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G1ÏEAÏ BARGA hNS - AT - Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. TK HAVT5AOAIS lUTJ.rMSITED OUR STOKK W1TII I 7 tïic must snlt-mlnl ; kick ol LSr C3 C 3Q SEü that "WAS ever oObred m a:iv cue ost.iUuhment il. clu buk-, all ol whioli r offer lï.r O ml vy IKi iF uí víi ILy lí! yL [ s luw as eau Ik; found in tlnr ï.'n;on "We want Money I Grcat Sacrificcs on Anythin we[lmve to obtain it, DOt oxwpting OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUNTS We cordially invite ALL CASH CUSTOMERS tocallanrt examine our Goods and Prices. Vc am invite our Prompt Paying Customers tn come ftod bny tlieïr BUpplfcs fr the Winier. To tboffl líiilii'ul unes tlmt are afraid tu cali, wc say to tïiem, t&ki ccuraKu rfthoal longer waitii.g for bigher pricc come n, old ecoreR, nncHhcn at nu eb pricesas ortllanke p all lossea It ís imrrtH iKJCcessary to enumérale our Qoods,for t "We have Every thing J A large assortment of CARPETING, CKOtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINE8, GROEEIES, J'AINTS, OILS, BAT8, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &C, &C,j &C. (T15tf) JIAYNAIU), STEBBINS k WII.SO SCHOFF & MIL LEK A RESTÜXONÉTAHD at tlicirold Stand, ,.. _. No. 2, Franklin Block, witlï themost complete assortuient of Books and Stationery, PERFUMEKIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, COEDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offercd in tliis Market 1 inl they would suggest tolhosc in puvsuil cf anytliingin SANTA OLA US' LINE thattliey can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purebasing Trom tliiR f)ock, as each purehascr geih an adlitional present of Jeivdiy , &c. , Ranging invaïue trom 50 ets. to $50. iff Thoytnuf that tlioirlncr 6icprlnoe in sclectinft gnortrt forthis markct,aDl strict utlentH'n to the wants ot i'iMmiierti, mav ontitle tbem to u libenil llare oj l'atronafie. Ann Arbor, Tiec. 6. 18(50. 777tf Ilangsterfei's Jock. DEA H ';'% CO-, 1NVITF. attention to their new stock conipiising ail kinds (jf Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andIlouse-furnisliinggoocU,all of wklch thcy are oflci ing At the Lotcest Possille .Rates. Fronch Chinu Ton sets frum {5 00 to 20 00 French China ilinn-T sfts from '5 00 to 70 00 Btone china To ete from 3 50 to 5 00 Stone china dlnner st ts from 8 50 t" "0 ui) l.!:is Kerosene Jjtinps completo from 37 to G2}í Harble Keroien Lampa oomploto from 80 toiooo Fluid Ijimps from 18 to &2}L #jF LaiQpa of all kindsaltered and ropaired. NEW YOKK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 18G0, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, Presiden, J. C. KENDALL, Vire President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with the Comptrollf rof tlio Ptate of New York. Dividend avirage 40 percent, anuually. AS8ETS. Cash in Bank, 31,355,49 Invested in spcuntics, createrl under the laWBW the State of New Yurk and of the ü. S. , 258,870,79 Real Estáte and Kixlures, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Bonds and Mortgaites drawing 7 per et. interost 68:i,S)98 .39 Notes received 40 per ceut.of proiniums on life pohcies, beariiiR inler'-st, G75,315.85 Quartertv anti Spmi-anniial premiums, due subsennl to J.iniKiry 1, ISliO 20.550.GR Interest acciun.l up to Jan. 1 . 1SC0, 30.4SS.77 Hents -u-erned upto Jan. 1.18C0, l,.-";.:;l rremiumson pollciesin handtí oí Agenta, 26,44-'''.ï9 $1,767,133.24 Drs Wunaand LïïTtt, Medical Eramfnsn. 743f J. G1LBKRT 8MITH, Agont Couway Fire Insurance Co., Of Coüway, Mass. Capital paitl up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - 2ö!),96:M2 Liabilitiee. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Bearetary, President. DIRETORS. J S.WmTNF.Y, ],. ItOnMAN, W. F.I-LIOTT, ASA11OW.AND,D C. Mc-GlI.VHAy.K.D.MORRAN WAIT BKMKNT, JO8IAH AI.I.IS. A.IT. 11HM.EN W.H. DICKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. UOGlill-S. Aun Arbor References: Dr, E. WF.I.I.S, L. JAMES. L. IWriOF,, KNOCIUAMES. CAPT. O.R. OOODUICH J. W. KNIGI1T, Agent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 3STEW GOODS, Seasonable Goeds, CHEAP GOODS, For C a s li, BACH P1ERSON Hnvc jusï opened a choiee stock of Wiiiter Goods, Bougïit for Cash AND TO 13E SOLD FOR GASH at eucli pricc-s ns will mate the buyera !sugh at tlie idea of Hnrd Timos The stock includes a choiee lot of LADIES' DRESS aOODS, OENTLEVAN'S CLOT1I3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÜROOERIEP, Ac, 5te. Now is the time to buy 3"our Winter's supplics. BACH & PIER OK. Anrt Arbor, Nov. 15, 1F61. WLES & KNIGITT havo Jnst recrived a full stock of FALLIWI1ERG00DS! wliich they OFFER JF OR CASH ! Prices very Low, WINES &KNIGHT. November, 1861. PATENTED November lst,1859. rp TUK HEASURES e&.' . Jv A, the distance -- L--"w w5í round the Neck. f F " B to B the toke. I Ú ' i -"fi' C to C the Sleeve. y ''-fflï - rï D U 'ï'sta1106 Y f' M around the Body -'? m ■■ a the Arm-pits. IJS TT O M jl ■ JiÖ EtnE.tho fll length of the 13A.LLOXJ'S Patcnled Improved Frcnch Yokc SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. lat, 1859 A New Style of S'.irt, warranted to Fit lïy Bendtng the above measnres pee muil wc cm guAT anteo :i përfeel DtDf oui oew sle-of Shirt, and ral ui d by t-xpress to any p:irt of the (Tnlted Bntes, 1 ;L1-', 815,ÍS, L-4 , Ac.", c, per tlozi'n. No order forwarUcil lor Ii'ss ttaan baif-a-dowD Shirts, A' njmporter And Dealers in UEN'S FURNISHINd UOOD3, t$L. Wholesale trftde supplfed on tho asnal íerms. BALLOü BROTHERS, SOOtf 400 Broadfffty, New York. ' LOOMIS & TRIPPT SuccMSors to Chapín t LooniiB,nndGhapin, Tripp A Loomif TIIR ahnve firm of Loomb & Tripp havlng purchimoi the entire interest of the farmer oompuüeg "il continue the business at thecl.1 stands, whcro the.v wil! te ready, on the shortost notice, to lilt all orders in tlte Castings and Machinery, n the most innfcnuollke marnier, and on asllben :truis as tiy other shop in the State. Amdiifr Ihc Tari nis :iriif.lepmanuf;icturc(l by us, we wnukl enamórale STE A MENG IN ES of ftlï kinds; Mili Cearinfí and Fixturea, WTOQghtand cast; all the variuiiH owtlngsfor making and repairlng HorsePowere &Threshing Machines inch a are at present, or have formrrly brn in uso in tliíí part of tbe State, s wOU u jü Üie various kinds l and machine wofk caQed for by farmers jnil imchiuiics inthis sectinn of the sovntiy. of all the Tarlous patten, up in mzesand prlee, wil] bo kcplcoDHtantly on hand, got the most modern and inprorod styleK. ïhankfu! for formor patvonaffe to the ol.l firms,we would Boücit a cftnlinuancc frnm old frtende.uid atriHl bv all wighiQg forauytliinfr inour linenf bnsuieM. I.ÜUM1S k TRIPP. Ann Arhor.Mav 18th, 1859. 697tf General Land Agency P KR SONS wttDtlnf:fartnitorresidenceiinornfliï Annrbor,can by callingonmoftoleclfromalUt of over 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofirarlou slzcetrom 3, te 13C0acrc;aoh ;(iome t goodtanyinlhiConnty.) Morethan SO Dwcllii!; (lousns nthlCtty,fromtwn iiundrod to lourthouanéiolareach:and ovflr ]IM) BUILDING LOTS! AmonpthefarmBarethp Riíhcpítarm , I.IOOacres, ibe Potter lurm, In GieenOak, the Placrfarm , n i i!i ) acre. theBlandon nnii Jonk rurmg, i n Webíter; th Stubb, MIi:liel (il.nxjy, Newtnn BSegaB, and I'allaha. farms, in Ann Arbor; J .Kingley'4 Inrm, nlit3n(!ld-thp Hntch and Hick t'nrmi In l.odütne PatricK:iayufarm tn Freedom; W. 8. navibon. B, G. Baker and Buctt'8 farm InSylvan. Moetot tboe xnA many othors can bedlvtdodto sutt purehaser. K.WHOÏOAN. AnnArboj.Jnn latiwsc 3 NOTICE. TIÏR ANNUAI. moeting of the (ïcrinnn Farmers' Fire InsnTMioA Gooipanj of Waahten&w Oouatj, will be heM at the dwdllng bouM of Jacob, April, in Scio, on MondayDeo. 1-t. 10 o'clock A. M. J . 8. K, Socy. JACOB JEDELK, Pen., Presitli'ut. Datod, Nov.öth. 1861. 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW RKCEIVIN'G AT C H. MILLEN U Co'@ HAVIKG to pny CASH for noarly nll kinds of Goode purohaied in New York. we are necessarily obligcd torostrict onr crodit gygtem lierc. Consc-qucntly we slinlluiTer our Fall Goods for Cash, at a very small advnncc on the oost. C. H MILLEN A CO. Afin ArlK-r.S. 24, 1861. eiOmï


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Michigan Argus