Oreeping Shoes. W me alsoMaiiufartuiliigallUInclsof WAERANTED BOOÏS & 8H0ES. Mens Fine Frenrh Calf líooís Peggetl and Sewed. UN BHullT NOTICE.Í MOORE & LOOMIS Main St., Aun Arlior, Micli. 8'otf EYE and EAH. ■ ' DR. F. A. CADWELL, Of ChicagoOPERATOR ON THE EYE & EAR, Fcr Dcaftte, BHndBesa, and all defccts of Siglit aml Hearing. DR C HEI NU A líKia'LAKriiysicHn.witliTWFNTY VflRi' exclusive prcHcein thé treatmral oi di8: the EYi HW) KAK, mllbefouod fally quliflea : lief or effeet a cure in auy c:ise within the teach "S-"iVÁirc )r in examlnution or an opinión, ortor n ■ vier. . [g r ETEANDER,SiX1iU;pti, of oarKfi, oontaio 08 Eleferenoes, Testimonial, Deacáutionoi In e ■'■! otUer importttn nU, ilisiKiici with Cots, 1" be had gtatU, by sdnding Twentu-fim Cent to paj portage. .'.arm-:. Dr. l .-ni. i. W an4S R&ndolpb Streei Corner Deaborn, CMmko, illlndl. lybi. BEKL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. AA crcsof liindwill. iviv.-ll of good water, ud . housej barnand ne Bheffl, ""': rj,,! JídcMhunírcTTand lilly acres lm: Lth ,.r Mr. Bbrdan'a plaln, altófour aní a 1k.1i m.iU-s rr,.„i Aun Arbor. jmu ,,, ,;I!AY WM. MUEB Bei., 2-t. Bti"tc TWO DWELLINGS FOR SALE OR RENT. BfWS QITl'ATEr, nne on Main flJWft #1_ Ö aiH)thiM..t]!iTiii Di-troit Mlfj li-St sircl. l'os-iot.iii.n Riven IJLJIMK saSB miiuci;.-i1i'l.y l.itliiT .iv "'"'" both of the aboi e dwi IHngí wiH be 10W to a i mn sora w,dttetl" ntire io Buit puroUers. lor tartberpMliicursmqalríM Tjjig 0?nfX SPECIAL NOTICE TO QXJST OMEBS. _■ _ IVl HU( 1,(1 R(.t 1 Ií'lI 1 t AJ.LniTlMHll s u wr i [ „„,-,■ Cali i-.l the office andpaj "!'■ , ,., , ] Ctó'ltf MtAftD,BtiS8BIN i WltSOK. i WASHTENAW MUTUAL FA'Ts IN Sim ANC E COMl'ANY. ] n„ : . .daj of ( ich week.undlfurlhei 8241Í


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