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Saíiatfí ilMrtrtüTii. ==cIrDS! CARDSÜ CAHDSlü Havn.5 ,.r,ha.l ■ ;;r.;.;i.Ks Rotauï Diamom, Card how it is d-'.ne " ' wTñTTtrongNALL, DUN CK LEE & Co., W'HOLAI.E aa? ül-.T.-UI. .1,-nUrs in Dry Goyds, Cn ,",,. Uil 11..ÜI, Vfiltlicrs, im-n:, aad agenoralaréortmcnt of Furnishing GoocU, Xo 74 Vqodward Avenue, Córner or Lamed ' , - - - DtntOW, Miflh . O.Ordei-8 lolicitéd ld promptry atL' Wlí EAYMOND'S Pliotogiaphic and Fine Art GALLERlf Sos. 205 and iW JeftVrsi.n Avenue, DEBSOIT. Pbotoiraplis, Life Si.f, c.l,., .-1 OT-ptaln, n!rf, imperial feotjpe, Dg!0ríet, AmhrtrtyJiM, sand. íTíTo. f. WSHTKN'AW LODGB No. 9, of the Independent 'orlev of Odd Cello 'ir I.otlg ■ Room, ITWT FriJav evenim.'. 1 7}á "' _ . e :richarii=on, n. g. 3 ftpmt?, g'ysrTTSÜTIlÉRLAND & SON, IITHOLE5ALE AX1) l'.KTAl!. Cpi.'crs and CSmmÍ8ic W Merchants, Kast si le Muin Street Aun Albor ' T WITCHELL & OLAKK. 4 TTOBiSKTS and Counscllors at, General l.ife an Firc Inauvanee gents. Offiw n City Hall Blook, )nHuronSt., Ann Arlr. Collections promptly mafle üdremitted, and special attention pftid 1 t.mvriancmg. d.s.twitcWl, [743tn -■ ■■ c" "j. M. SCOTT. AMBROTTPK & PHOTOcura Akt.sts, in the joomí formerlyocciiieilby('..vlley.iverthe store ufS-perry k Moaré Perfect sattsfaction gnaranteed. " WÏNES & "KÑIGHT. DlAlüBilnStaple, Fancy Dry Guods, Uuuts and Slioes, ic. 0-, lisia Street Ann Arbiu MAËTÏN&THOMrSü"N. Fdbmicre W-ibe-Roomb, Dealer n all kinds of Furniture, te. NewBlock. Main Street RISDÖÏT&ÏÏKNDE RSON, DEALERS n Hardware,Stores,hoo farnUhinggooa, Tin Ware ie. &c, N'e Block.Main Street. ' " A. P. MILLS, D KALER tu Staple Dry Goods, Grocerics, B..ota ar.d Shoea aud Reaóy Made Clotliing, Hurontreet Aun Arbor. BEAKEs & ABEL, ATT0RMYS& GoraSIiOM ÍT I,AV. íud SeUtítOTsin Chanery. Ollice inCitvHalt Block, ov,t WetSrtor i Co's Booit gtore, Ann Vrbor 1 kïngsley" íokgan, ttoexïts Counsellors, Soucltors, andBotariesPub TIl lic, have BooW and shftwtag tilles of ll lun.l? te the unty, aiidal'einl toconyeyan ■ ting manda, and to payinat tixc- .- ■■ iPst in llI'.v uirt of the State, office eastsiieof the Square. Ann Arbor. ' JAMES R. COOK, Jeme or thb P&p Office war the Deunt, Ypsilanti, Michigan. _, Wm. JiEWlïï, M. D., Phtsicias k Simoüis. Ofllce athkresldence, North side of Hurón Street, and 2d house Wist of División ftreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MAXül'ACTrRERan.t dealer in Boota aud Shoes. F.xchange Block, 2 doora South ol Maynard, Stebbin t Wilson's Store, Ann Arbor, Mích. MOORE lOOMLi. MvsrjrACTUREBS an'l dealer in Boots ami Shoes, Phoenii Block, Maiu Street, one door Nortb of Vashington. M. GUIfERMAN & CO-, t XTholesale and Retnil dealm and mum&iuieci of W Ready Made Clothing, Imjaorters of Cloth ( neres. Do- hinn. Stc. No. 5, Keüi Bíock, Ann Arbor. c. B. po]cte7íT ____- i p__, SrRGunx Danrm. Office enrner of Main ■S and Hurón stveets, oer 1'. Bach'8 store, iTfTCBBBk Aun Albur, ilithigan. ■■-U ni 4prUi 18.i ' Wm. WÁGNErT" in Ready Mide ClothinirOoths, Titssimorps and Vestings, llats, Caps, Trunks, Carput ting, &c. Main lt., Ann Arbor. BACH& PIERSON. DKU.BRS n Dry Goods, Grocerief, Hard%vare, Boots & Shoes, &c., Main street, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS fe CO., Dkalers in Dry Gooáb, Growrieff, Dmes b Medicines, QBorti5hoeí, &c.,ooinerof Main and Afín streets, jitbelw the EzehADg, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEEK, b "1 rocers, Provisión & Cominísüion Merchante, and OT lersia Watrr Lime. Laxd Plastïb, umi 1'lastek of door Ea-Stof Cook's Hotel. tí ' C P.LISS, DïAI.RiDClockn, WiilclioH, Ji'weiry. and Fancy Goods, at thesigfl of the Big Watch, No. 2T ,1'hoeuix Block l - J. 0. WATTS. ' DKALKRinClockp. Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No ' 22, New Block, Aun Arbor. t T. B. FBEEMAN. [ Bihbkr and Fasliioniible Hafar Dw , M;:in Btreet, Ann Arbor, Mieh. Hüir Frunta and Curls kept onntantly on nand. SCHOFF & MILLER. DSjlUtua inMiscollanoous, School, and Blank 6ookL Sta tionery, Paper Hangïngs, kc, Riain Street Ann Arbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES," TEACHER OF Piaña Forte, Guitar,and Singing, being desirousof cnlarging lier clnss, will pfiptisat h residence of Prof. WINX'IIKl.L, which being ncir !he Union School, wlllbevery cimvenient tot trsattending there wIkj ma y wisfa to parau6 the titudy Sf masicin counection irltjï other t}F&nclft8. Termstlo, half to hu pa;.. :i the middla and Vb baluce at the cloae fo the termI. DbFORËST. fBOiaULtaod'Retail Dealerin Lumber, Lath, Phin■HVÜsif, Dóors, Blind, Water Lime, (írand River ter, MaSUr if.'aris, and N'ailrt of all ftizes. A f uil 'and perfect' a-iücrlint'nt of the atove, nnd all other jtinif fjí "hiiiyfi','.. I '■■■ on hand at the Jowest posible ratèh, i,i i'; ,-; Street, a few rods fr.i.n Jhe lUilr(ad Dmot. Also oit-.atiíi .xixuMwly in the ?atent Cement Kooüng. H. O. HARVEyT" JJ EPECTFULLY offer bis services to the citizens TV of Ann Arbor as a Teftohei of 'oc;il a rul hutnuDASts ■wis. ! gr PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIREI)-= Reteeenceí.- Rev. Mr. Ulade, Rev JIr. Chapín. HeT. Jlr. (,'or:icl:us, anl Prof. Friezc For furtbr PrticulHi'K Inquwe Of ICr. Haivèy 1 Mrs Enfitman's, Washiníton St , between DItísíod and üniversiti 821tf, WASIITENAWCOUXTY B!BLE SOCIETY. DIPosiTOKT of Bil.lps and TestanleDts at the Society price ,it V. C. Voi.rlicis'. CHAPÍN, W00D & CO,, 3UCCKSSORB TO tTT3J-I, CIIAPIWab Co MANUFACT'iKKKS OF Bools., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, ANK AKUOlt H!CJ1.


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Michigan Argus